differential input adc board K64F Compatible hal freescale K64F
Fork of AnalogIn_Diff by
Compatible hal freescale K64F
2014-12-05, by fblanc [Fri, 05 Dec 2014 14:06:38 +0000] rev 2
Compatible hal freescale K64F
Now supports either Channel 0 or 1 for both ADC0 & ADC1
2014-05-22, by JimCarver [Thu, 22 May 2014 17:40:21 +0000] rev 1
Now supports either Channel 0 or 1 for both ADC0 & ADC1
A basic Library for the 16 bit Differential A/D in the K64F Freedom platform
2014-05-20, by JimCarver [Tue, 20 May 2014 00:58:33 +0000] rev 0
A basic Library for the 16 bit Differential A/D in the K64F Freedom platform