Library for ELEC2645 Gamepad PCB. University of Leeds

Dependents:   Project_MaZe1_copy Labirint Game_Controller_Project 200943373MAZE ... more



File content as of revision 8:7eaf26f4b5f2:

@file Gamepad.h

@brief Library for interfacing with ELEC2645 Gamepad PCB
@brief University of Leeds

@author Dr Craig A. Evans
@date Febraury 2017


#ifndef GAMEPAD_H
#define GAMEPAD_H

#include "mbed.h"

#define TOL 0.1f
#define RAD2DEG 57.2957795131f

enum Direction {
    CENTRE,  // 0
    N,       // 1
    NE,      // 2
    E,       // 3
    SE,      // 4
    S,       // 5
    SW,      // 6
    W,       // 7
    NW      // 8

struct Vector2D {
    float x;
    float y;

struct Polar {
    float mag;
    float angle;

class Gamepad


    /** Constructor

    /** Destructor

    /** Initialise all peripherals and configure interrupts
    void init();

    /** Turn all LEDs on
    void leds_on();

    /** Turn all LEDs off
    void leds_off();

    /** Fade all to set duty-cycle
    @param value in range 0.0 to 1.0
    void fade_leds(float val);

    /** Read potentiometer
    @returns potentiometer value in range 0.0 to 1.0
    float read_pot();

    /** Play tone on piezo
    @param frequency in Hz
    @param duration of tone in seconds
    void tone(float frequency, float duration);

    /** Check if A button pressed
    @returns true if yes, false if no
    bool a_pressed();

    /** Check if B button pressed
    @returns true if yes, false if no
    bool b_pressed();

    /** Check if X button pressed
    @returns true if yes, false if no
    bool x_pressed();

    /** Check if Y button pressed
    @returns true if yes, false if no
    bool y_pressed();

    /** Check if L button pressed
    @returns true if yes, false if no
    bool l_pressed();

    /** Check if R button pressed
    @returns true if yes, false if no
    bool r_pressed();

    /** Check if Back button pressed
    @returns true if yes, false if no
    bool back_pressed();

    /** Check if Start button pressed
    @returns true if yes, false if no
    bool start_pressed();

    /** Check if Joystick button pressed
    @returns true if yes, false if no
    bool joystick_pressed();

    /** Get magnitude of joystick movement
    @returns value in range 0.0 to 1.0

    float get_mag();
    /** Get angle of joystick movement
    @returns value in range 0.0 to 359.9. 0.0 corresponds to N, 180.0 to S. -1.0 is central
    float get_angle();
    /** Gets joystick direction
    @returns an enum: CENTRE, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW,
    Direction get_direction();    // N,NE,E,SE etc.
    /** Gets raw cartesian co-ordinates of joystick
    @returns a struct with x,y members, each in the range 0.0 to 1.0
    Vector2D get_coord();         // cartesian co-ordinates x,y
    /** Gets cartesian coordinates mapped to circular grid
     @returns a struct with x,y members, each in the range 0.0 to 1.0
    Vector2D get_mapped_coord();  // x,y mapped to circle
    /** Gets polar coordinates of the joystick
    @returns a struct contains mag and angle
    Polar get_polar();            // mag and angle in struct form


    PwmOut *led_1;
    PwmOut *led_2;
    PwmOut *led_3;
    PwmOut *led_4;
    PwmOut *led_5;
    PwmOut *led_6;

    InterruptIn *button_A;
    InterruptIn *button_B;
    InterruptIn *button_X;
    InterruptIn *button_Y;
    InterruptIn *button_back;
    InterruptIn *button_start;
    InterruptIn *button_L;
    InterruptIn *button_R;
    InterruptIn *button_joystick;

    AnalogIn *vert;
    AnalogIn *horiz;

    PwmOut *buzzer;
    AnalogIn *pot;

    Timeout *timeout;

    void init_buttons();
    void tone_off();

    void a_isr();
    void b_isr();
    void x_isr();
    void y_isr();
    void l_isr();
    void r_isr();
    void back_isr();
    void start_isr();
    void joy_isr();

    bool a_flag,b_flag,x_flag,y_flag,l_flag,r_flag,back_flag,start_flag,joy_flag;

    // centred x,y values
    float _x0;
    float _y0;
