mbed-os for GR-LYCHEE
Dependents: mbed-os-example-blinky-gr-lychee GR-Boads_Camera_sample GR-Boards_Audio_Recoder GR-Boads_Camera_DisplayApp ... more
- Committer:
- dkato
- Date:
- 2018-02-02
- Revision:
- 0:f782d9c66c49
File content as of revision 0:f782d9c66c49:
"""The generic interface for all exporters. """ # mbed SDK # Copyright (c) 2011-2016 ARM Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from tools.export import lpcxpresso, ds5_5, iar, makefile from tools.export import embitz, coide, kds, simplicity, atmelstudio from tools.export import sw4stm32, e2studio, zip, cmsis, uvision, cdt from tools.export import gnuarmeclipse from tools.targets import TARGET_NAMES EXPORTERS = { 'uvision5': uvision.Uvision, 'uvision': uvision.Uvision, 'lpcxpresso': lpcxpresso.LPCXpresso, 'gcc_arm': makefile.GccArm, 'make_gcc_arm': makefile.GccArm, 'make_armc5': makefile.Armc5, 'make_iar': makefile.IAR, 'ds5_5': ds5_5.DS5_5, 'iar': iar.IAR, 'embitz' : embitz.EmBitz, 'coide' : coide.CoIDE, 'kds' : kds.KDS, 'simplicityv3' : simplicity.SimplicityV3, 'atmelstudio' : atmelstudio.AtmelStudio, 'sw4stm32' : sw4stm32.Sw4STM32, 'e2studio' : e2studio.E2Studio, 'eclipse_gcc_arm' : cdt.EclipseGcc, 'eclipse_iar' : cdt.EclipseIAR, 'eclipse_armc5' : cdt.EclipseArmc5, 'gnuarmeclipse': gnuarmeclipse.GNUARMEclipse, 'zip' : zip.ZIP, 'cmsis' : cmsis.CMSIS } ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN = """ Sorry, the target %s is not currently supported on the %s toolchain. Please refer to <a href='/handbook/Exporting-to-offline-toolchains' target='_blank'>Exporting to offline toolchains</a> for more information. """ ERROR_MESSAGE_NOT_EXPORT_LIBS = """ To export this project please <a href='http://mbed.org/compiler/?import=http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-export/k&mode=lib' target='_blank'>import the export version of the mbed library</a>. """ def mcu_ide_matrix(verbose_html=False): """Shows target map using prettytable Keyword argumets: verbose_html - print the matrix in html format """ supported_ides = sorted(EXPORTERS.keys()) # Only use it in this function so building works without extra modules from prettytable import PrettyTable, ALL # All tests status table print table_printer = PrettyTable(["Platform"] + supported_ides) # Align table for col in supported_ides: table_printer.align[col] = "c" table_printer.align["Platform"] = "l" perm_counter = 0 for target in sorted(TARGET_NAMES): row = [target] # First column is platform name for ide in supported_ides: text = "-" if target in EXPORTERS[ide].TARGETS: if verbose_html: text = "✓" else: text = "x" perm_counter += 1 row.append(text) table_printer.add_row(row) table_printer.border = True table_printer.vrules = ALL table_printer.hrules = ALL # creates a html page in a shorter format suitable for readme.md if verbose_html: result = table_printer.get_html_string() else: result = table_printer.get_string() result += "\n" result += "Total IDEs: %d\n"% (len(supported_ides)) if verbose_html: result += "<br>" result += "Total platforms: %d\n"% (len(TARGET_NAMES)) if verbose_html: result += "<br>" result += "Total permutations: %d"% (perm_counter) if verbose_html: result = result.replace("&", "&") return result