Host driver/HAL to build a LoRa Picocell Gateway which communicates through USB with a concentrator board based on Semtech SX1308 multi-channel modem and SX1257/SX1255 RF transceivers.

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libloragw/inc/loragw_sx125x.h	Wed Apr 11 14:38:42 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
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+    (C)2017 Semtech
+Description: SX125x radio registers and constant definitions
+License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
+#ifndef __SX125X_REGS_H__
+#define __SX125X_REGS_H__
+SX1257 frequency setting :
+F_register(24bit) = F_rf (Hz) / F_step(Hz)
+                  = F_rf (Hz) * 2^19 / F_xtal(Hz)
+                  = F_rf (Hz) * 2^19 / 32e6
+                  = F_rf (Hz) * 256/15625
+SX1255 frequency setting :
+F_register(24bit) = F_rf (Hz) / F_step(Hz)
+                  = F_rf (Hz) * 2^20 / F_xtal(Hz)
+                  = F_rf (Hz) * 2^20 / 32e6
+                  = F_rf (Hz) * 512/15625
+#define SX125x_TX_DAC_CLK_SEL   1   /* 0:int, 1:ext */
+#define SX125x_TX_DAC_GAIN      2   /* 3:0, 2:-3, 1:-6, 0:-9 dBFS (default 2) */
+#define SX125x_TX_MIX_GAIN      14  /* -38 + 2*TxMixGain dB (default 14) */
+#define SX125x_TX_PLL_BW        1   /* 0:75, 1:150, 2:225, 3:300 kHz (default 3) */
+#define SX125x_TX_ANA_BW        0   /* 17.5 / 2*(41-TxAnaBw) MHz (default 0) */
+#define SX125x_TX_DAC_BW        5   /* 24 + 8*TxDacBw Nb FIR taps (default 2) */
+#define SX125x_RX_LNA_GAIN      1   /* 1 to 6, 1 highest gain */
+#define SX125x_RX_BB_GAIN       12  /* 0 to 15 , 15 highest gain */
+#define SX125x_LNA_ZIN          1   /* 0:50, 1:200 Ohms (default 1) */
+#define SX125x_RX_ADC_BW        7   /* 0 to 7, 2:100<BW<200, 5:200<BW<400,7:400<BW kHz SSB (default 7) */
+#define SX125x_RX_ADC_TRIM      6   /* 0 to 7, 6 for 32MHz ref, 5 for 36MHz ref */
+#define SX125x_RX_BB_BW         0   /* 0:750, 1:500, 2:375; 3:250 kHz SSB (default 1, max 3) */
+#define SX125x_RX_PLL_BW        0   /* 0:75, 1:150, 2:225, 3:300 kHz (default 3, max 3) */
+#define SX125x_ADC_TEMP         0   /* ADC temperature measurement mode (default 0) */
+#define SX125x_XOSC_GM_STARTUP  13  /* (default 13) */
+#define SX125x_XOSC_DISABLE     2   /* Disable of Xtal Oscillator blocks bit0:regulator, bit1:core(gm), bit2:amplifier */
+#endif // __SX125X_REGS_H__