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Analogin hal functions

Analogin hal functions


void analogin_init (analogin_t *obj, PinName pin)
 Initialize the analogin peripheral.
float analogin_read (analogin_t *obj)
 Read the input voltage, represented as a float in the range [0.0, 1.0].
uint16_t analogin_read_u16 (analogin_t *obj)
 Read the value from analogin pin, represented as an unsigned 16bit value.

Function Documentation

void analogin_init ( analogin_t obj,
PinName  pin 

Initialize the analogin peripheral.

Configures the pin used by analogin.

objThe analogin object to initialize
pinThe analogin pin name
float analogin_read ( analogin_t obj )

Read the input voltage, represented as a float in the range [0.0, 1.0].

objThe analogin object
A floating value representing the current input voltage
uint16_t analogin_read_u16 ( analogin_t obj )

Read the value from analogin pin, represented as an unsigned 16bit value.

objThe analogin object
An unsigned 16bit value representing the current input voltage