LPC1768 Mini-DK EasyWeb application with SPI TFT output. Started from EasyWebCR and modified for DM9161 PHY support.

Dependencies:   Mini-DK mbed

This is a very basic EasyWeb application.

No error checking is performed during initialisation.


If the webpage is not reachable or the 'Webserver running' message does not appear, press the reset button on the Mini-DK and wait until the message 'Webserver running' appears.
This happens sometimes when powering up the Mini-DK because the DM9161 reset pin is NOT controlled by the LPC1768, it is directly connected to the reset button.

IP adress/mask/gateway in tcpip.h : / /

MAC address in ethmac.h : 6-5-4-3-2-1

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tcpip.cpp	Fri Jan 04 16:44:27 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+ *****                                                        *****
+ *****  Name: tcpip.c                                         *****
+ *****  Ver.: 1.0                                             *****
+ *****  Date: 17/12/2012                                      *****
+ *****  Func: implements the TCP/IP-stack and provides a      *****
+ *****        simple API to the user                          *****
+ *****        Rewrite from Andreas Dannenberg                 *****
+ *****                     HTWK Leipzig                       *****
+ *****                     university of applied sciences     *****
+ *****                     Germany                            *****
+ *****                     adannenb@et.htwk-leipzig.de        *****
+ *****                                                        *****
+ ******************************************************************/
+#include "tcpip.h"
+#include "ethmac.h" 
+#include "string.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+unsigned short MyIP[] =                    // "MYIP1.MYIP2.MYIP3.MYIP4"
+  MYIP_1 + (MYIP_2 << 8),
+  MYIP_3 + (MYIP_4 << 8)
+unsigned short SubnetMask[] =              // "SUBMASK1.SUBMASK2.SUBMASK3.SUBMASK4"
+  SUBMASK_1 + (SUBMASK_2 << 8),
+  SUBMASK_3 + (SUBMASK_4 << 8)
+unsigned short GatewayIP[] =               // "GWIP1.GWIP2.GWIP3.GWIP4"
+  GWIP_1 + (GWIP_2 << 8),
+  GWIP_3 + (GWIP_4 << 8)
+// easyWEB's internal variables
+TTCPStateMachine TCPStateMachine;         // perhaps the most important var at all ;-)
+TLastFrameSent LastFrameSent;             // retransmission type
+unsigned short ISNGenHigh;                // upper word of our Initial Sequence Number
+unsigned long TCPSeqNr;                   // next sequence number to send
+unsigned long TCPUNASeqNr;                // last unaknowledged sequence number
+                                                 // incremented AFTER sending data
+unsigned long TCPAckNr;                   // next seq to receive and ack to send
+                                                 // incremented AFTER receiving data
+unsigned char TCPTimer;                   // inc'd each 262ms
+unsigned char RetryCounter;               // nr. of retransmissions
+// properties of the just received frame
+unsigned short RecdFrameLength;           // EMAC reported frame length
+unsigned short RecdFrameMAC[3];           // 48 bit MAC
+unsigned short RecdFrameIP[2];            // 32 bit IP
+unsigned short RecdIPFrameLength;         // 16 bit IP packet length
+// the next 3 buffers must be word-aligned!
+// (here the 'RecdIPFrameLength' above does that)
+unsigned short _TxFrame2[(ETH_HEADER_SIZE + MAX_ETH_TX_DATA_SIZE)/2];
+unsigned short _RxTCPBuffer[MAX_TCP_RX_DATA_SIZE/2]; // space for incoming TCP-data
+unsigned short TxFrame1Size;              // bytes to send in TxFrame1
+unsigned char TxFrame2Size;               // bytes to send in TxFrame2
+unsigned char TransmitControl;
+#define SEND_FRAME1                    0x01
+#define SEND_FRAME2                    0x02
+unsigned char TCPFlags;
+#define TCP_ACTIVE_OPEN                0x01      // easyWEB shall initiate a connection
+#define IP_ADDR_RESOLVED               0x02      // IP sucessfully resolved to MAC
+#define TCP_TIMER_RUNNING              0x04
+#define TIMER_TYPE_RETRY               0x08
+#define TCP_CLOSE_REQUESTED            0x10
+// easyWEB-API global vars and flags
+unsigned short TCPRxDataCount;            // nr. of bytes rec'd
+unsigned short TCPTxDataCount;            // nr. of bytes to send
+unsigned short TCPLocalPort;              // TCP ports
+unsigned short TCPRemotePort;
+unsigned short RemoteMAC[3];              // MAC and IP of current TCP-session
+unsigned short RemoteIP[2];
+unsigned char SocketStatus;
+void  Start_SysTick10ms(void);
+unsigned char MyMAC[6] =   // "M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6"
+// easyWEB-API function
+// initalizes the LAN-controller, reset flags, starts timer-ISR
+void TCPLowLevelInit(void)
+  Start_SysTick10ms();    // Start SysTick timer running (10ms ticks)
+  Init_EthMAC();
+  TransmitControl = 0;
+  TCPFlags = 0;
+  TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+  SocketStatus = 0;
+// easyWEB-API function
+// does a passive open (listen on 'MyIP:TCPLocalPort' for an incoming
+// connection)
+void TCPPassiveOpen(void)
+  if (TCPStateMachine == CLOSED)
+  {
+    TCPFlags &= ~TCP_ACTIVE_OPEN;                // let's do a passive open!
+    TCPStateMachine = LISTENING;
+    SocketStatus = SOCK_ACTIVE;                  // reset, socket now active
+  }
+// easyWEB-API function
+// does an active open (tries to establish a connection between
+// 'MyIP:TCPLocalPort' and 'RemoteIP:TCPRemotePort')
+void TCPActiveOpen(void)
+  if ((TCPStateMachine == CLOSED) || (TCPStateMachine == LISTENING))
+  {
+    TCPFlags |= TCP_ACTIVE_OPEN;                 // let's do an active open!
+    TCPFlags &= ~IP_ADDR_RESOLVED;               // we haven't opponents MAC yet
+    PrepareARP_REQUEST();                        // ask for MAC by sending a broadcast
+    LastFrameSent = ARP_REQUEST;
+    TCPStartRetryTimer();
+    SocketStatus = SOCK_ACTIVE;                  // reset, socket now active    
+  }
+// easyWEB-API function
+// closes an open connection
+void TCPClose(void)
+  switch (TCPStateMachine)
+  {
+    case LISTENING :
+    case SYN_SENT :
+    {
+      TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+      TCPFlags = 0;
+      SocketStatus = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    case SYN_RECD :
+    case ESTABLISHED :
+    {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// easyWEB-API function
+// releases the receive-buffer and allows easyWEB to store new data
+// NOTE: rx-buffer MUST be released periodically, else the other TCP
+//       get no ACKs for the data it sent
+void TCPReleaseRxBuffer(void)
+  SocketStatus &= ~SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE;
+// easyWEB-API function
+// transmitts data stored in 'TCP_TX_BUF'
+// NOTE: * number of bytes to transmit must have been written to 'TCPTxDataCount'
+//       * data-count MUST NOT exceed 'MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE'
+void TCPTransmitTxBuffer(void)
+  if ((TCPStateMachine == ESTABLISHED) || (TCPStateMachine == CLOSE_WAIT))
+    if (SocketStatus & SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED)
+    {
+      SocketStatus &= ~SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED;               // occupy tx-buffer
+      TCPUNASeqNr += TCPTxDataCount;                       // advance UNA
+      TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME1;
+      LastFrameSent = TCP_DATA_FRAME;
+      TCPStartRetryTimer();
+    }
+// Reads the length of the received ethernet frame and checks if the 
+// destination address is a broadcast message or not
+unsigned int BroadcastMessage(void)
+  unsigned short FrameDestination[3]; // to hold 48 bit MAC address
+  RecdFrameLength = StartReadingFrame();
+  // Read destination address
+  CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(&FrameDestination,  6);
+  // Save it for reply
+  CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(&RecdFrameMAC, 6);          
+  if ((FrameDestination[0] == 0xFFFF) && 
+      (FrameDestination[1] == 0xFFFF) && 
+      (FrameDestination[2] == 0xFFFF)) { 
+    return(1); // Broadcast message
+  } else {
+    return (0);
+  }
+// easyWEB's 'main()'-function
+// must be called from user program periodically (the often - the better)
+// handles network, TCP/IP-stack and user events
+void DoNetworkStuff(void)
+  // Check to see if packet received
+  if (CheckIfFrameReceived())                     
+  {
+    // Was it a broadcast message?  
+    if (BroadcastMessage()) {
+      ProcessEthBroadcastFrame();
+    } 
+    else {
+      ProcessEthIAFrame(); 
+    }
+    // now release ethernet controller buffer
+    StopReadingFrame();                             
+  }
+    if (TCPFlags & TIMER_TYPE_RETRY)
+    {
+      if (TCPTimer > RETRY_TIMEOUT)
+      {
+        TCPRestartTimer();                       // set a new timeout
+        if (RetryCounter)
+        {
+          TCPHandleRetransmission();             // resend last frame
+          RetryCounter--;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          TCPStopTimer();
+          TCPHandleTimeout();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else if (TCPTimer > FIN_TIMEOUT)
+    {
+      TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+      TCPFlags = 0;                              // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+      SocketStatus &= SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE;       // clear all flags but data available
+    }
+  switch (TCPStateMachine)
+  {
+    case CLOSED :
+    case LISTENING :
+    {
+      if (TCPFlags & TCP_ACTIVE_OPEN)            // stack has to open a connection?
+        if (TCPFlags & IP_ADDR_RESOLVED)         // IP resolved?
+          if (!(TransmitControl & SEND_FRAME2))  // buffer free?
+          {
+            TCPSeqNr = ((unsigned long)ISNGenHigh << 16) | (LPC_TIM0->TC & 0xFFFF); // set local ISN
+            TCPUNASeqNr = TCPSeqNr;
+            TCPAckNr = 0;                                       // we don't know what to ACK!
+            TCPUNASeqNr++;                                      // count SYN as a byte
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_SYN);                     // send SYN frame
+            LastFrameSent = TCP_SYN_FRAME;
+            TCPStartRetryTimer();                               // we NEED a retry-timeout
+            TCPStateMachine = SYN_SENT;
+          }
+      break;
+    }
+    case SYN_RECD :
+    case ESTABLISHED :
+    {
+      if (TCPFlags & TCP_CLOSE_REQUESTED)                  // user has user initated a close?
+        if (!(TransmitControl & (SEND_FRAME2 | SEND_FRAME1)))   // buffers free?
+          if (TCPSeqNr == TCPUNASeqNr)                          // all data ACKed?
+          {
+            TCPUNASeqNr++;
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_FIN | TCP_CODE_ACK);
+            LastFrameSent = TCP_FIN_FRAME;
+            TCPStartRetryTimer();
+            TCPStateMachine = FIN_WAIT_1;
+          }
+      break;
+    }
+    case CLOSE_WAIT :
+    {
+      if (!(TransmitControl & (SEND_FRAME2 | SEND_FRAME1)))     // buffers free?
+        if (TCPSeqNr == TCPUNASeqNr)                            // all data ACKed?
+        {
+          TCPUNASeqNr++;                                        // count FIN as a byte
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_FIN | TCP_CODE_ACK);        // we NEED a retry-timeout
+          LastFrameSent = TCP_FIN_FRAME;                        // time to say goodbye...
+          TCPStartRetryTimer();
+          TCPStateMachine = LAST_ACK;
+        }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (TransmitControl & SEND_FRAME2)
+  {
+    RequestSend(TxFrame2Size);
+    if (Rdy4Tx())                                // NOTE: when using a very fast MCU, maybe
+      SendFrame2();                              // the CS8900 isn't ready yet, include
+    else {                                       // a kind of timer or counter here
+      TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+      SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_ETHERNET;          // indicate an error to user
+      TCPFlags = 0;                              // clear all flags, stop timers etc.
+    }
+    TransmitControl &= ~SEND_FRAME2;             // clear tx-flag
+  }
+  if (TransmitControl & SEND_FRAME1)
+  {
+    PrepareTCP_DATA_FRAME();                     // build frame w/ actual SEQ, ACK....
+    RequestSend(TxFrame1Size);
+    if (Rdy4Tx())                                // CS8900 ready to accept our frame?
+      SendFrame1();                              // (see note above)
+    else {
+      TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+      SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_ETHERNET;          // indicate an error to user
+      TCPFlags = 0;                              // clear all flags, stop timers etc.
+    }
+    TransmitControl &= ~SEND_FRAME1;             // clear tx-flag
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// handles an incoming broadcast frame
+void ProcessEthBroadcastFrame(void)
+  unsigned short TargetIP[2];
+  if (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() == FRAME_ARP)            // get frame type, check for ARP
+    if (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() == HARDW_ETH10)        // Ethernet frame
+      if (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() == FRAME_IP)         // check protocol
+        if (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() == IP_HLEN_PLEN)   // check HLEN, PLEN
+          if (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() == OP_ARP_REQUEST)
+          {
+            DummyReadFrame_EthMAC(6);               // ignore sender's hardware address
+            CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(&RecdFrameIP, 4);  // read sender's protocol address
+            DummyReadFrame_EthMAC(6);               // ignore target's hardware address
+            CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(&TargetIP, 4);     // read target's protocol address
+            if (!memcmp(&MyIP, &TargetIP, 4))    // is it for us?
+              PrepareARP_ANSWER();               // yes->create ARP_ANSWER frame
+          }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// handles an incoming frame that passed CS8900's address filter
+// (individual addressed = IA)
+void ProcessEthIAFrame(void)
+  unsigned short TargetIP[2];
+  unsigned char ProtocolType;
+  switch (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC())                     // get frame type
+  {
+    case FRAME_ARP :                             // check for ARP
+    {
+        if (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() == HARDW_ETH10)         // check for the right prot. etc.
+          if (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() == FRAME_IP)
+            if (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() == IP_HLEN_PLEN)
+              if (ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() == OP_ARP_ANSWER)
+              {
+                TCPStopTimer();                       // OK, now we've the MAC we wanted ;-)
+                CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(&RemoteMAC, 6);     // extract opponents MAC
+                TCPFlags |= IP_ADDR_RESOLVED;
+              }
+      break;
+    }
+    case FRAME_IP :                                        // check for IP-type
+    {
+      if ((ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() & 0xFF00 ) == IP_VER_IHL)     // IPv4, IHL=5 (20 Bytes Header)
+      {                                                    // ignore Type Of Service
+        RecdIPFrameLength = ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();             // get IP frame's length
+        ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();                                 // ignore identification
+        if (!(ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() & (IP_FLAG_MOREFRAG | IP_FRAGOFS_MASK)))  // only unfragm. frames
+        {
+          ProtocolType = ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() & 0xFF ;                // get protocol, ignore TTL
+          ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();                               // ignore checksum
+          CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(&RecdFrameIP, 4);              // get source IP
+          CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(&TargetIP, 4);                 // get destination IP
+          if (!memcmp(&MyIP, &TargetIP, 4))                // is it for us?
+            switch (ProtocolType) {
+              case PROT_ICMP : { ProcessICMPFrame(); break; }
+              case PROT_TCP  : { ProcessTCPFrame(); break; }
+              case PROT_UDP  : break;                      // not implemented!
+            }
+        }      
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// we've just rec'd an ICMP-frame (Internet Control Message Protocol)
+// check what to do and branch to the appropriate sub-function
+void ProcessICMPFrame(void)
+  unsigned short ICMPTypeAndCode;
+  ICMPTypeAndCode = ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();           // get Message Type and Code
+  ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();                             // ignore ICMP checksum
+  switch (ICMPTypeAndCode >> 8) {                // check type
+    case ICMP_ECHO :                             // is echo request?
+    {
+      PrepareICMP_ECHO_REPLY();                  // echo as much as we can...
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// we've just rec'd an TCP-frame (Transmission Control Protocol)
+// this function mainly implements the TCP state machine according to RFC793
+void ProcessTCPFrame(void)
+  unsigned short TCPSegSourcePort;                 // segment's source port
+  unsigned short TCPSegDestPort;                   // segment's destination port
+  unsigned long TCPSegSeq;                       // segment's sequence number
+  unsigned long TCPSegAck;                       // segment's acknowledge number
+  unsigned short TCPCode;                          // TCP code and header length
+  unsigned char TCPHeaderSize;                   // real TCP header length
+  unsigned short NrOfDataBytes;                    // real number of data
+  TCPSegSourcePort = ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();                    // get ports
+  TCPSegDestPort = ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();
+  if (TCPSegDestPort != TCPLocalPort) return;              // drop segment if port doesn't match
+  TCPSegSeq = (unsigned long)ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() << 16;      // get segment sequence nr.
+  TCPSegSeq |= ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();
+  TCPSegAck = (unsigned long)ReadFrameBE_EthMAC() << 16;      // get segment acknowledge nr.
+  TCPSegAck |= ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();
+  TCPCode = ReadFrameBE_EthMAC();                             // get control bits, header length...
+  TCPHeaderSize = (TCPCode & DATA_OFS_MASK) >> 10;         // header length in bytes
+  NrOfDataBytes = RecdIPFrameLength - IP_HEADER_SIZE - TCPHeaderSize;     // seg. text length
+  if (NrOfDataBytes > MAX_TCP_RX_DATA_SIZE) return;        // packet too large for us :...-(
+  if (TCPHeaderSize > TCP_HEADER_SIZE)                     // ignore options if any
+    DummyReadFrame_EthMAC(TCPHeaderSize - TCP_HEADER_SIZE);
+  switch (TCPStateMachine)                                 // implement the TCP state machine
+  {
+    case CLOSED :
+    {
+      if (!(TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST))
+      {
+        TCPRemotePort = TCPSegSourcePort;
+        memcpy(&RemoteMAC, &RecdFrameMAC, 6);              // save opponents MAC and IP
+        memcpy(&RemoteIP, &RecdFrameIP, 4);                // for later use
+        if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)                        // make the reset sequence
+        {                                                  // acceptable to the other
+          TCPSeqNr = TCPSegAck;                            // TCP
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_RST);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          TCPSeqNr = 0;
+          TCPAckNr = TCPSegSeq + NrOfDataBytes;
+          if (TCPCode & (TCP_CODE_SYN | TCP_CODE_FIN)) TCPAckNr++;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }  
+    case LISTENING :
+    {
+      if (!(TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST))                       // ignore segment containing RST
+      {
+        TCPRemotePort = TCPSegSourcePort;
+        memcpy(&RemoteMAC, &RecdFrameMAC, 6);              // save opponents MAC and IP
+        memcpy(&RemoteIP, &RecdFrameIP, 4);                // for later use
+        if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)                        // reset a bad
+        {                                                  // acknowledgement
+          TCPSeqNr = TCPSegAck;
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_RST);
+        }
+        else if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)
+        {
+          TCPAckNr = TCPSegSeq + 1;                           // get remote ISN, next byte we expect
+          TCPSeqNr = ((unsigned long)ISNGenHigh << 16) | (LPC_TIM0->TC & 0xFFFF); // set local ISN
+          TCPUNASeqNr = TCPSeqNr + 1;                         // one byte out -> increase by one
+          LastFrameSent = TCP_SYN_ACK_FRAME;
+          TCPStartRetryTimer();
+          TCPStateMachine = SYN_RECD;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case SYN_SENT :
+    {
+      if (memcmp(&RemoteIP, &RecdFrameIP, 4)) break;  // drop segment if its IP doesn't belong
+                                                      // to current session
+      if (TCPSegSourcePort != TCPRemotePort) break;   // drop segment if port doesn't match
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)                // ACK field significant?
+        if (TCPSegAck != TCPUNASeqNr)            // is our ISN ACKed?
+        {
+          if (!(TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST))
+          {
+            TCPSeqNr = TCPSegAck;
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_RST);
+          }
+          break;                                 // drop segment
+        }
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST)                // RST??
+      {
+        if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)              // if ACK was acceptable, reset
+        {                                        // connection
+          TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+          TCPFlags = 0;                          // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+          SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_CONN_RESET;
+        }
+        break;                                   // drop segment
+      }
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)                // SYN??
+      {
+        TCPAckNr = TCPSegSeq;                    // get opponents ISN
+        TCPAckNr++;                              // inc. by one...
+        if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)
+        {
+          TCPStopTimer();                        // stop retransmission, other TCP got our SYN
+          TCPSeqNr = TCPUNASeqNr;                // advance our sequence number
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_ACK);        // ACK this ISN
+          TCPStateMachine = ESTABLISHED;
+          SocketStatus |= SOCK_CONNECTED;
+          SocketStatus |= SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED;  // user may send data now :-)
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          TCPStopTimer();
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_SYN | TCP_CODE_ACK);   // our SYN isn't ACKed yet,
+          LastFrameSent = TCP_SYN_ACK_FRAME;               // now continue with sending
+          TCPStartRetryTimer();                            // SYN_ACK frames
+          TCPStateMachine = SYN_RECD;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default :
+    {
+      if (memcmp(&RemoteIP, &RecdFrameIP, 4)) break;  // drop segment if IP doesn't belong
+                                                      // to current session
+      if (TCPSegSourcePort != TCPRemotePort) break;   // drop segment if port doesn't match
+      if (TCPSegSeq != TCPAckNr) break;               // drop if it's not the segment we expect
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST)                // RST??
+      {
+        TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;                // close the state machine
+        TCPFlags = 0;                            // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+        SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_CONN_RESET;      // indicate an error to user
+        break;
+      }
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)                // SYN??
+      {
+        PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_RST);          // is NOT allowed here! send a reset,
+        TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;                // close connection...
+        TCPFlags = 0;                            // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+        SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_REMOTE;          // fatal error!
+        break;                                   // ...and drop the frame
+      }
+      if (!(TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)) break;      // drop segment if the ACK bit is off
+      if (TCPSegAck == TCPUNASeqNr)              // is our last data sent ACKed?
+      {
+        TCPStopTimer();                          // stop retransmission
+        TCPSeqNr = TCPUNASeqNr;                  // advance our sequence number
+        switch (TCPStateMachine)                 // change state if necessary
+        {
+          case SYN_RECD :                        // ACK of our SYN?
+          {
+            TCPStateMachine = ESTABLISHED;       // user may send data now :-)
+            SocketStatus |= SOCK_CONNECTED;
+            break;
+          }
+          case FIN_WAIT_1 : { TCPStateMachine = FIN_WAIT_2; break; } // ACK of our FIN?
+          case CLOSING :    { TCPStateMachine = TIME_WAIT; break; }  // ACK of our FIN?
+          case LAST_ACK :                                            // ACK of our FIN?
+          {
+            TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+            TCPFlags = 0;                        // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+            SocketStatus &= SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE; // clear all flags but data available
+            break;
+          }
+          case TIME_WAIT :
+          {
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_ACK);      // ACK a retransmission of remote FIN
+            TCPRestartTimer();                   // restart TIME_WAIT timeout
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (TCPStateMachine == ESTABLISHED)      // if true, give the frame buffer back
+          SocketStatus |= SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED;  // to user
+      }
+      if ((TCPStateMachine == ESTABLISHED) || (TCPStateMachine == FIN_WAIT_1) || (TCPStateMachine == FIN_WAIT_2))
+        if (NrOfDataBytes)                                 // data available?
+          if (!(SocketStatus & SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE))       // rx data-buffer empty?
+          {
+            DummyReadFrame_EthMAC(6);                         // ignore window, checksum, urgent pointer
+            CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(RxTCPBuffer, NrOfDataBytes);// fetch data and
+            TCPRxDataCount = NrOfDataBytes;                // ...tell the user...
+            SocketStatus |= SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE;           // indicate the new data to user
+            TCPAckNr += NrOfDataBytes;
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_ACK);                // ACK rec'd data
+          }
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_FIN)                // FIN??
+      {
+        switch (TCPStateMachine)
+        {
+          case SYN_RECD :
+          case ESTABLISHED :
+          {
+            TCPStateMachine = CLOSE_WAIT;
+            break;
+          }
+          case FIN_WAIT_1 :
+          {                                      // if our FIN was ACKed, we automatically
+            TCPStateMachine = CLOSING;           // enter FIN_WAIT_2 (look above) and therefore
+            SocketStatus &= ~SOCK_CONNECTED;     // TIME_WAIT
+            break;
+          }
+          case FIN_WAIT_2 :
+          {
+            TCPStartTimeWaitTimer();
+            TCPStateMachine = TIME_WAIT;
+            SocketStatus &= ~SOCK_CONNECTED;            
+            break;
+          }
+          case TIME_WAIT :
+          {
+            TCPRestartTimer();
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        TCPAckNr++;                              // ACK remote's FIN flag
+        PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_ACK);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame2-buffer to send an ARP-request
+void PrepareARP_REQUEST(void)
+  // Ethernet
+  memset(&TxFrame2[ETH_DA_OFS], (char)0xFF, 6);                  // we don't know opposites MAC!
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_ARP);
+  // ARP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_HARDW_OFS] = SWAPB(HARDW_ETH10);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_HLEN_PLEN_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_HLEN_PLEN);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_OPCODE_OFS] = SWAPB(OP_ARP_REQUEST);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_SENDER_HA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_SENDER_IP_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memset(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_HA_OFS], 0x00, 6);           // we don't know opposites MAC!
+  if (((RemoteIP[0] ^ MyIP[0]) & SubnetMask[0]) || ((RemoteIP[1] ^ MyIP[1]) & SubnetMask[1]))
+    memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_IP_OFS], &GatewayIP, 4);   // IP not in subnet, use gateway
+  else
+    memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_IP_OFS], &RemoteIP, 4);    // other IP is next to us...
+  TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME2;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame2-buffer to send an ARP-answer (reply)
+void PrepareARP_ANSWER(void)
+  // Ethernet
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_DA_OFS], &RecdFrameMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_ARP);
+  // ARP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_HARDW_OFS] = SWAPB(HARDW_ETH10);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_HLEN_PLEN_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_HLEN_PLEN);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_OPCODE_OFS] = SWAPB(OP_ARP_ANSWER);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_SENDER_HA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_SENDER_IP_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_HA_OFS], &RecdFrameMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_IP_OFS], &RecdFrameIP, 4);
+  TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME2;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame2-buffer to send an ICMP-echo-reply
+void PrepareICMP_ECHO_REPLY(void)
+  unsigned short ICMPDataCount;
+  if (RecdIPFrameLength > MAX_ETH_TX_DATA_SIZE)                      // don't overload TX-buffer
+  else
+    ICMPDataCount = RecdIPFrameLength - IP_HEADER_SIZE - ICMP_HEADER_SIZE;
+  // Ethernet
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_DA_OFS], &RecdFrameMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  // IP 
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_VER_IHL);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_IDENT_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_FLAGS_FRAG_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_TTL_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB((DEFAULT_TTL << 8) | PROT_ICMP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[IP_SOURCE_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[IP_DESTINATION_OFS], &RecdFrameIP, 4);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS], IP_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
+  // ICMP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ICMP_TYPE_CODE_OFS] = SWAPB(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY << 8);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ICMP_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;                   // initialize checksum field
+  CopyFromFrame_EthMAC(&TxFrame2[ICMP_DATA_OFS], ICMPDataCount);        // get data to echo...
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ICMP_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[IP_DATA_OFS], ICMPDataCount + ICMP_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
+  TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME2;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame2-buffer to send a general TCP frame
+// the TCPCode-field is passed as an argument
+void PrepareTCP_FRAME(unsigned short TCPCode)
+  // Ethernet
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_DA_OFS], &RemoteMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  // IP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_VER_IHL | IP_TOS_D);
+  if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)                    // if SYN, we want to use the MSS option
+  else
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_TOTAL_LENGTH_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_HEADER_SIZE + TCP_HEADER_SIZE);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_IDENT_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_FLAGS_FRAG_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_TTL_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB((DEFAULT_TTL << 8) | PROT_TCP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[IP_SOURCE_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[IP_DESTINATION_OFS], &RemoteIP, 4);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS], IP_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
+  // TCP
+  WriteWBE(&TxFrame2[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCPLocalPort);
+  WriteWBE(&TxFrame2[TCP_DESTPORT_OFS], TCPRemotePort);
+  WriteDWBE(&TxFrame2[TCP_SEQNR_OFS], TCPSeqNr);
+  WriteDWBE(&TxFrame2[TCP_ACKNR_OFS], TCPAckNr);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_WINDOW_OFS] = SWAPB(MAX_TCP_RX_DATA_SIZE);    // data bytes to accept
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;             // initalize checksum
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_URGENT_OFS] = 0;
+  if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)                    // if SYN, we want to use the MSS option
+  {
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_DATA_CODE_OFS] = SWAPB(0x6000 | TCPCode);   // TCP header length = 24
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_DATA_OFS] = SWAPB(TCP_OPT_MSS);             // MSS option
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_DATA_OFS + 2] = SWAPB(MAX_TCP_RX_DATA_SIZE);// max. length of TCP-data we accept
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCP_HEADER_SIZE + TCP_OPT_MSS_SIZE, 1);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_DATA_CODE_OFS] = SWAPB(0x5000 | TCPCode);   // TCP header length = 20
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCP_HEADER_SIZE, 1);
+  }  
+  TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME2;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame1-buffer to send a payload-packet
+void PrepareTCP_DATA_FRAME(void)
+  // Ethernet
+  memcpy(&TxFrame1[ETH_DA_OFS], &RemoteMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame1[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  // IP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_VER_IHL | IP_TOS_D);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_IDENT_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_FLAGS_FRAG_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_TTL_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB((DEFAULT_TTL << 8) | PROT_TCP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0; 
+  memcpy(&TxFrame1[IP_SOURCE_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame1[IP_DESTINATION_OFS], &RemoteIP, 4);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame1[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS], IP_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
+  // TCP
+  WriteWBE(&TxFrame1[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCPLocalPort);
+  WriteWBE(&TxFrame1[TCP_DESTPORT_OFS], TCPRemotePort);
+  WriteDWBE(&TxFrame1[TCP_SEQNR_OFS], TCPSeqNr);
+  WriteDWBE(&TxFrame1[TCP_ACKNR_OFS], TCPAckNr);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_DATA_CODE_OFS] = SWAPB(0x5000 | TCP_CODE_ACK);   // TCP header length = 20
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_WINDOW_OFS] = SWAPB(MAX_TCP_RX_DATA_SIZE);       // data bytes to accept
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0; 
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_URGENT_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame1[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCP_HEADER_SIZE + TCPTxDataCount, 1);
+// easyWEB internal function
+// calculates the TCP/IP checksum. if 'IsTCP != 0', the TCP pseudo-header
+// will be included.
+unsigned short CalcChecksum(void *Start, unsigned short Count, unsigned char IsTCP)
+// Code Red - added pStart
+    unsigned short *pStart;
+    unsigned long Sum = 0;
+  if (IsTCP) {                                   // if we've a TCP frame...
+    Sum += MyIP[0];                              // ...include TCP pseudo-header
+    Sum += MyIP[1];
+    Sum += RemoteIP[0];
+    Sum += RemoteIP[1];
+    Sum += SwapBytes(Count);                     // TCP header length plus data length
+    Sum += SWAPB(PROT_TCP);
+  }
+  pStart = (unsigned short *)Start;
+  while (Count > 1) {                            // sum words
+    Sum += *pStart++;
+    Count -= 2;
+  }
+  if (Count)                                     // add left-over byte, if any
+    Sum += *(unsigned char *)pStart;
+  while (Sum >> 16)                              // fold 32-bit sum to 16 bits
+    Sum = (Sum & 0xFFFF) + (Sum >> 16);
+  return ~Sum;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// starts the timer as a retry-timer (used for retransmission-timeout)
+void TCPStartRetryTimer(void)
+  TCPTimer = 0;
+  RetryCounter = MAX_RETRYS;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// starts the timer as a 'TIME_WAIT'-timer (used to finish a TCP-session)
+void TCPStartTimeWaitTimer(void)
+  TCPTimer = 0;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// restarts the timer
+void TCPRestartTimer(void)
+  TCPTimer = 0;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// stopps the timer
+void TCPStopTimer(void)
+// easyWEB internal function
+// if a retransmission-timeout occured, check which packet
+// to resend.
+void TCPHandleRetransmission(void)
+  switch (LastFrameSent)
+  {
+    case ARP_REQUEST :       { PrepareARP_REQUEST(); break; }
+    case TCP_SYN_FRAME :     { PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_SYN); break; }
+    case TCP_SYN_ACK_FRAME : { PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_SYN | TCP_CODE_ACK); break; }
+    case TCP_FIN_FRAME :     { PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_FIN | TCP_CODE_ACK); break; }
+    case TCP_DATA_FRAME :    { TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME1; break; }
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// if all retransmissions failed, close connection and indicate an error
+void TCPHandleTimeout(void)
+  TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+    SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_ARP_TIMEOUT;         // indicate an error to user
+  else
+    SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_TCP_TIMEOUT;
+  TCPFlags = 0;                                  // clear all flags
+// easyWEB internal function
+// function executed every 0.210s by the MCU. used for the
+// inital sequence number generator (ISN) and the TCP-timer
+void TCPClockHandler(void)
+    ISNGenHigh++;                                // upper 16 bits of initial sequence number
+    TCPTimer++;                                  // timer for retransmissions
+// easyWEB internal function
+// transfers the contents of 'TxFrame1'-Buffer to the CS8900A
+void SendFrame1(void)
+  CopyToFrame_EthMAC(TxFrame1, TxFrame1Size);
+// easyWEB internal function
+// transfers the contents of 'TxFrame2'-Buffer to the CS8900A
+void SendFrame2(void)
+  CopyToFrame_EthMAC(TxFrame2, TxFrame2Size);
+// easyWEB internal function
+// help function to write a WORD in big-endian byte-order
+// to MCU-memory
+void WriteWBE(unsigned char *Add, unsigned short Data)
+  *Add++ = Data >> 8;
+  *Add = (char)Data;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// help function to write a DWORD in big-endian byte-order
+// to MCU-memory
+void WriteDWBE(unsigned char *Add, unsigned long Data)
+  *Add++ = Data >> 24;
+  *Add++ = Data >> 16;
+  *Add++ = Data >> 8;
+  *Add = Data;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// help function to swap the byte order of a WORD
+unsigned short SwapBytes(unsigned short Data)
+  return (Data >> 8) | (Data << 8);