Detected people approaching if the distance is < 6 feet then LEDs blinking RED otherwise LEDs light green.

Dependencies:   mbed X_NUCLEO_53L1A1_mbed WS2812

diff -r 000000000000 -r ea8694e55809 LED_WS2812/LED_WS2812.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LED_WS2812/LED_WS2812.h	Tue Sep 29 09:30:43 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#ifndef LED_WS2812_H
+#define LED_WS2812_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "WS2812.h"
+#include "PixelArray.h"
+#define ZERO_HIGH  250.0
+#define ZERO_LOW  1000.0
+#define ONE_HIGH  1000.0
+#define ONE_LOW   250.0
+#define ZERO_HIGH  200.0
+#define ZERO_LOW  800.0
+#define ONE_HIGH  800.0
+#define ONE_LOW   200.0
+ typedef enum _LED_COLORS {
+        BLUE        = 0x0000FF,
+        LIGHTBLUE   = 0x00FFF6,
+        RED         = 0xFF0000,
+        ORANGE      = 0xFF3500,
+        GREEN       = 0X00FF00,
+        BLACK       = 0X000000,
+        WHITE       = 0XFFFFFF,
+        PURPLE      = 0XFF00FF,
+        PINK        = 0XFF84A3,
+        YELLOW      = 0XFFFF00,
+        DARK_YELLOW      = 0X555500,
+        DEFAULT     = 0x000000
+    } LED_COLORS;
+class LED_WS2812
+    LED_WS2812(PinName _PinOut,  int _nbLeds);
+    ~LED_WS2812();
+    void SetColor(LED_COLORS _color, int position);
+    void SetColor(unsigned int _color, int position);
+    void SetColor(unsigned int _color);
+    void SetColor(LED_COLORS _color);
+    void ResetColor();
+    void SetIntensity(float perCent);
+    void InsertColor(unsigned int _color);
+    void InsertColor(unsigned int _color, float brightness);
+    void InsertColorNtimes(int N, unsigned int _color, float brightness);  
+    void InsertColorNtimes(int N, unsigned int _color);
+    void InsertColor(LED_COLORS _color);
+    void InsertColor(LED_COLORS _color, float brightness);
+    void InsertColorNtimes(int N, LED_COLORS _color, float brightness);  
+    void InsertColorNtimes(int N, LED_COLORS _color);
+    void StartRotation(float interval); // interval in s
+    void StopRotation();  // 
+    void Rotate(); // One Rotation
+    void StartBlink(float interval); // interval in s
+    void StopBlink();  //
+    void Blink(); // One Rotation
+    void __writeBuf(int z);
+    void __insert2buf();
+    void __insertColor(unsigned int _color, int _intensity);
+    WS2812 *ws;
+    int nbLeds;
+    PixelArray *pxArray;
+    int nbInsert;
+    PixelArray *pxInsert;
+    Ticker  LEDSystemTick;    // System Callback for Rotation
+    Ticker  LEDBlinkSystemTick;    // System Callback for Rotation
+    bool rotationState;
+   bool blinkState;
+    int rotationPosition;
+    bool blinkONOFF; // ON = true, OFF = false
+    int intensity;
\ No newline at end of file