Demo apps : receive a string from a client and respond with a different string, TCP/IP client

Dependencies:   CC3000_Hostdriver mbed

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Demo application for testing the wireless CC3000 module on the Wi-Go board.


This application will only work when TI's Service Pack 1.11 is installed on the CC3000.
Run the PatchProgrammer before proceeding.



It is recommended to run initial tests WITHOUT security settings.

  • Setup a wireless router with a non-secured wireless connection using the wireless settings stored in doTCPIP.h.
  • Alternatively, these settings can be altered to match the wireless router settings (SSID, security and non-DHCP parameters).
#define SSID           "iot"
#define AP_SECURITY    NONE    // no security but will connect quicker!  
#define STATIC_IP_OCT1 192
#define STATIC_IP_OCT2 168
#define STATIC_IP_OCT3 0
#define STATIC_IP_OCT4 10

#define STATIC_GW_OCT4 1       // Static Gateway address  = STATIC_IP_OCT1.STATIC_IP_OCT2.STATIC_IP_OCT3.STATIC_GW_OCT4

  • Download Python 2.7 from
    Install it on a computer able to make a wireless connection to the router we previously set up.
  • Make a wireless connection between your computer and the router.
  • Download this Python script to the Python2.7 folder (credit : Jim Carver from Avnet).
  • Import the CC3000_Simple_Socket code into your compiler and save it to the Wi-Go board.

Running the application for the first time

  • Open a terminal program (eg: TeraTerm) and connect to the Wi-Go module (serial speed : 115200 baud).
  • Press the reset button on the Wi-Go module.
  • Following startup screen will appear (the dots in the MAC address will show your CC3000's real MAC address):
CC3000 Python demo.

Wi-Go MAC address ..:..:..:..:..:..

FTC        0
PP_version 3.2
DRV_VER    7.13.19
FW_VER     7.12.14

<0> Normal run. SmartConfig will
    start if no valid connection exists.
<1> Connect using fixed SSID : iot
<2> SmartConfig.

  • For the initial test, select option <1> (Connect using fixed SSID : ...).
  • If all goes well, the following screen is shown (the IP address and mDNS status can be different):
Starting TCP/IP Server
RunSmartConfig= 0
Attempting SSID Connection
mDNS Status= 31be

*** Wi-Go board DHCP assigned IP Address =
mDNS Status= 3dbe
Server waiting for connection to Python

  • On the computer where you installed Python2.7:
    • Make sure the wireless connection between your computer and the router is active.
    • Open a DOS prompt and go to the folder where Python2.7 is installed.
    • Type following command :
python -a -p 15000


Don't forget to replace the IP address with the real IP address assigned by DHCP to the CC3000 module.

If a connection is established, the DOS window will show

run tcp client
connected to  remote ip= remote port=15000
Press ENTER ....

In return the Wi-Go board will send following info to the serial port:


When we press Enter in the DOS window, the Wi-Go board will send following info to the serial port:

Input = Hello Wi-Go
status= 13
Done, press any key to repeat

And the DOS window will show:

recv from :  data:  Hello Python

Using the application's options <0> or <2>

Options <0> (Normal run) and <2> (SmartConfig) are very similar.
They both allow us to connect the CC3000 to another wireless network, without changing the pre-configured settings stored in doTCPIP.h.

As mentioned before, option <0> will automatically start SmartConfig if no valid connection exists (First Time Config),
but if the CC3000 was previously configured using SmartConfig, it will automatically connect to the wireless network.

Option <2> can be used to switch to another wireless connection.

See TI's pages on how to use the SmartConfig tool:

The Prefix can be set in cc3000.cpp

char aucCC3000_prefix[] = {'T', 'T', 'T'};      // Smart Config Prefix

The Device Name mentioned on the SmartConfig page is declared in doTCPIP.cpp

char DevServname[] = "CC3000";

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