mbed-os for GR-LYCHEE

Dependents:   mbed-os-example-blinky-gr-lychee GR-Boads_Camera_sample GR-Boards_Audio_Recoder GR-Boads_Camera_DisplayApp ... more

diff -r 000000000000 -r f782d9c66c49 tools/toolchains/__init__.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/toolchains/__init__.py	Fri Feb 02 05:42:23 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1417 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import re
+import sys
+from os import stat, walk, getcwd, sep, remove
+from copy import copy
+from time import time, sleep
+from types import ListType
+from shutil import copyfile
+from os.path import join, splitext, exists, relpath, dirname, basename, split, abspath, isfile, isdir
+from inspect import getmro
+from copy import deepcopy
+from tools.config import Config
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
+from tools.utils import run_cmd, mkdir, rel_path, ToolException, NotSupportedException, split_path, compile_worker
+from tools.settings import MBED_ORG_USER
+import tools.hooks as hooks
+from tools.memap import MemapParser
+from hashlib import md5
+import fnmatch
+#Disables multiprocessing if set to higher number than the host machine CPUs
+class Resources:
+    def __init__(self, base_path=None):
+        self.base_path = base_path
+        self.file_basepath = {}
+        self.inc_dirs = []
+        self.headers = []
+        self.s_sources = []
+        self.c_sources = []
+        self.cpp_sources = []
+        self.lib_dirs = set([])
+        self.objects = []
+        self.libraries = []
+        # mbed special files
+        self.lib_builds = []
+        self.lib_refs = []
+        self.repo_dirs = []
+        self.repo_files = []
+        self.linker_script = None
+        # Other files
+        self.hex_files = []
+        self.bin_files = []
+        self.json_files = []
+        # Features
+        self.features = {}
+    def __add__(self, resources):
+        if resources is None:
+            return self
+        else:
+            return self.add(resources)
+    def __radd__(self, resources):
+        if resources is None:
+            return self
+        else:
+            return self.add(resources)
+    def add(self, resources):
+        for f,p in resources.file_basepath.items():
+            self.file_basepath[f] = p
+        self.inc_dirs += resources.inc_dirs
+        self.headers += resources.headers
+        self.s_sources += resources.s_sources
+        self.c_sources += resources.c_sources
+        self.cpp_sources += resources.cpp_sources
+        self.lib_dirs |= resources.lib_dirs
+        self.objects += resources.objects
+        self.libraries += resources.libraries
+        self.lib_builds += resources.lib_builds
+        self.lib_refs += resources.lib_refs
+        self.repo_dirs += resources.repo_dirs
+        self.repo_files += resources.repo_files
+        if resources.linker_script is not None:
+            self.linker_script = resources.linker_script
+        self.hex_files += resources.hex_files
+        self.bin_files += resources.bin_files
+        self.json_files += resources.json_files
+        self.features.update(resources.features)
+        return self
+    def _collect_duplicates(self, dupe_dict, dupe_headers):
+        for filename in self.s_sources + self.c_sources + self.cpp_sources:
+            objname, _ = splitext(basename(filename))
+            dupe_dict.setdefault(objname, set())
+            dupe_dict[objname] |= set([filename])
+        for filename in self.headers:
+            headername = basename(filename)
+            dupe_headers.setdefault(headername, set())
+            dupe_headers[headername] |= set([headername])
+        for res in self.features.values():
+            res._collect_duplicates(dupe_dict, dupe_headers)
+        return dupe_dict, dupe_headers
+    def detect_duplicates(self, toolchain):
+        """Detect all potential ambiguities in filenames and report them with
+        a toolchain notification
+        Positional Arguments:
+        toolchain - used for notifications
+        """
+        count = 0
+        dupe_dict, dupe_headers = self._collect_duplicates(dict(), dict())
+        for objname, filenames in dupe_dict.iteritems():
+            if len(filenames) > 1:
+                count+=1
+                toolchain.tool_error(
+                    "Object file %s.o is not unique! It could be made from: %s"\
+                    % (objname, " ".join(filenames)))
+        for headername, locations in dupe_headers.iteritems():
+            if len(locations) > 1:
+                count+=1
+                toolchain.tool_error(
+                    "Header file %s is not unique! It could be: %s" %\
+                    (headername, " ".join(locations)))
+        return count
+    def relative_to(self, base, dot=False):
+        for field in ['inc_dirs', 'headers', 's_sources', 'c_sources',
+                      'cpp_sources', 'lib_dirs', 'objects', 'libraries',
+                      'lib_builds', 'lib_refs', 'repo_dirs', 'repo_files',
+                      'hex_files', 'bin_files', 'json_files']:
+            v = [rel_path(f, base, dot) for f in getattr(self, field)]
+            setattr(self, field, v)
+        self.features = {k: f.relative_to(base, dot) for k, f in self.features.iteritems() if f}
+        if self.linker_script is not None:
+            self.linker_script = rel_path(self.linker_script, base, dot)
+    def win_to_unix(self):
+        for field in ['inc_dirs', 'headers', 's_sources', 'c_sources',
+                      'cpp_sources', 'lib_dirs', 'objects', 'libraries',
+                      'lib_builds', 'lib_refs', 'repo_dirs', 'repo_files',
+                      'hex_files', 'bin_files', 'json_files']:
+            v = [f.replace('\\', '/') for f in getattr(self, field)]
+            setattr(self, field, v)
+        self.features = {k: f.win_to_unix() for k, f in self.features.iteritems() if f}
+        if self.linker_script is not None:
+            self.linker_script = self.linker_script.replace('\\', '/')
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = []
+        for (label, resources) in (
+                ('Include Directories', self.inc_dirs),
+                ('Headers', self.headers),
+                ('Assembly sources', self.s_sources),
+                ('C sources', self.c_sources),
+                ('C++ sources', self.cpp_sources),
+                ('Library directories', self.lib_dirs),
+                ('Objects', self.objects),
+                ('Libraries', self.libraries),
+                ('Hex files', self.hex_files),
+                ('Bin files', self.bin_files),
+                ('Features', self.features),
+            ):
+            if resources:
+                s.append('%s:\n  ' % label + '\n  '.join(resources))
+        if self.linker_script:
+            s.append('Linker Script: ' + self.linker_script)
+        return '\n'.join(s)
+# Support legacy build conventions: the original mbed build system did not have
+# standard labels for the "TARGET_" and "TOOLCHAIN_" specific directories, but
+# had the knowledge of a list of these directories to be ignored.
+    'LPC11U24', 'LPC1768', 'LPC2368', 'LPC4088', 'LPC812', 'KL25Z',
+    'ARM', 'uARM', 'IAR',
+    'ARM_STD':'ARM', 'ARM_MICRO': 'uARM',
+    'GCC_ARM': 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CR': 'GCC_CR',
+    'IAR': 'IAR',
+class mbedToolchain:
+    # Verbose logging
+    VERBOSE = True
+    # Compile C files as CPP
+    COMPILE_C_AS_CPP = False
+    # Response files for compiling, includes, linking and archiving.
+    # Not needed on posix systems where the typical arg limit is 2 megabytes
+        "Cortex-M0" : ["__CORTEX_M0", "ARM_MATH_CM0", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-M0+": ["__CORTEX_M0PLUS", "ARM_MATH_CM0PLUS", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-M1" : ["__CORTEX_M3", "ARM_MATH_CM1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-M3" : ["__CORTEX_M3", "ARM_MATH_CM3", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-M4" : ["__CORTEX_M4", "ARM_MATH_CM4", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-M4F" : ["__CORTEX_M4", "ARM_MATH_CM4", "__FPU_PRESENT=1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-M7" : ["__CORTEX_M7", "ARM_MATH_CM7", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-M7F" : ["__CORTEX_M7", "ARM_MATH_CM7", "__FPU_PRESENT=1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-M7FD" : ["__CORTEX_M7", "ARM_MATH_CM7", "__FPU_PRESENT=1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"],
+        "Cortex-A9" : ["__CORTEX_A9", "ARM_MATH_CA9", "__FPU_PRESENT", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__EVAL", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CA9"],
+    }
+    MBED_CONFIG_FILE_NAME="mbed_config.h"
+    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+    profile_template = {'common':[], 'c':[], 'cxx':[], 'asm':[], 'ld':[]}
+    def __init__(self, target, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False,
+                 extra_verbose=False, build_profile=None, build_dir=None):
+        self.target = target
+        self.name = self.__class__.__name__
+        # compile/assemble/link/binary hooks
+        self.hook = hooks.Hook(target, self)
+        # Toolchain flags
+        self.flags = deepcopy(build_profile or self.profile_template)
+        # System libraries provided by the toolchain
+        self.sys_libs = []
+        # User-defined macros
+        self.macros = macros or []
+        # Macros generated from toolchain and target rules/features
+        self.asm_symbols = None
+        self.cxx_symbols = None
+        # Labels generated from toolchain and target rules/features (used for selective build)
+        self.labels = None
+        # This will hold the initialized config object
+        self.config = None
+        # This will hold the configuration data (as returned by Config.get_config_data())
+        self.config_data = None
+        # This will hold the location of the configuration file or None if there's no configuration available
+        self.config_file = None
+        # Call guard for "get_config_data" (see the comments of get_config_data for details)
+        self.config_processed = False
+        # Non-incremental compile
+        self.build_all = False
+        # Build output dir
+        self.build_dir = build_dir
+        self.timestamp = time()
+        # Number of concurrent build jobs. 0 means auto (based on host system cores)
+        self.jobs = 0
+        # Ignore patterns from .mbedignore files
+        self.ignore_patterns = []
+        # Pre-mbed 2.0 ignore dirs
+        self.legacy_ignore_dirs = (LEGACY_IGNORE_DIRS | TOOLCHAINS) - set([target.name, LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES[self.name]])
+        # Output notify function
+        # This function is passed all events, and expected to handle notification of the
+        # user, emit the events to a log, etc.
+        # The API for all notify methods passed into the notify parameter is as follows:
+        # def notify(Event, Silent)
+        # Where *Event* is a dict representing the toolchain event that was generated
+        #            e.g.: a compile succeeded, or a warning was emitted by the compiler
+        #                  or an application was linked
+        #       *Silent* is a boolean
+        if notify:
+            self.notify_fun = notify
+        elif extra_verbose:
+            self.notify_fun = self.print_notify_verbose
+        else:
+            self.notify_fun = self.print_notify
+        # Silent builds (no output)
+        self.silent = silent
+        # Print output buffer
+        self.output = str()
+        self.map_outputs = list()   # Place to store memmap scan results in JSON like data structures
+        # uVisor spepcific rules
+        if 'UVISOR' in self.target.features and 'UVISOR_SUPPORTED' in self.target.extra_labels:
+            self.target.core = re.sub(r"F$", '', self.target.core)
+        # Stats cache is used to reduce the amount of IO requests to stat
+        # header files during dependency change. See need_update()
+        self.stat_cache = {}
+        # Used by the mbed Online Build System to build in chrooted environment
+        self.CHROOT = None
+        # Call post __init__() hooks before the ARM/GCC_ARM/IAR toolchain __init__() takes over
+        self.init()
+    # Used for post __init__() hooks
+    def init(self):
+        return True
+    def get_output(self):
+        return self.output
+    def print_notify(self, event, silent=False):
+        """ Default command line notification
+        """
+        msg = None
+        if not self.VERBOSE and event['type'] == 'tool_error':
+            msg = event['message']
+        elif event['type'] in ['info', 'debug']:
+            msg = event['message']
+        elif event['type'] == 'cc':
+            event['severity'] = event['severity'].title()
+            event['file'] = basename(event['file'])
+            msg = '[%(severity)s] %(file)s@%(line)s,%(col)s: %(message)s' % event
+        elif event['type'] == 'progress':
+            if 'percent' in event:
+                msg = '{} [{:>5.1f}%]: {}'.format(event['action'].title(),
+                                                  event['percent'],
+                                                  basename(event['file']))
+            else:
+                msg = '{}: {}'.format(event['action'].title(),
+                                      basename(event['file']))
+        if msg:
+            if not silent:
+                print msg
+            self.output += msg + "\n"
+    def print_notify_verbose(self, event, silent=False):
+        """ Default command line notification with more verbose mode
+        """
+        if event['type'] in ['info', 'debug']:
+            self.print_notify(event, silent=silent) # standard handle
+        elif event['type'] == 'cc':
+            event['severity'] = event['severity'].title()
+            event['file'] = basename(event['file'])
+            event['mcu_name'] = "None"
+            event['target_name'] = event['target_name'].upper() if event['target_name'] else "Unknown"
+            event['toolchain_name'] = event['toolchain_name'].upper() if event['toolchain_name'] else "Unknown"
+            msg = '[%(severity)s] %(target_name)s::%(toolchain_name)s::%(file)s@%(line)s: %(message)s' % event
+            if not silent:
+                print msg
+            self.output += msg + "\n"
+        elif event['type'] == 'progress':
+            self.print_notify(event) # standard handle
+    def notify(self, event):
+        """ Little closure for notify functions
+        """
+        event['toolchain'] = self
+        return self.notify_fun(event, self.silent)
+    def get_symbols(self, for_asm=False):
+        if for_asm:
+            if self.asm_symbols is None:
+                self.asm_symbols = []
+                # Cortex CPU symbols
+                if self.target.core in mbedToolchain.CORTEX_SYMBOLS:
+                    self.asm_symbols.extend(mbedToolchain.CORTEX_SYMBOLS[self.target.core])
+                # Add target's symbols
+                self.asm_symbols += self.target.macros
+                # Add extra symbols passed via 'macros' parameter
+                self.asm_symbols += self.macros
+            return list(set(self.asm_symbols))  # Return only unique symbols
+        else:
+            if self.cxx_symbols is None:
+                # Target and Toolchain symbols
+                labels = self.get_labels()
+                self.cxx_symbols = ["TARGET_%s" % t for t in labels['TARGET']]
+                self.cxx_symbols.extend(["TOOLCHAIN_%s" % t for t in labels['TOOLCHAIN']])
+                # Cortex CPU symbols
+                if self.target.core in mbedToolchain.CORTEX_SYMBOLS:
+                    self.cxx_symbols.extend(mbedToolchain.CORTEX_SYMBOLS[self.target.core])
+                # Symbols defined by the on-line build.system
+                self.cxx_symbols.extend(['MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=%s' % self.timestamp, 'TARGET_LIKE_MBED', '__MBED__=1'])
+                if MBED_ORG_USER:
+                    self.cxx_symbols.append('MBED_USERNAME=' + MBED_ORG_USER)
+                # Add target's symbols
+                self.cxx_symbols += self.target.macros
+                # Add target's hardware
+                self.cxx_symbols += ["DEVICE_" + data + "=1" for data in self.target.device_has]
+                # Add target's features
+                self.cxx_symbols += ["FEATURE_" + data + "=1" for data in self.target.features]
+                # Add extra symbols passed via 'macros' parameter
+                self.cxx_symbols += self.macros
+                # Form factor variables
+                if hasattr(self.target, 'supported_form_factors'):
+                    self.cxx_symbols.extend(["TARGET_FF_%s" % t for t in self.target.supported_form_factors])
+            return list(set(self.cxx_symbols))  # Return only unique symbols
+    # Extend the internal list of macros
+    def add_macros(self, new_macros):
+        self.macros.extend(new_macros)
+    def get_labels(self):
+        if self.labels is None:
+            toolchain_labels = [c.__name__ for c in getmro(self.__class__)]
+            toolchain_labels.remove('mbedToolchain')
+            self.labels = {
+                'TARGET': self.target.labels,
+                'FEATURE': self.target.features,
+                'TOOLCHAIN': toolchain_labels
+            }
+            # This is a policy decision and it should /really/ be in the config system
+            # ATM it's here for backward compatibility
+            if ((("-g" in self.flags['common'] or "-g3" in self.flags['common']) and
+                 "-O0") in self.flags['common'] or
+                ("-r" in self.flags['common'] and
+                 "-On" in self.flags['common'])):
+                self.labels['TARGET'].append("DEBUG")
+            else:
+                self.labels['TARGET'].append("RELEASE")
+        return self.labels
+    # Determine whether a source file needs updating/compiling
+    def need_update(self, target, dependencies):
+        if self.build_all:
+            return True
+        if not exists(target):
+            return True
+        target_mod_time = stat(target).st_mtime
+        for d in dependencies:
+            # Some objects are not provided with full path and here we do not have
+            # information about the library paths. Safe option: assume an update
+            if not d or not exists(d):
+                return True
+            if not self.stat_cache.has_key(d):
+                self.stat_cache[d] = stat(d).st_mtime
+            if self.stat_cache[d] >= target_mod_time:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def is_ignored(self, file_path):
+        """Check if file path is ignored by any .mbedignore thus far"""
+        for pattern in self.ignore_patterns:
+            if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_path, pattern):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def add_ignore_patterns(self, root, base_path, patterns):
+        """Add a series of patterns to the ignored paths
+        Positional arguments:
+        root - the directory containing the ignore file
+        base_path - the location that the scan started from
+        patterns - the list of patterns we will ignore in the future
+        """
+        real_base = relpath(root, base_path)
+        if real_base == ".":
+            self.ignore_patterns.extend(patterns)
+        else:
+            self.ignore_patterns.extend(join(real_base, pat) for pat in patterns)
+    # Create a Resources object from the path pointed to by *path* by either traversing a
+    # a directory structure, when *path* is a directory, or adding *path* to the resources,
+    # when *path* is a file.
+    # The parameter *base_path* is used to set the base_path attribute of the Resources
+    # object and the parameter *exclude_paths* is used by the directory traversal to
+    # exclude certain paths from the traversal.
+    def scan_resources(self, path, exclude_paths=None, base_path=None):
+        self.progress("scan", path)
+        resources = Resources(path)
+        if not base_path:
+            if isfile(path):
+                base_path = dirname(path)
+            else:
+                base_path = path
+        resources.base_path = base_path
+        if isfile(path):
+            self._add_file(path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=exclude_paths)
+        else:
+            self._add_dir(path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=exclude_paths)
+        return resources
+    # A helper function for scan_resources. _add_dir traverses *path* (assumed to be a
+    # directory) and heeds the ".mbedignore" files along the way. _add_dir calls _add_file
+    # on every file it considers adding to the resources object.
+    def _add_dir(self, path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=None):
+        """ os.walk(top[, topdown=True[, onerror=None[, followlinks=False]]])
+        When topdown is True, the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place
+        (perhaps using del or slice assignment), and walk() will only recurse into
+        the subdirectories whose names remain in dirnames; this can be used to prune
+        the search, impose a specific order of visiting, or even to inform walk()
+        about directories the caller creates or renames before it resumes walk()
+        again. Modifying dirnames when topdown is False is ineffective, because in
+        bottom-up mode the directories in dirnames are generated before dirpath
+        itself is generated.
+        """
+        labels = self.get_labels()
+        for root, dirs, files in walk(path, followlinks=True):
+            # Check if folder contains .mbedignore
+            if ".mbedignore" in files:
+                with open (join(root,".mbedignore"), "r") as f:
+                    lines=f.readlines()
+                    lines = [l.strip() for l in lines] # Strip whitespaces
+                    lines = [l for l in lines if l != ""] # Strip empty lines
+                    lines = [l for l in lines if not re.match("^#",l)] # Strip comment lines
+                    # Append root path to glob patterns and append patterns to ignore_patterns
+                    self.add_ignore_patterns(root, base_path, lines)
+            # Skip the whole folder if ignored, e.g. .mbedignore containing '*'
+            if (self.is_ignored(join(relpath(root, base_path),"")) or
+                self.build_dir == join(relpath(root, base_path))):
+                dirs[:] = []
+                continue
+            for d in copy(dirs):
+                dir_path = join(root, d)
+                # Add internal repo folders/files. This is needed for exporters
+                if d == '.hg' or d == '.git':
+                    resources.repo_dirs.append(dir_path)
+                if ((d.startswith('.') or d in self.legacy_ignore_dirs) or
+                    # Ignore targets that do not match the TARGET in extra_labels list
+                    (d.startswith('TARGET_') and d[7:] not in labels['TARGET']) or
+                    # Ignore toolchain that do not match the current TOOLCHAIN
+                    (d.startswith('TOOLCHAIN_') and d[10:] not in labels['TOOLCHAIN']) or
+                    # Ignore .mbedignore files
+                    self.is_ignored(join(relpath(root, base_path), d,"")) or
+                    # Ignore TESTS dir
+                    (d == 'TESTS')):
+                        dirs.remove(d)
+                elif d.startswith('FEATURE_'):
+                    # Recursively scan features but ignore them in the current scan.
+                    # These are dynamically added by the config system if the conditions are matched
+                    resources.features[d[8:]] = self.scan_resources(dir_path, base_path=base_path)
+                    dirs.remove(d)
+                elif exclude_paths:
+                    for exclude_path in exclude_paths:
+                        rel_path = relpath(dir_path, exclude_path)
+                        if not (rel_path.startswith('..')):
+                            dirs.remove(d)
+                            break
+            # Add root to include paths
+            resources.inc_dirs.append(root)
+            resources.file_basepath[root] = base_path
+            for file in files:
+                file_path = join(root, file)
+                self._add_file(file_path, resources, base_path)
+    # A helper function for both scan_resources and _add_dir. _add_file adds one file
+    # (*file_path*) to the resources object based on the file type.
+    def _add_file(self, file_path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=None):
+        resources.file_basepath[file_path] = base_path
+        if self.is_ignored(relpath(file_path, base_path)):
+            return
+        _, ext = splitext(file_path)
+        ext = ext.lower()
+        if   ext == '.s':
+            resources.s_sources.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.c':
+            resources.c_sources.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.cpp':
+            resources.cpp_sources.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.h' or ext == '.hpp':
+            resources.headers.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.o':
+            resources.objects.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == self.LIBRARY_EXT:
+            resources.libraries.append(file_path)
+            resources.lib_dirs.add(dirname(file_path))
+        elif ext == self.LINKER_EXT:
+            if resources.linker_script is not None:
+                self.info("Warning: Multiple linker scripts detected: %s -> %s" % (resources.linker_script, file_path))
+            resources.linker_script = file_path
+        elif ext == '.lib':
+            resources.lib_refs.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.bld':
+            resources.lib_builds.append(file_path)
+        elif basename(file_path) == '.hgignore':
+            resources.repo_files.append(file_path)
+        elif basename(file_path) == '.gitignore':
+            resources.repo_files.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.hex':
+            resources.hex_files.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.bin':
+            resources.bin_files.append(file_path)
+        elif ext == '.json':
+            resources.json_files.append(file_path)
+    def scan_repository(self, path):
+        resources = []
+        for root, dirs, files in walk(path):
+            # Remove ignored directories
+            for d in copy(dirs):
+                if d == '.' or d == '..':
+                    dirs.remove(d)
+            for file in files:
+                file_path = join(root, file)
+                resources.append(file_path)
+        return resources
+    def copy_files(self, files_paths, trg_path, resources=None, rel_path=None):
+        # Handle a single file
+        if type(files_paths) != ListType: files_paths = [files_paths]
+        for source in files_paths:
+            if source is None:
+                files_paths.remove(source)
+        for source in files_paths:
+            if resources is not None and resources.file_basepath.has_key(source):
+                relative_path = relpath(source, resources.file_basepath[source])
+            elif rel_path is not None:
+                relative_path = relpath(source, rel_path)
+            else:
+                _, relative_path = split(source)
+            target = join(trg_path, relative_path)
+            if (target != source) and (self.need_update(target, [source])):
+                self.progress("copy", relative_path)
+                mkdir(dirname(target))
+                copyfile(source, target)
+    def relative_object_path(self, build_path, base_dir, source):
+        source_dir, name, _ = split_path(source)
+        obj_dir = join(build_path, relpath(source_dir, base_dir))
+        if obj_dir is not self.prev_dir:
+            self.prev_dir = obj_dir
+            mkdir(obj_dir)
+        return join(obj_dir, name + '.o')
+    # Generate response file for all includes.
+    # ARM, GCC, IAR cross compatible
+    def get_inc_file(self, includes):
+        include_file = join(self.build_dir, ".includes_%s.txt" % self.inc_md5)
+        if not exists(include_file):
+            with open(include_file, "wb") as f:
+                cmd_list = []
+                for c in includes:
+                    if c:
+                        c = c.replace("\\", "/")
+                        if self.CHROOT:
+                            c = c.replace(self.CHROOT, '')
+                        cmd_list.append('-I%s' % c)
+                string = " ".join(cmd_list)
+                f.write(string)
+        return include_file
+    # Generate response file for all objects when linking.
+    # ARM, GCC, IAR cross compatible
+    def get_link_file(self, cmd):
+        link_file = join(self.build_dir, ".link_files.txt")
+        with open(link_file, "wb") as f:
+            cmd_list = []
+            for c in cmd:
+                if c:
+                    c = c.replace("\\", "/")
+                    if self.CHROOT:
+                        c = c.replace(self.CHROOT, '')
+                    cmd_list.append(('"%s"' % c) if not c.startswith('-') else c)
+            string = " ".join(cmd_list)
+            f.write(string)
+        return link_file
+    # Generate response file for all objects when archiving.
+    # ARM, GCC, IAR cross compatible
+    def get_arch_file(self, objects):
+        archive_file = join(self.build_dir, ".archive_files.txt")
+        with open(archive_file, "wb") as f:
+            o_list = []
+            for o in objects:
+                o_list.append('"%s"' % o)
+            string = " ".join(o_list).replace("\\", "/")
+            f.write(string)
+        return archive_file
+    def compile_sources(self, resources, inc_dirs=None):
+        # Web IDE progress bar for project build
+        files_to_compile = resources.s_sources + resources.c_sources + resources.cpp_sources
+        self.to_be_compiled = len(files_to_compile)
+        self.compiled = 0
+        self.cc_verbose("Macros: "+' '.join(['-D%s' % s for s in self.get_symbols()]))
+        inc_paths = resources.inc_dirs
+        if inc_dirs is not None:
+            inc_paths.extend(inc_dirs)
+        # De-duplicate include paths
+        inc_paths = set(inc_paths)
+        # Sort include paths for consistency
+        inc_paths = sorted(set(inc_paths))
+        # Unique id of all include paths
+        self.inc_md5 = md5(' '.join(inc_paths)).hexdigest()
+        objects = []
+        queue = []
+        work_dir = getcwd()
+        self.prev_dir = None
+        # Generate configuration header (this will update self.build_all if needed)
+        self.get_config_header()
+        # Sort compile queue for consistency
+        files_to_compile.sort()
+        for source in files_to_compile:
+            object = self.relative_object_path(
+                self.build_dir, resources.file_basepath[source], source)
+            # Queue mode (multiprocessing)
+            commands = self.compile_command(source, object, inc_paths)
+            if commands is not None:
+                queue.append({
+                    'source': source,
+                    'object': object,
+                    'commands': commands,
+                    'work_dir': work_dir,
+                    'chroot': self.CHROOT
+                })
+            else:
+                self.compiled += 1
+                objects.append(object)
+        # Use queues/multiprocessing if cpu count is higher than setting
+        jobs = self.jobs if self.jobs else cpu_count()
+        if jobs > CPU_COUNT_MIN and len(queue) > jobs:
+            return self.compile_queue(queue, objects)
+        else:
+            return self.compile_seq(queue, objects)
+    # Compile source files queue in sequential order
+    def compile_seq(self, queue, objects):
+        for item in queue:
+            result = compile_worker(item)
+            self.compiled += 1
+            self.progress("compile", item['source'], build_update=True)
+            for res in result['results']:
+                self.cc_verbose("Compile: %s" % ' '.join(res['command']), result['source'])
+                self.compile_output([
+                    res['code'],
+                    res['output'],
+                    res['command']
+                ])
+            objects.append(result['object'])
+        return objects
+    # Compile source files queue in parallel by creating pool of worker threads
+    def compile_queue(self, queue, objects):
+        jobs_count = int(self.jobs if self.jobs else cpu_count() * CPU_COEF)
+        p = Pool(processes=jobs_count)
+        results = []
+        for i in range(len(queue)):
+            results.append(p.apply_async(compile_worker, [queue[i]]))
+        p.close()
+        itr = 0
+        while len(results):
+            itr += 1
+            if itr > 180000:
+                p.terminate()
+                p.join()
+                raise ToolException("Compile did not finish in 5 minutes")
+            sleep(0.01)
+            pending = 0
+            for r in results:
+                if r._ready is True:
+                    try:
+                        result = r.get()
+                        results.remove(r)
+                        self.compiled += 1
+                        self.progress("compile", result['source'], build_update=True)
+                        for res in result['results']:
+                            self.cc_verbose("Compile: %s" % ' '.join(res['command']), result['source'])
+                            self.compile_output([
+                                res['code'],
+                                res['output'],
+                                res['command']
+                            ])
+                        objects.append(result['object'])
+                    except ToolException, err:
+                        if p._taskqueue.queue:
+                            p._taskqueue.queue.clear()
+                            sleep(0.5)
+                        p.terminate()
+                        p.join()
+                        raise ToolException(err)
+                else:
+                    pending += 1
+                    if pending >= jobs_count:
+                        break
+        results = None
+        p.join()
+        return objects
+    # Determine the compile command based on type of source file
+    def compile_command(self, source, object, includes):
+        # Check dependencies
+        _, ext = splitext(source)
+        ext = ext.lower()
+        if ext == '.c' or  ext == '.cpp':
+            base, _ = splitext(object)
+            dep_path = base + '.d'
+            try:
+                deps = self.parse_dependencies(dep_path) if (exists(dep_path)) else []
+            except IOError, IndexError:
+                deps = []
+            if len(deps) == 0 or self.need_update(object, deps):
+                if ext == '.cpp' or self.COMPILE_C_AS_CPP:
+                    return self.compile_cpp(source, object, includes)
+                else:
+                    return self.compile_c(source, object, includes)
+        elif ext == '.s':
+            deps = [source]
+            if self.need_update(object, deps):
+                return self.assemble(source, object, includes)
+        else:
+            return False
+        return None
+    @abstractmethod
+    def parse_dependencies(self, dep_path):
+        """Parse the dependency information generated by the compiler.
+        Positional arguments:
+        dep_path -- the path to a file generated by a previous run of the compiler
+        Return value:
+        A list of all source files that the dependency file indicated were dependencies
+        Side effects:
+        None
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    def is_not_supported_error(self, output):
+        return "#error directive: [NOT_SUPPORTED]" in output
+    @abstractmethod
+    def parse_output(self, output):
+        """Take in compiler output and extract sinlge line warnings and errors from it.
+        Positional arguments:
+        output -- a string of all the messages emitted by a run of the compiler
+        Return value:
+        None
+        Side effects:
+        call self.cc_info or self.notify with a description of the event generated by the compiler
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    def compile_output(self, output=[]):
+        _rc = output[0]
+        _stderr = output[1]
+        command = output[2]
+        # Parse output for Warnings and Errors
+        self.parse_output(_stderr)
+        self.debug("Return: %s"% _rc)
+        for error_line in _stderr.splitlines():
+            self.debug("Output: %s"% error_line)
+        # Check return code
+        if _rc != 0:
+            if self.is_not_supported_error(_stderr):
+                raise NotSupportedException(_stderr)
+            else:
+                raise ToolException(_stderr)
+    def build_library(self, objects, dir, name):
+        needed_update = False
+        lib = self.STD_LIB_NAME % name
+        fout = join(dir, lib)
+        if self.need_update(fout, objects):
+            self.info("Library: %s" % lib)
+            self.archive(objects, fout)
+            needed_update = True
+        return needed_update
+    def link_program(self, r, tmp_path, name):
+        needed_update = False
+        ext = 'bin'
+        if hasattr(self.target, 'OUTPUT_EXT'):
+            ext = self.target.OUTPUT_EXT
+        if hasattr(self.target, 'OUTPUT_NAMING'):
+            self.var("binary_naming", self.target.OUTPUT_NAMING)
+            if self.target.OUTPUT_NAMING == "8.3":
+                name = name[0:8]
+                ext = ext[0:3]
+        # Create destination directory
+        head, tail =  split(name)
+        new_path = join(tmp_path, head)
+        mkdir(new_path)
+        filename = name+'.'+ext
+        elf = join(tmp_path, name + '.elf')
+        bin = join(tmp_path, filename)
+        map = join(tmp_path, name + '.map')
+        r.objects = sorted(set(r.objects))
+        if self.need_update(elf, r.objects + r.libraries + [r.linker_script]):
+            needed_update = True
+            self.progress("link", name)
+            self.link(elf, r.objects, r.libraries, r.lib_dirs, r.linker_script)
+        if self.need_update(bin, [elf]):
+            needed_update = True
+            self.progress("elf2bin", name)
+            self.binary(r, elf, bin)
+        self.map_outputs = self.mem_stats(map)
+        self.var("compile_succeded", True)
+        self.var("binary", filename)
+        return bin, needed_update
+    def default_cmd(self, command):
+        _stdout, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd(command, work_dir=getcwd(), chroot=self.CHROOT)
+        self.debug("Return: %s"% _rc)
+        for output_line in _stdout.splitlines():
+            self.debug("Output: %s"% output_line)
+        for error_line in _stderr.splitlines():
+            self.debug("Errors: %s"% error_line)
+        if _rc != 0:
+            for line in _stderr.splitlines():
+                self.tool_error(line)
+            raise ToolException(_stderr)
+    ### NOTIFICATIONS ###
+    def info(self, message):
+        self.notify({'type': 'info', 'message': message})
+    def debug(self, message):
+        if self.VERBOSE:
+            if type(message) is ListType:
+                message = ' '.join(message)
+            message = "[DEBUG] " + message
+            self.notify({'type': 'debug', 'message': message})
+    def cc_info(self, info=None):
+        if info is not None:
+            info['type'] = 'cc'
+            self.notify(info)
+    def cc_verbose(self, message, file=""):
+        self.debug(message)
+    def progress(self, action, file, build_update=False):
+        msg = {'type': 'progress', 'action': action, 'file': file}
+        if build_update:
+            msg['percent'] = 100. * float(self.compiled) / float(self.to_be_compiled)
+        self.notify(msg)
+    def tool_error(self, message):
+        self.notify({'type': 'tool_error', 'message': message})
+    def var(self, key, value):
+        self.notify({'type': 'var', 'key': key, 'val': value})
+    def mem_stats(self, map):
+        """! Creates parser object
+        @param map Path to linker map file to parse and decode
+        @return Memory summary structure with memory usage statistics
+                None if map file can't be opened and processed
+        """
+        toolchain = self.__class__.__name__
+        # Create memap object
+        memap = MemapParser()
+        # Parse and decode a map file
+        if memap.parse(abspath(map), toolchain) is False:
+            self.info("Unknown toolchain for memory statistics %s" % toolchain)
+            return None
+        # Store the memap instance for later use
+        self.memap_instance = memap
+        # Here we return memory statistics structure (constructed after
+        # call to generate_output) which contains raw data in bytes
+        # about sections + summary
+        return memap.mem_report
+    # Set the configuration data
+    def set_config_data(self, config_data):
+        self.config_data = config_data
+    # Creates the configuration header if needed:
+    # - if there is no configuration data, "mbed_config.h" is not create (or deleted if it exists).
+    # - if there is configuration data and "mbed_config.h" does not exist, it is created.
+    # - if there is configuration data similar to the previous configuration data,
+    #   "mbed_config.h" is left untouched.
+    # - if there is new configuration data, "mbed_config.h" is overriden.
+    # The function needs to be called exactly once for the lifetime of this toolchain instance.
+    # The "config_processed" variable (below) ensures this behaviour.
+    # The function returns the location of the configuration file, or None if there is no
+    # configuration data available (and thus no configuration file)
+    def get_config_header(self):
+        if self.config_processed: # this function was already called, return its result
+            return self.config_file
+        # The config file is located in the build directory
+        self.config_file = join(self.build_dir, self.MBED_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
+        # If the file exists, read its current content in prev_data
+        if exists(self.config_file):
+            with open(self.config_file, "rt") as f:
+                prev_data = f.read()
+        else:
+            prev_data = None
+        # Get the current configuration data
+        crt_data = Config.config_to_header(self.config_data) if self.config_data else None
+        # "changed" indicates if a configuration change was detected
+        changed = False
+        if prev_data is not None: # a previous mbed_config.h exists
+            if crt_data is None: # no configuration data, so "mbed_config.h" needs to be removed
+                remove(self.config_file)
+                self.config_file = None # this means "config file not present"
+                changed = True
+            elif crt_data != prev_data: # different content of config file
+                with open(self.config_file, "wt") as f:
+                    f.write(crt_data)
+                changed = True
+        else: # a previous mbed_config.h does not exist
+            if crt_data is not None: # there's configuration data available
+                with open(self.config_file, "wt") as f:
+                    f.write(crt_data)
+                changed = True
+            else:
+                self.config_file = None # this means "config file not present"
+        # If there was a change in configuration, rebuild everything
+        self.build_all = changed
+        # Make sure that this function will only return the location of the configuration
+        # file for subsequent calls, without trying to manipulate its content in any way.
+        self.config_processed = True
+        return self.config_file
+    @staticmethod
+    def generic_check_executable(tool_key, executable_name, levels_up,
+                                 nested_dir=None):
+        """
+        Positional args:
+        tool_key: the key to index TOOLCHAIN_PATHS
+        executable_name: the toolchain's named executable (ex. armcc)
+        levels_up: each toolchain joins the toolchain_path, some
+        variable directories (bin, include), and the executable name,
+        so the TOOLCHAIN_PATH value must be appropriately distanced
+        Keyword args:
+        nested_dir: the directory within TOOLCHAIN_PATHS where the executable
+          is found (ex: 'bin' for ARM\bin\armcc (necessary to check for path
+          that will be used by toolchain's compile)
+        Returns True if the executable location specified by the user
+        exists and is valid OR the executable can be found on the PATH.
+        Returns False otherwise.
+        """
+        # Search PATH if user did not specify a path or specified path doesn't
+        # exist.
+        if not TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key] or not exists(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key]):
+            exe = find_executable(executable_name)
+            if not exe:
+                return False
+            for level in range(levels_up):
+                # move up the specified number of directories
+                exe = dirname(exe)
+            TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key] = exe
+        if nested_dir:
+            subdir = join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key], nested_dir,
+                          executable_name)
+        else:
+            subdir = join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key],executable_name)
+        # User could have specified a path that exists but does not contain exe
+        return exists(subdir) or exists(subdir +'.exe')
+    @abstractmethod
+    def check_executable(self):
+        """Returns True if the executable (armcc) location specified by the
+         user exists OR the executable can be found on the PATH.
+         Returns False otherwise."""
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @abstractmethod
+    def get_config_option(self, config_header):
+        """Generate the compiler option that forces the inclusion of the configuration
+        header file.
+        Positional arguments:
+        config_header -- The configuration header that will be included within all source files
+        Return value:
+        A list of the command line arguments that will force the inclusion the specified header
+        Side effects:
+        None
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @abstractmethod
+    def assemble(self, source, object, includes):
+        """Generate the command line that assembles.
+        Positional arguments:
+        source -- a file path that is the file to assemble
+        object -- a file path that is the destination object
+        includes -- a list of all directories where header files may be found
+        Return value:
+        The complete command line, as a list, that would invoke the assembler
+        on the source file, include all the include paths, and generate
+        the specified object file.
+        Side effects:
+        None
+        Note:
+        This method should be decorated with @hook_tool.
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @abstractmethod
+    def compile_c(self, source, object, includes):
+        """Generate the command line that compiles a C source file.
+        Positional arguments:
+        source -- the C source file to compile
+        object -- the destination object file
+        includes -- a list of all the directories where header files may be found
+        Return value:
+        The complete command line, as a list, that would invoke the C compiler
+        on the source file, include all the include paths, and generate the
+        specified object file.
+        Side effects:
+        None
+        Note:
+        This method should be decorated with @hook_tool.
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @abstractmethod
+    def compile_cpp(self, source, object, includes):
+        """Generate the command line that compiles a C++ source file.
+        Positional arguments:
+        source -- the C++ source file to compile
+        object -- the destination object file
+        includes -- a list of all the directories where header files may be found
+        Return value:
+        The complete command line, as a list, that would invoke the C++ compiler
+        on the source file, include all the include paths, and generate the
+        specified object file.
+        Side effects:
+        None
+        Note:
+        This method should be decorated with @hook_tool.
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @abstractmethod
+    def link(self, output, objects, libraries, lib_dirs, mem_map):
+        """Run the linker to create an executable and memory map.
+        Positional arguments:
+        output -- the file name to place the executable in
+        objects -- all of the object files to link
+        libraries -- all of the required libraries
+        lib_dirs -- where the required libraries are located
+        mem_map -- the location where the memory map file should be stored
+        Return value:
+        None
+        Side effect:
+        Runs the linker to produce the executable.
+        Note:
+        This method should be decorated with @hook_tool.
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @abstractmethod
+    def archive(self, objects, lib_path):
+        """Run the command line that creates an archive.
+        Positional arguhments:
+        objects -- a list of all the object files that should be archived
+        lib_path -- the file name of the resulting library file
+        Return value:
+        None
+        Side effect:
+        Runs the archiving tool to produce the library file.
+        Note:
+        This method should be decorated with @hook_tool.
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @abstractmethod
+    def binary(self, resources, elf, bin):
+        """Run the command line that will Extract a simplified binary file.
+        Positional arguments:
+        resources -- A resources object (Is not used in any of the toolchains)
+        elf -- the executable file that is to be converted
+        bin -- the file name of the to be created simplified binary file
+        Return value:
+        None
+        Side effect:
+        Runs the elf2bin tool to produce the simplified binary file.
+        Note:
+        This method should be decorated with @hook_tool.
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @staticmethod
+    @abstractmethod
+    def name_mangle(name):
+        """Mangle a name based on the conventional name mangling of this toolchain
+        Positional arguments:
+        name -- the name to mangle
+        Return:
+        the mangled name as a string
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @staticmethod
+    @abstractmethod
+    def make_ld_define(name, value):
+        """Create an argument to the linker that would define a symbol
+        Positional arguments:
+        name -- the symbol to define
+        value -- the value to give the symbol
+        Return:
+        The linker flag as a string
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    @staticmethod
+    @abstractmethod
+    def redirect_symbol(source, sync, build_dir):
+        """Redirect a symbol at link time to point at somewhere else
+        Positional arguments:
+        source -- the symbol doing the pointing
+        sync -- the symbol being pointed to
+        build_dir -- the directory to put "response files" if needed by the toolchain
+        Side Effects:
+        Possibly create a file in the build directory
+        Return:
+        The linker flag to redirect the symbol, as a string
+        """
+        raise NotImplemented
+    # Return the list of macros geenrated by the build system
+    def get_config_macros(self):
+        return Config.config_to_macros(self.config_data) if self.config_data else []
+from tools.settings import ARM_PATH
+from tools.settings import GCC_ARM_PATH
+from tools.settings import IAR_PATH
+    'ARM': ARM_PATH,
+    'uARM': ARM_PATH,
+    'IAR': IAR_PATH
+from tools.toolchains.arm import ARM_STD, ARM_MICRO
+from tools.toolchains.gcc import GCC_ARM
+from tools.toolchains.iar import IAR
+    'ARM': ARM_STD,
+    'uARM': ARM_MICRO,
+    'GCC_ARM': GCC_ARM,
+    'IAR': IAR