create and send the file to pc

Dependencies:   MCP23017 WattBob_TextLCD mbed

Fork of HelloWorld by Simon Ford

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Feb 27 18:21:27 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Mar 03 10:33:15 2014 +0000
@@ -1,143 +1,180 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-//#include "mon.cpp"
+#include "mbed.h" 
+#include "MCP23017.h" // include 16-bit parallel I/O header file 
+#include "WattBob_TextLCD.h" // include 2*16 character display header file 
-DigitalIn   Input1s(p5);
-DigitalIn   Input1_400ms(p6);
-DigitalIn   Input2_400ms(p7);
-AnalogIn    Input1_800ms(p19);
-AnalogIn    Input2_800ms(p20);
+DigitalIn   IP_wave(p5);               //input of the square wave,1s
+DigitalIn   DIP_SW1(p6);               //digital input ,switch1,400ms
+DigitalIn   DIP_SW2(p7);               //switch2,400ms
+AnalogIn    AIP_1(p19);              //Analog input1800ms
+AnalogIn    AIP_2(p20);              //AIP 2800ms
-DigitalOut  bit4(LED1);
+DigitalOut  bit4(LED1);             //each bits of led
 DigitalOut  bit3(LED2);
 DigitalOut  bit2(LED3);
 DigitalOut  bit1(LED4);
-int IP1s,IP400ms1,IP400ms2 = 0;
-int IP800ms1[4],IP800ms2[4] = {0,0,0,0};
-int freq = 0;
-int aver_anl1,aver_anl2 = 0;
-int digi_val = 0;
+int S_wave,switch1,switch2 = 0;   //check the value of square wave, switches
+float Anal_val1[4],Anal_val2[4] = {0,0,0,0};    //for calculating the values of analog inputs
-int ero_code = 0;
+int freq = 0;                      // frequency of the wave
+float aver_anl1,aver_anl2 = 0;     //average values of analog inputs
+int ero_code = 0;                  // error code
+int flag_task3 = 0;                //flag for task3
+int run_task = 0;                  //if run_task = 1,running led
+int led_show = 0;                  //led blinksing in incremental ways
-int flag4task3 = 0;
-int run_task = 0;
-int led_show = 0;
-timer tmr;
+MCP23017 *par_port; // pointer to 16-bit parallel I/O object 
+WattBob_TextLCD *lcd; // pointer to 2*16 chacater LCD object 
+Timer tmr;            //define a timer for calculating the frequency
+LocalFileSystem local("local"); //Create the local filesystem under the name "local"
+FILE *fp;           //define a file
-int main() {
-    while(1)
-    {
-        }                  
+void iniLCD()       //initial LCD
+    par_port = new MCP23017(p9, p10, 0x40); // initialise 16-bit I/O chip 
+    lcd = new WattBob_TextLCD(par_port); // initialise 2*26 char display 
+    par_port->write_bit(1,BL_BIT); // turn LCD backlight ON 
+    lcd->cls();
+    lcd->locate(0,0);
-// wait(1) -> waiting 10ms
+void iniFile()      //create file
+    fp = fopen("/local/data.txt", "w");  // Open "data.txt" on the local file system for writing
+    fprintf(fp,"freqency, Digital value, Analog value1, Analog value2\n");
+    fclose(fp);
+    }
-void task1()                        //works
+void T1_checkWave()                        //get the frequency of the wave,works
-    float tm_val1 = 0;
-    tmr.reset();
+    float tm_val1,tm_val2 = 0;
+    int flag,flag_err = 0;
-    while(Input1s);
+    Timer Tcheck;                           //define a timer for calculating the frequency
+    Tcheck.reset();                 //to check wether the testing is over time or not
+    Tcheck.start();
+    tmr.reset();
+    while(IP_wave)
+    {   
+        tm_val2 =;
+        flag = tm_val2*1000;
+        if(flag >= 20)                    //if the signal keeps hi in 20ms , it will end testing. the flag_err will be set one
+            {
+                flag_err = 1;             
+                break;
+                }
+        }
-    while( !Input1s );
+    while( !IP_wave ) 
+    {    
+        tm_val2 =;
+        flag = tm_val2*1000;
+        if((flag >= 40) || flag_err == 1)                    //if the signal keeps low in 50ms , it will end testing.
+            flag_err = 1;
+            break;
+    }
+    Tcheck.stop();
+    Tcheck.reset();
-    while(Input1s);
+    while(IP_wave)
+    {
+        }
     tm_val1 = tmr.read_us();
-    if(tm_val1 != 0.0)
-        freq = 500000/tm_val1;           //the frenquency of the wave
-    else
+    if( (tm_val1 > 500.0) && (flag_err == 0) )               //if impulse last more than 500us, it will get its frequency
+        freq = 500000/tm_val1;                               //the frenquency of the wave
+    else 
         freq = 0;
-void task2_checkDIP400ms()                          //check the SWes per 400ms,works
+void T2_checkSW()                                   //check the SWes per 400ms,works
-    if( Input1_400ms != 0 )
-        IP400ms1 = 1;
-    else IP400ms1 = 0;
+    if( DIP_SW1 != 0 )
+        switch1 = 1;
+    else switch1 = 0;
-    if( Input2_400ms !=0 )
-        IP400ms2 = 1;
-    else IP400ms2 = 0;
+    if( DIP_SW2 !=0 )
+        switch2 = 1;
+    else switch2 = 0;
-void task3_checkAIP800ms()                          //get analog input, works
+void T3_checkAIP()                          //get the values of analog inputs per 800MS
     float para1,para2;
-    IP800ms1[flag4task3] =;
-    IP800ms2[flag4task3] =;
+    Anal_val1[flag_task3] =;
+    Anal_val2[flag_task3] =;
-    flag4task3++;
-    flag4task3 = flag4task3%4;
+    flag_task3++;
+    flag_task3 = flag_task3%4;
-    para1 = (IP800ms1[0] + IP800ms1[1] + IP800ms1[2] + IP800ms1[3])*3.3;
-    para2 = (IP800ms2[0] + IP800ms2[1] + IP800ms2[2] + IP800ms2[3])*3.3;
+    para1 = (Anal_val1[0] + Anal_val1[1] + Anal_val1[2] + Anal_val1[3])*3.3;        //filt the values
+    para2 = (Anal_val2[0] + Anal_val2[1] + Anal_val2[2] + Anal_val2[3])*3.3;
     aver_anl1 = para1/4;
     aver_anl2 = para2/4;
-void task4_display2s()                            //works
+void T4_display()              //dispaly each values per 2s
-    int aver,aver1,aver2;
+    int aver_show;
 /*           get frequency from task 1          */
 //      frequency is freq
 /*           get digital value from task2       */    
-/*      digital number = {IP400ms1,IP400ms2} 
+/*      digital number = {switch1,switch2} 
 /*           get average value from task3,show integers       */                                                                        
 //data type of aver_anl1,aver_anl2 are float
-    aver1 = aver_anl1;
-    aver2 = aver_anl2;
-    aver = (aver1+aver2)/2;
+    aver_show = (aver_anl1+aver_anl2)/2;
 /*           get error code from task5          */
-    ero_code = 3;
+//              ero_code
 /*           show them!!                        */
-    lcd->printf("F=%d Aval=%d",freq,aver);
+    lcd->printf("F=%d Aval=%d",freq,aver_show);
-    lcd->printf("Dval=%d%d ErC=%d",IP400ms2,IP400ms1,ero_code);    
+    lcd->printf("Dval=%d%d ErC=%d",switch2,switch1,ero_code);    
-void task5_check_SWes()                             //1.8s
+void T5_SWtask()                             //check the values of switches and run the task , set error code per 1.8s
-    if((IP400ms1 == 1) && (aver_anl1 > aver_anl2))   ero_code = 3;
+    if((switch1 == 1) && (aver_anl1 > aver_anl2))   ero_code = 3;
     else ero_code = 0;                              //error code
-    if(IP400ms2 == 1)   
+    if(switch2 == 1)   
         run_task = 1;
         run_task = 0;
-void led_task()                                 //blink led 1.5s
+void RunLed()                                 //blink led 1.5s
-    led_show = led_show%15;
+    led_show = led_show%16;    
     int num_led = led_show;
     if(num_led > 7) {num_led = num_led - 8; bit4 = 1; }
@@ -149,13 +186,53 @@
     if(num_led > 1) {num_led = num_led - 2; bit2 = 1;}
     else bit2 = 0;
-    bit1 = num_led;
+    bit1 = num_led;    
+void T6_saveData()              //save data in uSD;
+    fp = fopen("/local/data.txt", "a");         //open file and add data into the file
+    fprintf(fp,"%d, _%d%d, %f, %f\n",freq,switch2,switch1,aver_anl1,aver_anl2);
+    fclose(fp);                                 //close file
+    }
-void task6_updated5s()                              //update  A.Frequency value input values  C.Filtered analogue values 
+int main()
+    iniLCD();
+    iniFile();
+    int tick = 0;
+    lcd->printf("Initializing!");
+    while(1)
+    {
+        wait(0.1);               
+        tick++;
+        if(tick%50 == 0)
+            T6_saveData();
+        if(tick%20 == 0)
+            T4_display();
+        if(tick%18 == 0)
+            T5_SWtask();
+        if((tick%15 == 0) && (run_task ==1 ))
+            RunLed();
+        if(tick%10 == 0)
+            T1_checkWave(); 
+        if(tick%8 == 0)
+            T3_checkAIP();
+        if(tick%4 == 0)
+            T2_checkSW();
+        tick = tick%900;
+        }
+    return 0;
+    }