This project allows for the sending of MIDI messages, and setting of variable resistances, controlled by a distance sensor. MIDI input messages can also be used to set the variable resistance.

Dependencies:   N5110 PinDetect SRF08 USBDevice mbed PowerControl

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for Project6


State Defines the FSM state parameters


main.cpp [code] Program implementation
main.h [code] Header file containing functions prototypes, defines and global variables


buttonA GPIO input for button A
buttonB GPIO input for button B
buttonC GPIO input for button C
buttonD GPIO input for button D
CS GPIO output for MCP4151 chip select
getRangeTimeout Timeout object to read the SRF08 range after a set interval
lcd N5110 LCD screen setup
local Setup the local file system
MCP4151 SPI setup for MCP4151 digital potentiometer
midi USBMIDI object for MIDI send/receive
SRF08 SRF08 ultrasonic range finder setup
startRangingTicker Ticker object to start the SRF08 ranging at regular intervals