This project allows for the sending of MIDI messages, and setting of variable resistances, controlled by a distance sensor. MIDI input messages can also be used to set the variable resistance.

Dependencies:   N5110 PinDetect SRF08 USBDevice mbed PowerControl

diff -r 000000000000 -r 39399720eaeb main.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.h	Sun May 10 01:58:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+@file main.h
+@brief Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables.
+@brief Revision 6.0.
+@author Toby O'Connell
+@date May 2015
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "SRF08.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "PinDetect.h"
+#include "USBMIDI.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#ifndef MAIN_H
+#define MAIN_H
+@namespace SRF08
+@brief SRF08 ultrasonic range finder setup
+SRF08 SRF08(p28, p27, 0xE2);
+@namespace MCP4151
+@brief SPI setup for MCP4151 digital potentiometer
+SPI MCP4151(p5, NC, p7); // SPI pins for MCP4151 (MOSI, MISO, SCLK)
+@namespace CS
+@brief GPIO output for MCP4151 chip select
+DigitalOut CS(p8);
+@namespace buttonA
+@brief GPIO input for button A
+@namespace buttonB
+@brief GPIO input for button B
+@namespace buttonC
+@brief GPIO input for button C
+@namespace buttonD
+@brief GPIO input for button D
+PinDetect buttonA(p15), buttonB(p16), buttonC(p17), buttonD(p18); //Use PinDetect for debounced interupts
+@namespace lcd
+@brief N5110 LCD screen setup
+N5110 lcd(p14,p9,p10,p11,p13,p21);
+@namespace midi
+@brief USBMIDI object for MIDI send/receive
+USBMIDI midi;
+@namespace startRangingTicker
+@brief Ticker object to start the SRF08 ranging at regular intervals
+Ticker startRangingTicker;
+@namespace getRangeTimeout
+@brief Timeout object to read the SRF08 range after a set interval
+Timeout getRangeTimeout;
+@namespace local
+@brief Setup the local file system
+LocalFileSystem local("local"); 
+unsigned char imgbuffer[3*84*48]; /*!< Stores the pixel data from the buttons.bmp image */
+FILE *img; /*!< Stores the the buttons.bmp image */
+vector<float> smoothingValues; /*!< Stores previous distance fractions */
+int oldValue; /*!< Parameter value stored when entering a parameter editing screen */
+int measuredDistance; /*!< Distance read from the SRF08 in CM */
+float distanceFraction; /*!< Fraction representing distance between minDistance and maxDistance */
+int receivedMIDIValue; /*!< Control change value read in through USB MIDI port */
+string valueLists[1][3] = {{"Sensor","MIDI","None"}}; /*!< Stores list type value contents */
+int maxNumberValues[6] = {10000, 3, 6000, 8, 15, 127}; /*!< Defines limits for number type values */
+int numberValues[11]; /*!< Stores number type values */
+int increment; /*!< Set to '1' or '-1' depending the on corresponding button press.*/
+int valLen; /*!< The length of the string containing the parameter value */
+int maxValLen; /*!< The length of the string containing the value limit */
+int state = 0; /*!< Finite state machine state */
+int menuArrowPosition = 0; /*!< Selection arrow pointer for menu system */
+int digitArrowPosition = 0; /*!< Selection arrow pointer for digit increment/decrement */
+int aButtonFlag = 0; /*!< Flag when button A is pressed */
+int bButtonFlag = 0; /*!< Flag when button B is pressed */
+int cButtonFlag = 0; /*!< Flag when button C is pressed */
+int dButtonFlag = 0; /*!< Flag when button D is pressed */
+int rangingStartFlag = 0; /*!< Flag when startRangingTicker triggers */
+int rangeGetFlag = 0; /*!< Flag when getRangeTimeout triggers */
+int receivedMIDIFlag = 0; /*!< Flag when MIDI message is received for the correct control change and channel */
+int measuredDistanceFlag = 0; /*!< Flag when a distance measurement is made */
+Reads numatic varaiables from the VALS.csv file
+void readNumberValuesFromFile();
+Writes numatic varaiables to the VALS.csv file
+void writeNumberValuesToFile();
+Raises startRangingFlag
+void startRangingFlag();
+Raises getRangeFlags
+void getRangeFlag();
+Starts the SRF08 ranging and attaches a ticker to read the range
+void rangingStart();
+Converts the measured distance to a float between 0 and 1
+void rangeGet();
+* Returns the relevant parameter to its previous value if it is greater than its limit
+* Ensures the minimum distance is less than the maximum distance
+* Ensures the minimum resistance is less than the maximum resistance
+void checkValidity();
+Sets the range of the SRF08 and resises the smoothing values vector
+void immediateUpdates();
+Converts a float between 0 and 1 to an integer between 0 and 255 before writing it to the MCP4151 digital potentiometer
+@param value - float between 0 and 1
+void writeMCP4151(float value);
+* Converts a float between 0 and 1 to an integer between 0 and 127 
+* Sends control change MIDI message 
+@param value - float between 0 and 1
+void writeMIDI(float value);
+* Catches MIDI input messages and stores them if they match the input control change and input channel
+* Raises receivedMIDIFlag 
+@param value - float between 0 and 1
+void receivedMIDI(MIDIMessage);
+* Stores previous distance fractions for average smoothing
+@param value - float between 0 and 1
+@returns smoothed distance fraction
+float smooth(float value);
+Raises aButtonFlag
+void aPressed();
+Raises bButtonFlag
+void bPressed();
+Raises cButtonFlag
+void cPressed();
+Raises dButtonFlag
+void dPressed();
+* Saves the initial parameter to oldValue when entering a parameter editing page
+* Calls checkValidity(), writeNumberValuesToFile() and immediateUpdates() before leaving a parameter editing page
+* Changes the FSM state
+* Resets menu and digit pointer positions
+* calls showScreen()
+void screenSelect();
+* Revets relevant parameter to oldValue if leaving a parameter editing page
+* Changes the FSM state
+* Resets menu and digit pointer positions
+* calls showScreen()
+void screenBack();
+moves the menu pointer position up
+calls showScreen()
+void menuUp();
+moves the menu pointer position down
+calls showScreen()
+void menuDown();
+moves the digit pointer position right
+calls showScreen()
+void incrementDigitArrowPos();
+moves the digit pointer position left
+calls showScreen()
+void decrementDigitArrowPos();
+Makes the increment variable equal 1
+calls amendValue()
+void incrementValue();
+Makes the increment variable equal -1
+calls amendValue()
+void decrementValue();
+Increments or decrements the relevant parameter based on its how it is used and the increment value.
+void amendValue();
+Increments or decrements the digit pointed to by the digit pointer 
+@param value - Integer to be incremented / decremented
+@returns incremented / decremented integer
+int amendNumberValue(int value);
+Displays numeric values and fills unused digit spaces with zeros
+@param value - Integer to be displayed
+@param maxValue - Maximum value the integer can be
+void displayNumber(int value, int maxValue);
+Displays values from a list
+@param list[] - The array storing the list items
+@param listIndex - The index of the list item to be displayed
+void displayList(string list[], int listIndex);
+Displays boolean type values
+@param toggle - The boolean type value to be displayed
+void displayBool(bool toggle);
+Displays the incoming SRF08 distance, the MIDI input value, the MIDI output value and the resistance output value
+void displayMeasured();
+* Clears the display
+* Prints the title
+* Prints menu items if the state is a menu screen
+* Calls displayNumber(), displayList() or displayBool() if the state is a parameter screen
+* Calls displayMeasured() if the state is the measurements display screen
+* Calls drawBMP()
+void showScreen(); 
+Draws the image buffer to the screen
+void drawBMP(); 
+enum {INT, INDEX, BOOL};
+Defines the FSM state parameters
+struct State {
+    char *title; /*!< Menu title*/
+    char *list[4]; /*!< Menu options list*/
+    int listLength; /*!< Menu options list length*/
+    int previousState; /*!< Previous FSM state*/
+    int nextState[4]; /*!< Next FSM states*/
+    int screenType; /*!< Type of screen*/
+    int associatedValueType; /*!< Usage type of the parameter associated with parameter editing page*/
+    int associatedValueIndex; /*!< Index of parameter associated with certain parameter editing pages*/
+    int associatedMaxValueIndex; /*!< Index of parameter limit associated with certain parameter editing pages*/
+    int associatedValueList; /*!< List associated with certain parameter editing pages*/
+typedef const struct State Menu;
+enum {menuType, pageType, displayType};
+enum {resistanceLimit, resistanceSourceIndexLimit, distanceLimit, distanceSmoothingLimit, MIDIChannelLimit, MIDIControllerLimit};
+enum {resistanceSource};
+enum {sensorSource, MIDISource, noSource};
+enum {
+    mainMenu,
+    resistanceMenu,
+    distanceMenu,
+    MIDIMenu,
+    displayPage,
+    maxResistancePage,
+    minResistancePage,
+    resistanceSourcePage,
+    maxDistancePage,
+    minDistancePage,
+    distanceSmoothingPage,
+    MIDIInputMenu,
+    MIDIOutputMenu,
+    MIDIInputChannelPage,
+    MIDIInputControllerPage,
+    MIDIOutputChannelPage,
+    MIDIOutputControllerPage,
+    MIDIOutputOnPage
+enum {
+    maxResistance, 
+    minResistance,
+    resistanceSourceIndex,
+    maxDistance,
+    minDistance,
+    distanceSmoothing,
+    MIDIInputChannel,
+    MIDIInputController,
+    MIDIOutputChannel,
+    MIDIOutputController,
+    MIDIOutputOn
+Menu menu[23] = {
+    {"MAIN MENU",{"Resistance", "Distance", "MIDI", "Display"},4,mainMenu,{resistanceMenu,distanceMenu,MIDIMenu,displayPage},menuType,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}, 
+    {"RESISTANCE",{"Maximum", "Minimum", "Source", ""},3,mainMenu,{maxResistancePage,minResistancePage,resistanceSourcePage,NULL},menuType,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL},
+    {"DISTANCE",{"Maximum", "Minimum", "Smoothing", ""},3,mainMenu,{maxDistancePage,minDistancePage,distanceSmoothingPage,NULL},menuType,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL},
+    {"MIDI",{"Input", "Output", "", ""},2,mainMenu,{MIDIInputMenu,MIDIOutputMenu,0,0},menuType,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL},
+    {"DISPLAY",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,mainMenu,{mainMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},displayType,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL},
+    {"MAXIMUM (OHM)",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,resistanceMenu,{resistanceMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INT,maxResistance,resistanceLimit,NULL}, //Maximum Resistance
+    {"MINIMUM (OHM)",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,resistanceMenu,{resistanceMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INT,minResistance,resistanceLimit,NULL}, //Minimum Resistance
+    {"SOURCE",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,resistanceMenu,{resistanceMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INDEX,resistanceSourceIndex,resistanceSourceIndexLimit,NULL}, //Resistance input source
+    {"MAXIMUM (mm)",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,distanceMenu,{distanceMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INT,maxDistance,distanceLimit,NULL},
+    {"MINIMUM (mm)",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,distanceMenu,{distanceMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INT,minDistance,distanceLimit,NULL}, 
+    {"SMOOTHING",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,distanceMenu,{distanceMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INT,distanceSmoothing,distanceSmoothingLimit,NULL}, 
+    {"INPUT",{"Channel", "Controller", "", ""},2,MIDIMenu,{MIDIInputChannelPage,MIDIInputControllerPage,NULL,NULL},menuType,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}, //12
+    {"OUTPUT",{"Channel", "Controller", "On/Off", ""},3,MIDIMenu,{MIDIOutputChannelPage,MIDIOutputControllerPage,MIDIOutputOnPage,NULL},menuType,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}, //12
+    {"CHANNEL",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,MIDIInputMenu,{MIDIInputMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INT,MIDIInputChannel,MIDIChannelLimit,NULL}, 
+    {"CONTROLLER",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,MIDIInputMenu,{MIDIInputMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INT,MIDIInputController,MIDIControllerLimit,NULL}, 
+    {"CHANNEL",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,MIDIOutputMenu,{MIDIOutputMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INT,MIDIOutputChannel,MIDIChannelLimit,NULL},
+    {"CONTROLLER",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,MIDIOutputMenu,{MIDIOutputMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,INT,MIDIOutputController,MIDIControllerLimit,NULL}, 
+    {"ON/OFF",{"", "", "", ""},NULL,MIDIOutputMenu,{MIDIOutputMenu,NULL,NULL,NULL},pageType,BOOL,MIDIOutputOn,NULL,NULL}, 
+}; /*!< Finite state machine */
\ No newline at end of file