Basic I2C Driver for the TI DRV2605 Haptic Driver. Currently only supports Open-Loop ERM operation using internal Immersion TouchSense 2200 software/library, although user can use the Read/Write Byte methods to manually set registers and control the device.

Dependents:   DRV2605L_Haptic_Driver_Demo IoT_Haptic_Noise_Irritator DuelingTanks

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API Documentation at this revision

Wed Oct 21 01:02:59 2015 +0000
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v1 Upload;

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DRV2605.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
DRV2605.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DRV2605.cpp	Wed Oct 21 01:02:59 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#include "DRV2605.h"
+DRV2605::DRV2605(PinName sda, PinName scl): i2c(sda, scl){
+        wait_us(250);   // Device datasheet specified wait time before I2C
+                        // comms should be used
+void DRV2605::i2cWriteByte(char reg, char value){
+    char buff[2] = {reg, value};
+    i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR_7_BIT<<1, buff, 2);
+uint8_t DRV2605::i2cReadByte(char reg){
+    char result;                                    // Temp result storage
+    i2c.write(SLAVE_ADDR_7_BIT<<1, &reg, 1, true);  
+<<1, &result, 1);
+    return result;         
+void DRV2605::mode(Mode mode){
+    i2cWriteByte(MODE, mode);
+int DRV2605::init(float actuator_peak_voltage, Library lib){
+    int result = 
+        auto_cal_open_loop(actuator_peak_voltage); // Perform Open-Loop ERM Cal
+    i2cWriteByte(LIBRARY_SELECTION, lib);     // Select ROM Library
+    mode(STANDBY);                            // Put device into low- power mode
+    return result;                            // Cal/Init Result 0: Pass 1: Fail
+uint8_t DRV2605::diagnostics(){
+    mode(DIAG);
+    i2cWriteByte(GO, 1);
+    while(i2cReadByte(GO));     // Wait for GO bit to clear
+    return i2cReadByte(STATUS); // Return Status Reg Value
+void DRV2605::play_waveform(int waveform_effect){
+    mode(INTERNAL_TRIG);                                 // Bring device out of standby and set to internal trigger
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_1, waveform_effect); // Load waveform index to play
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_2, 0);               // Insert stop condition so we don't play other registers if filled
+    i2cWriteByte(GO, 0x01);                              // Set GO bit to start playback
+void DRV2605::load_waveform_sequence(int effect1, int effect2, 
+                                     int effect3, int effect4,
+                                     int effect5, int effect6, 
+                                     int effect7, int effect8){
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_1, effect1);
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_2, effect2);
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_3, effect3);
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_4, effect4);
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_5, effect5);
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_6, effect6);
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_7, effect7);
+    i2cWriteByte(WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_8, effect8);                                         
+void DRV2605::play(){
+    i2cWriteByte(MODE, INTERNAL_TRIG);      // Internal Trigger Mode
+    i2cWriteByte(GO, 1);
+uint8_t DRV2605::auto_cal_open_loop(float actuator_peak_voltage){
+    // Exit Standby Mode; Enter Auto- Cal Mode
+    mode(AUTO_CAL);
+    /* Set the following registers to the appropriate values:
+        • Rated Voltage (0x16)
+        • Overdrive Voltage (0x17)
+        • Feedback Control (0x1A) – Bits [1:0] can be left blank and will be
+          populated by the auto-calibration engine
+        • Control 1 (0x1B), Control 2 (0x1C), and Control 3 (0x1D)
+        • Mode (0x01) – Set mode to Auto-Calibration
+        • Auto-calibration Memory Interface (0x1E) – the auto-calibration time 
+          can be increased to improve calibration, but can be left as default 
+          for the initial calibration
+    */ 
+    // Rated Voltage (0x16) not referenced for open-loop operation, skip calc
+    // Calc and Set Overdrive Voltage Register (0x17)
+    int od_clamp = (int)(((actuator_peak_voltage*255)/5.6)+0.5);
+                 i2cReadByte(OVERDRIVE_CLAMP_VOLTAGE) | od_clamp);
+    // Set Feedback Control Register (0x1A), use default values
+    // Set Control 1 Register (0x1B), use default values
+    // Set Control 2 Register (0x1C), use default values
+    // Set Control3 Register (0x1D), Set to ERM Open-Loop Operation 
+    i2cWriteByte(CONTROL3, 0xA0);   
+    // Set Control 4 Register (0x1E)                
+    i2cWriteByte(CONTROL4,
+                 i2cReadByte(CONTROL4 | 0x30)); // Max Calibration Time
+    // Device already set to Auto- Cal Mode at top of this code block
+    // Start auto- calibration
+    i2cWriteByte(GO, 0x01);
+    // Wait for calibration to complete
+    while(i2cReadByte(GO));
+    // Read and return DIAG_RESULT in Status Register (0x00)
+    return (i2cReadByte(STATUS)); // Return the Diag_Result Bit Result
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DRV2605.h	Wed Oct 21 01:02:59 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+    Bryce Williams 10/16/2015
+    Library for the TI DRV2605L 2 to 5.2 V Haptic Driver for LRA and ERM
+    With Effect Library and Smart-Loop Architecture
+    References:
+ (Datasheet) 
+ (Setup Guide; SLOA189)
+#ifndef DRV2605_H
+#define DRV2605_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+***** DRV2605 Addresses
+#define SLAVE_ADDR_7_BIT 0x5A // 7-bit slave address 
+****** DRV2605 REGISTERS ******************************************************
+#define STATUS                               0x00
+#define MODE                                 0x01
+#define REAL_TIME_PLAYBACK                   0x02
+#define LIBRARY_SELECTION                    0x03
+#define WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_1                 0x04
+#define WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_2                 0x05
+#define WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_3                 0x06
+#define WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_4                 0x07
+#define WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_5                 0x08
+#define WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_6                 0x09
+#define WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_7                 0x0A
+#define WAVEFORM_SEQUENCER_8                 0x0B
+#define GO                                   0x0C
+#define OVERDRIVE_TIME_OFFSET                0x0D
+#define BRAKE_TIME_OFFSET                    0x10
+#define AUDIO_TO_VIBE_CONTROL                0x11
+#define RATED_VOLTAGE                        0x16
+#define OVERDRIVE_CLAMP_VOLTAGE              0x17
+#define FEEDBACK_CONTROL                     0x1A
+#define CONTROL                              0x1B
+#define CONTROL2                             0x1C
+#define CONTROL3                             0x1D
+#define CONTROL4                             0x1E
+#define CONTROL5                             0x1F
+#define LRA_OPEN_LOOP_PERIOD                 0x20
+#define VBAT_VOLTAGE_MONITOR                 0x21
+#define LRA_RESONANCE_PERIOD                 0x22
+class DRV2605{
+    public:
+        //// modes defines the possible modes of the DRV2605L
+        enum Mode{
+            INTERNAL_TRIG,   // 0x00: Waveforms fired by Setting GO bit in Register 0x0C
+            EXTERNAL_EDGE,   // 0x01: Rising Edge on IN/TRIG pin set GO Bit.
+            EXTERNAL_LEVEL,  // 0x02: GO bit follows state of edge on IN/TRIG pin. 
+            PWM_ANALOG,      // 0x03: PWM or Analog Signal accepted at IN/TRIG pin.
+            AUDIO_TO_VIBE,   // 0x04: An AC-coupled audio signal is accepted at the IN/TRIG pin.
+            RTP,             // 0x05: Real- Time Playback
+            DIAG,            // 0x06: Set to perform actuator diagnostics
+            AUTO_CAL,        // 0x07: Set to perform auto calibration of device for actuator 
+            STANDBY = 0x40,  // 0x40: Set Device to Software Standby (Low- Power Mode)
+            RESET = 0x80,    // 0x80: Reset Device (equivalent of power cycling the device)
+         };
+         //// FeedBack_Controls Fields Bitmasks (Register Addr: 0x1A)
+         enum Actuator_Type{ERM = 0, LRA = 0x80}; // bit-7
+         enum Brake_Factor{x1 = 0x00, x2 = 0x10, x3 = 0x20, 
+                           x4 = 0x40, x6 = 0x80, x8 = 0x50, 
+                           x16 = 0x60, DISABLE = 0x70}; // bit-6..4
+         enum Loop_Gain{LOW = 0x00, 
+                        MED = 0x04, 
+                        HIGH = 0x08, 
+                        VERY_HIGH = 0x0C};  // bit-3..2
+         enum Library{EMPTY, A, B, C, D, E,
+                      LRA_LIB, F};              // ROM Waveform Library Selections
+        /**
+            Constructor for DRV2605 Objects
+        */
+        DRV2605(PinName sda, PinName scl);
+        /**
+            Write value to specified register of device
+            @param reg      The device register to write 
+            @param value    The value to write to the register
+        */
+        void i2cWriteByte(char reg, char value);
+        /**
+            Read value from register of device
+            @param reg  The device register to read
+            @return     The result
+        */
+        uint8_t i2cReadByte(char reg);
+        /**
+            Place device into specified mode
+            @param mode     The mode to place device into
+        */
+        void mode(Mode mode);
+        /**
+            TODO: Expand to allow initialization for LRAs and Closed Loop operation 
+            Initialize the device for Open- Loop ERM mode using specified ROM 
+            Waveform Library as specified in Section 9.3 of Device Datasheet.
+            See also Device Setup Guide 1.6.1 ERM Initialization Example
+            @param actuator_peak_voltage    The Peak Voltage Rating of Actuator
+            @param lib  The ROM Waveform Library to use
+        */
+        int init(float actuator_peak_voltage, Library lib = B);
+        /**
+            Runs diagnostics on the Actuator and Device and returns the results. 
+            The results indicate if an actuator is detected, over- current events, 
+            etc. Refer to STATUS Register (0x00) in device datasheet for more 
+            description register values.
+            Note: This should be run if the user is having trouble getting the actuator 
+            to work.
+            @return The results of the diagnostics (i.e. Status Reg (0x00))
+        */
+        uint8_t diagnostics();
+        /**
+            Play single waveform from ROM Library as outlined in Section
+            of Device Datasheet.
+            The library used is the one that is currently written 
+            to the Library_Selection Register (0x03). This library
+            is set in the init(Library lib) method, but can be 
+            changed manually.
+            @param waveform_effect  The Waveform Effect Library Index value to play
+                                    (valid values are 1 to 123)
+        */
+        void play_waveform(int waveform_effect);
+        /**
+            Load Wave Sequence into DRV2605 Sequence Registers
+            @param effect1... effect8   The effect to play. Valid inputs are 
+                                        0 to 123; 0: Stop Condition, 
+                                                  1- 123: Waveform Index
+        */
+        void load_waveform_sequence(int effect1 = 0, int effect2 = 0, 
+                                    int effect3 = 0, int effect4 = 0,
+                                    int effect5 = 0, int effect6 = 0, 
+                                    int effect7 = 0, int effect8 = 0);
+        /**
+            Plays the currently loaded waveform or waveform sequence. 
+            Call this after calling play_waveform() or after calling 
+            load_waveform_sequence()
+            Preconditions: User must have already loaded waveform(s) 
+                           using play_waveform() or load_waveform_sequence()
+        */
+        void play();
+        /**
+            TODO: Add Closed Loop Calibration
+            Run basic DRV2605L Auto- Calibration as detailed in Section 2 of 
+            the Device Setup Guide for OPEN- LOOP ONLY.
+            This must be done before using the device in closed- loop mode 
+            (unless cal has been done before with values stored in non-volatile
+             mem; see datasheet for more info). 
+            NOTE: It is NOT recommended to store cal values into device 
+            non-volatile memory as this can be done only once. Thus do not 
+            use this feature unless the device is being used in a final 
+            project AND values have been confirmed to result in satisfactory 
+            performance).
+            This uses many of the default device register values such as
+            the default DRIVE_TIME .
+            @param actuator_peak_voltage The maximum/peak voltage rating of the actuator
+        */
+        uint8_t auto_cal_open_loop(float actuator_peak_voltage);        
+    private:
+    I2C i2c;
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