Hardwarenahe Programmierung

PWM Speaker

Der folgende Code gibt ein Beispiel für die Verwendung des Lautsprechers (Speaker) des mbed-Application-Board:


const int speaker = 12;  // 12 corresponds to GPIO26

// setting PWM properties
const int freq = 5000;
const int spkrChannel = 0;
const int resolution = 8;
void setup(){
  // configure spkr PWM functionalitites
  ledcSetup(spkrChannel, freq, resolution);
  // attach the channel to the GPIO to be controlspkr
  ledcAttachPin(speaker, spkrChannel);
void loop(){
  // increase the spkr frequency
  for(int dutyCycle = 0; dutyCycle <= 255; dutyCycle++){   
    // changing the spkr brightness with PWM
    ledcWrite(spkrChannel, dutyCycle);

  // decrease the spkr frequency
  for(int dutyCycle = 255; dutyCycle >= 0; dutyCycle--){
    // changing the spkr brightness with PWM
    ledcWrite(spkrChannel, dutyCycle);   

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