star-mesh LoRa network

Dependencies:   sx12xx_hal


radio chip selection

Radio chip driver is not included, because options are available.
If you're using SX1272 or SX1276, then import sx127x driver into your program.
if you're using SX1261 or SX1262, then import sx126x driver into your program.
If you're using NAmote72 or Murata discovery, then you must import only sx127x driver.

In this network, devices repeat messages to/from devices out of range of central gateway device. Appropriate for use when slightly larger batteries cost less than extra LoRaWAN gateways. This network uses LoRa transceiver directly and is not LoRaWAN. This network is appropriate for use where extra latency added from store-and-forward is of minimal consequence.

network implementation

Network achieves low-power operation by device waking up at regular intervals to check if LoRa preamble exists. If so, packet is received, otherwise devices sleeps. In this type of operation, trade-off is made between transmitter sending long preamble, and receiver waking up to receive this preamble along with associate message at the end of preamble. This long preamble is only used for request packets: the reply packet will have normal 8-symbol preamble length. This is known as asynchronous low-power operation, permitting an arbitrary number of devices to operate.

Devices start operation on the network by sending a discovery request to any devices that can hear it. Any devices which hears this discovery request will then send a discovery reply at randomized time offset relative to the request. After a pre-established time limit, the discovering device will decide which device to attach to depending on signal quality and how many hops away from the central gateway the device resides.

After device has attached to network, downlinks and uplinks can be sent to/from device. To facilitate downlinks, the devices closer to central gateway will be sent a new-device-notification to inform all devices between the central gateway and the newly attached device, which devices the new device can be reached via.

All devices have two logical interfaces to the network: An upstream interface, and a downstream interface. However, the central gateway device only has a downstream interface, because the "upstream" is only a UART interface to the user handling the user payloads on central gateway.

All devices on network are programmed with same firmware, except for gateway. In main.h #define GATEWAY is commented-out for devices on network, or is defined for central gateway device. Only one central gateway must exist on this network. The unique identifying address of device is derived from CPU unique ID registers, of which 4 byte ID number is used on this network. Using this CPU serial number permits the same binary file to be programmed into any number of devices.

network configuration

Network is configured in main.h

define in main.h
spreading factorSPREADING_FACTOR
operating radio frequencyCF_MHZ
gateway or deviceGATEWAY
transmit powerTX_DBM

MAC layer timing scales according to LoRa symbol period. When spreading factor and/or bandwidth is changed, all network timing is scaled accordingly by MAC layer.
The transceivers used with the project operate at one datarate. This datarate is fixed, and must be defined at compile time for all devices and gateway.

low power operation

This MAC layer uses mbed eventqueue for scheduling. To enable low power operation, events.use-lowpower-timer-ticker is defined in mbed_app.json. This requires bare-metal operation to have eventqueue use low power timer, permitting deep sleep. LoRa applications such as this do not require RTOS: bare-metal mode is preferred for typical LoRa use.

application layer

User payloads are handled in app_endDevice.cpp. Uplinks are send from application layer by calling uplink(uint8_t *buffer_ptr, uint8_t length) Downlinks are handled in callback function app_downlink()

For gateway, app_gateway.cpp handles user payloads. For downlinks, an example is provided in cmd_downlink() where destination and payload is entered on serial port. All uplinks are handled in callback function gateway_uplink().

Header file app.h contains definitions common to application layer on both network central control and end device.


This page describes how to use the network, for more detailed description of implementation, see details page.

serial terminal user interface

The STDIO UART is used to send and receive user-payload on the gateway, but is also available on end-devices. This serial port is configured at 115200 : 8,N,1.

?list commands
dldestID byte0 byte1 etcsend downlink to device (from gateway)
lslist downstream devices attached
opdBmmanually change transmit power

For the list of downstream devices, on start each row is printed directly attached device. If devices are attached further downstream, they will be subsequently printed on the same row.

testing / evaluation

Use 3 devices for testing: one gateway and two devices.
Three devices required for checking message repeating (relaying) function. The gateway device must be installed at some distance to prevent both devices from connecting directly to gateway.
Gateway needs to be located far enough away, so signal strength preference overrides hop count from gateway.


Wayne Roberts

File content as of revision 0:6015834e4279:

///* downstream: interface away from gateway 35m = magenta */;
#include "main.h"

lid_list_t* attachedDevices;
struct remove downRemove;

void request_remove_device()
    txBuf[txBuf_idx++] = CMD_REMOVE_DEVICE_REQ;
    putu32ToBuf(&txBuf[txBuf_idx], downRemove.removeID);
    txBuf_idx += 4;
    tx_dest_id = downRemove.destID;
    queue.call_in(500, txBuf_send, true);
    reqFlags.bits.currentOp = CMD_REMOVE_DEVICE_REQ;

/* return true: device is new */
static bool list_add_local_device(uint32_t newID)
    Rx_log_printf("newID:%lx ", newID);
    if (attachedDevices == NULL) {
        attachedDevices = (lid_list_t*)malloc(sizeof(lid_list_t));
        attachedDevices->id = newID;
        attachedDevices->attachedList = NULL;
        attachedDevices->next = NULL;
        return true;
    } else {
        lid_list_t *L, **mallocTarget;
        /* first check if this device was previously attached to a device attached to us */
        for (L = attachedDevices; L != NULL; L = L->next) {
            cid_list_t* children;
            for (children = L->attachedList;  children != NULL; children = children->next) {
                Rx_log_printf("checkChild:%lx_onLocal:%lx ", children->id, L->id);
                if (children->id == newID) {
                    Rx_log_printf("CLEARing_%lx_from_%lx ", children->id, L->id);
                    children->id = ID_NONE;

        L = attachedDevices;
        mallocTarget = &attachedDevices->next;
        do {
            if (L->id == newID) {
                Rx_log_printf("alreadyHave:%lx ", L->id);
                //return false;
                return true; /* return true: notify upstream of moved device */
            } else if (L->id == ID_NONE) {
                Rx_log_printf("replaceCleared ");
                L->id = newID;
                return true; /* return true: notify upstream of moved device */
            mallocTarget = &L->next;
            L = L->next;
        } while (L != NULL);
        *mallocTarget = (lid_list_t*)malloc(sizeof(lid_list_t));
        L = *mallocTarget;
        L->id = newID;
        L->attachedList = NULL;
        L->next = NULL;
        Rx_log_printf("addedToList:%lx ", L->id);
        return true;

static void add_new_downstream_attached(uint32_t attachedTo, uint32_t newID)
    lid_list_t* L;
    /* first find if this device already exists anywhere, and remove/clear it */
    for (L = attachedDevices; L != NULL; L = L->next) {
        cid_list_t* children;
        if (L->id == newID) {
            L->id = ID_NONE;
        if (L->attachedList == NULL)
        for (children = L->attachedList;  children != NULL; children = children->next) {
            if (children->id == newID) {
#ifdef GATEWAY
                if (L->id != attachedTo) {
                    /* notify downstream */
                    downRemove.destID = L->id;
                    downRemove.removeID = newID;
#endif /* GATEWAY */
                children->id = ID_NONE;

    /* add */
    for (L = attachedDevices; L != NULL; L = L->next) {
        if (L->id == attachedTo) {
            cid_list_t* child;
            if (L->attachedList == NULL) { // first added child
                L->attachedList = (cid_list_t*)malloc(sizeof(cid_list_t));
                L->attachedList->id = newID;
                L->attachedList->next = NULL;
            /* first check for vacated slot */
            for (child = L->attachedList; child != NULL; child = child->next) {
                if (child->id == ID_NONE) {
                    child->id = newID;
                } else if (child->next == NULL)
                    break;  // next pointer available to malloc
            child->next = (cid_list_t*)malloc(sizeof(cid_list_t));
            child = child->next;
            child->id = newID;
            child->next = NULL;
} // ..add_new_downstream_attached()

void downstream_ans_rxDoneCB(float rssi, float snr, uint8_t* Idx, uint32_t sendingID, uint8_t cmd)
    if (reqFlags.bits.currentOp == CMD_USER_PAYLOAD_DN_REQ) {
        reqFlags.bits.currentOp = CMD_UNUSED;
    } else if (reqFlags.bits.currentOp == CMD_REMOVE_DEVICE_REQ) {
        downRemove.destID = ID_NONE;    // removal request complete
        reqFlags.bits.currentOp = CMD_UNUSED;
    } else if (reqFlags.bits.currentOp == CMD_DOWNSTREAM_NOT_RESPONDING) {
        reqFlags.bits.currentOp = CMD_UNUSED;

void discovery_tx_end()
    flags.discoverAnswering = 0;

#ifdef GATEWAY
void downstream_req_rxDoneCB(float rssi, float snr, uint8_t* Idx, uint32_t sendingID, uint8_t cmd, upInfo_t* up)
void downstream_req_rxDoneCB(float rssi, float snr, uint8_t* Idx, uint32_t sendingID, uint8_t cmd)

    if (cmd == CMD_DISCOVERY_REQ) {
        unsigned toms, rnd;
        int8_t sq;

        reqFlags.bits.currentOp = CMD_DISCOVERY_ANS;
        txBuf[txBuf_idx++] = CMD_DISCOVERY_ANS;
        sq = rssi + snr;
        txBuf[txBuf_idx++] = sq;
        txBuf[txBuf_idx++] = hops_from_gateway;

        /* schedule transmit to occur randomly, twice */
        flags.firstDiscoverAns = 1;
        flags.discoverAnswering = 1;
        tx_dest_id = sendingID;     // discovery req -> ans
        setPreambleSize(false, 1); // sending discovery answer
        rnd = Radio::Random() % N_HALF_DISCOVERY_ANS;
        queue.call_in((discovery_ans_time_step_us * rnd) / 1000, txBuf_send, false);
        toms = discovery_ans_time_total_us / 1000;
        queue.call_in(toms, discovery_tx_end);
    } else if (cmd == CMD_ATTACH_REQ) {
        reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_OK;

#ifndef GATEWAY
        if (sendingID == {
            /* upstream device restarted or re-connected  */
            hops_from_gateway = HFG_UNATTACHED;
#endif /* GATEWAY */

        /* add sending_ID to list of attached devices */
        if (list_add_local_device(sendingID)) {
            /* device is new: if hfg > 0: notify upstream of new device upon txdone of CMD_ATTACH_ANS sent downstream */
#ifndef GATEWAY
            id_newDeviceNotification = sendingID;
#endif /* GATEWAY */

    } else if (cmd == CMD_NEW_DEVICE_ATTACHED_REQ) { // rxDone callback
        uint32_t new_id = getu32FromBuf(&Radio::radio.rx_buf[*Idx]);
        *Idx += 4;
        /* new device not attached directly to me, but to a downstream device attached to me */
        add_new_downstream_attached(sendingID, new_id);

        /* ack sent first downstream, then (if we;re not a gateway) newDeviceNotification sent upstream */

#ifdef GATEWAY
        reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_OK;
        if (id_newDeviceNotification == ID_NONE) {
            reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_OK;
            id_newDeviceNotification = new_id;
        } else
            reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_BUSY;
#endif /* !GATEWAY */
    } else if (cmd == CMD_USER_PAYLOAD_UP_REQ) { // rxDone callback, pkt from downstream
        uint8_t len;
        uint32_t originating_src_id = getu32FromBuf(&Radio::radio.rx_buf[*Idx]);
        *Idx += 4;
        len = Radio::radio.rx_buf[*Idx];
#ifdef GATEWAY
        //gateway_uplink(len, originating_src_id, &Radio::radio.rx_buf[*Idx]);
        up->rxBufIdx = *Idx;
        up->originating_src_id = originating_src_id;
        up->len = len;
        reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_OK;
        if (fwd.len == -1) {
            fwd.len = len;
            fwd.B_id = originating_src_id;
            fwd.tx_dest_id =;
            memcpy(fwd.buf, &Radio::radio.rx_buf[*Idx], len);
            reqFlags.bits.currentOp = CMD_USER_PAYLOAD_UP_REQ;   // this is uplink
            reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_OK;
            // txBuf_send() (for forwarding) will be called after ANS sent
        } else
            reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_BUSY;

        (*Idx) += len;
    } else if (cmd == CMD_DOWNSTREAM_NOT_RESPONDING) { // rxDone callback, pkt from downstream
#ifndef GATEWAY
        uint32_t reporting_id = getu32FromBuf(&Radio::radio.rx_buf[*Idx]);
#endif /* !reporting_id */
        *Idx += 4;
#ifndef GATEWAY
        uint32_t device_not_respoding_id = getu32FromBuf(&Radio::radio.rx_buf[*Idx]);
#endif /* !reporting_id */
        *Idx += 4;
#ifdef GATEWAY
        reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_OK;
        if (notResponding.reporting_id == ID_NONE) {
            reqFlags.bits.currentOp = CMD_DOWNSTREAM_NOT_RESPONDING; 
            notResponding.reporting_id = reporting_id;
            notResponding.device_not_respoding_id = device_not_respoding_id;
            reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_OK;
        } else
            reqFlags.bits.txAns = ANSWER_BUSY;
#endif /* !GATEWAY */

} // ..downstream_req_rxDoneCB()