Host driver/HAL to build a LoRa Picocell Gateway which communicates through USB with a concentrator board based on Semtech SX1308 multi-channel modem and SX1257/SX1255 RF transceivers.
- Committer:
- dgabino
- Date:
- 2018-04-11
- Revision:
- 0:102b50f941d0
File content as of revision 0:102b50f941d0:
/* / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| (C)2017 Semtech-Cycleo Description: Functions used to handle LoRa concentrator radios. License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <stdint.h> /* C99 types */ #include <stdbool.h> /* bool type */ #include <stdio.h> /* printf fprintf */ #include "loragw_sx125x.h" #include "loragw_com.h" #include "loragw_aux.h" #include "loragw_reg.h" #include "loragw_hal.h" #include "loragw_radio.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */ #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #if DEBUG_REG == 1 #define DEBUG_MSG(str) fprintf(stderr, str) #define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: "fmt, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, args) #define CHECK_NULL(a) if(a==NULL){fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: ERROR: NULL POINTER AS ARGUMENT\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);return LGW_REG_ERROR;} #else #define DEBUG_MSG(str) #define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, args...) #define CHECK_NULL(a) if(a==NULL){return LGW_REG_ERROR;} #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE TYPES -------------------------------------------------------- */ /** @struct lgw_radio_type_version_s @brief Associate a radio type with its corresponding expected version value read in the radio version register. */ struct lgw_radio_type_version_s { enum lgw_radio_type_e type; uint8_t reg_version; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------- */ #define PLL_LOCK_MAX_ATTEMPTS 5 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------- */ void sx125x_write(uint8_t channel, uint8_t addr, uint8_t data); uint8_t sx125x_read(uint8_t channel, uint8_t addr); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS DEFINITION ----------------------------------------- */ void sx125x_write(uint8_t channel, uint8_t addr, uint8_t data) { int reg_add, reg_dat, reg_cs; /* checking input parameters */ if (channel >= LGW_RF_CHAIN_NB) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: INVALID RF_CHAIN\n"); return; } if (addr >= 0x7F) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: ADDRESS OUT OF RANGE\n"); return; } /* selecting the target radio */ switch (channel) { case 0: reg_add = LGW_SPI_RADIO_A__ADDR; reg_dat = LGW_SPI_RADIO_A__DATA; reg_cs = LGW_SPI_RADIO_A__CS; break; case 1: reg_add = LGW_SPI_RADIO_B__ADDR; reg_dat = LGW_SPI_RADIO_B__DATA; reg_cs = LGW_SPI_RADIO_B__CS; break; default: DEBUG_PRINTF("ERROR: UNEXPECTED VALUE %d IN SWITCH STATEMENT\n", channel); return; } /* SPI master data write procedure */ lgw_reg_w(reg_cs, 0); lgw_reg_w(reg_add, 0x80 | addr); /* MSB at 1 for write operation */ lgw_reg_w(reg_dat, data); lgw_reg_w(reg_cs, 1); lgw_reg_w(reg_cs, 0); return; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ uint8_t sx125x_read(uint8_t channel, uint8_t addr) { int reg_add, reg_dat, reg_cs, reg_rb; int32_t read_value; /* checking input parameters */ if (channel >= LGW_RF_CHAIN_NB) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: INVALID RF_CHAIN\n"); return 0; } if (addr >= 0x7F) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: ADDRESS OUT OF RANGE\n"); return 0; } /* selecting the target radio */ switch (channel) { case 0: reg_add = LGW_SPI_RADIO_A__ADDR; reg_dat = LGW_SPI_RADIO_A__DATA; reg_cs = LGW_SPI_RADIO_A__CS; reg_rb = LGW_SPI_RADIO_A__DATA_READBACK; break; case 1: reg_add = LGW_SPI_RADIO_B__ADDR; reg_dat = LGW_SPI_RADIO_B__DATA; reg_cs = LGW_SPI_RADIO_B__CS; reg_rb = LGW_SPI_RADIO_B__DATA_READBACK; break; default: DEBUG_PRINTF("ERROR: UNEXPECTED VALUE %d IN SWITCH STATEMENT\n", channel); return 0; } /* SPI master data read procedure */ lgw_reg_w(reg_cs, 0); lgw_reg_w(reg_add, addr); /* MSB at 0 for read operation */ lgw_reg_w(reg_dat, 0); lgw_reg_w(reg_cs, 1); lgw_reg_w(reg_cs, 0); lgw_reg_r(reg_rb, &read_value); return (uint8_t)read_value; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS DEFINITION ------------------------------------------ */ int lgw_setup_sx125x(uint8_t rf_chain, uint8_t rf_clkout, bool rf_enable, uint8_t rf_radio_type, uint32_t freq_hz) { uint32_t part_int = 0; uint32_t part_frac = 0; int cpt_attempts = 0; if (rf_chain >= LGW_RF_CHAIN_NB) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: INVALID RF_CHAIN\n"); return -1; } /* Get version to identify SX1255/57 silicon revision */ DEBUG_PRINTF("Note: SX125x #%d version register returned 0x%02x\n", rf_chain, sx125x_read(rf_chain, 0x07)); /* General radio setup */ if (rf_clkout == rf_chain) { sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x10, SX125x_TX_DAC_CLK_SEL + 2); DEBUG_PRINTF("Note: SX125x #%d clock output enabled\n", rf_chain); } else { sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x10, SX125x_TX_DAC_CLK_SEL); DEBUG_PRINTF("Note: SX125x #%d clock output disabled\n", rf_chain); } switch (rf_radio_type) { case LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1255: sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x28, SX125x_XOSC_GM_STARTUP + SX125x_XOSC_DISABLE * 16); break; case LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257: sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x26, SX125x_XOSC_GM_STARTUP + SX125x_XOSC_DISABLE * 16); break; default: DEBUG_PRINTF("ERROR: UNEXPECTED VALUE %d FOR RADIO TYPE\n", rf_radio_type); break; } if (rf_enable == true) { /* Tx gain and trim */ sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x08, SX125x_TX_MIX_GAIN + SX125x_TX_DAC_GAIN * 16); sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x0A, SX125x_TX_ANA_BW + SX125x_TX_PLL_BW * 32); sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x0B, SX125x_TX_DAC_BW); /* Rx gain and trim */ sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x0C, SX125x_LNA_ZIN + SX125x_RX_BB_GAIN * 2 + SX125x_RX_LNA_GAIN * 32); sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x0D, SX125x_RX_BB_BW + SX125x_RX_ADC_TRIM * 4 + SX125x_RX_ADC_BW * 32); sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x0E, SX125x_ADC_TEMP + SX125x_RX_PLL_BW * 2); /* set RX PLL frequency */ switch (rf_radio_type) { case LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1255: part_int = freq_hz / (SX125x_32MHz_FRAC << 7); /* integer part, gives the MSB */ part_frac = ((freq_hz % (SX125x_32MHz_FRAC << 7)) << 9) / SX125x_32MHz_FRAC; /* fractional part, gives middle part and LSB */ break; case LGW_RADIO_TYPE_SX1257: part_int = freq_hz / (SX125x_32MHz_FRAC << 8); /* integer part, gives the MSB */ part_frac = ((freq_hz % (SX125x_32MHz_FRAC << 8)) << 8) / SX125x_32MHz_FRAC; /* fractional part, gives middle part and LSB */ break; default: DEBUG_PRINTF("ERROR: UNEXPECTED VALUE %d FOR RADIO TYPE\n", rf_radio_type); break; } sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x01, 0xFF & part_int); /* Most Significant Byte */ sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x02, 0xFF & (part_frac >> 8)); /* middle byte */ sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x03, 0xFF & part_frac); /* Least Significant Byte */ /* start and PLL lock */ do { if (cpt_attempts >= PLL_LOCK_MAX_ATTEMPTS) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: FAIL TO LOCK PLL\n"); return -1; } sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x00, 1); /* enable Xtal oscillator */ sx125x_write(rf_chain, 0x00, 3); /* Enable RX (PLL+FE) */ ++cpt_attempts; DEBUG_PRINTF("Note: SX125x #%d PLL start (attempt %d)\n", rf_chain, cpt_attempts); wait_ms(1); } while((sx125x_read(rf_chain, 0x11) & 0x02) == 0); } else { DEBUG_PRINTF("Note: SX125x #%d kept in standby mode\n", rf_chain); } return 0; } /* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */