A rouge-like rpg, heavily inspired on the binding of isaac. Running on a FRDM-K64F Mbed board. C++.

Dependencies:   mbed MotionSensor



File content as of revision 59:fd4669864b67:

#ifndef ROOM_H
#define ROOM_H
#include "sprites.h"

#include "Entity.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Headless.h"
#include "Snake.h"
#include "Skull.h"
#include "Walls.h"

#include "N5110.h"

#define MAX_ENEMIES 10
/**Room Class
*@author Steven Mahasin
*@brief Create a Room which holds the enemies, collectibles and doorways
*@date May 2019
class Room // contains the type of room, number of enemies inside it, the doorways existing in the room, functions to spawn enemies
    *   @brief an array that dictates which side of the wall has a doorway
    bool _doorways[4];
    *   @brief states the type of room (boss, normal, walled)
    int _room_type;
    *   @brief the coordinates of enemies to be spawned
    int _enemy_coord[MAX_ENEMIES][2]; //  _enemy_coord[EnemyID][x/y]
    *   @brief the status of the walls, used to construct a wall at any x, y, width and height
    char _wall_stat[2][4]; // _wall_coord[WallID][x/y/width/height]
    *   @brief the special boss doorway is held in this member variable (0-3); if no boss doorway, it is default to 4
    int _before_boss_room;
    *   @brief a counter integer to increment through the spawn points in the spawn_area array and id each point
    short int _spawn_point_counter;
    *   @brief a variable to hold the decided randomised spawn point id to spawn an enemy
    short int _spawn_point_coord;
    // Functions
    *   @brief initialisation of boss room
    void init_boss_room();
    *   @brief initialisation of normal rooms
    void init_normal_room();
    *   @brief initialisation of middle walled rooms (not used in this version, in progress)
    void init_middle_walled_room();
    *   @brief initialisation of side walled rooms (not used in this version, in progress)
    void init_side_walled_room();
    *   @brief set the _enemy_coord of index id to a random valid spawn area x and y
    *   @param id - the index of the enemy to be given a random coord
    void rand_enemy_coordinate(int id);
    *   @brief draws the doorways that are behind the player
    *   @param lcd - the screen where the doorway is drawn
    void draw_doorways(N5110 &lcd);
    *   @brief draws overlayed doorways, these doorways are in front of the player
    *   @param lcd - the screen where the doorway_overlay is drawn
    void draw_doorways_overlay(N5110 &lcd);
    *   @brief draws enemies onto the screen
    *   @param lcd - the screen where the enemies are drawn
    *   @param j - the current y-position of entities that are being drawn
    void draw_enemies(N5110 &lcd, int j);
    *   @brief draws collectibles onto the screen
    *   @param lcd - the screen where the collectibles is drawn
    *   @param j - the current y-position of entities that are being drawn
    void draw_collectibles(N5110 &lcd, int j);
    *   @brief draws walls entity onto the screen
    *   @param lcd - the screen where the walls is drawn
    *   @param j - the current y-position of entities that are being drawn
    void draw_walls(N5110 &lcd, int j);
    /** Constructors
    *   @brief create a room with a set number of enemies and a set room type
    *   @param no_of_enemies - the number of enemies to be spawned in the room
    *   @param room_type - the type of room to be initialised with
    Room(int no_of_enemies, int room_type);
    /** Destructors */
    // Mutators
    *   @brief sets _doorway at index "index" with the value of "doorway_value"
    *   @param index - the index of the mutated doorway
    *   @param doorway_value - the value of the mutated doorway
    void set_doorway(int index, bool doorway_value);
    *   @brief sets the position of boss doorway on this room
    *   @param before_boss_room - the side in which boss doorway exists (0-3 = sides, 4 = doesn't exist)
    void set_boss_doorway(int before_boss_room);
    // Accessors
    *   @brief get the 2d map array that dictates where there are walls or empty space
    *   @return the char pointer array of the 2d level map
    char * get_current_map_2d();
    *   @brief get the doorways of the room
    *   @return boolean pointer array of the _doorways member variable
    bool * get_doorways();
    *   @brief get the doorway status of the room at index "index"
    *   @return _doorway[index]
    bool get_doorway(int index);
    *   @brief get the type of room
    *   @return _room_type
    char get_room_type();
    *   @brief get the boss doorway status
    *   @return _before_boss_room
    int get_boss_doorway();
    // Functions
    *   @brief loads all the entities in the room
    void load();
    *   @brief deletes all entities in the room
    void unload();
    *   @brief close all doorways if the room is a boss room
    void update_doorways();
    *   @brief draws the room including enemies
    *   @param lcd - the screen in which the room is being drawn in
    *   @param j - the current y-position of entities that are being drawn
    void draw(N5110 &lcd, int j);    
    *   @brief draws the room
    *   @param lcd - the screen in which the room is being drawn in
    void draw_room(N5110 &lcd);
    *   @brief draws the room_overlay
    *   @param lcd - the screen in which the room_overlay is being drawn in
    void draw_room_overlay(N5110 &lcd);
    *   @brief checks if there is any valid enemies in the room
    *   @return true if there is any valid enemies in the room
    bool enemies_exist();
    // Variables
    *   @brief A pointer to an array of Entities where all the possible enemies in the room are stored
    Entity *enemies[MAX_ENEMIES];
    *   @brief A boolean array to dictate which enemies exist
    bool valid_enemies[MAX_ENEMIES];
    *   @brief A pointer to an array of Entities where all the possible collectibles in the room are stored
    Entity *collectibles[MAX_ENEMIES];
    *   @brief A boolean array to dictate which collectibles exist
    bool valid_collectibles[MAX_ENEMIES];
    *   @brief A pointer to an array of Entities where all the possible walls in the room are stored
    Entity *walls[2];
    *   @brief A boolean array to dictate which walls exist
    bool valid_walls[2];
    *   @brief An array of enemy types for each enemy in the room
    *   @note currently only snake and headless
    int enemies_type[MAX_ENEMIES];

const char spawn_area[3][48][84] = {    // [Room_Type][Size_Y][Size_X]

const short int n_spawn_points[3] = {1547, 502, 972};    // [room_type] 

const char boss_doorway_n[2][12][14] = {  // [Level/Overlay][Size_Y][Size_X]

const char boss_doorway_e[19][5] = {

const char boss_doorway_s[7][14] = {

const char boss_doorway_w[19][5] = {

const char wall_x[2][11][3] = { // [E/W][Size_Y][Size_X]
    {   // E
    {   // W

const char wall_n[10][12] = { // [Size_Y][Size_X] 

const char wall_s[3][12] = { // [Size_Y][Size_X]
