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sd_mbr_command_compare_t Struct Reference

sd_mbr_command_compare_t Struct Reference

This command works like memcmp, but takes the length in words. More...

#include <nrf_mbr.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t * ptr1
 Pointer to block of memory.
uint32_t * ptr2
 Pointer to block of memory.
uint32_t len
 Number of 32 bit words to compare.

Detailed Description

This command works like memcmp, but takes the length in words.

Return values:
NRF_SUCCESSindicates that the contents of both memory blocks are equal.
NRF_ERROR_NULLindicates that the contents of the memory blocks are not equal.

Definition at line 105 of file nrf_mbr.h.

Field Documentation

uint32_t len

Number of 32 bit words to compare.

Definition at line 109 of file nrf_mbr.h.

uint32_t* ptr1

Pointer to block of memory.

Definition at line 107 of file nrf_mbr.h.

uint32_t* ptr2

Pointer to block of memory.

Definition at line 108 of file nrf_mbr.h.