this code is for inverted pendulum balancer. it is based on two-loop PID controller. One controller is for Angle and another one is for velocity.
Dependencies: HCSR04 L298HBridge mbed
this code is for inverted pendulum balancer. it is based on two-loop PID controller. One controller is for Angle and another one is for velocity.
2017-08-25, by dudu941014 [Fri, 25 Aug 2017 21:25:46 +0000] rev 1
this code is for inverted pendulum balancer. it is based on two-loop PID controller. One controller is for Angle and another one is for velocity.
this code is for inverted pendulum balancer. it is based on two-loop PID controller. one PID controller is for angle and another one is for velocity.
2017-08-25, by dudu941014 [Fri, 25 Aug 2017 21:10:23 +0000] rev 0
this code is for inverted pendulum balancer. it is based on two-loop PID controller. one PID controller is for angle and another one is for velocity.