The one with the new HK

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of BAE_vr2_1_1 by Seeker of Truth ,

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Dec 17 05:25:04 2014 +0000
Commit message:
The one with the new HK

Changed in this revision

ACS.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ACS.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HK.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HK.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
MPU3300.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
fault.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r ba2556c6b990 -r 1b37d98840d3 ACS.cpp
--- a/ACS.cpp	Tue Dec 16 11:07:33 2014 +0000
+++ b/ACS.cpp	Wed Dec 17 05:25:04 2014 +0000
@@ -1,18 +1,34 @@
 #include "ACS.h"
+#include "MPU3300.h"
-PwmOut PWM1(PTD4);        //Functions used to generate PWM signal 
+//PwmOut PWM1(PTD4);        //Functions used to generate PWM signal 
                         //PWM output comes from pins p6
 Serial pc1(USBTX, USBRX);
+SPI spi_acs (PTA16, PTA17, PTA15); // mosi, miso, sclk
+DigitalOut SSN_MAG (D8); // ssn for magnetometer
+DigitalIn DRDY (D12); // drdy for magnetometer
+DigitalOut ssn_gyr (D13);         //Slave Select pin of gyroscope
+InterruptIn dr(D7);       //Interrupt pin for gyro 
+PwmOut PWM1(A0);        //Functions used to generate PWM signal 
+PwmOut PWM2(A1); 
+PwmOut PWM3(A2);                   //PWM output comes from pins p6
+Ticker tr;              //Ticker function to give values for limited amount of time for gyro
+Timeout tr_mag;
+uint8_t trflag_mag;
+uint8_t trFlag;         //ticker Flag for gyro
+uint8_t drFlag;         //data-ready interrupt flag for gyro
+//--------------------------------TORQUE ROD--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+void FUNC_ACS_GENPWM(float M[3])
      printf("\nEnterd PWMGEN function\n");
-     double DCx = 0;         //Duty cycle of Moment in x, y, z directions
-     double ix = 0;          //Current sent in x, y, z TR's
+     float DCx = 0;         //Duty cycle of Moment in x, y, z directions
+     float ix = 0;          //Current sent in x, y, z TR's
      float timep = 0.02 ;  
-     double Mx=1.5;            //Time period is set to 0.2s  
+     float Mx=M[0];            //Time period is set to 0.02s  
                              //Moment in x, y, z directions
@@ -54,8 +70,517 @@
             // printf("!!!!!!!!!!Error!!!!!!!!!");
+    float DCy = 0;         //Duty cycle of Moment in x, y, z directions
+     float iy = 0;          //Current sent in x, y, z TR's
+    float My=M[1];            //Time period is set to 0.2s  
+                             //Moment in x, y, z directions
+        iy = My * 0.3 ;      //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
+        if( iy>0&& iy < 0.006 )                     //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
+         {
+             DCy =  6*1000000*pow(iy,4) - 377291*pow(iy,3) + 4689.6*pow(iy,2) + 149.19*iy - 0.0008;
+             PWM2.period(timep);
+             PWM2 = DCy/100 ;
+         }
+        else if( iy >= 0.006&& iy < 0.0116)
+         { 
+            DCy = 1*100000000*pow(iy,4) - 5*1000000*pow(iy,3) + 62603*pow(iy,2) - 199.29*iy + 0.7648;
+            PWM2.period(timep);
+            PWM2 = DCy/100 ;             
+         }
+        else if (iy >= 0.0116&& iy < 0.0624)
+         {
+            DCy = 212444*pow(iy,4) - 33244*pow(iy,3) + 1778.4*pow(iy,2) + 120.91*iy + 0.3878;
+            PWM2.period(timep);
+            PWM2 = DCy/100 ;            
+         }
+        else if(iy >= 0.0624&& iy < 0.555)
+         {
+            printf("\nACS entered if\n");
+            DCy =  331.15*pow(iy,4) - 368.09*pow(iy,3) + 140.43*pow(iy,2) + 158.59*iy + 0.0338;
+            PWM2.period(timep);
+            PWM2 = DCy/100 ;            
+         }
+         else if(iy==0)
+         {
+             DCy = 0;
+            PWM2.period(timep);
+            PWM2 = DCy/100 ;            
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            // printf("!!!!!!!!!!Error!!!!!!!!!");
+         } 
+    float DCz = 0;         //Duty cycle of Moment in x, y, z directions
+     float iz = 0;          //Current sent in x, y, z TR's
+     float Mz=M[2];            //Time period is set to 0.2s  
+                             //Moment in x, y, z directions
+        iz = Mz * 0.3 ;      //Moment and Current always have the linear relationship
+        if( iz>0&& iz < 0.006 )                     //Current and Duty cycle have the linear relationship between 1% and 100%
+         {
+             DCz =  6*1000000*pow(iz,4) - 377291*pow(iz,3) + 4689.6*pow(iz,2) + 149.19*iz - 0.0008;
+             PWM3.period(timep);
+             PWM3 = DCz/100 ;
+         }
+        else if( iz >= 0.006&& iz < 0.0116)
+         { 
+            DCz = 1*100000000*pow(iz,4) - 5*1000000*pow(iz,3) + 62603*pow(iz,2) - 199.29*iz + 0.7648;
+            PWM3.period(timep);
+            PWM3 = DCz/100 ;             
+         }
+        else if (iz >= 0.0116&& iz < 0.0624)
+         {
+            DCz = 212444*pow(iz,4) - 33244*pow(iz,3) + 1778.4*pow(iz,2) + 120.91*iz + 0.3878;
+            PWM3.period(timep);
+            PWM3 = DCz/100 ;            
+         }
+        else if(iz >= 0.0624&& iz < 0.555)
+         {
+            printf("\nACS entered if\n");
+            DCz =  331.15*pow(iz,4) - 368.09*pow(iz,3) + 140.43*pow(iz,2) + 158.59*iz + 0.0338;
+            PWM3.period(timep);
+            PWM3 = DCz/100 ;            
+         }
+         else if(iz==0)
+         {
+             DCz = 0;
+            PWM3.period(timep);
+            PWM3 = DCz/100 ;            
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            // printf("!!!!!!!!!!Error!!!!!!!!!");
+         }    
 printf("\nExited PWMGEN function\n");
\ No newline at end of file
+void trsub_mag()
+  trflag_mag=0;
+ {
+  SSN_MAG=1;                                    //pin is disabled
+  spi_acs.format(8,0);                         //   8bits,Mode 0
+  spi_acs.frequency(100000);                   //clock frequency
+  SSN_MAG=0;                                   // Selecting pin
+  wait_ms(10);                            //accounts for delay.can be minimised.
+  spi_acs.write(0x83);                      //
+  wait_ms(10);              
+  unsigned char i;
+  for(i=0;i<3;i++)//initialising values.
+      {
+         spi_acs.write(0x00);              //MSB of X,y,Z
+         spi_acs.write(0xc8);             //LSB of X,Y,z;pointer increases automatically.
+        }
+   SSN_MAG=1;
+   printf("\nEntered magnetometer function\n");
+   SSN_MAG=0;                                //enabling slave to measure the values
+   wait_ms(10);
+   spi_acs.write(0x82);                     //initiates measurement
+   wait_ms(10);
+   spi_acs.write(0x01);                   //selecting x,y and z axes, measurement starts now
+   SSN_MAG=1;
+   wait_ms(10);
+   trflag_mag=1;        
+   tr_mag.attach(&trsub_mag,1);   //runs in background,makes trflag_mag=0 after 1s
+   while(trflag_mag)              /*initially flag is 1,so loop is executed,if DRDY is high,then data is retrieved and programme ends,else 
+                                 loop runs for at the max 1s and if still DRDY is zero,the flag becomes 0 and loop is not executed and 
+                               programme is terminated*/
+  {
+    wait_ms(5);
+    if(DRDY==1)
+    {
+        SSN_MAG=0;
+        spi_acs.write(0xc9);                  //command  byte for retrieving data
+        unsigned char axis;
+        float Bnewvalue[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0};
+        int32_t Bvalue[3]={0,0,0}; 
+        int32_t a= pow(2.0,24.0);
+        int32_t b= pow(2.0,23.0);
+        for(axis=0;axis<3;axis++)
+        {
+            Bvalue[axis]=spi_acs.write(0x00)<<16;    //MSB 1 is send first 
+            wait_ms(10);
+            Bvalue[axis]|=spi_acs.write(0x00)<<8;    //MSB 2 is send next
+            wait_ms(10);
+            Bvalue[axis]|=spi_acs.write(0x00);       //LSB is length is 24 bits(3*8bits)...which are appended to get actual bit configuration
+            if((Bvalue[axis]&b)==b)              
+            {
+                Bvalue[axis]=Bvalue[axis]-a;   //converting 2s complement to  signed decimal
+            }
+            Bnewvalue[axis]=(float)Bvalue[axis]*22.0*pow(10.0,-3.0);  //1 LSB=(22nT) value of field obtained in micro tesla
+            wait_ms(10);
+            printf("\t%lf\n",Bnewvalue[axis]);
+        }
+        SSN_MAG=1;
+        return Bnewvalue;          //return here? doubt..
+        break;
+    }
+ }
+-------------------------------------------CONTROL ALGORITHM------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+float * FUNC_ACS_CNTRLALGO(float b[3],float omega[3])
+    float db[3]; /// inputs
+    float bb[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+    float d[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+    float Jm[3][3] = {{0.2730, 0, 0}, {0, 0.3018, 0}, {0, 0, 0.3031}};
+    float den = 0; 
+    float den2;
+    int i, j; //temporary variables
+    float Mu[2], z[2], dv[2], v[2], u[2], tauc[3] = {0, 0, 0}; //outputs
+    float invJm[3][3];
+    float kmu2 = 0.07, gamma2 = 1.9e4, kz2 = 0.4e-2, kmu = 0.003, gamma = 5.6e4, kz = 0.1e-4;
+    printf("Entered cntrl algo\n");
+    //structure parameters
+    void inverse (float mat[3][3], float inv[3][3]); 
+    void getInput (float x[9]);
+    //functions
+////////// Input from Matlab //////////////
+    while(1) 
+    {
+ /*getInput(inputs);
+ b[0] = inputs[0];
+ b[1] = inputs[1];
+ b[2] = inputs[2];
+ db[0] = inputs[3];
+ db[1] = inputs[4];
+ db[2] = inputs[5]; 
+ omega[0] = inputs[6];
+ omega[1] = inputs[7];
+ omega[2] = inputs[8];*/
+/////////// Control Algorithm //////////////////////
+// calculate norm b, norm db
+        den = sqrt((b[0]*b[0]) + (b[1]*b[1]) + (b[2]*b[2]));
+        den2 = (b[0]*db[0]) + (b[1]*db[1]) + (b[2]*db[2]);
+        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            db[i] = (db[i]*den*den-b[i]*den2) / (pow(den,3));
+        }
+        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            printf("\nreached here\n");
+            if(den!=0)
+                //b[i]=b[i]/den;                                      //there is a problem here. The code gets stuck here.  Maf value is required 
+                ;
+        }
+// select kz, kmu, gamma
+        if(b[0]>0.9 || b[0]<-0.9)
+        {
+            kz = kz2;
+            kmu = kmu2;
+            gamma = gamma2;
+        }
+// calculate Mu, v, dv, z, u
+        for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+        {
+            Mu[i] = b[i+1];
+            v[i] = -kmu*Mu[i];
+            dv[i] = -kmu*db[i+1];
+            z[i] = db[i+1] - v[i];
+            u[i] = -kz*z[i] + dv[i]-(Mu[i] / gamma);
+        }
+        inverse(Jm, invJm);
+// calculate cross(omega,J*omega)for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+            bb[i] += omega[j]*(omega[(i+1)%3]*Jm[(i+2)%3][j] - omega[(i+2)%3]*Jm[(i+1)%3][j]);
+// calculate invJm*cross(omega,J*omega) store in d
+        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+                d[i] += bb[j]*invJm[i][j];
+        }
+// calculate d = cross(invJm*cross(omega,J*omega),b) -cross(omega,db) 
+// bb =[0;u-d(2:3)] 
+// store in bb
+        bb[1] = u[0] + (d[0]*b[2])-(d[2]*b[0])-(omega[0]*db[2]) + (omega[2]*db[0]);
+        bb[2] = u[1]-(d[0]*b[1]) + (d[1]*b[0]) + (omega[0]*db[1])-(omega[1]*db[0]);
+        bb[0] = 0;
+// calculate N 
+// reusing invJm as N
+        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            d[i] = invJm[1][i];
+            invJm[ 1][i] = b[2]*invJm[0][i] - b[0]*invJm[2][i];
+            invJm[2][i] = -b[1]*invJm[0][i] + b[0]*d[i];
+            invJm[0][i] = b[i];
+        }
+// calculate inv(N) store in Jm
+        inverse(invJm, Jm);
+// calculate tauc
+        for(i=0;i<3;i++)
+        {
+            for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+                tauc[i] += Jm[i][j]*bb[j];
+        }
+        return(tauc);
+    }
+/////////// Output to Matlab //////////////////
+/* for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
+ printf("%f\n",tauc[i]*10000000);
+ wait_ms(10);
+ }
+ }
+ void inverse(float mat[3][3], float inv[3][3])
+int i, j;
+float det = 0;
+{ for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+inv[j][i] = (mat[(i+1)%3][(j+1)%3]*mat[(i+2)%3][(j+2)%3]) - (mat[(i+2)%3]
+det += (mat[0][0]*inv[0][0]) + (mat[0][1]*inv[1][0]) + (mat[0][2]*inv[2][0]);
+{ for(j=0;j<3;j++)
+inv[i][j] /= det;
+void getInput (float x[9]) {
+         //Functions used to generate PWM signal 
+                        //PWM output comes from pins p6
+Serial pc1(USBTX, USBRX);
+ char c[10];
+ char tempchar[8];
+ int i, j;
+ //float f[9];
+ long n = 0;
+ float flval = 0;
+ for(j=0;j<9;j++) {
+ for(i=0;i<9;i++) {
+ c[i] = pc1.getc(); if(i<8) {
+ tempchar[i] = c[i];
+ }
+ }
+ sscanf (tempchar, "%8x", &n);
+ memcpy(&flval, &n, sizeof(long));
+ printf("%f\n", flval);
+ x[j] = flval;
+ }
+void trSub();               
+void drSub(); 
+void init_gyro();       
+float * FUNC_ACS_EXEC_GYR();
+void drSub()            //In this function we setting data-ready flag to 1              
+    drFlag=1;
+void trSub()                    //In this function we are setting ticker flag to 0
+    trFlag=0;
+    uint8_t response;               
+    ssn_gyr=1;                  //Deselecting the chip 
+    spi_acs.format(8,3);                // Spi format is 8 bits, and clock mode 3 
+    spi_acs.frequency(1000000);     //frequency to be set as 1MHz
+    drFlag=0;                   //Intially defining data-ready flag to be 0 
+    dr.mode(PullDown);          
+    dr.rise(&drSub);
+    __disable_irq();
+/*Following the above mentioned algorithm for initializing the register and changing its configuration*/
+    ssn_gyr=0;                      //Selecting chip(Mpu-3300)
+    spi_acs.write(USER_CTRL|READFLAG);   //sending USER_CTRL address with read bit
+    response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);   //sending dummy bit to get default values of the register
+    ssn_gyr=1;                  //Deselecting the chip  
+    wait(0.1);                  //waiting according the product specifications 
+    ssn_gyr=0;                  //again selecting the chip  
+    spi_acs.write(USER_CTRL);           //sending USER_CTRL address without read bit 
+    spi_acs.write(response|BIT_I2C_IF_DIS);  //disabling the I2C mode in the register
+    ssn_gyr=1;                  //deselecting the chip 
+    wait(0.1);                  // waiting for 100ms before going for another register 
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1|READFLAG); //Power Management register-1 
+    response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1);
+    response=spi_acs.write(response|BIT_CLKSEL_X);  //Selecting the X axis gyroscope as clock as mentioned above 
+    ssn_gyr=1;                          
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(GYRO_CONFIG|READFLAG); //sending GYRO_CONFIG address with read bit
+    response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(GYRO_CONFIG); //sending GYRO_CONFIG address to write to register
+    spi_acs.write(response&(~(BITS_FS_SEL_3|BITS_FS_SEL_4))); //selecting a full scale mode of +/=225 deg/sec
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(CONFIG|READFLAG); //sending CONFIG address with read bit
+    response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(CONFIG); //sending CONFIG address to write to register
+    spi_acs.write(response|BITS_DLPF_CFG); //selecting a bandwidth of 42 hz and delay of 4.8ms
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(SMPLRT_DIV|READFLAG); //sending SMPLRT_DIV address with read bit
+    response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(SMPLRT_DIV); //sending SMPLRT_DIV address to write to register
+    spi_acs.write(response&BITS_SMPLRT_DIV); //setting the sampling rate division to be 0 to make sample rate = gyroscopic output rate
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(INT_ENABLE|READFLAG);       //sending address of INT_ENABLE with readflag
+    response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);              //sending dummy byte to get the default values of the
+                                                                          // regiser
+    ssn_gyr=1;   
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(INT_ENABLE);                           //sending INT_ENABLE address to write to register
+    spi_acs.write(response|BIT_DATA_RDY_ENABLE);  //Enbling data ready interrupt
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    __enable_irq();
+float * FUNC_ACS_EXEC_GYR()
+    printf("\nEntered gyro\n");
+    uint8_t response;
+    uint8_t MSB,LSB;
+    int16_t bit_data;
+    float data[3],error[3]={0,0,0}; //declaring error array to add to the values when required
+    float senstivity = 145.6;     //senstivity is 145.6 for full scale mode of +/-225 deg/sec
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1|READFLAG); //sending address of INT_ENABLE with readflag
+    response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT); //
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1); //sending PWR_MGMT_1 address to write to register
+    response=spi_acs.write(response&(~(BIT_SLEEP))); //waking up the gyroscope from sleep
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    trFlag=1;
+    tr.attach(&trSub,1); //executes the function trSub afer 1sec
+    while(trFlag)
+    {
+        wait_ms(5);   //This is required for this while loop to exit. I don't know why.
+        if(drFlag==1)
+        {
+            ssn_gyr=0;
+            spi_acs.write(GYRO_XOUT_H|READFLAG); //sending address of PWR_MGMT_1 with readflag
+            for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                MSB = spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT); //reading the MSB values of x,y and z respectively
+                LSB = spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT); //reading the LSB values of x,y and z respectively
+                bit_data= ((int16_t)MSB<<8)|LSB; //concatenating to get 16 bit 2's complement of the required gyroscope values
+                data[i]=(float)bit_data;
+                data[i]=data[i]/senstivity; //dividing with senstivity to get the readings in deg/sec
+                data[i]+=error[i]; //adding with error to remove offset errors
+            }
+            ssn_gyr=1;      
+            for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
+            {
+                printf("%f\t",data[i]); //printing the angular velocity values
+            }
+            printf("\n");
+            break;
+        }
+            drFlag=0;
+    }
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1|READFLAG); //sending address of PWR_MGMT_1 with readflag
+    response=spi_acs.write(DUMMYBIT);
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    ssn_gyr=0;
+    spi_acs.write(PWR_MGMT_1); //sending PWR_MGMT_1 address to write to register
+    response=spi_acs.write(response|BIT_SLEEP); //setting the gyroscope in sleep mode
+    ssn_gyr=1;
+    wait(0.1);
+    printf("\nExited gyro\n");
+    return data;
diff -r ba2556c6b990 -r 1b37d98840d3 ACS.h
--- a/ACS.h	Tue Dec 16 11:07:33 2014 +0000
+++ b/ACS.h	Wed Dec 17 05:25:04 2014 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
-void  FUNC_ACS_GENPWM(void);
\ No newline at end of file
+void  FUNC_ACS_GENPWM(float *);
+float *  FUNC_ACS_MAG_EXEC(void);
+//void  Read_data_acs()
+float *  FUNC_ACS_CNTRLALGO(float*,float*);
+float * FUNC_ACS_EXEC_GYR();
diff -r ba2556c6b990 -r 1b37d98840d3 HK.cpp
--- a/HK.cpp	Tue Dec 16 11:07:33 2014 +0000
+++ b/HK.cpp	Wed Dec 17 05:25:04 2014 +0000
@@ -1,79 +1,273 @@
 #include "HK.h"
-DigitalOut SelectLine3 (D4); // MSB of Select Lines
-DigitalOut SelectLine2 (D3);
-DigitalOut SelectLine1 (D2);
-DigitalOut SelectLine0 (D1); // LSB of Select Lines
+ MAX17048 master(A4,A5,100000);//object for battery gauge class--CHECK SDA,SCL LINES,FREQUENCY
-AnalogIn CurrentInput(A1); // Input from Current Multiplexer
-AnalogIn VoltageInput(A2); // Input from Voltage Multiplexer
-AnalogIn TemperatureInput(A3); // input from Temperature Multiplexer
+//GPIO pins used=> D2-D12, A0-A1
+DigitalOut SelectLinesA[]={D2,D3,D4,D5};//to mux1=>voltage mux
+DigitalOut SelectLinesB[]={PTB18,D7,PTB19};//to mux2=>current mux(differential mux)   Is this 3 or 4?
+DigitalOut SelectLinesC[]={PTC0,PTC4,PTC6,PTC7};//to mux3=>temp mux
+//--------------------------------------------MSB is SelectLines[0],LSB is SelectLines[3]-------------------------------- 
-SensorData Sensor; 
-int quantiz(float start,float step,float x)
+AnalogIn CurrentInput(A0); // Input from Current Mux
+AnalogIn VoltageInput(A1); // Input from Voltage Multiplexer
+AnalogIn TemperatureInput(A2); /*Input from Temperature Multiplexer,thermistor Multiplexer- same multiplexer for both(lines 1-4 for thermistor,line 0 for temperature sensor)*/
+int quantiz(float start,float step,float x)     // accepts min and measured values and step->quantises on a scale 0-15..(4 bit quantisation)
     int y=(x-start)/step;
     return y;
-ShortBeacy Shortbeacon; 
-void init_beacon(ShortBeacy x){
-   ;
-void FUNC_HK_MAIN()
+void init_beacon(ShortBeacy* x,SensorDataQuantised y)  
-    printf("\nEntered function  HK MAIN\n");
+    (*x).Voltage[0]=y.Vcell_soc>>4;//quantised value
+    (*x).Temp[0]=y.PanelTemperature[0];//quantised value
+    (*x).Temp[1]=y.PanelTemperature[1];//quantised value
+    (*x).AngularSpeed[0]=y.AngularSpeed[0];
+    (*x).AngularSpeed[1]=y.AngularSpeed[1];
-     Shortbeacon.Voltage[0]=1;
-   Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[0]=2;
-    Shortbeacon.AngularSpeed[1]=3;
-    Shortbeacon.SubsystemStatus[0]=145;
-    Shortbeacon.Temp[0]=1;
-    Shortbeacon.Temp[1]=2;
-    Shortbeacon.Temp[2]=3;
-    Shortbeacon.ErrorFlag[0]=3;
+    (*x).SubsystemStatus[0]=145;//dummy values----------to be changed-------------------
+    (*x).ErrorFlag[0]=3;//dummy values----------to be changed-------------------
+   SensorData SensorUQ; 
+    SensorDataQuantised SensorQuantised;
+    ShortBeacy Shortbeacon;
+void FUNC_HK_MAIN()             
+    //define structure variables    
+    //initialise all selectlines to zeroes->1st line of muxes selected
+    SelectLinesA[0]=SelectLinesA[1]=SelectLinesA[2]=SelectLinesA[3]=0;
+    SelectLinesB[0]=SelectLinesB[1]=SelectLinesB[2]=0;
+    SelectLinesC[0]=SelectLinesC[1]=SelectLinesC[2]=SelectLinesC[3]=0;
     int LoopIterator;
+    int SelectLineIterator;
+    float resistance_thermistor,voltage_thermistor;//for thermistor
-    SelectLine0=0;
-    SelectLine1=0;
-    SelectLine2=0;
-    SelectLine3=0;
+  //measurement from voltage sensor=> 16 sensors in place
+ for(LoopIterator=0; LoopIterator<16; LoopIterator++) 
+        //following lines read the sensor values and stores them in 'SensorData' structure's variable 'Sensor'
+        SensorUQ.Voltage[LoopIterator]=(*3.3*5.545454);//resistors in voltage divider=>15Mohm,3.3Mohm
+        if(LoopIterator%2==0)
+            SensorQuantised.Voltage[LoopIterator/2]=quantiz(vstart,vstep,SensorUQ.Voltage[LoopIterator]);
+        else
+            SensorQuantised.Voltage[(LoopIterator)/2]=SensorQuantised.Voltage[(LoopIterator)/2]<<4+quantiz(vstart,vstep,SensorUQ.Voltage[LoopIterator]);
+    // The following lines are used to iterate the select lines from 0 to 15
+    //following is an algorithm similar to counting binary numbers of 4 bit
+       for(SelectLineIterator=3;SelectLineIterator>=0;SelectLineIterator--)
+        {
+            if(SelectLinesA[SelectLineIterator]==0)
+            {
+                SelectLinesA[SelectLineIterator]=1;
+                break;
+            }
+            else SelectLinesA[SelectLineIterator]=0;
+        }
+        wait_us(10.0); //  A delay of 10 microseconds between each sensor output. Can be changed.
-    for(LoopIterator=0; LoopIterator<16; LoopIterator++) {
+ }
+ //measurement from current sensor=>  8 sensors in place 
+    for(LoopIterator=0; LoopIterator<8; LoopIterator++) 
+        //following lines read the sensor values and stores them in 'SensorData' structure variable 'Sensor'
+        SensorUQ.Current[LoopIterator]=(*3.3/(50*rsens));
+        if(LoopIterator%2==0)
+            SensorQuantised.Current[LoopIterator/2]=quantiz(cstart,cstep,SensorUQ.Current[LoopIterator]);
+        else
+            SensorQuantised.Current[(LoopIterator)/2]=SensorQuantised.Current[(LoopIterator)/2]<<4+quantiz(cstart,cstep,SensorUQ.Current[LoopIterator]);
-        if(LoopIterator%2==0) {
-            Sensor.Current[LoopIterator/2]=quantiz(cstart,cstep,((*3.18)/(50*rsens)));
-            Sensor.Voltage[LoopIterator/2]=quantiz(vstart,vstep,(*3.18*5.37));
-            Sensor.Temperature[LoopIterator/2]=quantiz(tstart,tstep,(-90.7*3.18*;
-        } else {
-            Sensor.Current[(LoopIterator-1)/2]=(Sensor.Current[(LoopIterator-1)/2]<<4)+quantiz(cstart,cstep,((*3.18)/(50*rsens)));
-            Sensor.Voltage[(LoopIterator-1)/2]=(Sensor.Voltage[(LoopIterator-1)/2]<<4)+quantiz(vstart,vstep,(*3.18*5.37));
-            Sensor.Temperature[(LoopIterator-1)/2]=(Sensor.Temperature[(LoopIterator-1)/2]<<4)+quantiz(tstart,tstep,(-90.7*3.18*;
+        // The following lines are used to iterate the select lines from 0 to 7
+        //following is an algorithm similar to counting binary numbers of 3 bits
+        for(SelectLineIterator=2;SelectLineIterator>=0;SelectLineIterator--)
+        {
+            if(SelectLinesB[SelectLineIterator]==0)
+            {
+                SelectLinesB[SelectLineIterator]=1;
+                break;
+            }
+            else SelectLinesB[SelectLineIterator]=0;
-// The following lines are used to iterate the select lines from 0 to 15
-        SelectLine0=!(SelectLine0);
-        if(LoopIterator%2==1)
-            SelectLine1=!(SelectLine1);
-        if(LoopIterator%4==3)
-            SelectLine2=!(SelectLine2);
-        if(LoopIterator%8==7)
-            SelectLine3=!(SelectLine3);
         wait_us(10.0); //  A delay of 10 microseconds between each sensor output. Can be changed.
+//measurement of temperature
+//temperature measurement=> 4 thermistors, 1 temperature sensor
+//mux line 1=>temp sensor, mux lines 2 to 5 =>thermistors
+    for(LoopIterator=0; LoopIterator<5; LoopIterator++) 
+        //following lines read the sensor values and stores them in 'SensorData' structure variable 'Sensor'
+        SensorUQ.Temperature[LoopIterator]=(-90.7*3.3*;
+*3.3;//voltage across thermistor
+        resistance_thermistor=24000*voltage_thermistor/(3.3-voltage_thermistor);//resistance of thermistor
+        //PanelTemperature will be updated depending on voltage_thermistor value later in the lines to follow
+        if(LoopIterator%2==0)
+     {                
+            if(LoopIterator<1)                      //->corresponding to temperature sensor
+                SensorQuantised.Temperature[(LoopIterator)/2]=quantiz(tstart,tstep,SensorUQ.Temperature[LoopIterator]);
+            else                                    //->corresponding to thermistor
+            {    
+                if(voltage_thermistor<1.378) //Temperature>12 degC
+                    SensorUQ.PanelTemperature[(LoopIterator-1)]=(3694/log(24.032242*resistance_thermistor));
+                else   
+                    SensorUQ.PanelTemperature[(LoopIterator-1)]=(3365.4792/log(7.60404*resistance_thermistor));
+                SensorQuantised.PanelTemperature[(LoopIterator-1)/2]=quantiz(tstart_thermistor,tstep_thermistor,SensorUQ.PanelTemperature[(LoopIterator-1)]);
+            }
+     } 
+    else
+     {           
+            if(LoopIterator<1)
+                SensorQuantised.Temperature[(LoopIterator)/2]=SensorQuantised.Temperature[(LoopIterator)/2]<<4+quantiz(tstart,tstep,SensorUQ.Temperature[LoopIterator]); 
+            else
+             {  
+                if(voltage_thermistor<1.378) //Temperature>12 degC 
+                     SensorUQ.PanelTemperature[LoopIterator-1]=(3694/log(24.032242*resistance_thermistor));
+                else
+                     SensorUQ.PanelTemperature[LoopIterator-1]=(3365.4792/log(7.60404*resistance_thermistor));
+                SensorQuantised.PanelTemperature[(LoopIterator-1)/2]=SensorQuantised.PanelTemperature[(LoopIterator-1)/2]<<4+quantiz(tstart_thermistor,tstep_thermistor,SensorUQ.PanelTemperature[LoopIterator-1]);
+            }
+      }
+// The following lines are used to iterate the select lines from 0 to 4
+       //following is an algorithm similar to counting binary numbers of 4 bit
+       for(SelectLineIterator=3;SelectLineIterator>=0;SelectLineIterator--)
+        {
+            if(SelectLinesC[SelectLineIterator]==0)
+            {
+                SelectLinesC[SelectLineIterator]=1;
+                break;
+            }
+            else SelectLinesC[SelectLineIterator]=0;
+        }
+        wait_us(10.0); //  A delay of 10 microseconds between each sensor output. Can be changed.
+    //update battery gauge parameters->
+    float batteryparameters[4];//to populate battery parameters of struct variable Sensor
+    FUNC_BATTERYGAUGE_MAIN(batteryparameters);//passing array to function 
+    SensorUQ.Vcell=batteryparameters[0];
+    SensorUQ.soc=batteryparameters[1];
+    SensorUQ.crate=batteryparameters[2];
+    SensorUQ.alerts=batteryparameters[3];
+    SensorQuantised.Vcell_soc=quantiz(Vcell_start,Vcell_step,SensorUQ.Vcell);
+    SensorQuantised.Vcell_soc=SensorQuantised.Vcell_soc<<4+quantiz(soc_start,soc_step,SensorUQ.soc);
+    SensorQuantised.alerts=SensorUQ.alerts;
+    SensorQuantised.crate=quantiz(crate_start,crate_step,SensorUQ.crate);   
+    //update magnetometer data->
+    //populate values in structure variable 'Sensor' from data to be given by Green
+     SensorQuantised.AngularSpeed[0]=quantiz(AngularSpeed_start,AngularSpeed_step,SensorUQ.AngularSpeed[1]);
+     SensorQuantised.AngularSpeed[0]=SensorQuantised.AngularSpeed[0]<<4+quantiz(AngularSpeed_start,AngularSpeed_step,SensorUQ.AngularSpeed[0]);
+     SensorQuantised.AngularSpeed[1]=quantiz(AngularSpeed_start,AngularSpeed_step,SensorUQ.AngularSpeed[2]);
+     //update gyro data->
+    //populate values in structure variable 'Sensor' from data to be given by Green
+     SensorQuantised.Bnewvalue[0]=quantiz(Bnewvalue_start,Bnewvalue_step,SensorUQ.Bnewvalue[1]);
+     SensorQuantised.Bnewvalue[0]=SensorQuantised.Bnewvalue[0]<<4+quantiz(Bnewvalue_start,Bnewvalue_step,SensorUQ.Bnewvalue[0]);
+     SensorQuantised.Bnewvalue[1]=quantiz(Bnewvalue_start,Bnewvalue_step,SensorUQ.Bnewvalue[2]);
+      //update beacon structure
+    init_beacon(&Shortbeacon,SensorQuantised);//Shortbeacon is passed 
+void FUNC_BATTERYGAUGE_MAIN(float array[])
+    float vcell=master.vcell();
+    float soc=master.soc();
+    float crate=master.crate();
+    printf("\nVcell=%f",vcell);
+    printf("\nSOC=%f",soc);
+    printf("\nC_rate=%f",crate);
+    array[0]=vcell;
+    array[1]=soc;
+    array[2]=crate;
+    if (master.alerting()== true)       //alert is on
+    {   
+        array[3]=master.alertFlags();
+        master.clearAlert();//clear alert
+        master.clearAlertFlags();//clear all alert flags
-       printf("\nVoltage  is %u\n",Shortbeacon.Voltage[0]);
-       printf("\nCurrent  is %u\n",Shortbeacon.Temp[0]);
- printf("\nExited function HK MAIN\n");
+    master.disable_sleep();
+    master.disable_hibernate();
+    master.socChangeAlertEnabled(true);//enabling alert on soc changing by 1%
+    master.emptyAlertThreshold(1);//giving minimum value to disable it to disabling it----------------------
+    master.vAlertMinMaxThreshold();//set min, max value of Valrt register
+    master.vResetThresholdSet();//set threshold voltage for reset
+    master.vResetAlertEnabled(true);//enable alert on reset for V < Vreset
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r ba2556c6b990 -r 1b37d98840d3 HK.h
--- a/HK.h	Tue Dec 16 11:07:33 2014 +0000
+++ b/HK.h	Wed Dec 17 05:25:04 2014 +0000
@@ -1,37 +1,469 @@
+//to be saved as HK.h
 #include "mbed.h"
 #define tstart -40
 #define tstep 8
+#define tstep_thermistor 8//verify!!
+#define tstart_thermistor -40
 #define vstart 3.3
 #define vstep 0.84667
 #define cstart 0.0691
 #define cstep 0.09133
 #define rsens 0.095
+#define Vcell_start 0
+#define Vcell_step 0.56//assuming vcell ranges from 0-8.4
+#define soc_start 0 //========
+#define soc_step 6.6667//assuming soc ranges from 0-100
+#define crate_start 0//------------
+#define crate_step 6.6667//assuming crate ranges from 0-100
+#define Bnewvalue_start -100//in microTesla...max possible field is .0001 T 
+#define Bnewvalue_step 13.333
+#define AngularSpeed_start -10//max possible ang. velocity in space is 10 deg/sec
+#define AngularSpeed_step 1.3333 
+typedef struct SensorData
+    float Voltage[16];
+    float Current[8];
+    float Temperature[1];
+    float PanelTemperature[4];
+    float Vcell;
+    float soc;
+    char alerts;
+    //(alerts[0]=1)-> reset indicator=>dont care
+    //(alerts[1]=1)-> Vcell>ValrtMax(5.1V)->will always be on->dont care
+    //(alerts[2]=1)-> Vcell<ValrtMin(5.1V)->indicates deep discharge
+    //(alerts[3]=1)-> Vcell<Vreset(2.5V)
+    //(alerts[5]=1)-> Soc CROSSES the threshold value
+    //(alerts[6]=1)-> alert on (alerts[3]) enabled when Vcell<Vreset(here we set it to be 2.5V)
+    float crate;
+    float BatteryTemperature;   //to be populated
+    char faultpoll;             //polled faults
+    char faultir;               //interrupted faults
+    char power_mode;            //power modes
+    float AngularSpeed[3];      //in order x,y,z
+    float Bnewvalue[3];         //in order Bx,By,Bz
+} SensorData;
-struct SensorData {
-    char Voltage[10];
-    char Current[10];
-    char Temperature[10];
-    char faultpoll;
-    char faultir;
-    char power_mode;
-    //float Battery[2];
+typedef struct SensorDataQuantised {
+    char Voltage[8];
+    char Current[4];
+    char Temperature[1];
+    char PanelTemperature[2];//read by the 4 thermistors on solar panels
+    char Vcell_soc;//MSBs correspond to Vcell, LSBs to Soc
+    char alerts;//UNQUANTISED
+    //(alerts[0]=1)-> reset indicator=>dont care
+    //(alerts[1]=1)-> Vcell>ValrtMax(5.1V)->will always be high->dont care
+    //(alerts[2]=1)-> Vcell<ValrtMin(5.1V)->indicates deep discharge
+    //(alerts[3]=1)-> Vcell<Vreset(2.5V)
+    //(alerts[5]=1)-> Soc CROSSES the threshold value
+    //(alerts[6]=1)-> alert on (alerts[3]) enabled when Vcell<Vreset(here we set it to be 2.5V)
+    char crate;
+    char BatteryTemperature;    //to be populated   
+    char faultpoll;             //polled faults
+    char faultir;               //interrupted faults
+    char power_mode;            //power modes
+    char AngularSpeed[2];
+    char Bnewvalue[2];
+    //float magnetometer,gyro=>to be addes
+} SensorDataQuantised;
-typedef struct ShortBeacon {
-    char Voltage[1];
-    char AngularSpeed[2];
-    char SubsystemStatus[1]; 
-    char Temp[3];  
-    char ErrorFlag[1];
+typedef struct ShortBeacon 
+    char Voltage[1];                            //battery voltage from gauge, needs  to be quantised
+    char AngularSpeed[2];                       //all the 3 data
+    char SubsystemStatus[1];                    //power modes
+    char Temp[2];                               //temp of solar panel
+    //Temp[0]'s LSB=> PanelTemperature[0], Temp[0]'s MSB=> PanelTemperature[1], Temp[1]'s LSB=> PanelTemperature[2], Temp[1]'s MSB=> PanelTemperature[3]
+    char ErrorFlag[1];                          //fault
 void FUNC_HK_MAIN();
 int quantiz(float start,float step,float x);
+void init_beacon(ShortBeacy* x,SensorDataQuantised y);
+//--------------------------------following is header details for battery gauge-------------------------------------------
+#define MAX17048_H
+class MAX17048
+    /** The default compensation value for the MAX17048
+     */
+    static const char RCOMP0= 0x97;
+    /** Represents the different alert flags for the MAX17048
+     */
+    enum AlertFlags {
+        ALERT_RI = (1 << 0),  /**< Reset indicator */
+        ALERT_VH = (1 << 1),  /**< Voltage high alert */
+        ALERT_VL = (1 << 2),  /**< Voltage low alert */
+        ALERT_VR = (1 << 3),  /**< Voltage reset alert */
+        ALERT_HD = (1 << 4),  /**< SOC low alert */
+        ALERT_SC = (1 << 5)   /**< SOC change alert */
+    };
+    //parametrised constructor
+    MAX17048(PinName sda, PinName scl, int hz = 400000): m_I2C(sda, scl)//should it be same as the uC clock freq
+    {
+        //Set the I2C bus frequency
+        m_I2C.frequency(hz);
+    }
+    // Probe for the MAX17048 and indicate if it's present on the bus
+    bool open()
+     {
+        //Probe for the MAX17048 using a Zero Length Transfer
+        if (!m_I2C.write(m_ADDR, NULL, 0)) {
+            //Return success
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            //Return failure
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // Command the MAX17048 to perform a power-on reset
+    void reset()
+    {
+        //Write the POR command
+        write(REG_CMD, 0x5400);
+    }
+    // Command the MAX17048 to perform a QuickStart
+     void quickStart()
+    {
+        //Read the current 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_MODE);
+        //Set the QuickStart bit
+        value |= (1 << 14);
+        //Write the value back out
+        write(REG_MODE, value);
+    }
+   //disable sleep
+   void disable_sleep()
+    {
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_MODE);
+        value &= ~(1 << 13);
+        write(REG_MODE, value);
+    }
+    //disable the hibernate  of the MAX17048
+    void disable_hibernate()
+    {
+        write(REG_HIBRT, 0x0000);
+    }
+    // Determine whether or not the SOC 1% change alert is enabled on the MAX17048
+    bool socChangeAlertEnabled()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
+        //Return the status of the ALSC bit
+        if (value & (1 << 6))
+            return true;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    // Enable or disable the SOC 1% change alert on the MAX17048
+    void socChangeAlertEnabled(bool enabled)
+    {
+        //Read the current 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
+        //Set or clear the ALSC bit
+        if (enabled)
+            value |= (1 << 6);
+        else
+            value &= ~(1 << 6);
+        //Write the value back out
+        write(REG_CONFIG, value);
+    // Determine whether or not the MAX17048 is asserting the ALRT pin
+    bool alerting()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
+        //Return the status of the ALRT bit
+        if (value & (1 << 5))
+            return true;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    // Command the MAX17048 to de-assert the ALRT pin
+    void clearAlert()
+    {
+        //Read the current 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
+        //Clear the ALRT bit
+        value &= ~(1 << 5);
+        //Write the value back out
+        write(REG_CONFIG, value);
+    }
+     // return The current SOC empty alert threshold in %.
+    char emptyAlertThreshold()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
+        //Extract the threshold
+        return 32 - (value & 0x001F);
+    }
+    //Set the SOC empty alert threshold of the MAX17048
+    void emptyAlertThreshold(char threshold)
+    {
+        //Read the current 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_CONFIG);
+        //Update the register value
+        value &= 0xFFE0;
+        value |= 32 - threshold;
+        //Write the 16-bit register
+        write(REG_CONFIG, value);
+    }
+    //return The current low voltage alert threshold in volts.
+    float vAlertMinThreshold()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_VALRT);
+        //Extract the alert threshold
+        return (value >> 8) * 0.02;//least count is 20mV
+    }
+    // Set the low and high voltage alert threshold of the MAX17048
+    void vAlertMinMaxThreshold()
+    {
+        //Read the current 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_VALRT);
+        //Mask off the old value
+                value = 0xFFFF;
+        //Write the 16-bit register
+        write(REG_VALRT, value);
+    }
+    //return The current high voltage alert threshold in volts.
+    float vAlertMaxThreshold()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_VALRT);
+        //Extract the active threshold
+        return (value & 0x00FF) * 0.02;
+    }
+    //return The current reset voltage threshold in volts.
+     float vResetThreshold()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_VRESET_ID);
+        //Extract the threshold
+        return (value >> 9) * 0.04;
+    }
+    // Set the reset voltage threshold of the MAX17048
+    void vResetThresholdSet()
+    {
+        //Read the current 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_VRESET_ID);
+        //Mask off the old //value
+        value &= 0x00FF;//Dis=0
+        value |= 0x7C00;//corresponding to 2.5 V
+        //Write the 16-bit register
+        write(REG_VRESET_ID, value);
+    }
+    // Get the factory programmed 8-bit ID of the MAX17048
+     char id()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_VRESET_ID);
+        //Return only the ID bits
+        return value;
+    }
+    // Determine whether or not the voltage reset alert is enabled on the MAX17048
+    bool vResetAlertEnabled()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_STATUS);
+        //Return the status of the EnVR bit
+        if (value & (1 << 14))
+            return true;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    // Enable or disable the voltage reset alert on the MAX17048
+     void vResetAlertEnabled(bool enabled)
+    {
+        //Read the current 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_STATUS);
+        //Set or clear the EnVR bit
+        if (enabled)
+            value |= (1 << 14);
+        else
+            value &= ~(1 << 14);
+        //Write the value back out
+        write(REG_STATUS, value);
+    }
+    //Get the current alert flags on the MAX17048
+    //refer datasheet-status registers section to decode it.
+    char alertFlags()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_STATUS);
+        //Return only the flag bits
+        return (value >> 8) & 0x3F;
+    }
+    // Clear all the alert flags on the MAX17048
+    void clearAlertFlags()
+    {
+        //Read the current 16-bit register value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_STATUS);
+        //Clear the specified flag bits
+        value &= ~( 0x3F<< 8);
+        //Write the value back out
+        write(REG_STATUS, value);
+    }
+    // Get the current cell voltage measurement of the MAX17048
+    float vcell()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit raw Vcell value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_VCELL);
+        //Return Vcell in volts
+        return value * 0.000078125;
+    }
+    // Get the current state of charge measurement of the MAX17048 as a float
+    float soc()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit raw SOC value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_SOC);
+        //Return SOC in percent
+        return value * 0.00390625;
+    }
+    // Get the current state of charge measurement of the MAX17048 as an int
+    int soc_int()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit raw SOC value
+        unsigned short value = read(REG_SOC);
+        //Return only the top byte
+        return value >> 8;
+    }
+    // Get the current C rate measurement of the MAX17048
+    float crate()
+    {
+        //Read the 16-bit raw C/Rate value
+        short value = read(REG_CRATE);
+        //Return C/Rate in %/hr
+        return value * 0.208;
+    }
+    //I2C register addresses
+    enum Register {
+        REG_VCELL       = 0x02,
+        REG_SOC         = 0x04,
+        REG_MODE        = 0x06,
+        REG_VERSION     = 0x08,
+        REG_HIBRT       = 0x0A,
+        REG_CONFIG      = 0x0C,
+        REG_VALRT       = 0x14,
+        REG_CRATE       = 0x16,
+        REG_VRESET_ID   = 0x18,
+        REG_STATUS      = 0x1A,
+        REG_TABLE       = 0x40,
+        REG_CMD         = 0xFE
+    };
+    //Member constants
+    static const int m_ADDR=(0x36 << 1);
+    //Member variables
+    I2C m_I2C;
+    //Internal functions
+    unsigned short read(char reg)
+    {
+        //Create a temporary buffer
+        char buff[2];
+        //Select the register
+        m_I2C.write(m_ADDR, &reg, 1, true);
+        //Read the 16-bit register
+, buff, 2);
+        //Return the combined 16-bit value
+        return (buff[0] << 8) | buff[1];
+    }
+    void write(char reg, unsigned short data)
+    {
+        //Create a temporary buffer
+        char buff[3];
+        //Load the register address and 16-bit data
+        buff[0] = reg;
+        buff[1] = data >> 8;
+        buff[2] = data;
+        //Write the data
+        m_I2C.write(m_ADDR, buff, 3);
+    }
diff -r ba2556c6b990 -r 1b37d98840d3 MPU3300.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MPU3300.h	Wed Dec 17 05:25:04 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+//MPU 3300 registers
+#define SMPLRT_DIV    0x19
+#define CONFIG        0x1A
+#define GYRO_CONFIG   0x1B
+#define GYRO_XOUT_H   0x43
+#define GYRO_XOUT_L   0x44
+#define GYRO_YOUT_H   0x45
+#define GYRO_YOUT_L   0x46
+#define GYRO_ZOUT_H   0x47
+#define GYRO_ZOUT_L   0x48
+#define USER_CTRL     0x6A
+#define PWR_MGMT_1    0x6B
+#define INT_ENABLE    0x38
+//MPU configuration bits
+#define READFLAG                  0x80
+#define DUMMYBIT                  0x00
+#define BITS_DLPF_CFG             0x07
+#define BITS_FS_SEL_3             0x08
+#define BITS_FS_SEL_4             0x10
+#define BIT_I2C_IF_DIS            0x10
+#define BITS_SMPLRT_DIV           0x00
+#define BIT_SLEEP                 0x40
+#define BIT_DATA_RDY_ENABLE       0x01
+#define BIT_DATA_RDY_INT          0x01
+#define BIT_CLKSEL_X              0x01
diff -r ba2556c6b990 -r 1b37d98840d3 fault.cpp
--- a/fault.cpp	Tue Dec 16 11:07:33 2014 +0000
+++ b/fault.cpp	Wed Dec 17 05:25:04 2014 +0000
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-extern SensorData Sensor;
+extern SensorDataQuantised SensorQuantised;
 extern int beacon_sc;  //to switch beacon between low and high power mode
 extern int acs_pflag;  //to activate/deactivate control algo  
 char out_poll;
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@
         out_poll = clear_poll;
         out_ir = clear_ir;
-        Sensor.faultpoll = fault_poll ;
-        Sensor.faultir=fault_ir ;
-        printf(" %d , %d \n %d , %d\n",Sensor.faultpoll, Sensor.faultir , out_poll , out_ir) ;
+        SensorQuantised.faultpoll = fault_poll ;
+        SensorQuantised.faultir=fault_ir ;
+        printf(" %d , %d \n %d , %d\n",SensorQuantised.faultpoll, SensorQuantised.faultir , out_poll , out_ir) ;
diff -r ba2556c6b990 -r 1b37d98840d3 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Dec 16 11:07:33 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 17 05:25:04 2014 +0000
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 Thread *ptr_t_hk_acq;
 Thread *ptr_t_acs;
-Thread *ptr_t_acs_write2flash;
+//Thread *ptr_t_acs_write2flash;
 Thread *ptr_t_bea;
-Thread *ptr_t_bea_telecommand;
-Thread *ptr_t_fault;
+//Thread *ptr_t_bea_telecommand;
+//Thread *ptr_t_fault;
 Thread *ptr_t_i2c;
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 typedef struct
-    char data[35];          // To avoid dynamic memory allocation
+    char data[21];          // To avoid dynamic memory allocation
     int length;
@@ -56,22 +56,23 @@
 //TASK 2 : HK
-char hk_data[35];
-extern SensorData Sensor;
+char hk_data[21];
+extern SensorDataQuantised SensorQuantised;
 void t_hk_acq(void const *args)
+        SensorQuantised.power_mode='0';
         printf("\nTHIS IS HK    %f\n",;
+        FAULTS();
+        POWER(SensorQuantised.power_mode);                                                   //The power mode algorithm is yet to be obtained
         FUNC_HK_MAIN();                                                             //Collecting HK data
+        ir2master();
         printf("The time to execute hk_acq is %f seconds\n",;
@@ -81,56 +82,33 @@
 //TASK 1 : ACS
-typedef struct {
-    float mag_field;
-    float omega;
-    } sensor_data;
-Mail <sensor_data, 16> q_acs;
-void func_acs_readdata(sensor_data *ptr)
-    printf("Reading the data\n");
-    ptr -> mag_field = 10;
-    ptr -> omega = 3;
-void func_acs_ctrlalgo()
-    printf("Executing control algo\n");
-void func_acs_write2flash(sensor_data *ptr2)
-    printf("The magnetic field is %.2f T\n\r",ptr2->mag_field);
-    printf("The angular velocity is %.2f rad/s\n\r",ptr2->omega);
 int acs_pflag = 1;
 void t_acs(void const *args)
+    float *mag_field;
+    float *omega;
+    float *moment;
         printf("\nTHIS IS ACS   %f\n",;
-        sensor_data *ptr = q_acs.alloc();
+        mag_field= FUNC_ACS_MAG_EXEC();                              //actual execution
+        omega = FUNC_ACS_EXEC_GYR();
-        func_acs_readdata(ptr);
-        //printf("\ngdhd\n");
-        q_acs.put(ptr);
         if(acs_pflag == 1)
-        func_acs_ctrlalgo();
-        FUNC_ACS_GENPWM();                                      //Generating PWM signal.
+        moment = FUNC_ACS_CNTRLALGO(mag_field,omega);
+        FUNC_ACS_GENPWM(moment);                     
 void t_acs_write2flash(void const *args)
@@ -147,13 +125,13 @@
 int beac_flag=0;                                                            //To receive telecommand from ground.
-void t_bea_telecommand(void const *args)
+/*void t_bea_telecommand(void const *args)
     char c = pc.getc();
@@ -162,6 +140,7 @@
 void t_bea(void const *args)
@@ -225,10 +204,10 @@
-extern SensorData Sensor;
+extern SensorDataQuantised SensorQuantised;
-void T_FAULT(void const *args)
+/*void T_FAULT(void const *args)
@@ -239,7 +218,7 @@
         //Sensor.power_mode++;            //testing ... should be removed
 //TASK 5 : i2c data
@@ -324,7 +303,7 @@
-char data_send[35],data_receive[35];
+char data_send[21],data_receive[21];
 void T_I2C_BAE()
     //char data_send,data_receive;
@@ -337,10 +316,10 @@
         if(i2c_status == 0 && reset !=1)
-            FUNC_I2C_WRITE2CDMS(data_receive,35);
+            FUNC_I2C_WRITE2CDMS(data_receive,21);
             i2c_data * i2c_data_r = i2c_data_receive.alloc();
-            i2c_data_r->length = 35;
+            i2c_data_r->length = 21;
             printf("\n Data received from CDMS is %s \n\r",data_receive);
   ;                              // This has to be done from a differen thread
@@ -353,7 +332,7 @@
                 i2c_data *i2c_data_s = (i2c_data*)evt.value.p;
                 strcpy(data_send,i2c_data_s -> data);
-                FUNC_I2C_WRITE2CDMS(data_send,35);
+                FUNC_I2C_WRITE2CDMS(data_send,21);
                 printf("\nData sent to CDMS is %s\n\r",data_send);
                 i2c_status = 0;
@@ -381,28 +360,32 @@
-char ffp[4] = {Sensor.faultpoll,Sensor.faultir, Sensor.power_mode};
+char fdata[8] = {SensorQuantised.Vcell_soc,SensorQuantised.alerts,SensorQuantised.crate,SensorQuantised.BatteryTemperature,SensorQuantised.faultpoll,SensorQuantised.faultir, SensorQuantised.power_mode};
 void ir2master()
-        //char data[35];
+        //char data[21];
         //strcpy(data,"sakthi ");
-        strcpy(hk_data,Sensor.Temperature);                                                 //Sending to CDMS via I2C
-        strcat(hk_data,Sensor.Current); 
-        strcat(hk_data,Sensor.Voltage);
+        strcpy(hk_data,SensorQuantised.Voltage);
+        strcat(hk_data,SensorQuantised.Temperature);                                                 //Sending to CDMS via I2C
+        strcat(hk_data,SensorQuantised.Current); 
+        strcat(hk_data,SensorQuantised.PanelTemperature);
+        strcat(hk_data,SensorQuantised.AngularSpeed);
+        strcat(hk_data,SensorQuantised.Bnewvalue);
-        strcat(hk_data,ffp);
+        strcat(hk_data,fdata);
+        printf("\nhk data : %s\n",hk_data);
         //data = pcslave.getc();
         reset =0;
         i2c_data * i2c_data_s = i2c_data_send.alloc();
-        i2c_data_s->length = 35;
+        i2c_data_s->length = 21;
         //temp = i2c_status;
@@ -439,7 +422,7 @@
-        ptr_t_fault -> signal_set(0x2);
+        //ptr_t_fault -> signal_set(0x2);
         ptr_t_hk_acq -> signal_set(0x2);
@@ -462,30 +445,30 @@
     ptr_t_hk_acq = new Thread(t_hk_acq);
     ptr_t_acs = new Thread(t_acs);
-    ptr_t_acs_write2flash = new Thread(t_acs_write2flash);
+    //ptr_t_acs_write2flash = new Thread(t_acs_write2flash);
     ptr_t_bea = new Thread(t_bea);
-    ptr_t_bea_telecommand = new Thread(t_bea_telecommand);
-    ptr_t_fault = new Thread(T_FAULT);
+    //ptr_t_bea_telecommand = new Thread(t_bea_telecommand);
+    //ptr_t_fault = new Thread(T_FAULT);
     ptr_t_i2c = new Thread(C_T_I2C_BAE);
     //ptr_t_sc = new Thread(t_sc);
-    ptr_t_fault -> set_priority(osPriorityRealtime);
+    //ptr_t_fault -> set_priority(osPriorityRealtime);
-    ptr_t_acs_write2flash->set_priority(osPriorityBelowNormal);
+    //ptr_t_acs_write2flash->set_priority(osPriorityBelowNormal);
-    ptr_t_bea_telecommand->set_priority(osPriorityIdle);
+    //ptr_t_bea_telecommand->set_priority(osPriorityIdle);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    printf("\n T_FAULT priority is %d",ptr_t_fault->get_priority()); 
+    //printf("\n T_FAULT priority is %d",ptr_t_fault->get_priority()); 
     printf("\n T_ACS priority is %d",ptr_t_acs->get_priority());
     printf("\n T_HK_ACQ priority is %d",ptr_t_hk_acq->get_priority());
-    printf("\n T_ACS_WRITE2FLASH priority is %d",ptr_t_acs_write2flash->get_priority());
+    //printf("\n T_ACS_WRITE2FLASH priority is %d",ptr_t_acs_write2flash->get_priority());
     printf("\n T_BEA priority is %d",ptr_t_bea->get_priority());  
     RtosTimer t_sc_timer(t_sc,osTimerPeriodic);
@@ -499,7 +482,7 @@
-         ir2master(); 
+         //ir2master(); 