Now you can use NC as InterruptIn

Dependencies:   X_NUCLEO_COMMON

Fork of X_NUCLEO_6180XA1 by ST

diff -r 454710d17358 -r 0d4776564733 Components/Display/Display_class.h
--- a/Components/Display/Display_class.h	Tue Oct 20 16:44:28 2015 +0200
+++ b/Components/Display/Display_class.h	Tue Oct 27 15:25:11 2015 +0100
@@ -40,30 +40,322 @@
 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "stmpe1600_class.h"
+#include "DevI2C.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define DP  (1<<7)
+#define NOT_7_NO_DP( ... ) (uint8_t) ~( __VA_ARGS__ + DP )
+#define S0 (1<<0)
+#define S1 (1<<1)
+#define S2 (1<<2)
+#define S3 (1<<3)
+#define S4 (1<<4)
+#define S5 (1<<5)
+#define S6 (1<<6)
+/* refer to */
+static const uint8_t ascii_to_display_lut[256]={
+      [' ']=           0,
+      ['-']=           S6,
+      ['_']=           S3,
+      ['=']=           S3+S6,
+      ['~']=           S0+S3+S6, /* 3 h bar */
+      ['^']=           S0, /* use as top bar */
+      ['?']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S5+S3+S2),
+      ['*']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(),
+      ['[']=           S0+S3+S4+S5,
+      [']']=           S0+S3+S2+S1,
+      ['@']=           S0+S3,
+      ['0']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S6),
+      ['1']=           S1+S2,
+      ['2']=           S0+S1+S6+S4+S3,
+      ['3']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S4+S5),
+      ['4']=           S5+S1+S6+S2,
+      ['5']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1+S4),
+      ['6']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1),
+      ['7']=           S0+S1+S2,
+      ['8']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(0),
+      ['9']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S4),
+      ['a']=           S2+ S3+ S4+ S6 ,
+      ['b']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S1),
+      ['c']=           S6+S4+S3,
+      ['d']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S5),
+      ['e']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S2),
+      ['f']=           S6+S5+S4+S0, /* same as F */
+      ['g']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S4), /* same as 9 */
+      ['h']=           S6+S5+S4+S2,
+      ['i']=           S4,
+      ['j']=           S1+S2+S3+S4,
+      ['k']=           S6+S5+S4+S2, /* a h */
+      ['l']=           S3+S4,
+      ['m']=           S0+S4+S2, /* same as  */
+      ['n']=           S2+S4+S6,
+      ['o']=           S6+S4+S3+S2,
+      ['p']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S3+S2), // same as P
+      ['q']=           S0+S1+S2+S5+S6,
+      ['r']=           S4+S6,
+      ['s']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1+S4),
+      ['t']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S1+S2),
+      ['u']=           S4+S3+S2+S5+S1, // U
+      ['v']=           S4+S3+S2, // is u but u use U
+      ['w']=           S1+S3+S5,
+      ['x']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3), // similar to H
+      ['y']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S4),
+      ['z']=           S0+S1+S6+S4+S3, // same as 2
+      ['A']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S3),
+      ['B']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S1), /* as b  */
+      ['C']=           S0+S3+S4+S5, // same as [
+      ['E']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1+S2),
+      ['F']=           S6+S5+S4+S0,
+      ['G']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S4), /* same as 9 */
+      ['H']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3),
+      ['I']=           S1+S2,
+      ['J']=           S1+S2+S3+S4,
+      ['K']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3), /* same as H */
+      ['L']=           S3+S4+S5,
+      ['M']=           S0+S4+S2, /* same as  m*/
+      ['N']=           S2+S4+S6, /* same as n*/
+      ['O']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S6),
+      ['P']=           S0+S1+S2+S5+S6, // sames as 'q'
+      ['Q']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S3+S2),
+      ['R']=           S4+S6,
+      ['S']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S1+S4), /* sasme as 5 */
+      ['T']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S1+S2), /* sasme as t */
+      ['U']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S6+S0),
+      ['V']=           S4+S3+S2, // is u but u use U
+      ['W']=           S1+S3+S5,
+      ['X']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S3), // similar to H
+      ['Y']=           NOT_7_NO_DP(S0+S4),
+      ['Z']=           S0+S1+S6+S4+S3, // same as 2
+#undef S0
+#undef S1
+#undef S2
+#undef S3
+#undef S4
+#undef S5
+#undef S6
+#undef DP
+#define DISPLAY_DELAY   1  // in mSec 		
 /* Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/** Class representing GPIO expander
- */
+/** Class representing Display
+ */ 
-class Display : 
+class Display
-    Display(DevI2C &i2c) : device_i2c(i2c);
+    Display(DevI2C &i2c, STMPE1600DigiOut &D1,	STMPE1600DigiOut &D2, STMPE1600DigiOut &D3, STMPE1600DigiOut &D4,
+						STMPE1600DigiOut &D_A, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_B, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_C, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_D,
+						STMPE1600DigiOut &D_E, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_F, STMPE1600DigiOut &D_G)
+						: Display_D1(D1), Display_D2(D2), Display_D3(D3), Display_D4(D4),
+							Display_A(D_A), Display_B(D_B), Display_C(D_C), Display_D(D_D), 
+ 							Display_E(D_E), Display_F(D_F), Display_G(D_G), dev_i2c(i2c)
+		{
+			pDisplay_DGT[0] = &Display_D1;
+			pDisplay_DGT[1] = &Display_D2;
+			pDisplay_DGT[2] = &Display_D3;
+			pDisplay_DGT[3] = &Display_D4;	
+			pDisplay_SEG[0] = &Display_A;
+			pDisplay_SEG[1] = &Display_B;
+			pDisplay_SEG[2] = &Display_C;
+			pDisplay_SEG[3] = &Display_D;
+			pDisplay_SEG[4] = &Display_E;
+			pDisplay_SEG[5] = &Display_F;
+			pDisplay_SEG[6] = &Display_G;		
+			for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { *pDisplay_DGT[i]=1; }
+			for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { *pDisplay_SEG[i]=1;	}		
+		}
+    Display(DevI2C &i2c) :  dev_i2c(i2c) {}
     virtual ~Display() 
         //nella classe board ci sara' un puntatore ad un oggetto di tipo Display che verra' creato con una new
-		    //qui devo fare il delete[] del new 
+		    //qui devo fare il delete[] del new 			
- private:
-    DevI2C &device_i2c;
+#ifndef FAST_DISPLAY			
+ 		void Digits_off (void)  // all 4 digits off
+		{
+			Display_D1=1;
+			Display_D2=1; 
+			Display_D3=1; 
+			Display_D4=1;  			
+		}
+ 		void Digits_on (void)  // all 4 digits on
+		{
+			Display_D1=0;
+			Display_D2=0; 
+			Display_D3=0; 
+			Display_D4=0;  			
+		}
+ 		void Digit_on (int digit)  // digits on
+		{
+			*pDisplay_DGT[digit] = 0;
+		}
+ 		void Digit_off (int digit)  // digits on
+		{
+			*pDisplay_DGT[digit] = 1;
+		}
+		void Segments_off ()   // all 7 segments off			
+		{
+			Display_A=1;
+			Display_B=1;
+			Display_C=1;
+			Display_D=1;
+			Display_E=1;
+			Display_F=1;			
+			Display_G=1;						
+		}		
+		void Segment_off (int seg)   // segment off			
+		{
+			*pDisplay_SEG[seg] = 1;
+		}
+		void Segment_on (int seg)   // segment on			
+		{
+			*pDisplay_SEG[seg] = 0;
+		}
+		void DisplayString (char str[4])
+		{
+    int i;
+    const char *pc;
+			for( i=0, pc=str; i<4 && *pc!=0 ; i++, pc++){
+        _V2_Set7Segment( ascii_to_display_lut[(uint8_t)*pc], i);
+        if( *(pc+1)== '.'){
+            pc++;
+        }
+				 wait_ms(DISPLAY_DELAY);
+				 Digits_off();
+			}			
+		}
+   void _V2_Set7Segment( int Leds, int digit ){
+		  //Digits_off();
+			Segments_off();					  // 7 seg off */
+		 int mask=1;
+		  for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { 
+				if (Leds & mask) Segment_on(i);
+				mask = mask<<1;
+			}		 
+		  Digit_on(digit);
+		}
+		void DisplayDigit (char *val, char dgt)	
+		{
+		uint8_t data[2];
+		uint16_t *pdata = (uint16_t*)data;				
+      dev_i2c.i2c_read(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7					
+		  *pdata = *pdata | (uint16_t)0x0780;				// all digits off
+			dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7		 
+      _V2_Set7Segment( ascii_to_display_lut[(uint8_t)*val], dgt);						
+		}
+		void DisplayString (char str[4], char strlen)
+		{
+    int i, dgt;
+    const char *pc;
+		uint8_t data[2];
+		uint16_t *pdata = (uint16_t*)data;	
+ //     dev_i2c.i2c_read(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7					
+//		  *pdata = *pdata | (uint16_t)0x0780;				// all digits off
+//			dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7		 
+			for(i=0, dgt=4-strlen, pc=str; i<strlen && *pc!=0; i++, pc++, dgt++){
+        _V2_Set7Segment( ascii_to_display_lut[(uint8_t)*pc], dgt);
+        if( *(pc+1)== '.'){
+            pc++;
+        }
+				wait_ms(DISPLAY_DELAY);
+				dev_i2c.i2c_read(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7
+		    *pdata = *pdata | (uint16_t)0x0780;				// all digits off
+			  dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7	
+			}			
+		}
+   void _V2_Set7Segment( int Leds, int digit ){
+		  //Digits_off();
+		  uint16_t dgt;
+		  dgt = 1<<digit;
+		  dgt = ((uint16_t)dgt)<<7;
+		  dgt = ~dgt;	
+			uint8_t data[2];
+			uint16_t *pdata = (uint16_t*)data;			 
+			/* set the exppinname state to lvl */
+			dev_i2c.i2c_read(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7  		 
+		  *pdata = *pdata  | (uint16_t)0x007F;      // 7 segments off
+			dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7		 
+		 int mask=1;
+		  for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { 
+				if (Leds & mask) *pdata = *pdata & ~(uint16_t)mask;  
+				mask = mask<<1;
+			}		 
+			*pdata = *pdata & dgt;
+			dev_i2c.i2c_write(data, (uint8_t)STMPE1600_DEF_DEVICE_ADDRESS, (uint8_t)GPSR_0_7, 2);		//  GPSR_0_7		 			
+		}
+ private:		
+		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D1;
+		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D2;
+		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D3;
+		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D4;
+		STMPE1600DigiOut *pDisplay_DGT[4];		// the 4 display digits
+ 		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_A;
+ 		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_B;
+ 		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_C;
+ 		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_D;
+ 		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_E; 
+		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_F;
+ 		STMPE1600DigiOut &Display_G; 
+		STMPE1600DigiOut *pDisplay_SEG[7];		// the 7 digit segmments
+    DevI2C           &dev_i2c; 		
+#ifdef __cplusplus
\ No newline at end of file