Obstacle detection and avoidance Robot

Dependencies:   HCSR-04 Servo mbed

Fork of Obstacle_avoidance by ece nith

diff -r a87600bebf7b -r 26d645dc47f8 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sat May 18 04:39:55 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Mar 27 16:25:03 2016 +0000
@@ -1,229 +1,243 @@
-/* Megha Sharma, Rishabh Sehgal, Ragheshwar Singh Ranawat ,E.C.E.D NIT Hamirpur
-In this project LPC 1768 embed board along with NGX Expresso baseboard are successfuly used to make an obstacle avoiding/ 
-self navigating robot which makes use of Ultrasonic Sensor HCSR04 for obstacle detection and Ranging. The maximum range of 
-Ultrasonic sensor is about 3-4 meters. A program called "ping" sends a serial trigger pulse of 10 nS to the Trigger pin of
-HCSR04 and on receiving the trigger HCSR04 beams out an 8 cycle Sonic burst. Then Echo pulse is received by the Ultrasonic sensor 
-upto 25ms. On receiving the Echo pulse distance is calculated. The HCSR04 is mounted Axially on a servo motor. Initially the HCSR04
-is kept in a straight direction. Motors make bot move in forward direction and continuosly calculating the distance of the 
-nearest obstacle in the forward direction. After seeing a distance at less than a "Constraint Value" (i.e. 10 cm here), 
-the robot goes in a scan mode. It first moves the Servo Motor to the Right, waits for 2 seconds and stores the value of 
-Distance in right direction in "rightscanval" variable.Then it comes back to centre position. Now it moves towards the 
-Left direction, waits for 2 seconds and stores the value of Distance in "leftscanval" variable. Then it comes back to the 
-centre position. Now it does the comparison of the two variables to determine in which direction it should move. It 
-successfully turns towards the direction with the farthest distance of obstacle. 
-Again the Servo motor is in forward direction keeping the sensor straight and the Robot also moves towards Forward direction all
-the while calculating the distance of obstacle in forward direction. The loop continues.....
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "hcsr04.h"
-#include "motordriver.h"
-#include "TextLCD.h"
 #include "Servo.h"
-int ping ();
-void scan();
-void right (void);  
-void stop (void );
-void straight (void);
-void left (void);
-Motor A(p22, p6, p5, 1); // pwm, fwd, rev, can brake 
-Motor B(p21, p7, p8, 1);
-HCSR04  usensor(p13,p14);
-TextLCD lcd(p24, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30); // rs, e, d4-d7
-PwmOut servo(p23); // Servo pin 21
+#define HIGH 1
+#define LOW 0
+void forward();
+void backward();
+void right();
+void left();
+void stop();
+void loop();
+int distance;                 //Variable to store distance from an object
+int checkRight;
+int checkLeft;
+int function=1;               //Variable to store function of robot: '1' running or '0' stoped. By 
+int pos=90; 
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
+PwmOut servo(D6);    
+HCSR04  usensor(A4,A5);
+int main()
+ while(1)
+ {  
+void forward(){
+    pc.printf("fwd");
+    DigitalOut(D13,0);
+    DigitalOut(D12, 1);
+    DigitalOut(D9, 1);
+    DigitalOut(D8, 0); 
+void backward(){
+    DigitalOut(D13,1);
+    DigitalOut(D12, 0);
+    DigitalOut(D9, 0);
+    DigitalOut(D8, 1); 
+void right()
+    DigitalOut(D13,0);
+    DigitalOut(D12, 1);
+    DigitalOut(D9, 0);
+    DigitalOut(D8, 1); 
+    }
+    void left()
+    DigitalOut(D13,1);
+    DigitalOut(D12, 0);
+    DigitalOut(D9, 1);
+    DigitalOut(D8, 0); 
+    }
-unsigned int dist;
-DigitalOut myled(LED1);
-DigitalOut myled1(LED2);
-DigitalOut myled2(LED3);
-int count = 0;
-int main ()
-    {
-         while (1)                // continuos loop to perform the scanning function of HCSR04 .. 
-                                  //a trigger pulse of Ultrasonic waves having duration 10 nS is sent through the echo pin
-            {
+  void stop()
-                servo.period(0.020); 
-                int distance = ping();   // ping function
-                straight();        // use the ping() function to see if anything is ahead.
-                  if (distance < 10) // the condition for stopping the Obstacle Avoider... 
-                                    // ...whenever the defined proximity to obstacle is reached.
-                    {   
-                        stop();
-                        scan();
-                        /*switch (a) // switch case for initial testing of the Obstacle detection by sensor and 
-                                     // Corresponding L.E.D. of the best direction will glow. 
+    DigitalOut(D13,0);
+    DigitalOut(D12, 0);
+    DigitalOut(D9, 0);
+    DigitalOut(D8, 0); 
+    }
+    void loop()
+    {
+           servo.period(0.020);
+            usensor.start();
+        wait_ms(500); 
+        distance = usensor.get_dist_cm(); //Tip: Use 'CM' for centimeters or 'INC' for inches
+        pc.printf("Dist: %d ",distance);
+        //Check for objects...
+        if (distance > 10){
+            pc.printf(" No Object \n");
+            forward(); //All clear, move forward!
+            //noTone(buzzer);
+           // digitalOut LED(0);
+        }
+        else if (distance <=10){
+            pc.printf("Halt - Object on the Way \n");
+            stop();
+               for(float offset=0.0016; offset<=0.0027; offset+=0.0001) // turning RIGHT
-                             {
-                               case 'r':
-                                 myled=1;
-                                 break;
-                               case 'l':
-                                 myled1=1;
-                                 break;
-                               case 'f':
-                                myled2=1; 
-                                  break;
-                                  }*/
+      pc.printf("Turning Right"); 
+servo.pulsewidth(offset); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between
+wait (2); // stopping at RIGHTMOST position for 2 seconds
+        usensor.start();
+        wait_ms(500); 
+            checkRight = usensor.get_dist_cm();      //Take distance from the left side
+            pc.printf("DistL: %d ",checkLeft); 
+            for (float offset=0.0027; offset>=0.0016;) // turning back to theCENTER position
+ pc.printf("Turning Center"); 
+servo.pulsewidth(offset); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between
+for (float offset=0.0016; offset>=0.0009; offset=offset-0.0001) // Turning towards LEFT
+ pc.printf("Turning Left"); 
+servo.pulsewidth(offset); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between
+wait(2); // stopping at LEFTMOST position for 2
+        usensor.start();
+        wait_ms(500); 
+            checkLeft= usensor.get_dist_cm();
+            pc.printf("DistR: %d ",checkRight); 
+for(float offset=0.0009; offset<=0.0016; offset=offset+0.0001)
+    pc.printf("Turning Center"); 
+servo.pulsewidth(offset); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between
+            //Finally, take the right decision, turn left or right?
+            if (checkLeft < checkRight){
+                left();
+                wait_ms(400);
+                 // wait_ms, change value if necessary to make robot turn.            
+              forward();
+                }
+            else if (checkLeft > checkRight){
+                right();
+                wait_ms(400);
+                forward();
+                 // wait_ms, change value if necessary to make robot turn.
+            }
+            else if (checkLeft <=10 && checkRight <=10){
+                backward(); //The road is closed... go back and then left ;)
+                left();
+                forward();
+            }
+        }
-                     }
-            }      
-    }
-               // A functon to perform the continuos pinging function of HCSR04 .. 
-               //a trigger pulse of Ultrasonic waves having duration 10 nS is sent through the echo pin  
-        int ping()                  // ultrasonic sensor is started and data collected is displayed on the LCD
-                                    // ping function returns an int value of distance scanned
-                    {
-                        usensor.start();
-                        wait_ms(200); 
-                        dist=usensor.get_dist_cm();
-                        lcd.cls();
-                        lcd.locate(0,0);
-                        if (dist <50)
-                        lcd.printf("cm:%ld",dist );
-                        else
-                        lcd.printf("no object");
-                        return (dist);
-                     }
-         void scan () 
-            {
-                int leftscanval, rightscanval;       // variables for storing distance scan values...
-                                                     //... of nearest obstacle in the left and right direction
-          // Scanning RIGHT side; turning the servo attached to HCSR04 right to check for obstacle distance
-                        // 0.0016 corresponds to the neutral position of servo motor 
-                        // 0.0027 corresponds to the rightmost position of the servo motor 
-                        // 0.0009 corresponds to the leftmost position of the servomotor
-                    for(float offset=0.0016; offset<=0.0027; offset+=0.0001)      // turning RIGHT
-                        {
-                            servo.pulsewidth(offset); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between 1-2ms
-                            wait(0.10);
-                        }
-                            wait (2);                 // stopping at RIGHTMOST position for 2 seconds
-                            rightscanval = ping();    // putting the distance of right direction's obstacle in ''rightscanval variable'' 
-                    for(float offset=0.0027; offset>=0.0016; offset+=-0.0001)     // turning back to the CENTER position
-                        {
-                            servo.pulsewidth(offset); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between 1-2ms
-                            wait(0.10);
-                        }
-                            wait(2);                  // stopping at CENTERMOST position for 2 seconds
-          // Scanning LEFT side; turning the servo attached to HCSR04 right to check for obstacle distance
-                    for(float offset=0.0016; offset>=0.0009; offset-=0.0001)    // Turning towards LEFT
-                        {
-                            servo.pulsewidth(offset); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between 1-2ms
-                            wait(0.10);
-                        }
-                            wait(2);                   // stopping at LEFTMOST position for 2 seconds                       
-                            leftscanval = ping();      // putting the distance of right direction's obstacle in ''leftscanval variable''
-                    for(float offset=0.0009; offset<=0.0016; offset+=0.0001) 
-                        {
-                            servo.pulsewidth(offset); // servo position determined by a pulsewidth between 1-2ms
-                            wait(0.10);
-                        }
-                  /*center scan servo (for changing the default position of Servo to the Centre Position ) This method didnt work 
-                    though. There is a library of Servo 
-                    */
-                  //servo.pulsewidth(0.00017);
- /* Comparisons to choose the most appropiate direction for the turning of Robot. Based on the distances stored in variables "leftscanvalue" and "rightscanvalue"  */
-             if (leftscanval>rightscanval )
-                    {
-                        left();
-                    }
-             else if (rightscanval>leftscanval )
-                    {
-                       right();
-                    }
-             else
-                    {
-                        left();
-                    }
-                  //return choice;
-                         }
-         void stop ()           // function for stopping the DC motors
-             {
-                A.speed(0); 
-                B.speed(0);
-             }
-         void left()            // function for moving the RIGHT motor in FORWARD direction and LEFT motor in REVERSE direction so... 
-                                // ..that the robot turns to the LEFT
-            {
-                for (float s= -1.0; s < 0.0 ; s += 0.01) 
-                    {
-                        A.speed(-1); 
-                        B.speed(-1); 
-                        wait(0.02);
-                    }                
-            }
-        void right ()           // function for moving the RIGHT motor in REVERSE direction and LEFT motor in FORWARD direction so... 
-                                // ..that the robot turns to the LEFT
-            {
-                for (float s= -1.0; s < 0.0 ; s += 0.01) 
-                    {
-                        A.speed(1); 
-                        B.speed(1); 
-                        wait(0.02);
-                    }                
-            }
-        void straight ()        // function for moving the RIGHT motor in FORWARD direction and LEFT motor in REVERSE direction so... 
-                                // ..that the robot turns to the LEFT
-            {            
-                //for (float s= -1.0; s < -0.7 ; s += 0.01) 
-                {
-                    A.speed(-1); 
-                    B.speed(1); 
-                    wait(0.02);
-                }
-            }
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