BLE ADV Gateway, converts advertisement to proper JSON serial output

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed mbedtls nRF51822



File content as of revision 13:e136665cf993:

 * Copyright (c) Eric Tsai 2017
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Credit:  I started with the basic BLE_Observer code from mbed Bluetooth Low Energy team
 * This BLE advertisement observer looks for specific advertisements from intended bacons
 * and outputs beacon data as json over serial.  Compiled and tested for nRF51822 on mbed.

#include "mbed.h"   //revision 148
#include "ble/BLE.h"
#include "mbedtls/aes.h"    //derived from the standard mbedtls.  Modified for smaller build.  See project.

#define MyDebugEnb 0    //change to 1 for debug out of the same serial as intended output

Ticker     ticker;

//clock periodicity used for spoof checking, should be 1800 seconds for 30minutes
//make sure matches periodicity of beacons for correct operation
const uint16_t Periodicity = 1800;   

uint8_t src_buf[16] = {0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4};
uint8_t des_buf[16] = {0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4};
mbedtls_aes_context aes;
unsigned char iv[16] = {0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x1, 0x2};       //16-byte aes key

Serial device(p9, p11);  //nRF51822 uart:  TX=p9.  RX=p11
DigitalIn pinHandShake(p0);  //handshake uart to prevent output before bridge MCU is ready.  Flow control.

//data structures for tracking wake time of BLE end nodes, for to prevent spoofing
struct MAC_Birth_Record
    uint8_t MAC_Addr[6]; //mac[0] is low order byte in mac address
    uint16_t MAC_Time;  //The time of birth for this end node
    uint16_t Attempt_MAC_Time;
    uint8_t Attempt_Cnt;
    uint8_t Xmit_Cnt;
const uint8_t sizeOfSpoof = 50; //translates to the number of unique BLE modules this gateway should receive
MAC_Birth_Record Spoof_Check[sizeOfSpoof];   //array tracking end node birth times
uint8_t Spoof_Ray_Tail = 0;         //array index for next record
uint8_t Received_MAC_Addr[6]; //mac[0] is low order byte in mac address
uint16_t Received_MAC_Time;     //global var to hold MAC for processing the current ADV
static Timer Gateway_Time;  //global for the # seconds within each "Periodicity" cycle, each 30 minute chunk.
static uint16_t Expected_MAC_Time;  //holds Gateway Time Zone value for  Beacon's birth time indicated by ADV
uint8_t Received_Xmit_Cnt;  //global var to hold xmit count for processing the current ADV
const uint8_t Allowance = 5;  //number of seconds allowed for MAC Birthtime mismatch

// possible return values for Is_Not_Spoofed()
const uint8_t ADVisUnknown = 0;     //Unaccounted for advertisement type, should never happen
const uint8_t ADVisNew = 1;             //first time seeing this MAC address
const uint8_t ADVisDuplicate = 2;       //packet is one of the duplicate advertisement
const uint8_t ADVisSpoof = 3;           //birth times do not match

uint8_t MAC_gateway[6] = {0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0};  //mac address of this gateway BLE module

// Checks if Beacon's transmitted MAC birth time matches and gateway's recorded MAC birth time.
// Takes into account 30-minute clock, takes care of edge cases for wrap around
// returns:
//      TRUE:  if sensor's reported time lines up to gateway's recorded time
bool Is_Birth_Time_Correct (uint16_t gateway_mac_time, uint16_t sensor_mac_time, uint8_t margin)
    bool return_val = 0;
    uint16_t current_time = (uint16_t)(Gateway_Time.read_ms()/1000);
    int16_t gateway_time_zone = current_time - sensor_mac_time;
    if (current_time >= sensor_mac_time)        //simple time translation
        Expected_MAC_Time = current_time - sensor_mac_time;
    else        //wrap around time given periodicity
        Expected_MAC_Time = (Periodicity - sensor_mac_time + current_time);
    //todo:  perhaps return true if count is 0 to avoid 3-transmits needed to confirm devices that were reset?  Meh.
    if (1) 
        //We can't be too stringent that beacon MAC time precisely matches recorded time, because we're advertising 
        // the same data over several seconds.  Not bothering to update the MAC time of each ADV within same event.
        // Pick margin time (in seconds) based on how many seconds the beacon is advertising, to give this alloweance
        // For example, you want to be more certain that beacon seen by gateway, and you increase the number of seconds
        // you advertise for from 2 to 4 seconds.  Then Margin has to be likewise increased to 4 seconds.
        // Increasing probably that Beacon is seen results in slightly compromised spoof-detection.
        if ( (gateway_mac_time < (Expected_MAC_Time + margin)) && (gateway_mac_time > (Expected_MAC_Time - margin)) )
            return_val = 1;
            return_val = 0;

    return return_val;
}//end Is_Birth_Time_Correct

/* ****************************************
iterates Beacon adv against all mac birth records to detect spoofing, repeats, and
add device to birth records if new

    ADVisNew = 1                First time seeing this MAC address
    ADVisDuplicate = 2         Subsequent advertisements for same event
    ADVisSpoof = 3              MAC times do not match
    ADVisUnknown = 0        Shouldn't encounter this, debug
uint8_t Is_Not_Spoofed ()
    uint8_t return_val = ADVisUnknown;
    //iterate through all of birth records looking for one that matches MAC address
    for (int i=0; i<sizeOfSpoof; i++)
        //Search for matching MAC address
        if (Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Addr[0] == Received_MAC_Addr[0] &&
            Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Addr[1] == Received_MAC_Addr[1] &&
            Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Addr[2] == Received_MAC_Addr[2] &&
            Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Addr[3] == Received_MAC_Addr[3] &&
            Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Addr[4] == Received_MAC_Addr[4] &&
            Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Addr[5] == Received_MAC_Addr[5])
            #if MyDebugEnb
            device.printf("found MAC address in array\r\n");
            device.printf("   Index = %d \r\n", i);
            device.printf("   MAC = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x \r\n", Received_MAC_Addr[5],Received_MAC_Addr[4],Received_MAC_Addr[3],Received_MAC_Addr[2],Received_MAC_Addr[1],Received_MAC_Addr[0]);
            device.printf("   Received MAC Time =  %d \r\n", Received_MAC_Time);
            device.printf("   Gateway time = %d \r\n", (uint16_t)(Gateway_Time.read_ms()/1000));
            device.printf("   Array.MAC_Time =  %d \r\n", Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Time);
            device.printf("   Array.Attempt_MAC_Time =  %d \r\n", Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_MAC_Time);
            device.printf("   Array.Attempt_Cnt =  %d \r\n", Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_Cnt);
            device.printf("   Array.Xmit_Cnt =  %d \r\n", Spoof_Check[i].Xmit_Cnt);
            device.printf("   expected time =  %d \r\n", ((uint16_t)(Gateway_Time.read_ms()/1000)) - Received_MAC_Time);
                //check primary MAC time
                //adjust margin=5 as needed to accomodate Beacon advertisement interval time
                // if advertising for 3 seconds, then make margin 4.  4->5, etc...
                Is_Birth_Time_Correct(Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Time, Received_MAC_Time, Allowance)
                if (Spoof_Check[i].Xmit_Cnt != Received_Xmit_Cnt)   //check if this is duplicate
                    return_val = ADVisNew; //MAC Time checks out and not duplicate
                    Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Time = Expected_MAC_Time;    //update birth time for this device.
                    Spoof_Check[i].Xmit_Cnt = Received_Xmit_Cnt;
                    //i = sizeOfSpoof;    //exit for loop, we've found the MAC address.  But can't do it this way.
                    //ToDo:  hey, what happens if the array holds entries w/ same MAC?  Is that possible?
                    #if MyDebugEnb
                    device.printf("Pirmary MAC Time as expected...expected=%d...Spoof_mac_tmr=%d \r\n", Expected_MAC_Time, Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Time);
                    return_val = ADVisDuplicate; //MAC Time checks out and is duplicate
            }//if primary MAC_time match
                // check secondary Mac_Time
                // allows for device to become registered if secondary matches multiple times
                #if MyDebugEnb
                device.printf("    MAC Time No Match!!...expected=%d...Spoof_mac_tmr=%d \r\n", Expected_MAC_Time, Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Time);
                //increment count if matches secondary
                if (Is_Birth_Time_Correct(Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_MAC_Time, Received_MAC_Time, Allowance))
                    if (Spoof_Check[i].Xmit_Cnt != Received_Xmit_Cnt)   //not a duplicate ADV
                        Spoof_Check[i].Xmit_Cnt = Received_Xmit_Cnt;
                        #if MyDebugEnb
                        device.printf("    Match on secondary, Attempt_Cnt= %d, Attempt_MAC_Time = %d, Expected_MAC_Time=%d \r\n", Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_Cnt, Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_MAC_Time, Expected_MAC_Time);
                        //this takes care of usecase where a module is reset after it's already been seen by gateway
                        //after 3 consecutive correlated MAC_Time attempts we assume is our long lost friend and not a spoof.
                        if (Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_Cnt >= 3)
                            return_val = ADVisNew;
                            //promote this MAC_Time to primary and start accepting data @ this MAC_Time
                            Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Time = Expected_MAC_Time;
                            Spoof_Check[i].Xmit_Cnt = Received_Xmit_Cnt;
                            Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_Cnt = 0;
                        else    //Received_MAC_Time matches Attempt, but not enough times to be considered as valid.
                            return_val = ADVisSpoof;
                    }//is not duplicate, and transmit count matches
                        #if MyDebugEnb
                        device.printf("    is Duplicate , but matches Attempt_MAC_Time matches\r\n");
                        return_val = ADVisDuplicate;
                } //Recevied MAC_Time matches secondary MAC_Time
                    #if MyDebugEnb
                    device.printf("    No Match on secondary either, ===setting return_val = Spoof ===\r\n");
                    return_val = ADVisSpoof;  //it should still be zero, so this is just for clarification
                    //at this point:  MAC matches, MAC_Time doesn't match primary nor secondary.
                    Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_Cnt = 0;  //reset secondary count
                //update second backup regardless whether it matches exptected_mac_time matches secondary or not.
                Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_MAC_Time = Expected_MAC_Time;
                Spoof_Check[i].Xmit_Cnt = Received_Xmit_Cnt;
            }//if Primary MAC_Time doesn't match
            break;  //return_val tells us if this is a valid or not.  Don't need to search through remainder of array
        }//if matching MAC address
        else //MAC doesn't match
            //MAC doesn't match and we've searched through entire record
            //let's add this MAC as new, and initialze records to match this sensor
            if (i >= (sizeOfSpoof - 1))   //we've searched through entire array and didn't find this MAC
                //we've searched through the entire array and didn't find this MAC address
                //add this MAC to array, and report this as valid MAC_Time
                #if MyDebugEnb
                device.printf("MAC not found, creating new at %d \r\n", Spoof_Ray_Tail);
                device.printf("  sizeOfSpoof=%d ... and i=%d \r\n", sizeOfSpoof, i);  
                return_val = ADVisNew;

                //create new entry for newly seen MAC @ tail of FIFO
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].MAC_Addr[0] = Received_MAC_Addr[0];
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].MAC_Addr[1] = Received_MAC_Addr[1];
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].MAC_Addr[2] = Received_MAC_Addr[2];
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].MAC_Addr[3] = Received_MAC_Addr[3];
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].MAC_Addr[4] = Received_MAC_Addr[4];
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].MAC_Addr[5] = Received_MAC_Addr[5];
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].Xmit_Cnt = Received_Xmit_Cnt;

                //call this just to calculate Expected_MAC_Time...kinda ugly to do this.  todo:  don't do this
                Is_Birth_Time_Correct (0, Received_MAC_Time, Allowance);
                #if MyDebugEnb
                device.printf("Expected_MAC_Time should be %d \r\n", Expected_MAC_Time);
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].MAC_Time = Expected_MAC_Time;    //wrong!!!
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].Xmit_Cnt = Received_Xmit_Cnt;
                Spoof_Check[Spoof_Ray_Tail].Attempt_Cnt = 0;
                //increment tail pointer to next position or wrap around
                if (Spoof_Ray_Tail >= (sizeOfSpoof-1) ) //FIFO at end of array, return to beginning
                    Spoof_Ray_Tail = 0;
            }//end if loop at end of array
        }//end else not maching MAC
    }//loop through Spoof_Check array

    return return_val;
}//end Is_Not_Spoofed()

void periodicCallback(void) //every Periodicity seconds, reset clock
#if MyDebugEnb
    device.printf("===== reset timer ===== \r\n");

//Scheme for recognizing our beacons and ignoring all other beacons
//idea:  could use something like Pearson hash on parts of MAC address to make less obvious
bool is_ours(const uint8_t * adv_data, const uint8_t * adv_address)
    if ((adv_data[5] == adv_address[3]) && (adv_data[6] == adv_address[2]))
        return 1;
        return 0;

// callback when BLE stack scans and finds a BLE ADV packet
// Parse ADV and determine if it's one of ours, output data to serial if it is.
void advertisementCallback(const Gap::AdvertisementCallbackParams_t *params) {

    if ( (params->advertisingDataLen) >= 8)
        if (is_ours(params->advertisingData, params->peerAddr))
            #if MyDebugEnb
            device.printf("----------- ADV CAll Back -----------------\r\n  ");
            // Decrypt data
            //prep array for deciphering the encrypted portion of advertisement
            for (int i = 0; i<16; i++)
                #if MyDebugEnb
                //device.printf("%x ", src_buf[i]);
            mbedtls_aes_crypt_ecb( &aes, MBEDTLS_AES_DECRYPT, src_buf, des_buf );   //execution time not an issue
            #if MyDebugEnb
            //device.printf("decoded first 16 bytes \r\n");
            for (int i = 0; i<16; i++)
                //device.printf("%02x", params->advertisingData[index]);
                if (i < 2)
                   //device.printf("%x ", des_buf[i]); 
                    //device.printf("%c ", des_buf[i]);
            //device.printf("done----- \r\n");
            //save MAC address to global
            Received_MAC_Addr[0] = params->peerAddr[0];
            Received_MAC_Addr[1] = params->peerAddr[1];
            Received_MAC_Addr[2] = params->peerAddr[2];
            Received_MAC_Addr[3] = params->peerAddr[3];
            Received_MAC_Addr[4] = params->peerAddr[4];
            Received_MAC_Addr[5] = params->peerAddr[5];
            Received_MAC_Time = des_buf[0] | (des_buf[1] << 8);  //it's a 2 byte uint little endian
            Received_Xmit_Cnt = des_buf[2];
            // punch out the data over serial as json 
            // 1.  MAC and RSSI
            // "mac":xxxxxxxx,rssi:xx,
            uint8_t ADV_Result = Is_Not_Spoofed();
            #if MyDebugEnb
            device.printf("--------ADV_Result = %d", ADV_Result);

            //decide wether or not duplicate ADV packets should be output as well.
            //if ((ADV_Result == ADVisNew) || (ADV_Result==ADVisDuplicate))  //output both first and duplicates
            if (ADV_Result == ADVisNew)  //only output first received ADV
                // 2.  Volt is always X.XX, per Beacon code
                // "volt":3.03,
                // 3.  Beacon time (# seconds since birth, clocked around Periodicity) 0-1800 seconds
                // "tmr":xxxx,
                device.printf("\"tmr\":%d,", Received_MAC_Time);
                // 4.  Xmit Counter 0-255, incremented by Beacon with each new unique ADV event.
                // "tmr":xxxx,
                device.printf("\"xmit_cnt\":%d,", Received_Xmit_Cnt);
                // 5.  rest of sensor payload as json
                // "tmr":xxx,
                for (int i = 3; i<16; i++)
                    device.printf("%c", des_buf[i]);    //print as character
                    //Note that sensor JSON payload most likely is not exactly 16 bytes long, so there's likely /0 in middle
                    // of this.  But JSON library on gateway handles this gracefully.
                device.printf("\r\n");  //gateway looking for cariage return to indicate end
                wait_ms(60);  //needed to give gateway time to assert flow control handshake pin
                while ( == 1)    //normally pulled down, so loop when gateway processing;
                    //uart flow control
                    //blocking until gateway has processed ADV data from uart

            if (ADV_Result == ADVisSpoof)  //If detected spoofed sensor data
                device.printf("{\"mac\":\"%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\",\"spoof\": %d}\r\n",
            if (ADV_Result == ADVisUnknown)  //catch all, should never occur
                device.printf("{\"mac\":\"%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\",\"unknown\": %d}\r\n",
        }//end if it's our adv
    }//end if advertisingDataLen
}//end advertisementCallback

 * This function is called when the ble initialization process has failed
void onBleInitError(BLE &ble, ble_error_t error)
    /* Initialization error handling should go here */
    device.printf("periodic callback ");

 * Callback triggered when the ble initialization process has finished
void bleInitComplete(BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext *params)
    BLE&        ble   = params->ble;
    ble_error_t error = params->error;

    if (error != BLE_ERROR_NONE) {
        /* In case of error, forward the error handling to onBleInitError */
        onBleInitError(ble, error);

    /* Ensure that it is the default instance of BLE */
    if(ble.getInstanceID() != BLE::DEFAULT_INSTANCE) {
    //note:  defaults to scanning 3 channels.
    // Window and Interval in ms.  Duty cycle = (interval / window);  200ms/500ms = 40%;  Max is 10000
    //  |---window---|                          |---window---|                       |---window---|
    //  |---------- interval @ ch1 -----| |------- interval @ ch2--------||-----interval @ ch3-------|
    //  set window equal to interval for full duty cycle scanning
    //  set interval to hit all 3 channels of beacon advertising over advertising time duration /* scan interval */, 500 /* scan window */);;

int main(void)
    pinHandShake.mode(PullDown); //Expecting gateway to set pin high for flow control
    //intialize spoof checking data structure
    for (int i=0; i<sizeOfSpoof; i++)
        Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Addr[0]= 0;
        Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Addr[1]= 0;
        Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Addr[2]= 0;
        Spoof_Check[i].MAC_Time = 0;
        Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_MAC_Time = 0;
        Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_Cnt = 0;
        Spoof_Check[i].Attempt_Cnt = 0;
        Spoof_Check[i].Xmit_Cnt = 0;
    //maintains periodicity for spoof checking scheme
    ticker.attach(periodicCallback, Periodicity);
    device.baud(9600);  //p0.9 tx, p0.11 rx.  Use p0.9 to gateway

    mbedtls_aes_setkey_dec( &aes, iv, 128 );  //set AES key for decrypt

    BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();
    ble.getAddress(0,MAC_gateway);  //get this gateway module's ble MAC
    while (true) 
        ble.waitForEvent();  //idle here until callback