FSST - Hardwarenahe Programmierung

Event Klasse

C++ Seite

Der folgende Code zeigt die Interrupt-gesteuerte Switch-Klasse für die Taster am M0Board.

#include "mbed.h"
#ifndef SWEVENT_H
#define SWEVENT_H

// ---------------- Switch Event Class  --------------------------
class SwEvent {
        InterruptIn _isr;
        volatile int16_t _pressed;
        void _risingISR();

        SwEvent(PinName pin) : _isr(pin) {          // create the InterruptIn on the pin specified to SwEvent
            _isr.rise(this, &SwEvent::_risingISR);  // attach ISR-function of this SwEvent instance 
        int checkFlag();                            // must in do-condition (while(true)-loop) continuously interrogated
        void init();
// ---------------- Switch Event Class Methodes --------------------------
int SwEvent::checkFlag() {
    if( _pressed ) {
        _pressed = 0; 
        return 1;
    return 0;

void SwEvent::_risingISR() {            
    if( _isr.read() )
        _pressed = 1;

SwEvent sw1(p14);

In Zeile 34 wird beispielhaft für z.B. den Joy Stick Pins (center) das Objekt sw1 instanziiert.

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