TOF based Presence Detector

Dependencies:   BLE_API X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 mbed

Fork of BLE_HeartRate_IDB0XA1 by ST



File content as of revision 28:a23b16555909:

// xn6180.cpp - X-NUCLEO 6180XA1 expansion board functionality
// This VL6180X Expansion board test application performs a range measurement and an als measurement in interrupt mode
// on the onboard embedded top sensor. 
// The board red slider select on the flight the measurement type as ALS or RANGE; the measured data is diplayed on the 
// on board 4digits display.
// User Blue button allows to stop current measurement and the entire program releasing all the resources.
// Reset button is used to restart the program.
// Polling operating modes don`t require callback function that handles IRQ 
// Callback IRQ functions are used only for measure that require interrupt
// GetMeasurement is asynchronous! It returns NOT_READY if the measurement value 
// is not ready to be read from the corresponding register. So you need to wait
// for the result to be ready

#include "mbed.h"
#include "shields/xn6180.h"

#define VL6180X_I2C_SDA   D14 
#define VL6180X_I2C_SCL   D15 

#define RANGE   0
#define ALS     1

#define DELAY 2000  // 2Sec
// static DisplayShield *pShield = 0;    // used by IRQ callback to access data

   void DisplayShield::init(const char *msg, int msec)
      if (msg)
         display(msg,msec);         // display "INI" for 1 second
         // now init the 6180XA1 expansion board with default values
      int err = pBoard->InitBoard();
      if (err)
         printf("Failed to init board!\n\r");
         // read the red slider position for ALS/Range measure
      slider(IntMeasure);              // update curMode due to slider position
      clear();                         // clear service handling request flag    

         // first we need an I2C device
      pDevice = new DevI2C(VL6180X_I2C_SDA, VL6180X_I2C_SCL);     
         // next we create the 6180XA1 expansion board singleton obj 
         // after that we are already able to display the init message
//    pBoard = X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::Instance(pDevice, A3, A2, D13, D2);
      pBoard = X_NUCLEO_6180XA1::Instance(pDevice, A3, A2, NC,  NC);

      init();                          // initialize shield

// Displaying Messages or Values

   void DisplayShield::display(const char * msg)  // display max 4 digits
      char buf[5];
      int nmax = sizeof(buf) - 1;
      int len = strlen(msg);

      memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf));         // clear buffer, provide terminator
      for (int j=0; j < nmax; j++)
      {  if (msg[j] == 0)
         buf[j] = msg[j];

      pBoard->display->DisplayString(buf, strlen(buf));

   void DisplayShield::display(const char * msg, int msec)  // display & wait
      Timer timer;
      for(int i=0; i < msec; i = timer.read_ms())

// On board 4 digit local display refresh

   void DisplayShield::refresh(OpMode mode)
      char str[5];
      if(mode == range_continuous_interrupt || mode == range_continuous_polling)
         if (data.range_mm != 0xFFFFFFFF)
      else if(mode == als_continuous_interrupt || mode == als_continuous_polling)
         if(data.lux != 0xFFFFFFFF)
      pBoard->display->DisplayString(str, strlen(str));       

   void DisplayShield::refresh()       // refresh display in current mode

// IRQ Functionality

   void DisplayShield::set()           // set data read service request
      flagService = true;
   void DisplayShield::clear()         // clear data read service request
      flagService = false;
   bool DisplayShield::request()       // return data read service request
      return flagService;
   static void cbDone(void)            // measurement done callback
      if (pShield)
          pShield->set();              // set service request
          pShield->disable();          // disable further interrupts
          pShield = 0;                 // free-up shield pointer, no more in use

   int DisplayShield::handle()         // handle ISR and read the measurement
       clear();                        // clear data read service request
       return pBoard->sensor_top->HandleIRQ(curMode, &data); 

   void DisplayShield::disable()       // disable interrupt measure detection

   void DisplayShield::ready()         // set data ready status 
       disable();                      // disable interrupts
       set();                          // set data service request flag

   int DisplayShield::start(void (*callback)(void))
      int err;                         // error code
//    if (pShield != 0)
//       return 0x99;                  // pShield is already booked!
//    pShield = this;                  // make access available to cbDone()         
      err = pBoard->sensor_top->StartMeasurement(curMode, callback, NULL, NULL); 

      if (err == 0)                    // if no errors occured
         prvMode = curMode;
         startMessage();               // then report about successful start
      return err;

   int DisplayShield::stop()
      int err;                         // error code

//    pShield = 0;                     // free-up pShield pointer  
      err = pBoard->sensor_top->StopMeasurement(prvMode); // stop measurement

      if (err == 0)                    // if no errors occured
         stopMessage();                // then report about successful stop
      return err;                      // return error code

// Examine Red Slider Position
   bool DisplayShield::slider(enum OpModeIntPoll_t mode)
      int measure= pBoard->RdSwitch();

      switch (mode)
         case PollMeasure:
            if (measure == RANGE)
               curMode = range_continuous_polling;
            else if(measure==ALS)
               curMode = als_continuous_polling;           
         case IntMeasure:
            if(measure == RANGE)
               curMode = range_continuous_interrupt;
            else if(measure == ALS)
               curMode = als_continuous_interrupt;     
      return (curMode != prvMode);     // slider position changed?

   bool DisplayShield::setup(OpMode mode)
      switch (mode)
         case range_continuous_polling:
         case als_continuous_polling:           
         case range_continuous_interrupt:
         case als_continuous_interrupt:
            curMode = mode;
            prvMode = mode;
            return 0;                  // no errors
      return 1;                        // return with error code 1      

// Trace Message Printing

   void DisplayShield::startMessage(OpMode mode)
      if (mode == range_continuous_interrupt)
         printf("\nStarted range continuous interrupt measure\n\r");
      else if(prvMode == als_continuous_interrupt)
         printf("\nStarted als continuous interrupt measure\n\r");

   void DisplayShield::startMessage()

   void DisplayShield::stopMessage(OpMode mode)
      if (mode == range_continuous_interrupt)
         printf("Stopped range continuous interrupt measure\n\r");
      else if(prvMode == als_continuous_interrupt)
         printf("Stopped als continuous interrupt measure\n\r");

   void DisplayShield::stopMessage()

// eof