These are the examples provided for [[/users/frank26080115/libraries/LPC1700CMSIS_Lib/]] Note, the entire "program" is not compilable!

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EMAC/Easy_Web/tcpip.c	Sun Mar 20 05:38:56 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1065 @@
+ *****                                                        *****
+ *****  Name: tcpip.c                                         *****
+ *****  Ver.: 1.0                                             *****
+ *****  Date: 07/05/2001                                      *****
+ *****  Auth: Andreas Dannenberg                              *****
+ *****        HTWK Leipzig                                    *****
+ *****        university of applied sciences                  *****
+ *****        Germany                                         *****
+ *****  Func: implements the TCP/IP-stack and provides a      *****
+ *****        simple API to the user                          *****
+ *****                                                        *****
+ ******************************************************************/
+#include "tcpip.h"
+#include "EMAC.h"         // Keil: Line added
+#include <string.h>       // Keil: Line added
+// NXP: Include some header files that diifers from the origin
+#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h"
+#include "lpc17xx_pinsel.h"
+//#include "lpc17xx_emac.h"
+#include "adc.h"
+/* For debugging... */
+#include "debug_frmwrk.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define DB	_DBG((uint8_t *)db_)
+char db_[64];
+uint16_t _tickVal;
+#ifdef MCB_LPC_1768
+#define LED_PIN	(1<<6) // P2.6
+#define LED2_MASK	((1<<2) | (1<<3) | (1<<4) | (1<<5) | (1<<6))
+#define LED1_MASK	((1<<28) | (1<<29) | (1<<31))
+#elif defined(IAR_LPC_1768)
+#define LED_PIN (1<<25)  //P1.25
+#define LED2_MASK ((1<<4))
+#define LED1_MASK ((1<<25))
+const unsigned char MyMAC[6] =   // "M1-M2-M3-M4-M5-M6"
+// NXP LowLevel initializing implementation
+// System tick period definition (in microsecond)
+#define SYSTICK_PERIOD 210000UL
+// System tick interrupt handler prototype
+void SysTick_Handler (void);
+void LED_Init (void)
+	PINSEL_CFG_Type PinCfg;
+	uint8_t temp;
+#ifdef MCB_LPC_1768
+	PinCfg.Funcnum = 0;
+	PinCfg.OpenDrain = 0;
+	PinCfg.Pinmode = 0;
+	PinCfg.Portnum = 2;
+	for (temp = 2; temp <= 6; temp++){
+		PinCfg.Pinnum = temp;
+		PINSEL_ConfigPin(&PinCfg);
+	}
+	PinCfg.Funcnum = 0;
+	PinCfg.OpenDrain = 0;
+	PinCfg.Pinmode = 0;
+	PinCfg.Portnum = 1;
+	PinCfg.Pinnum = 28;
+	PINSEL_ConfigPin(&PinCfg);
+	PinCfg.Pinnum = 29;
+	PINSEL_ConfigPin(&PinCfg);
+	PinCfg.Pinnum = 31;
+	PINSEL_ConfigPin(&PinCfg);
+	// Set direction to output
+	/* Turn off all LEDs */
+#elif defined(IAR_LPC_1768)
+	/* Turn off all LEDs */
+// easyWEB-API function
+// initalizes the LAN-controller, reset flags, starts timer-ISR
+void TCPLowLevelInit(void)
+	// ADC initializing
+	ADC_init();
+	// Initialize LED for system tick timer
+	LED_Init();
+	/* Initialize debug via UART0
+	 * – 115200bps
+	 * – 8 data bit
+	 * – No parity
+	 * – 1 stop bit
+	 * – No flow control
+	 */
+	debug_frmwrk_init();
+	_DBG_("Hello NXP EMAC");
+	Init_EMAC();
+	TransmitControl = 0;
+	TCPFlags = 0;
+	TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+	SocketStatus = 0;
+	// NXP: Initialize System tick timer
+	// Generate interrupt each SYSTICK_PERIOD microsecond
+	if (SysTick_Config((4000000/1000000)*SYSTICK_PERIOD)){
+		// Capture error
+		while (1);
+	}
+	_DBG_("Init LowLevelTCP complete!");
+	sprintf(db_, "IP Address: %d.%d.%d.%d \n\r", MYIP_1, MYIP_2, MYIP_3, MYIP_4);
+	DB;
+// easyWEB-API function
+// does a passive open (listen on 'MyIP:TCPLocalPort' for an incoming
+// connection)
+void TCPPassiveOpen(void)
+  if (TCPStateMachine == CLOSED)
+  {
+    TCPFlags &= ~TCP_ACTIVE_OPEN;                // let's do a passive open!
+    TCPStateMachine = LISTENING;
+    SocketStatus = SOCK_ACTIVE;                  // reset, socket now active
+  }
+// easyWEB-API function
+// does an active open (tries to establish a connection between
+// 'MyIP:TCPLocalPort' and 'RemoteIP:TCPRemotePort')
+void TCPActiveOpen(void)
+  if ((TCPStateMachine == CLOSED) || (TCPStateMachine == LISTENING))
+  {
+    TCPFlags |= TCP_ACTIVE_OPEN;                 // let's do an active open!
+    TCPFlags &= ~IP_ADDR_RESOLVED;               // we haven't opponents MAC yet
+    PrepareARP_REQUEST();                        // ask for MAC by sending a broadcast
+    LastFrameSent = ARP_REQUEST;
+    TCPStartRetryTimer();
+    SocketStatus = SOCK_ACTIVE;                  // reset, socket now active
+  }
+// easyWEB-API function
+// closes an open connection
+void TCPClose(void)
+  switch (TCPStateMachine)
+  {
+    case LISTENING :
+    case SYN_SENT :
+    {
+      TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+      TCPFlags = 0;
+      SocketStatus = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    case SYN_RECD :
+    case ESTABLISHED :
+    {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// easyWEB-API function
+// releases the receive-buffer and allows easyWEB to store new data
+// NOTE: rx-buffer MUST be released periodically, else the other TCP
+//       get no ACKs for the data it sent
+void TCPReleaseRxBuffer(void)
+  SocketStatus &= ~SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE;
+// easyWEB-API function
+// transmitts data stored in 'TCP_TX_BUF'
+// NOTE: * number of bytes to transmit must have been written to 'TCPTxDataCount'
+//       * data-count MUST NOT exceed 'MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE'
+void TCPTransmitTxBuffer(void)
+  if ((TCPStateMachine == ESTABLISHED) || (TCPStateMachine == CLOSE_WAIT))
+    if (SocketStatus & SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED)
+    {
+      SocketStatus &= ~SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED;               // occupy tx-buffer
+      TCPUNASeqNr += TCPTxDataCount;                       // advance UNA
+      TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME1;
+      LastFrameSent = TCP_DATA_FRAME;
+      TCPStartRetryTimer();
+    }
+// Reads the length of the received ethernet frame and checks if the
+// destination address is a broadcast message or not
+unsigned int IsBroadcast(void) {
+  unsigned short RecdDestMAC[3];         // 48 bit MAC
+  RecdFrameLength = StartReadFrame();
+  CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&RecdDestMAC,  6);           // receive DA to see if it was a broadcast
+  CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&RecdFrameMAC, 6);           // store SA (for our answer)
+  if ((RecdDestMAC[0] == 0xFFFF) &&
+      (RecdDestMAC[1] == 0xFFFF) &&
+      (RecdDestMAC[2] == 0xFFFF)) {
+    return(1);
+  } else {
+    return (0);
+  }
+// easyWEB's 'main()'-function
+// must be called from user program periodically (the often - the better)
+// handles network, TCP/IP-stack and user events
+void DoNetworkStuff(void)
+  if (CheckFrameReceived())                      // Packet received
+  {
+    if (IsBroadcast()) {
+      ProcessEthBroadcastFrame();
+    } else {
+      ProcessEthIAFrame();
+    }
+    EndReadFrame();                              // release buffer in ethernet controller
+  }
+    if (TCPFlags & TIMER_TYPE_RETRY)
+    {
+      if (TCPTimer > RETRY_TIMEOUT)
+      {
+        TCPRestartTimer();                       // set a new timeout
+        if (RetryCounter)
+        {
+          TCPHandleRetransmission();             // resend last frame
+          RetryCounter--;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          TCPStopTimer();
+          TCPHandleTimeout();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else if (TCPTimer > FIN_TIMEOUT)
+    {
+      TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+      TCPFlags = 0;                              // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+      SocketStatus &= SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE;       // clear all flags but data available
+    }
+  switch (TCPStateMachine)
+  {
+    case CLOSED :
+    case LISTENING :
+    {
+      if (TCPFlags & TCP_ACTIVE_OPEN)            // stack has to open a connection?
+        if (TCPFlags & IP_ADDR_RESOLVED)         // IP resolved?
+          if (!(TransmitControl & SEND_FRAME2))  // buffer free?
+          {
+            TCPSeqNr = ((unsigned long)ISNGenHigh << 16) | (SysTick->CURR & 0xFFFF);  // NXP: changed from T0TC to SysTick->VAL;
+                                                                // set local ISN
+            TCPUNASeqNr = TCPSeqNr;
+            TCPAckNr = 0;                                       // we don't know what to ACK!
+            TCPUNASeqNr++;                                      // count SYN as a byte
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_SYN);                     // send SYN frame
+            LastFrameSent = TCP_SYN_FRAME;
+            TCPStartRetryTimer();                               // we NEED a retry-timeout
+            TCPStateMachine = SYN_SENT;
+          }
+      break;
+    }
+    case SYN_RECD :
+    case ESTABLISHED :
+    {
+      if (TCPFlags & TCP_CLOSE_REQUESTED)                  // user has user initated a close?
+        if (!(TransmitControl & (SEND_FRAME2 | SEND_FRAME1)))   // buffers free?
+          if (TCPSeqNr == TCPUNASeqNr)                          // all data ACKed?
+          {
+            TCPUNASeqNr++;
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_FIN | TCP_CODE_ACK);
+            LastFrameSent = TCP_FIN_FRAME;
+            TCPStartRetryTimer();
+            TCPStateMachine = FIN_WAIT_1;
+          }
+      break;
+    }
+    case CLOSE_WAIT :
+    {
+      if (!(TransmitControl & (SEND_FRAME2 | SEND_FRAME1)))     // buffers free?
+        if (TCPSeqNr == TCPUNASeqNr)                            // all data ACKed?
+        {
+          TCPUNASeqNr++;                                        // count FIN as a byte
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_FIN | TCP_CODE_ACK);        // we NEED a retry-timeout
+          LastFrameSent = TCP_FIN_FRAME;                        // time to say goodbye...
+          TCPStartRetryTimer();
+          TCPStateMachine = LAST_ACK;
+        }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (TransmitControl & SEND_FRAME2)
+  {
+    RequestSend(TxFrame2Size);
+    if (Rdy4Tx()) {                               // NOTE: when using a very fast MCU, maybe
+    	_DBG_("Send Frm2");
+    	SendFrame2();                              // the EMAC isn't ready yet, include
+    } else {                                       // a kind of timer or counter here
+      TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+      SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_ETHERNET;          // indicate an error to user
+      TCPFlags = 0;                              // clear all flags, stop timers etc.
+    }
+    TransmitControl &= ~SEND_FRAME2;             // clear tx-flag
+  }
+  if (TransmitControl & SEND_FRAME1)
+  {
+    PrepareTCP_DATA_FRAME();                     // build frame w/ actual SEQ, ACK....
+    RequestSend(TxFrame1Size);
+    if (Rdy4Tx()){                                // EMAC ready to accept our frame?
+    	_DBG_("Send Frm1");
+    	SendFrame1();                              // (see note above)
+    } else {
+      TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+      SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_ETHERNET;          // indicate an error to user
+      TCPFlags = 0;                              // clear all flags, stop timers etc.
+    }
+    TransmitControl &= ~SEND_FRAME1;             // clear tx-flag
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// handles an incoming broadcast frame
+void ProcessEthBroadcastFrame(void)
+  unsigned short TargetIP[2];
+  if (ReadFrameBE_EMAC() == FRAME_ARP)           // get frame type, check for ARP
+    if (ReadFrameBE_EMAC() == HARDW_ETH10)       // Ethernet frame
+      if (ReadFrameBE_EMAC() == FRAME_IP)        // check protocol
+        if (ReadFrameBE_EMAC() == IP_HLEN_PLEN)  // check HLEN, PLEN
+          if (ReadFrameBE_EMAC() == OP_ARP_REQUEST)
+          {
+            DummyReadFrame_EMAC(6);              // ignore sender's hardware address
+            CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&RecdFrameIP, 4); // read sender's protocol address
+            DummyReadFrame_EMAC(6);              // ignore target's hardware address
+            CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&TargetIP, 4);    // read target's protocol address
+            if (!memcmp(&MyIP, &TargetIP, 4))    // is it for us?
+              PrepareARP_ANSWER();               // yes->create ARP_ANSWER frame
+          }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// handles an incoming frame that passed EMAC's address filter
+// (individual addressed = IA)
+void ProcessEthIAFrame(void)
+  unsigned short TargetIP[2];
+  unsigned char ProtocolType;
+  switch (ReadFrameBE_EMAC())                     // get frame type
+  {
+    case FRAME_ARP :                             // check for ARP
+    {
+        if (ReadFrameBE_EMAC() == HARDW_ETH10)         // check for the right prot. etc.
+          if (ReadFrameBE_EMAC() == FRAME_IP)
+            if (ReadFrameBE_EMAC() == IP_HLEN_PLEN)
+              if (ReadFrameBE_EMAC() == OP_ARP_ANSWER)
+              {
+                TCPStopTimer();                       // OK, now we've the MAC we wanted ;-)
+                CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&RemoteMAC, 6);    // extract opponents MAC
+                TCPFlags |= IP_ADDR_RESOLVED;
+              }
+      break;
+    }
+    case FRAME_IP :                                        // check for IP-type
+    {
+      if ((ReadFrameBE_EMAC() & 0xFF00 ) == IP_VER_IHL)     // IPv4, IHL=5 (20 Bytes Header)
+      {                                                    // ignore Type Of Service
+        RecdIPFrameLength = ReadFrameBE_EMAC();             // get IP frame's length
+        ReadFrameBE_EMAC();                                 // ignore identification
+        if (!(ReadFrameBE_EMAC() & (IP_FLAG_MOREFRAG | IP_FRAGOFS_MASK)))  // only unfragm. frames
+        {
+          ProtocolType = ReadFrameBE_EMAC() & 0xFF;         // get protocol, ignore TTL
+          ReadFrameBE_EMAC();                               // ignore checksum
+          CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&RecdFrameIP, 4);              // get source IP
+          CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&TargetIP, 4);                 // get destination IP
+          if (!memcmp(&MyIP, &TargetIP, 4))                // is it for us?
+            switch (ProtocolType) {
+              case PROT_ICMP : { _DBG_("ICMP"); ProcessICMPFrame(); break; }
+              case PROT_TCP  : { ProcessTCPFrame(); break; }
+              case PROT_UDP  : break;                      // not implemented!
+            }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// we've just rec'd an ICMP-frame (Internet Control Message Protocol)
+// check what to do and branch to the appropriate sub-function
+void ProcessICMPFrame(void)
+  unsigned short ICMPTypeAndCode;
+  ICMPTypeAndCode = ReadFrameBE_EMAC();           // get Message Type and Code
+  ReadFrameBE_EMAC();                             // ignore ICMP checksum
+  switch (ICMPTypeAndCode >> 8) {                // check type
+    case ICMP_ECHO :                             // is echo request?
+    {
+      PrepareICMP_ECHO_REPLY();                  // echo as much as we can...
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// we've just rec'd an TCP-frame (Transmission Control Protocol)
+// this function mainly implements the TCP state machine according to RFC793
+void ProcessTCPFrame(void)
+  unsigned short TCPSegSourcePort;               // segment's source port
+  unsigned short TCPSegDestPort;                 // segment's destination port
+  unsigned long TCPSegSeq;                       // segment's sequence number
+  unsigned long TCPSegAck;                       // segment's acknowledge number
+  unsigned short TCPCode;                        // TCP code and header length
+  unsigned char TCPHeaderSize;                   // real TCP header length
+  unsigned short NrOfDataBytes;                  // real number of data
+  TCPSegSourcePort = ReadFrameBE_EMAC();                    // get ports
+  TCPSegDestPort = ReadFrameBE_EMAC();
+  if (TCPSegDestPort != TCPLocalPort) return;              // drop segment if port doesn't match
+  TCPSegSeq = (unsigned long)ReadFrameBE_EMAC() << 16;      // get segment sequence nr.
+  TCPSegSeq |= ReadFrameBE_EMAC();
+  TCPSegAck = (unsigned long)ReadFrameBE_EMAC() << 16;      // get segment acknowledge nr.
+  TCPSegAck |= ReadFrameBE_EMAC();
+  TCPCode = ReadFrameBE_EMAC();                             // get control bits, header length...
+  TCPHeaderSize = (TCPCode & DATA_OFS_MASK) >> 10;         // header length in bytes
+  NrOfDataBytes = RecdIPFrameLength - IP_HEADER_SIZE - TCPHeaderSize;     // seg. text length
+  if (NrOfDataBytes > MAX_TCP_RX_DATA_SIZE) return;        // packet too large for us :...-(
+  if (TCPHeaderSize > TCP_HEADER_SIZE)                     // ignore options if any
+    DummyReadFrame_EMAC(TCPHeaderSize - TCP_HEADER_SIZE);
+  switch (TCPStateMachine)                                 // implement the TCP state machine
+  {
+    case CLOSED :
+    {
+      if (!(TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST))
+      {
+        TCPRemotePort = TCPSegSourcePort;
+        memcpy(&RemoteMAC, &RecdFrameMAC, 6);              // save opponents MAC and IP
+        memcpy(&RemoteIP, &RecdFrameIP, 4);                // for later use
+        if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)                        // make the reset sequence
+        {                                                  // acceptable to the other
+          TCPSeqNr = TCPSegAck;                            // TCP
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_RST);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          TCPSeqNr = 0;
+          TCPAckNr = TCPSegSeq + NrOfDataBytes;
+          if (TCPCode & (TCP_CODE_SYN | TCP_CODE_FIN)) TCPAckNr++;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case LISTENING :
+    {
+      if (!(TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST))                       // ignore segment containing RST
+      {
+        TCPRemotePort = TCPSegSourcePort;
+        memcpy(&RemoteMAC, &RecdFrameMAC, 6);              // save opponents MAC and IP
+        memcpy(&RemoteIP, &RecdFrameIP, 4);                // for later use
+        if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)                        // reset a bad
+        {                                                  // acknowledgement
+          TCPSeqNr = TCPSegAck;
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_RST);
+        }
+        else if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)
+        {
+          TCPAckNr = TCPSegSeq + 1;                           // get remote ISN, next byte we expect
+            TCPSeqNr = ((unsigned long)ISNGenHigh << 16) | (SysTick->CURR & 0xFFFF);  // Keil: changed from TAR to T0TC;
+                                                              // set local ISN
+          TCPUNASeqNr = TCPSeqNr + 1;                         // one byte out -> increase by one
+          LastFrameSent = TCP_SYN_ACK_FRAME;
+          TCPStartRetryTimer();
+          TCPStateMachine = SYN_RECD;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case SYN_SENT :
+    {
+      if (memcmp(&RemoteIP, &RecdFrameIP, 4)) break;  // drop segment if its IP doesn't belong
+                                                      // to current session
+      if (TCPSegSourcePort != TCPRemotePort) break;   // drop segment if port doesn't match
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)                // ACK field significant?
+        if (TCPSegAck != TCPUNASeqNr)            // is our ISN ACKed?
+        {
+          if (!(TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST))
+          {
+            TCPSeqNr = TCPSegAck;
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_RST);
+          }
+          break;                                 // drop segment
+        }
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST)                // RST??
+      {
+        if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)              // if ACK was acceptable, reset
+        {                                        // connection
+          TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+          TCPFlags = 0;                          // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+          SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_CONN_RESET;
+        }
+        break;                                   // drop segment
+      }
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)                // SYN??
+      {
+        TCPAckNr = TCPSegSeq;                    // get opponents ISN
+        TCPAckNr++;                              // inc. by one...
+        if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)
+        {
+          TCPStopTimer();                        // stop retransmission, other TCP got our SYN
+          TCPSeqNr = TCPUNASeqNr;                // advance our sequence number
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_ACK);        // ACK this ISN
+          TCPStateMachine = ESTABLISHED;
+          SocketStatus |= SOCK_CONNECTED;
+          SocketStatus |= SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED;  // user may send data now :-)
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          TCPStopTimer();
+          PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_SYN | TCP_CODE_ACK);   // our SYN isn't ACKed yet,
+          LastFrameSent = TCP_SYN_ACK_FRAME;               // now continue with sending
+          TCPStartRetryTimer();                            // SYN_ACK frames
+          TCPStateMachine = SYN_RECD;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default :
+    {
+      if (memcmp(&RemoteIP, &RecdFrameIP, 4)) break;  // drop segment if IP doesn't belong
+                                                      // to current session
+      if (TCPSegSourcePort != TCPRemotePort) break;   // drop segment if port doesn't match
+      if (TCPSegSeq != TCPAckNr) break;               // drop if it's not the segment we expect
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_RST)                // RST??
+      {
+        TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;                // close the state machine
+        TCPFlags = 0;                            // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+        SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_CONN_RESET;      // indicate an error to user
+        break;
+      }
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)                // SYN??
+      {
+        PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_RST);          // is NOT allowed here! send a reset,
+        TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;                // close connection...
+        TCPFlags = 0;                            // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+        SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_REMOTE;          // fatal error!
+        break;                                   // ...and drop the frame
+      }
+      if (!(TCPCode & TCP_CODE_ACK)) break;      // drop segment if the ACK bit is off
+      if (TCPSegAck == TCPUNASeqNr)              // is our last data sent ACKed?
+      {
+        TCPStopTimer();                          // stop retransmission
+        TCPSeqNr = TCPUNASeqNr;                  // advance our sequence number
+        switch (TCPStateMachine)                 // change state if necessary
+        {
+          case SYN_RECD :                        // ACK of our SYN?
+          {
+            TCPStateMachine = ESTABLISHED;       // user may send data now :-)
+            SocketStatus |= SOCK_CONNECTED;
+            break;
+          }
+          case FIN_WAIT_1 : { TCPStateMachine = FIN_WAIT_2; break; } // ACK of our FIN?
+          case CLOSING :    { TCPStateMachine = TIME_WAIT; break; }  // ACK of our FIN?
+          case LAST_ACK :                                            // ACK of our FIN?
+          {
+            TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+            TCPFlags = 0;                        // reset all flags, stop retransmission...
+            SocketStatus &= SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE; // clear all flags but data available
+            break;
+          }
+          case TIME_WAIT :
+          {
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_ACK);      // ACK a retransmission of remote FIN
+            TCPRestartTimer();                   // restart TIME_WAIT timeout
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (TCPStateMachine == ESTABLISHED)      // if true, give the frame buffer back
+          SocketStatus |= SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED;  // to user
+      }
+      if ((TCPStateMachine == ESTABLISHED) || (TCPStateMachine == FIN_WAIT_1) || (TCPStateMachine == FIN_WAIT_2))
+        if (NrOfDataBytes)                                 // data available?
+          if (!(SocketStatus & SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE))       // rx data-buffer empty?
+          {
+            DummyReadFrame_EMAC(6);                        // ignore window, checksum, urgent pointer
+            CopyFromFrame_EMAC(RxTCPBuffer, NrOfDataBytes);// fetch data and
+            TCPRxDataCount = NrOfDataBytes;                // ...tell the user...
+            SocketStatus |= SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE;           // indicate the new data to user
+            TCPAckNr += NrOfDataBytes;
+            PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_ACK);                // ACK rec'd data
+          }
+      if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_FIN)                // FIN??
+      {
+        switch (TCPStateMachine)
+        {
+          case SYN_RECD :
+          case ESTABLISHED :
+          {
+            TCPStateMachine = CLOSE_WAIT;
+            break;
+          }
+          case FIN_WAIT_1 :
+          {                                      // if our FIN was ACKed, we automatically
+            TCPStateMachine = CLOSING;           // enter FIN_WAIT_2 (look above) and therefore
+            SocketStatus &= ~SOCK_CONNECTED;     // TIME_WAIT
+            break;
+          }
+          case FIN_WAIT_2 :
+          {
+            TCPStartTimeWaitTimer();
+            TCPStateMachine = TIME_WAIT;
+            SocketStatus &= ~SOCK_CONNECTED;
+            break;
+          }
+          case TIME_WAIT :
+          {
+            TCPRestartTimer();
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        TCPAckNr++;                              // ACK remote's FIN flag
+        PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_ACK);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame2-buffer to send an ARP-request
+void PrepareARP_REQUEST(void)
+  // Ethernet
+  memset(&TxFrame2[ETH_DA_OFS], (char)0xFF, 6);                  // we don't know opposites MAC!
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_ARP);
+  // ARP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_HARDW_OFS] = SWAPB(HARDW_ETH10);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_HLEN_PLEN_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_HLEN_PLEN);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_OPCODE_OFS] = SWAPB(OP_ARP_REQUEST);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_SENDER_HA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_SENDER_IP_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memset(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_HA_OFS], 0x00, 6);           // we don't know opposites MAC!
+  if (((RemoteIP[0] ^ MyIP[0]) & SubnetMask[0]) || ((RemoteIP[1] ^ MyIP[1]) & SubnetMask[1]))
+    memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_IP_OFS], &GatewayIP, 4);   // IP not in subnet, use gateway
+  else
+    memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_IP_OFS], &RemoteIP, 4);    // other IP is next to us...
+  TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME2;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame2-buffer to send an ARP-answer (reply)
+void PrepareARP_ANSWER(void)
+  // Ethernet
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_DA_OFS], &RecdFrameMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_ARP);
+  // ARP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_HARDW_OFS] = SWAPB(HARDW_ETH10);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_HLEN_PLEN_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_HLEN_PLEN);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ARP_OPCODE_OFS] = SWAPB(OP_ARP_ANSWER);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_SENDER_HA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_SENDER_IP_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_HA_OFS], &RecdFrameMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ARP_TARGET_IP_OFS], &RecdFrameIP, 4);
+  TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME2;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame2-buffer to send an ICMP-echo-reply
+void PrepareICMP_ECHO_REPLY(void)
+  unsigned short ICMPDataCount;
+  if (RecdIPFrameLength > MAX_ETH_TX_DATA_SIZE)                      // don't overload TX-buffer
+  else
+    ICMPDataCount = RecdIPFrameLength - IP_HEADER_SIZE - ICMP_HEADER_SIZE;
+  // Ethernet
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_DA_OFS], &RecdFrameMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  // IP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_VER_IHL);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_IDENT_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_FLAGS_FRAG_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_TTL_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB((DEFAULT_TTL << 8) | PROT_ICMP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[IP_SOURCE_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[IP_DESTINATION_OFS], &RecdFrameIP, 4);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS], IP_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
+  // ICMP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ICMP_TYPE_CODE_OFS] = SWAPB(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY << 8);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ICMP_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;                   // initialize checksum field
+  CopyFromFrame_EMAC(&TxFrame2[ICMP_DATA_OFS], ICMPDataCount);        // get data to echo...
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ICMP_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[IP_DATA_OFS], ICMPDataCount + ICMP_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
+  TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME2;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame2-buffer to send a general TCP frame
+// the TCPCode-field is passed as an argument
+void PrepareTCP_FRAME(unsigned short TCPCode)
+  // Ethernet
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_DA_OFS], &RemoteMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  // IP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_VER_IHL | IP_TOS_D);
+  if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)                    // if SYN, we want to use the MSS option
+  else
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_TOTAL_LENGTH_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_HEADER_SIZE + TCP_HEADER_SIZE);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_IDENT_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_FLAGS_FRAG_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_TTL_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB((DEFAULT_TTL << 8) | PROT_TCP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[IP_SOURCE_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame2[IP_DESTINATION_OFS], &RemoteIP, 4);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS], IP_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
+  // TCP
+  WriteWBE(&TxFrame2[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCPLocalPort);
+  WriteWBE(&TxFrame2[TCP_DESTPORT_OFS], TCPRemotePort);
+  WriteDWBE(&TxFrame2[TCP_SEQNR_OFS], TCPSeqNr);
+  WriteDWBE(&TxFrame2[TCP_ACKNR_OFS], TCPAckNr);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_WINDOW_OFS] = SWAPB(MAX_TCP_RX_DATA_SIZE);    // data bytes to accept
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;             // initalize checksum
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_URGENT_OFS] = 0;
+  if (TCPCode & TCP_CODE_SYN)                    // if SYN, we want to use the MSS option
+  {
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_DATA_CODE_OFS] = SWAPB(0x6000 | TCPCode);   // TCP header length = 24
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_DATA_OFS] = SWAPB(TCP_OPT_MSS);             // MSS option
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_DATA_OFS + 2] = SWAPB(MAX_TCP_RX_DATA_SIZE);// max. length of TCP-data we accept
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCP_HEADER_SIZE + TCP_OPT_MSS_SIZE, 1);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_DATA_CODE_OFS] = SWAPB(0x5000 | TCPCode);   // TCP header length = 20
+    *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame2[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame2[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCP_HEADER_SIZE, 1);
+  }
+  TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME2;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// prepares the TxFrame1-buffer to send a payload-packet
+void PrepareTCP_DATA_FRAME(void)
+  // Ethernet
+  memcpy(&TxFrame1[ETH_DA_OFS], &RemoteMAC, 6);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame1[ETH_SA_OFS], &MyMAC, 6);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[ETH_TYPE_OFS] = SWAPB(FRAME_IP);
+  // IP
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS] = SWAPB(IP_VER_IHL | IP_TOS_D);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_IDENT_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_FLAGS_FRAG_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_TTL_PROT_OFS] = SWAPB((DEFAULT_TTL << 8) | PROT_TCP);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;
+  memcpy(&TxFrame1[IP_SOURCE_OFS], &MyIP, 4);
+  memcpy(&TxFrame1[IP_DESTINATION_OFS], &RemoteIP, 4);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[IP_HEAD_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame1[IP_VER_IHL_TOS_OFS], IP_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
+  // TCP
+  WriteWBE(&TxFrame1[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCPLocalPort);
+  WriteWBE(&TxFrame1[TCP_DESTPORT_OFS], TCPRemotePort);
+  WriteDWBE(&TxFrame1[TCP_SEQNR_OFS], TCPSeqNr);
+  WriteDWBE(&TxFrame1[TCP_ACKNR_OFS], TCPAckNr);
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_DATA_CODE_OFS] = SWAPB(0x5000 | TCP_CODE_ACK);   // TCP header length = 20
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_WINDOW_OFS] = SWAPB(MAX_TCP_RX_DATA_SIZE);       // data bytes to accept
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_URGENT_OFS] = 0;
+  *(unsigned short *)&TxFrame1[TCP_CHKSUM_OFS] = CalcChecksum(&TxFrame1[TCP_SRCPORT_OFS], TCP_HEADER_SIZE + TCPTxDataCount, 1);
+// easyWEB internal function
+// calculates the TCP/IP checksum. if 'IsTCP != 0', the TCP pseudo-header
+// will be included.
+unsigned short CalcChecksum(void *Start, unsigned short Count, unsigned char IsTCP)
+  unsigned long Sum = 0;
+  unsigned short * piStart;                        // Keil: Pointer added to correct expression
+  if (IsTCP) {                                   // if we've a TCP frame...
+    Sum += MyIP[0];                              // ...include TCP pseudo-header
+    Sum += MyIP[1];
+    Sum += RemoteIP[0];
+    Sum += RemoteIP[1];
+    Sum += SwapBytes(Count);                     // TCP header length plus data length
+    Sum += SWAPB(PROT_TCP);
+  }
+  piStart = Start;                               // Keil: Line added
+  while (Count > 1) {                            // sum words
+//  Sum += *((unsigned short *)Start)++;		     // Keil: Line replaced with following line
+    Sum += *piStart++;
+    Count -= 2;
+  }
+  if (Count)                                     // add left-over byte, if any
+//  Sum += *(unsigned char *)Start; 	         // Keil: Line replaced with following line
+    Sum += *(unsigned char *)piStart;
+  while (Sum >> 16)                              // fold 32-bit sum to 16 bits
+    Sum = (Sum & 0xFFFF) + (Sum >> 16);
+  return ~Sum;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// starts the timer as a retry-timer (used for retransmission-timeout)
+void TCPStartRetryTimer(void)
+  TCPTimer = 0;
+  RetryCounter = MAX_RETRYS;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// starts the timer as a 'TIME_WAIT'-timer (used to finish a TCP-session)
+void TCPStartTimeWaitTimer(void)
+  TCPTimer = 0;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// restarts the timer
+void TCPRestartTimer(void)
+  TCPTimer = 0;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// stopps the timer
+void TCPStopTimer(void)
+// easyWEB internal function
+// if a retransmission-timeout occured, check which packet
+// to resend.
+void TCPHandleRetransmission(void)
+  switch (LastFrameSent)
+  {
+    case ARP_REQUEST :       { PrepareARP_REQUEST(); break; }
+    case TCP_SYN_FRAME :     { PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_SYN); break; }
+    case TCP_SYN_ACK_FRAME : { PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_SYN | TCP_CODE_ACK); break; }
+    case TCP_FIN_FRAME :     { PrepareTCP_FRAME(TCP_CODE_FIN | TCP_CODE_ACK); break; }
+    case TCP_DATA_FRAME :    { TransmitControl |= SEND_FRAME1; break; }
+  }
+// easyWEB internal function
+// if all retransmissions failed, close connection and indicate an error
+void TCPHandleTimeout(void)
+  TCPStateMachine = CLOSED;
+    SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_ARP_TIMEOUT;         // indicate an error to user
+  else
+    SocketStatus = SOCK_ERR_TCP_TIMEOUT;
+  TCPFlags = 0;                                  // clear all flags
+ * NXP: old TCPClockHandler() function is replaced with this function
+ */
+// easyWEB internal function
+// function executed every 0.210s by the CPU. used for the
+// inital sequence number generator (ISN) and the TCP-timer
+void SysTick_Handler (void) {           /* SysTick Interrupt Handler (1ms)    */
+	ISNGenHigh++;                                  // upper 16 bits of initial sequence number
+	TCPTimer++;                                    // timer for retransmissions
+	_tickVal = (++_tickVal) & 0x03;
+	if (!_tickVal){
+#ifdef MCB_LPC_1768
+#elif defined(IAR_LPC_1768)
+	}
+// easyWEB internal function
+// transfers the contents of 'TxFrame1'-Buffer to the EMAC
+void SendFrame1(void)
+  CopyToFrame_EMAC(TxFrame1, TxFrame1Size);
+// easyWEB internal function
+// transfers the contents of 'TxFrame2'-Buffer to the EMAC
+void SendFrame2(void)
+  CopyToFrame_EMAC(TxFrame2, TxFrame2Size);
+// easyWEB internal function
+// help function to write a WORD in big-endian byte-order
+// to MCU-memory
+void WriteWBE(unsigned char *Add, unsigned short Data)
+  *Add++ = Data >> 8;
+  *Add = (char)Data;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// help function to write a DWORD in big-endian byte-order
+// to MCU-memory
+void WriteDWBE(unsigned char *Add, unsigned long Data)
+  *Add++ = Data >> 24;
+  *Add++ = Data >> 16;
+  *Add++ = Data >> 8;
+  *Add = (char)Data;
+// easyWEB internal function
+// help function to swap the byte order of a WORD
+unsigned short SwapBytes(unsigned short Data)
+  return (Data >> 8) | (Data << 8);