FeliCa Link library sample

Dependencies:   RCS730 SB1602E mbed

FeliCa Link Library using sample (NUCLEO-F411RE).

  • SCL/D15 ... SCL
  • SDA/D14 ... SDA
  • D8(PA_9) ... IRQ
  • D7(PA_8) ... RFDET (LED blink)

SB1602E is used for debugging. Not necessary.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/RCS730.h	Sun Mar 29 06:13:12 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+/** FeliCa Link(RC-S730) Library
+ *
+ * @file    RCS730.h
+ * @author  hiro99ma
+ * @version 1.00
+ */
+#ifndef RCS730_H
+#define RCS730_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+/** callback function type */
+typedef bool (*RCS730_CALLBACK_T)(void *pUser, uint8_t *pData, uint8_t Len);
+/** FeliCa Link(RC-S730) class
+ *
+ * @class RCS730
+ */
+class RCS730 {
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD0 = 0x0000;        //!< [addr]PAD0
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD1 = 0x0001;        //!< [addr]PAD1
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD2 = 0x0002;        //!< [addr]PAD2
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD3 = 0x0003;        //!< [addr]PAD3
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD4 = 0x0004;        //!< [addr]PAD4
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD5 = 0x0005;        //!< [addr]PAD5
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD6 = 0x0006;        //!< [addr]PAD6
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD7 = 0x0007;        //!< [addr]PAD7
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD8 = 0x0008;        //!< [addr]PAD8
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD9 = 0x0009;        //!< [addr]PAD9
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD10 = 0x000a;       //!< [addr]PAD10
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD11 = 0x000b;       //!< [addr]PAD11
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD12 = 0x000c;       //!< [addr]PAD12
+    static const uint16_t BLK_PAD13 = 0x000d;       //!< [addr]PAD13
+    static const uint16_t BLK_REG = 0x000e;         //!< [addr]REG
+    static const uint16_t BLK_RC = 0x0080;          //!< [addr]RC
+    static const uint16_t BLK_MAC = 0x0081;         //!< [addr]MAC
+    static const uint16_t BLK_ID = 0x0082;          //!< [addr]ID
+    static const uint16_t BLK_D_ID = 0x0083;        //!< [addr]D_ID
+    static const uint16_t BLK_SER_C = 0x0084;       //!< [addr]SER_C
+    static const uint16_t BLK_SYS_C = 0x0085;       //!< [addr]SYS_C
+    static const uint16_t BLK_CKV = 0x0086;         //!< [addr]CKV
+    static const uint16_t BLK_CK = 0x0087;          //!< [addr]CK
+    static const uint16_t BLK_MC = 0x0088;          //!< [addr]MC
+    static const uint16_t BLK_WCNT = 0x0090;        //!< [addr]WCNT
+    static const uint16_t BLK_MAC_A = 0x0091;       //!< [addr]MAC_A
+    static const uint16_t BLK_STATE = 0x0092;       //!< [addr]STATE
+    static const uint16_t BLK_CRC_CHECK = 0x00a0;   //!< [addr]CRC_CHECK
+    static const uint16_t REG_OPMODE = 0x0b00;              //!< [addr]Operation Mode register
+    static const uint16_t REG_TAG_TX_CTRL = 0x0b04;         //!< [addr]Tag TX Control register
+    static const uint16_t REG_TAG_RX_CTRL = 0x0b08;         //!< [addr]Tag RX Control register
+    static const uint16_t REG_RF_STATUS = 0x0b0c;           //!< [addr]RF Status register
+    static const uint16_t REG_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR = 0x0b10;      //!< [addr]I2C Slave Address register
+    static const uint16_t REG_I2C_BUFF_CTRL = 0x0b14;       //!< [addr]I2C Buffer Control register
+    static const uint16_t REG_I2C_STATUS = 0x0b18;          //!< [addr]I2C Status register
+    static const uint16_t REG_INT_MASK = 0x0b20;            //!< [addr]Interrupt Mask register
+    static const uint16_t REG_INT_RAW_STATUS = 0x0b24;      //!< [addr]Interrupt Raw Status register
+    static const uint16_t REG_INT_STATUS = 0x0b28;          //!< [addr]Interrupt Status register
+    static const uint16_t REG_INT_CLEAR = 0x0b2c;           //!< [addr]Interrupt Clear register
+    static const uint16_t REG_WRT_PROTECT = 0x0b30;         //!< [addr]Write Protect register
+    static const uint16_t REG_STBY_CTRL = 0x0b34;           //!< [addr]Standby Control register
+    static const uint16_t REG_INIT_CTRL = 0x0b38;           //!< [addr]Initialize Control register
+    static const uint16_t REG_HOST_IF_SECURITY = 0x0b40;    //!< [addr]Host Interface Security register
+    static const uint16_t REG_HOST_IF_WCNT = 0x0b44;        //!< [addr]Host Interface WCNT register
+    static const uint16_t REG_RF_PARAM = 0x0b50;            //!< [addr]RF Parameter register
+    static const uint16_t REG_LITES_HT_CONF = 0x0b60;       //!< [addr]Lite-S Host Through Configration register
+    static const uint16_t REG_LITES_PMM = 0x0b64;           //!< [addr]Lite-S PMm register
+    static const uint16_t REG_PLUG_CONF1 = 0x0b80;          //!< [addr]Plug Configration 1 register
+    static const uint16_t REG_PLUG_CONF2 = 0x0b84;          //!< [addr]Plug Configration 2 register
+    static const uint16_t REG_PLUG_CONF3 = 0x0b88;          //!< [addr]Plug Configration 3 register
+    static const uint16_t REG_DEP_CONF = 0x0ba0;            //!< [addr]DEP Configration register
+    static const uint16_t REG_DEP_PMM1 = 0x0ba4;            //!< [addr]DEP PMm1 register
+    static const uint16_t REG_DEP_PMM2 = 0x0ba8;            //!< [addr]DEP PMm2 register
+    static const uint16_t REG_RW_CONF = 0x0bc0;             //!< [addr]RW Configration register
+    static const uint16_t REG_RW_CTRL = 0x0b4c;             //!< [addr]RW Control register
+    static const uint16_t REG_RW_TIMEOUT = 0x0bc8;          //!< [addr]RW Timeout register
+    static const uint16_t BUF_RF_COMM = 0x0c00;                         //!< [addr]RF Communication
+    static const uint16_t BUF_I2CFELICA_COMM = 0x0d00;                  //!< [addr]I2C FeliCa Communication
+    static const uint32_t MSK_MODE_CHANGED = 0x80000000;                //!< OPMODE changed
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_RW_RX_ERROR = 0x00080000;             //!< [R/W]
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_RW_RX_TIMEOUT = 0x00040000;           //!< [R/W]
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_RW_RX_DONE = 0x00020000;              //!< [R/W]
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_RW_TX_DONE = 0x00010000;              //!< [R/W]
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_I2C_FELICA_CMD_ERROR = 0x00000200;    //!< [I2C]
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_I2C_FELICA_CMD_DONE = 0x00000100;     //!< [I2C]
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_TAG_TX_DONE = 0x00000040;             //!< [tag/DEP]Tx done
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_TAG_NFC_DEP_RX_DONE = 0x00000020;     //!< [DEP]D4 command Rx done
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_TAG_RW_RX_DONE3 = 0x00000010;         //!< [tag]Write w/o Enc Rx done for HT block
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_TAG_RW_RX_DONE2 = 0x00000008;         //!< [tag]Read or Write w/o Enc Rx done for HT block
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_TAG_RW_RX_DONE1 = 0x00000004;         //!< [tag]Write w/o Enc Rx done for User block
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_TAG_PL_RX_DONE = 0x00000002;          //!< [tag]Polling Rx done
+    static const uint32_t MSK_INT_TAG_RX_DONE = 0x00000001;             //!< [tag]Read or Write w/o Enc Rx done
+    static const uint32_t MSK_ALL = 0x800f037f;
+    /** Operation Mode
+     *
+     * @enum    OpMode
+     */
+    enum OpMode {
+        OPMODE_LITES_HT = 0x00,        //!< Lite-S HT mode
+        OPMODE_PLUG = 0x01,            //!< Plug mode
+        OPMODE_NFCDEP = 0x02,          //!< NFC-DEP mode
+        OPMODE_LITES = 0x03            //!< Lite-S mode
+    };
+    /** System Code in Plug mode
+     *
+     * @enum    PlugSysCode
+     */
+    enum PlugSysCode {
+        PLUG_SYS_CODE_FEEL = 0,     //!< 0xFEE1
+        PLUG_SYS_CODE_NDEF = 2,     //!< 0x12FC
+    };
+    /** Callback Table
+     *
+     * @struct  callbacktable_t
+     */
+    struct callbacktable_t {
+        void                    *pUserData;         //!< User Data pointer
+        RCS730_CALLBACK_T       pCbRxHTRDone;       //!< Rx Done(Read w/o Enc[HT mode])
+        RCS730_CALLBACK_T       pCbRxHTWDone;       //!< Rx Done(Write w/o Enc[HT mode])
+#if 0
+        RCS730_CALLBACK_T       pCbTxDone;          //!< Tx Done
+        RCS730_CALLBACK_T       pCbRxDepDone;       //!< Rx Done(DEP mode)
+        RCS730_CALLBACK_T       pCbOther;           //!< Other IRQ interrupt
+    };
+    /** constructor
+     *
+     * @param   [in,out]    I2c     I2C
+     */
+    RCS730(I2C &I2c);
+    /** destructor
+     */
+    virtual ~RCS730();
+    /** Set Callback Table
+     *
+     * @param   [in]        pInitTable      callback table
+     */
+    void setCallbackTable(const callbacktable_t *pInitTable);
+    /** Byte Write(1byte)
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    MemAddr     memory address to write
+     * @param   [in]    pData       data to write
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    int byteWrite(uint16_t MemAddr, uint8_t Data);
+    /** Page Write
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    MemAddr     memory address to write
+     * @param   [in]    pData       data to write
+     * @param   [in]    Length      pData Length
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    int pageWrite(uint16_t MemAddr, const uint8_t *pData, int Length);
+    /** Random Read(1byte)
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    MemAddr     memory address to read
+     * @param   [out]   pData       data buffer to read
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    int randomRead(uint16_t MemAddr, uint8_t *pData);
+    /** Sequential Read
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    MemAddr     memory address to read
+     * @param   [out]   pData       data buffer to read
+     * @param   [in]    Length      pData Length
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    int sequentialRead(uint16_t MemAddr, uint8_t *pData, int Length);
+    /** Current Address Read(1byte)
+     *
+     * @param   [out]   pData       data buffer to read
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    int currentAddrRead(uint8_t *pData);
+    /** Read Register
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    Reg         FeliCa Link Register
+     * @param   [out]   pData       data buffer to read
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    inline int readRegister(uint16_t Reg, uint32_t *pData);
+    /** Write Register Force
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    Reg         FeliCa Link Register
+     * @param   [in]    Data        data buffer to write
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    inline int writeRegisterForce(uint16_t Reg, uint32_t Data);
+    /** Write Register
+     *
+     * Write Register if not same.
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    Reg         FeliCa Link Register
+     * @param   [in]    Data        data buffer to write
+     * @param   [in]    Mask        write mask(default: 0xffffffff)
+     * @retval  0       success
+     *
+     * @note
+     *      - this API like below:
+     *          @code
+     *              uint32_t val = REG[Reg];
+     *              REG[Reg] = (val & ~Mask) | Data;
+     *          @endcode
+     */
+    int writeRegister(uint16_t Reg, uint32_t Data, uint32_t Mask=0xffffffff);
+    /** Set FeliCa Lite operation mode
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    Mode        Operation Mode
+     * @retval  0       success
+     *
+     * @note
+     *      - This value is written to non-volatile memory in FeliCa Link.
+     */
+    int setRegOpMode(OpMode Mode);
+    /** Set I2C Slave Address
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    SAddr       Slave Address(7bit address)
+     * @retval  0       success
+     *
+     * @attention
+     *      - SAddr is "7bit" address(not 8bit address).
+     *
+     * @note
+     *      - This value is written to non-volatile memory in FeliCa Link.
+     *      - Default slave address is 0x40.
+     */
+    int setRegSlaveAddr(int SAddr);
+    /** Set FeliCa Lite interrupt mask
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    Mask        Bit Mask
+     * @param   [in]    Value       Set value to Mask
+     * @retval  0       success
+     *
+     * @note
+     *      - This value is written to non-volatile memory in FeliCa Link.
+     */
+    int setRegInterruptMask(uint32_t Mask, uint32_t Value);
+    /** Set System Code in Plug mode
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    SysCode     System Code
+     * @retval  0       success
+     *
+     * @note
+     *      - This value is written to non-volatile memory in FeliCa Link.
+     */
+    int setRegPlugSysCode(PlugSysCode SysCode);
+    /** go to initialize status
+     *
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    int goToInitializeStatus();
+    /** initialize to FeliCa Through mode
+     *
+     * @param   [in]    Mode    Operation Mode(OPMODE_LITES_HT or OPMODE_PLUG)
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    int initFTMode(OpMode Mode);
+#if 0
+    /** initialize to NFC-DEP mode
+     *
+     * @retval  0       success
+     */
+    int initNfcDepMode();
+    /** Interrupt Service Routine(IRQ pin)
+     *
+     */
+    void isrIrq();
+    I2C&                    _i2c;           //!< I2C
+    int                     _slvAddr;       //!< Slave Address(8bit)
+    callbacktable_t         _cbTable;       //!< Callback Table
+#endif /* RCS730_H */