FSST - Hardwarenahe Programmierung

Serial Event Klasse

C++ Seite

#include "mbed.h"

const uint8_t STRMAX = 20;  
const char EOT = '.';
const char CRLF = '\n';
// ---------------- Serial RS232 Event Class  --------------------------
class SerialEvent {
        Serial _pc;
        void _risingISR();
        char _str[STRMAX]; 
        volatile bool _strOkFlag;
        int _index;

        SerialEvent(PinName tx, PinName rx) : _pc(tx, rx) { // create the Serial on the pin specified to SwEvent
            _pc.attach(this, &SerialEvent::pc_recv);        // attach DataReceive-function of this SerialEvent instance 
            _strOkFlag = false;

        void pc_recv();
        void getString(char st[]);
        int checkFlag();                                    // must in do-condition (while(true)-loop) continuously interrogated
// ---------------- Serial Event Class Methodes --------------------------
void SerialEvent::getString(char st[]) {
    for( int i=0; i <= _index; i++)
        st[i] = _str[i];

void SerialEvent::pc_recv() {
    char c;
        c = _pc.getc();
        if((c != CRLF) && (_index < STRMAX)) {
            _str[_index++] = c;
    if(( c == EOT)) {           // end: . string not empty
        if(_index >= 1) {
            _strOkFlag = true;
            _str[--_index] = 0; 

int SerialEvent::checkFlag() {
    if( _strOkFlag ) {
        _strOkFlag = false; 
        return 1;
    return 0;

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