3.5" inch TFT LCD Display Module 480X320 driven with FSMC.

TFT LCD Display Module 480X320 driven with FSMC

I have recently bought a 3.5" inch TFT LCD Touch Screen Display Module 480X320 with a www.mcufriend.com label on the back side. The display was equipped with an 8bit parallel interface. First I decided to test it with the UniGraphic library using the BUS_8 protocol. The display was very slow but improved when I switched to the PAR_8 protocol. Because I heard about the possibility to use a Flexible Static Memory Controller (FSMC), built into some STM MCU's, to drive LCD's (read/write to LCD's memory rather than to an external SRAM) I thought it would be a fun to try it out.


Below is the brief story of what I did:

  • Selected FSMC in the Connectivity category and configured it as below: https://os.mbed.com/media/uploads/hudakz/arch_max_fsmc_conf.png
  • Let the STM32CubeIDE generate the code (files).
  • Created a new program for the Seeed Arch Max target in the Mbed Online Compiler by selecting a mbed os blinky template.
  • Replaced the main.cpp with the main.c content of the STM32CubeIDE project.
  • Copy & Pasted the other files with codes from the STM32CubeIDE project to the online compiler project.
  • Renamed and modified:
    "stm32f4xx_it.h" to "stm32f4xx_it_msp.h"
    "stm32f4xx_it.c" to "stm32f4xx_it_msp.c"
  • Added the UniGraphic library to the online compiler project.
  • Extended the UniGraphic library with a FSMC_8 protocol and replaced the TFT::set_orientation(int orient) function with the one used by mcufriend for arduino.
  • Modified the main.cpp as needed.


STM32F407VETFT LCD module
PD_14 (DB00)LCD_D0
PD_15 (DB01)LCD_D1
PD_0 (DB02)LCD_D2
PD_1 (DB03)LCD_D3
PE_7 (DB04)LCD_D4
PE_8 (DB05)LCD_D5
PE_9 (DB06)LCD_D6
PE_10 (DB07)LCD_D7

Execution times
Used protocolBUS_8FSMC_8
Operation \ Timemsms
8bit BMP63.80541.338
Large Font163.8727.895
Sparce pixels2072.265/1458.05174.107/52.168
16bit BMP2288.58959.904
Fri Sep 25 14:52:27 2020 +0000
3.5" inch TFT LCD Display Module 480X320 driven with FSMC.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 1 /* mbed GraphicsDisplay Display Library Base Class
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 sford
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 3 * Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 4 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 5 * A library for providing a common base class for Graphics displays
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 6 * To port a new display, derive from this class and implement
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 7 * the constructor (setup the display), pixel (put a pixel
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 8 * at a location), width and height functions. Everything else
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 9 * (locate, printf, putc, cls, window, putp, fill, blit, blitbit)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 10 * will come for free. You can also provide a specialised implementation
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 11 * of window and putp to speed up the results
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 12 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 13
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 14 #ifndef MBED_GRAPHICSDISPLAY_H
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 15 #define MBED_GRAPHICSDISPLAY_H
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 16
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 17 #include "TextDisplay.h"
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 18 #include "Terminal6x8.h"
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 19
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 20
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 21
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 22 /* some RGB color definitions */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 23 #define Black 0x0000 /* 0, 0, 0 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 24 #define Navy 0x000F /* 0, 0, 128 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 25 #define DarkGreen 0x03E0 /* 0, 128, 0 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 26 #define DarkCyan 0x03EF /* 0, 128, 128 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 27 #define Maroon 0x7800 /* 128, 0, 0 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 28 #define Purple 0x780F /* 128, 0, 128 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 29 #define Olive 0x7BE0 /* 128, 128, 0 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 30 #define LightGrey 0xC618 /* 192, 192, 192 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 31 #define DarkGrey 0x7BEF /* 128, 128, 128 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 32 #define Blue 0x001F /* 0, 0, 255 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 33 #define Green 0x07E0 /* 0, 255, 0 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 34 #define Cyan 0x07FF /* 0, 255, 255 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 35 #define Red 0xF800 /* 255, 0, 0 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 36 #define Magenta 0xF81F /* 255, 0, 255 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 37 #define Yellow 0xFFE0 /* 255, 255, 0 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 38 #define White 0xFFFF /* 255, 255, 255 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 39 #define Orange 0xFD20 /* 255, 165, 0 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 40 #define GreenYellow 0xAFE5 /* 173, 255, 47 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 41
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 42 /** Bitmap
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 43 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 44 struct Bitmap_s{
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 45 int xSize;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 46 int ySize;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 47 int Byte_in_Line;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 48 char* data;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 49 };
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 50
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 51 /** A common base class for Graphics displays
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 52 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 53 class GraphicsDisplay : public TextDisplay {
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 54
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 55 public:
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 56
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 57 /** Create a GraphicsDisplay interface
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 58 * @param name The name used by the parent class to access the interface
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 59 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 60 GraphicsDisplay(const char* name);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 61
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 62 ////// functions needing implementation in derived implementation class ///////////////////////////////////////
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 63 ////// ---------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 64
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 65 /** Draw a pixel in the specified color.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 66 * @note this method must be supported in the derived class.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 67 * @param x is the horizontal offset to this pixel.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 68 * @param y is the vertical offset to this pixel.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 69 * @param color defines the color for the pixel.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 70 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 71 virtual void pixel(int x, int y, unsigned short color) = 0;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 72
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 73 /** Set the window, which controls where items are written to the screen.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 74 * When something hits the window width, it wraps back to the left side
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 75 * and down a row. If the initial write is outside the window, it will
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 76 * be captured into the window when it crosses a boundary.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 77 * @param x is the left edge in pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 78 * @param y is the top edge in pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 79 * @param w is the window width in pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 80 * @param h is the window height in pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 81 * @note this method must be overridden in a derived class.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 82 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 83 virtual void window(int x, int y, int w, int h) = 0;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 84
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 85 /** Push a single pixel into the window and increment position.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 86 * You may first call window() then push pixels in loop.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 87 * @param color is the pixel color.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 88 * @note this method must be overridden in a derived class.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 89 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 90 virtual void window_pushpixel(unsigned short color) = 0;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 91
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 92 /** Push some pixels of the same color into the window and increment position.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 93 * You must first call window() then push pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 94 * @param color is the pixel color.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 95 * @param count: how many
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 96 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 97 virtual void window_pushpixel(unsigned short color, unsigned int count) = 0;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 98
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 99 /** Push array of pixel colors into the window and increment position.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 100 * You must first call window() then push pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 101 * @param color is the pixel color.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 102 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 103 virtual void window_pushpixelbuf(unsigned short* color, unsigned int lenght) = 0;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 104
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 105 /** If framebuffer is used, it needs to be sent to LCD from time to time
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 106 @note this method must be overridden in a derived class.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 107 @note real function for LCD, dummy for TFT
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 108 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 109 virtual void copy_to_lcd() = 0;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 110
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 111 /////// functions that come for free, but can be overwritten///////////////////////////////////////////////////
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 112 /////// ----------------------------------------------------///////////////////////////////////////////////////
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 113
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 114 /** Set window to max possible size
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 115 * May be overridden in a derived class.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 116 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 117 virtual void WindowMax(void);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 118
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 119 /** clear the entire screen
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 120 * Basically it sets windomax then fill with background color
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 121 * May be overridden in a derived class.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 122 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 123 virtual void cls();
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 124
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 125 /** draw a circle
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 126 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 127 * @param x0,y0 center
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 128 * @param r radius
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 129 * @param color 16 bit color *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 130 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 131 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 132 virtual void circle(int x, int y, int r, unsigned short color);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 133
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 134 /** draw a filled circle
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 135 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 136 * @param x0,y0 center
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 137 * @param r radius
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 138 * @param color 16 bit color *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 139 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 140 virtual void fillcircle(int x, int y, int r, unsigned short color);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 141
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 142
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 143 /** draw a 1 pixel line
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 144 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 145 * @param x0,y0 start point
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 146 * @param x1,y1 stop point
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 147 * @param color 16 bit color
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 148 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 149 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 150 virtual void line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned short color);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 151
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 152 /** draw a horizontal line
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 153 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 154 * @param x0 horizontal start
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 155 * @param x1 horizontal stop
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 156 * @param y vertical position
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 157 * @param color 16 bit color
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 158 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 159 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 160 void hline(int x0, int x1, int y, unsigned short color);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 161
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 162 /** draw a vertical line
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 163 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 164 * @param x horizontal position
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 165 * @param y0 vertical start
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 166 * @param y1 vertical stop
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 167 * @param color 16 bit color
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 168 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 169 void vline(int y0, int y1, int x, unsigned short color);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 170
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 171 /** draw a rect
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 172 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 173 * @param x0,y0 top left corner
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 174 * @param x1,y1 down right corner
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 175 * @param color 16 bit color
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 176 * *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 177 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 178 virtual void rect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned short color);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 179
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 180 /** draw a filled rect
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 181 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 182 * @param x0,y0 top left corner
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 183 * @param x1,y1 down right corner
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 184 * @param color 16 bit color
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 185 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 186 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 187 virtual void fillrect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, unsigned short color);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 188
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 189 /** setup cursor position for text
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 190 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 191 * @param x x-position (top left)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 192 * @param y y-position
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 193 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 194 virtual void locate(int x, int y);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 195
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 196 /** put a char on the screen
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 197 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 198 * @param value char to print
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 199 * @returns printed char
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 200 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 201 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 202 virtual int _putc(int value);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 203
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 204 /** draw a character on given position out of the active font to the TFT
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 205 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 206 * @param x x-position of char (top left)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 207 * @param y y-position
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 208 * @param c char to print
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 209 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 210 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 211 virtual void character(int x, int y, int c);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 212
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 213 /** paint a bitmap on the TFT
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 214 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 215 * @param x,y : upper left corner
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 216 * @param w width of bitmap
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 217 * @param h high of bitmap
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 218 * @param *bitmap pointer to the bitmap data
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 219 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 220 * bitmap format: 16 bit R5 G6 B5
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 221 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 222 * use Gimp to create / load , save as BMP, option 16 bit R5 G6 B5
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 223 * use winhex to load this file and mark data stating at offset 0x46 to end
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 224 * use edit -> copy block -> C Source to export C array
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 225 * paste this array into your program
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 226 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 227 * define the array as static const unsigned char to put it into flash memory
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 228 * cast the pointer to (unsigned char *) :
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 229 * tft.Bitmap(10,40,309,50,(unsigned char *)scala);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 230 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 231 void Bitmap(int x, int y, int w, int h,unsigned char *bitmap);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 232
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 233 /** paint monochrome bitmap to screen
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 234 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 235 * @param bm Bitmap in flash
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 236 * @param x x start
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 237 * @param y y start
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 238 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 239 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 240 void Bitmap_BW(Bitmap_s bm, int x, int y);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 241
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 242 /** paint a 16 bit BMP from filesytem on the TFT (slow)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 243 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 244 * @param x,y : position of upper left corner
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 245 * @param *Name_BMP name of the BMP file with drive: "/local/test.bmp"
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 246 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 247 * @returns 1 if bmp file was found and painted
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 248 * @returns 0 if bmp file was found not found
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 249 * @returns -1 if file is no bmp
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 250 * @returns -2 if bmp file is no 16 bit bmp
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 251 * @returns -3 if bmp file is to big for screen
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 252 * @returns -4 if buffer malloc go wrong
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 253 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 254 * bitmap format: 16 bit R5 G6 B5
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 255 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 256 * use Gimp to create / load , save as BMP, option 16 bit R5 G6 B5
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 257 * copy to internal file system or SD card
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 258 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 259 int BMP_16(int x, int y, const char *Name_BMP);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 260
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 261
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 262
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 263 /** select the font to use
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 264 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 265 * @param f pointer to font array
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 266 * @param firstascii first ascii code present in font array, default 32 (space)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 267 * @param lastascii last ascii code present in font array, default 127 (DEL)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 268 * @param proportional enable/disable variable font width (default enabled)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 269 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 270 * font array can created with GLCD Font Creator from http://www.mikroe.com
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 271 * you have to add 4 parameter at the beginning of the font array to use:
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 272 * - the number of byte / char (not used in this revision, set to whatever)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 273 * - the vertial size in pixel
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 274 * - the horizontal size in pixel
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 275 * - the number of byte per vertical line (not used in this revision, set to whatever)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 276 * you also have to change the array to cont unsigned char[] and __align(2)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 277 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 278 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 279 void set_font(unsigned char* f, unsigned char firstascii=32, unsigned char lastascii=127, bool proportional = true);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 280
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 281 /** Zoom fount
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 282 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 283 * @param x_mul horizontal size multiplier
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 284 * @param y_mul vertical size multiplier
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 285 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 286 void set_font_zoom(unsigned char x_mul, unsigned char y_mul);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 287
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 288 /** Get the number of columns based on the currently active font.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 289 * @returns number of columns.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 290 * @note this method may be overridden in a derived class.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 291 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 292 virtual int columns();
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 293
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 294 /** Get the number of rows based on the currently active font.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 295 * @returns number of rows.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 296 * @note this method may be overridden in a derived class.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 297 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 298 virtual int rows();
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 299
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 300 /** get the current oriented screen width in pixels
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 301 * @returns screen width in pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 302 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 303 int width();
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 304
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 305 /** get the current oriented screen height in pixels
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 306 * @returns screen height in pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 307 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 308 int height();
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 309
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 310 /** set the current oriented screen width in pixels
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 311 * @param width screen width in pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 312 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 313 void set_width(int width);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 314
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 315 /** set the current oriented screen height in pixels
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 316 * @param height screen height in pixels.
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 317 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 318 void set_height(int height);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 319
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 320 /** setup auto update of screen
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 321 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 322 * @param up 1 = on , 0 = off
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 323 * if switched off the program has to call copy_to_lcd()
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 324 * to update screen from framebuffer
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 325 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 326 void set_auto_up(bool up);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 327
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 328 /** get status of the auto update function
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 329 *
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 330 * @returns if auto update is on
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 331 */
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 332 bool get_auto_up(void);
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 333
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 334
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 335
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 336 private:
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 337
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 338 unsigned char* font;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 339 // display width and height related to current orientation
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 340 int oriented_width;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 341 int oriented_height;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 342
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 343 // text char location
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 344 int char_x;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 345 int char_y;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 346
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 347 int fontoffset;// bytes / char (short)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 348 int fonthor; // hor size of font (char)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 349 int fontvert; // ver size of font (char)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 350 int fontbpl; // bytes per line (char)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 351 int fontzoomver; // size multiplier
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 352 int fontzoomhor; // size multiplier
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 353 unsigned char firstch; // first ascii code present in font array (usually 32)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 354 unsigned char lastch; // last ascii code present in font array (usually 127)
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 355 bool auto_up; // autoupdate flag for LCD
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 356 bool fontprop;
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 357
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 358
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 359 };
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 360
hudakz 0:fa952828e34c 361 #endif