Ben Evans University Second Year Project. Game Called Defender.

Dependencies:   mbed

Hello, soldier, you have been specially selected as the defender of planet earth.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it. Fly around the planet and pulverise invading alien ships for as long as you can. Stop the aliens abducting the innocent people on the ground. Be warned if an alien ship manages to abduct a person and take them to top of the screen, they will no longer move randomly and will begin to hunt you down. This sounds like a challenge you were trained for.

But don’t worry soldier you’re not going into battle empty-handed. Your ship is equipped with a state of the art laser beam that has unlimited ammo and four smart bombs that will destroy anything on the screen. The ship also has three lives so use them wisely.

As time goes on more alien ships will arrive on planet earth increasing the difficulty of your mission. And remember the landscape bellow loops around so if you continually fly in the same direction you go to your original position. Good luck soldier.

Wed May 27 02:06:05 2020 +0000
Final Submission. I have read and agreed with Statement of Academic Integrity.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 2 /* Low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFs (C)ChaN, 2014 */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 3 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 4 /* If a working storage control module is available, it should be */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 5 /* attached to the FatFs via a glue function rather than modifying it. */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 6 /* This is an example of glue functions to attach various exsisting */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 7 /* storage control modules to the FatFs module with a defined API. */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 8 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 9
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 10 #include "diskio.h"
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 11 #include "mbed_debug.h"
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 12 #include "FATFileSystem.h"
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 13
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 14 using namespace mbed;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 15
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 16 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 17 /* Get Drive Status */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 18 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 19
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 20 DSTATUS disk_status (
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 21 BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 22 )
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 23 {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 24 debug_if(FFS_DBG, "disk_status on pdrv [%d]\n", pdrv);
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 25 return (DSTATUS)FATFileSystem::_ffs[pdrv]->disk_status();
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 26 }
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 27
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 28 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 29 /* Inidialize a Drive */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 30 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 31
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 32 DSTATUS disk_initialize (
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 33 BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 34 )
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 35 {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 36 debug_if(FFS_DBG, "disk_initialize on pdrv [%d]\n", pdrv);
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 37 return (DSTATUS)FATFileSystem::_ffs[pdrv]->disk_initialize();
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 38 }
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 39
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 40 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 41 /* Read Sector(s) */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 42 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 43
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 44 DRESULT disk_read (
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 45 BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 46 BYTE* buff, /* Data buffer to store read data */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 47 DWORD sector, /* Sector address in LBA */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 48 UINT count /* Number of sectors to read */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 49 )
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 50 {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 51 debug_if(FFS_DBG, "disk_read(sector %d, count %d) on pdrv [%d]\n", sector, count, pdrv);
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 52 if (FATFileSystem::_ffs[pdrv]->disk_read((uint8_t*)buff, sector, count))
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 53 return RES_PARERR;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 54 else
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 55 return RES_OK;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 56 }
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 57
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 58 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 59 /* Write Sector(s) */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 60 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 61
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 62 #if _USE_WRITE
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 63 DRESULT disk_write (
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 64 BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 65 const BYTE* buff, /* Data to be written */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 66 DWORD sector, /* Sector address in LBA */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 67 UINT count /* Number of sectors to write */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 68 )
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 69 {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 70 debug_if(FFS_DBG, "disk_write(sector %d, count %d) on pdrv [%d]\n", sector, count, pdrv);
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 71 if (FATFileSystem::_ffs[pdrv]->disk_write((uint8_t*)buff, sector, count))
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 72 return RES_PARERR;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 73 else
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 74 return RES_OK;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 75 }
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 76 #endif
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 77
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 78 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 79 /* Miscellaneous Functions */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 80 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 81
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 82 #if _USE_IOCTL
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 83 DRESULT disk_ioctl (
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 84 BYTE pdrv, /* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 85 BYTE cmd, /* Control code */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 86 void* buff /* Buffer to send/receive control data */
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 87 )
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 88 {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 89 debug_if(FFS_DBG, "disk_ioctl(%d)\n", cmd);
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 90 switch(cmd) {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 91 case CTRL_SYNC:
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 92 if(FATFileSystem::_ffs[pdrv] == NULL) {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 93 return RES_NOTRDY;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 94 } else if(FATFileSystem::_ffs[pdrv]->disk_sync()) {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 95 return RES_ERROR;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 96 }
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 97 return RES_OK;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 98 case GET_SECTOR_COUNT:
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 99 if(FATFileSystem::_ffs[pdrv] == NULL) {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 100 return RES_NOTRDY;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 101 } else {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 102 DWORD res = FATFileSystem::_ffs[pdrv]->disk_sectors();
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 103 if(res > 0) {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 104 *((DWORD*)buff) = res; // minimum allowed
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 105 return RES_OK;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 106 } else {
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 107 return RES_ERROR;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 108 }
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 109 }
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 110 case GET_BLOCK_SIZE:
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 111 *((DWORD*)buff) = 1; // default when not known
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 112 return RES_OK;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 113
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 114 }
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 115 return RES_PARERR;
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 116 }
evanso 48:e308067cfea5 117 #endif