differential input adc board K64F Compatible hal freescale K64F

Dependents:   trms_helloworld AnalogIn_Diff_helloworld

Fork of AnalogIn_Diff by frederic blanc

--- a/AnalohIn_Diff.cpp	Thu May 22 17:40:21 2014 +0000
+++ b/AnalohIn_Diff.cpp	Fri Dec 05 14:06:38 2014 +0000
@@ -1,33 +1,80 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
+/* mbed Microcontroller Library
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
 #include "AnalogIn_Diff.h"
-AnalogIn_Diff::AnalogIn_Diff(int a2d_number) : ch(a2d_number) {
-    if(ch) BW_SIM_SCGC3_ADC1(1); // Turn on clock as needed
-    else BW_SIM_SCGC6_ADC0(1);
-    BW_ADC_SC1n_DIFF(ch, 0, 1);     //  Differential Mode
-    BW_ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(ch, 0);      //  Bus Clock
-    BW_ADC_CFG1_MODE(ch, 3);        //  16Bit differential mode
-    BW_ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP(ch, 0);      //  Short Sample Window 
-    BW_ADC_CFG1_ADIV(ch, 3);        //  Clock / 8
-    BW_ADC_CFG1_ADLPC(ch, 0);       //  Normal Power Mode
 AnalogIn_Diff::~AnalogIn_Diff() { }
-int16_t AnalogIn_Diff::read_16(int channel) {  // Returns a 16bit signed integer
-    BW_ADC_SC1n_ADCH(ch, 0, channel);      //  Trigger Conversion
-    while(!BR_ADC_SC1n_COCO(ch, 0));    //  Wait for conversion to finish
-    return(BR_ADC_Rn_D(ch, 0));         //  Return the result
+AnalogIn_Diff::AnalogIn_Diff(int adc_ch)
+    const uint32_t temp[] = ADC_BASE_ADDRS;
+    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(temp) / sizeof(temp[0]); i++)
+        adc_addrs[i] = temp[i];
+    instance=(adc_ch>>1)&1;
+    chnNum=(adc_ch>>0)&1;
+    CLOCK_SYS_EnableAdcClock(instance);
+    uint32_t bus_clock;
+    CLOCK_SYS_GetFreq(kBusClock, &bus_clock);
+    uint32_t clkdiv;
+    for (clkdiv = 0; clkdiv < 4; clkdiv++) {
+        if ((bus_clock >> clkdiv) <= MAX_FADC)
+            break;
+    }
+    if (clkdiv == 4) {
+        clkdiv = 0x3; //Set max div
+    }
+    /* adc is enabled/triggered when reading. */
+    ADC_HAL_Init(adc_addrs[instance]);
+    ADC_HAL_SetClkSrcMode(adc_addrs[instance], kAdcClkSrcOfBusClk);
+    ADC_HAL_SetClkDividerMode(adc_addrs[instance], (adc_clk_divider_mode_t)(clkdiv & 0x3));
+    ADC_HAL_SetRefVoltSrcMode(adc_addrs[instance], kAdcRefVoltSrcOfVref);
+    ADC_HAL_SetResolutionMode(adc_addrs[instance], kAdcResolutionBitOfDiffModeAs16);
+    ADC_HAL_SetContinuousConvCmd(adc_addrs[instance], false);
+    ADC_HAL_SetHwTriggerCmd(adc_addrs[instance], false); /* sw trigger */
+    ADC_HAL_SetHwAverageCmd(adc_addrs[instance], false);
+    //ADC_HAL_SetHwAverageMode(adc_addrs[instance], kAdcHwAverageCountOf4);
+    ADC_HAL_SetChnMuxMode(adc_addrs[instance], kAdcChnMuxOfB); /* only B channels are avail */
-float AnalogIn_Diff::read(int channel) {
-    int16_t i;
-    float t;
-    BW_ADC_SC1n_ADCH(ch, 0, channel);
-    while(!BR_ADC_SC1n_COCO(ch, 0));
-    i =  BR_ADC_Rn_D(ch, 0);
-    t = ((float) i);
-    t = t / 32768.0f;
-    return(t);
+int16_t AnalogIn_Diff::read_raws16()    // Returns a 16bit signed integer
+    /* sw trigger (SC1A) */
+    ADC_HAL_ConfigChn(adc_addrs[instance], 0, false, true, chnNum);
+    while (!ADC_HAL_GetChnConvCompletedCmd(adc_addrs[instance], 0));
+    return ADC_HAL_GetChnConvValueRAW(adc_addrs[instance], 0);
+float AnalogIn_Diff::read()
+    int16_t value = read_raws16();
+    return (float)value * (1.0f / (float)0xFFFF);