CAN library containing a CAN controller object handling a FIFO, and CAN peripherals attached to it.



File content as of revision 2:c81dff9c8a93:


#include "mbed.h"
#include "PeripheralCAN.h"
#include <vector>

#define SIZE_FIFO 32

class PeripheralCAN;

/** My CAN Controller class
 * Used to manage reading and writing procedures on a CAN Bus
 * Examples :
 * @code
 * class Motor : public PeripheralCAN{ // Your own Peripheral class (here a motor)
 *      public :
 *      Motor(ControllerCAN* controller, unsigned short Id1, unsigned short Id2) : PeripheralCAN(controller), Id1_m(Id1), Id2_m(Id2){
 *          // Your stuffs
 *      };
 *      void init(void){
 *          addIdRead(&Id1); // To be done for each incomming Id
 *          addIdRead(&Id2); // To be done for each incomming Id
 *          // Your stuffs
 *      };
 *      void update(const unsigned short& Id, const CANMessage& msg){
 *          if(Id == Id1){
 *               // update your own attributes with msg content
 *          }
 *          else if(Id == Id2){
 *               // update your own attributes with msg content
 *          }
 *      };
 *      private :
 *          unsigned short Id1_m;
 *          unsigned short Id2_m;
 * };
 * int main(){
 *      ControllerCAN controller;
 *      Motor peripherial(&controller, 0x100, 0x101);
 *      while(1){
 *          controller.FIFOread(); // Treatement of the FIFO CAN messages
 *          // Your stuffs
 *      } 
 * }
 * @endcode
class ControllerCAN {
    public :
    /** Create ControllerCAN instance
    /** Destroy ControllerCAN instance
    /** Write a CANMessage on CAN Bus
     * @param Id Id message
     * @param data char array containing data to be send
     * @param len size of the data array 
     * @returns
     *   1 if write was successful,
     *   0 if write failed
    long writeData(long Id, const char *data, char len);
    /** Write a remote CANMessage on CAN Bus
     * @param Id Id message
     * @returns
     *   1 if write was successful,
     *   0 if write failed
    long writeRemote(long Id);
    /** Attach a PeripheralCAN instance to a ControllerCAN
     * @param peripheral Pointer on a PeripheralCAN instance
    void attach(PeripheralCAN* peripheral);
    /** Read one message on the CAN FIFO
     * @returns
     *  -1 if no match is found between the message Id and all Ids of 
     *     the PeripheralCAN instances attached to the ControllerCAN,
     *  1 if a match is found
    char FIFOread(void);
    //void FIFO_remove_msg(void);
    private :
    CAN can;
    vector<PeripheralCAN*> peripherals;
    unsigned char FIFO_ecriture;
    signed char FIFO_lecture;
    signed char FIFO_occupation;
    signed char FIFO_max_occupation;
    CANMessage can_MsgRx[SIZE_FIFO];
    /** Interrupt Service Routine called whenever a CAN frame received interrupt
     *  is generated.
    void can_ISR_Reader(void);
    //static void CAN_automate_reception(void);
