A demo application for HXC900 LoRaWAN module using Nucleo-L053R8.

Dependencies:   mbed

Revisions of LoRa/lora_driver.h

Revision Date Message Actions
32:2d0678039a09 2019-01-24 Updated code; File  Diff  Annotate
31:174c745f921c 2018-12-10 FWversion and battery level are added to the payload from the application layer instead of from the lora driver; File  Diff  Annotate
28:c777d977b252 2018-11-02 - Implemented firmware version get function.; - Firmware version is added to the payload. File  Diff  Annotate
27:517ca3a30ad7 2018-11-01 -Max_Payload_Size defined; -Replaced Appeui, Appkey with a general statement; -and DevEui as Auto. implemented print_deveui function; - forget to update keys will be stuck in infinite loop; -During rejoin,stop uplink timer; -stop rejoin timer in event fun File  Diff  Annotate
26:176e648c03f6 2018-11-01 Updated the device state enums because of the SLEEP_DEVICE state. Can't use DEVICE_SLEEP, one of mbed library is using it. File  Diff  Annotate
24:f3b987589609 2018-10-19 Updated the LoraConfigParam variable names; File  Diff  Annotate
22:5b77cf59d630 2018-10-19 - Rearrange function definitions.; - Got rid of HW_GpioInit().; - Introduced eConfirmationStatus_t; - Moved all LoRa configuration into lora_conf.h. File  Diff  Annotate
15:2860c960d2ff 2018-07-25 Cleanup; SENSOR_ON is false; File  Diff  Annotate
10:19da323c2bc0 2018-07-18 Application can change DeviceState;; Removed hardcoded ADR status;; Renamed Time Server callbacks;; Local functions are static now; File  Diff  Annotate
5:53302861bfea 2018-07-16 Updated directories; File  Diff  Annotate | base