Send the data of GR-PEACH_HVC-P2_sample to the cloud.

Dependencies:   AsciiFont GR-PEACH_video GraphicsFramework LCD_shield_config R_BSP USBHost_custom easy-connect-gr-peach

Fork of mbed-os-example-client by mbed-os-examples

Note at the time of sample import

Please not check the "Update all libraries to the latest version" at the time of import.


When exporting and using it, increase the following stack size.


#define TCPIP_THREAD_STACKSIZE      1024
#define TCPIP_THREAD_STACKSIZE      2048


This is a sample to send the analysis result of GR-PEACH_HVC-P2_sample to the cloud using mbed-client. Please refer to following for operation of HVC-P2.

Import programGR-PEACH_HVC-P2_sample

Sample to operate omron HVC-P2 on GR-PEACH.

Required hardware

Application setup

Client credentials

To register the application to mbed Device Connector, you need to create and set the client side certificate.

  1. Go to and log in with your mbed account
  2. On mbed Device Connector, go to and click the Get my device security credentials button to get new credentials for your device.
  3. Replace the contents in security.h of this example with content copied above.

Ethernet settings

This sample uses Ethernet as the default connection type. To change the connection type, set WIFI_BP3595 in mbed_app.json:


    "help": "Options are ETHERNET, WIFI_ESP8266, WIFI_BP3595",
    "value": "ETHERNET"

To specify MAC address, add fllowing function to main.cpp. (When using Wifi, setting of MAC address is not necessary.)

Specify MAC address

// set mac address
void mbed_mac_address(char *mac) {
    mac[0] = 0x00;
    mac[1] = 0x02;
    mac[2] = 0xF7;
    mac[3] = 0xF0;
    mac[4] = 0x00;
    mac[5] = 0x00;

Wifi settings

This example can use BP3595 Wifi Interface for managing the wireless connectivity. To run this example using Wifi, you need:

  1. A BP3595 Wifi module ( )
  2. Mount BP3595 onto GR-PEACH
  3. Close GR-PEACH's JP21 (
  4. In the mbed_app.json file, change


    "help": "Options are ETHERNET, WIFI_ESP8266, WIFI_BP3595",
    "value": "WIFI_BP3595"

Provide your Wifi SSID and password here and leave \" in the beginning and end of your SSID and password as shown in the example below:


"wifi-ssid": {
    "help": "WiFi SSID",
    "value": "\"SSID\""
"wifi-password": {
    "help": "WIFI Password",
    "value": "\"Password\""

Specify the security type for connection to be used. When the security type is WPA2, you need to specify NSAPI_SECURITY_WAP as follows:


    "value": "NSAPI_SECURITY_WEP"

By default, NSAPI_SECURITY_WPA_WPA2 is specified here.

Application resources

This example exposes four resources listed below:

  1. 3202/0/5700. Recognition result from HVC-P2 (GET).
  2. 3201/0/5850. Blink function, blinks LED when executed (POST).
  3. 3201/0/5853. Blink pattern, used by the blink function to determine how to blink. In the format of 1000:500:1000:500:1000:500 (PUT).
  4. 3201/0/5855. Blink color, used by the blink function. Any of red, green, blue, cyan, yellow and magenta is acceptable (PUT).

For more info on how to get notifications when resource 1 changes, or how to use resource 2, 3 and 4, please look at

Import programGR-PEACH_mbed-connector-ZXingSample-node

Node.js based Web Application for mbed Device Connector specific to GR-PEACH_mbed-os-client-ZXingSample

# This is a Web Application for GR-PEACH_mbed-os-client-ZXingSample, but it can also be used for this sample.

Wed Sep 21 07:30:08 2016 +0100
Merge pull request #82 from ARMmbed/jenkinsfile

Create Jenkinsfile

Commit copied from

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 1 // List of targets to compile
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 2 def targets = [
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 3 "K64F"
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 4 ]
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 5
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 6 // Map toolchains to compilers
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 7 def toolchains = [
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 8 ARM: "armcc",
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 9 GCC_ARM: "arm-none-eabi-gcc",
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 10 IAR: "iar_arm"
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 11 ]
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 12
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 13 def configurations = [
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 14 "default",
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 15 "thread"
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 16 ]
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 17
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 18 def stepsForParallel = [:]
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 19
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 20 // Jenkins pipeline does not support map.each, we need to use oldschool for loop
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 21 for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 22 for(int j = 0; j < toolchains.size(); j++) {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 23 for(int k = 0; k < configurations.size(); k++) {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 24 def target = targets.get(i)
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 25 def toolchain = toolchains.keySet().asList().get(j)
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 26 def compilerLabel = toolchains.get(toolchain)
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 27 def config = configurations.get(k)
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 28
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 29 def stepName = "${target} ${toolchain} ${config}"
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 30 stepsForParallel[stepName] = buildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain, config)
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 31 }
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 32 }
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 33 }
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 34
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 35 timestamps {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 36 parallel stepsForParallel
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 37 }
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 38
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 39 def buildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain, configName) {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 40 return {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 41 stage ("${target}_${compilerLabel}_${configName}") {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 42 node ("${compilerLabel}") {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 43 deleteDir()
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 44 dir("mbed-os-example-client") {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 45 checkout scm
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 46
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 47 if ("${configName}" == "thread") {
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 48 // Add IPV6 feature
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 49 execute("sed -i 's/\"CLIENT\", \"COMMON_PAL\"/\"CLIENT\", \"IPV6\", \"COMMON_PAL\"/' mbed_app.json")
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 50 // Change connection type to thread
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 51 execute ("sed -i 's/\"value\": \"ETHERNET\"/\"value\": \"MESH_THREAD\"/' mbed_app.json")
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 52 // Add atmel-rf-driver
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 53 execute ("mbed add")
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 54 }
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 55
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 56 // Copy security.h to build
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 57 mbed.getSecurityFile()
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 58
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 59 execute ("mbed deploy --protocol ssh")
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 60 execute ("mbed compile --build .build/${target}_${compilerLabel}_${configName}/ -m ${target} -t ${toolchain} -c")
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 61 archive '**/mbed-os-example-client.bin'
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 62 }
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 63 }
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 64 }
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 65 }
mbed_official 18:628e22df9c41 66 }