A Port of TI's Webserver for the CC3000

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebServer/HttpCore.cpp	Sat Sep 14 17:38:41 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1258 @@
+*  HttpCore.c
+*  Copyright (C) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
+*  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+*  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+*  are met:
+*    Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*    Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+*    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+*    documentation and/or other materials provided with the   
+*    distribution.
+*    Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
+*    its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+*    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Common.h"
+#include "HttpHeaders.h"
+#include "HttpCore.h"
+#include "HttpResponse.h"
+#include "HttpRequest.h"
+#include "HttpAuth.h"
+#include "HttpDebug.h"
+#include "HttpDynamic.h"
+#include "HttpStatic.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "HttpConfig.h"
+// Include CC3000 bridged networking stack headers
+#include "cc3000_common.h"
+#include "socket.h"
+#include "netapp.h"
+#include "FlashDB.h"
+ * @addtogroup HttpCore
+ * @{
+ */
+ * This enumeration defines all possible states for a connection
+ */
+enum HttpConnectionState
+    /// Connection is inactive. The connection's socket should be INVALID_SOCKET_HANDLE
+    Inactive,
+    /// Waiting for packet(s) with the request method
+    RequestMethod,
+    /// Waiting for packet(s) with request headers
+    RequestHeaders,
+    /// Currently receiving a header which is too long - Drop it and continue waiting for more headers
+    DropCurrentHeader,
+    /// Done parsing headers, waiting for POST data pakcets
+    RequestData,
+    /// Request is at the hands of the content module (static and/or dynamic), waiting for response headers.
+    Processing,
+    /// Response headers have been sent. Sending response content.
+    ResponseData,
+    /// Response complete. Possibility of another request.
+    ResponseComplete
+ * This enumeration defines all possible request-handler modules
+ */
+enum HttpHandler
+    /// No module is going to process this request (use the default 404 error)
+    None,
+    /// The HttpStatic module is going to process this request
+    HttpStatic,
+    /// The HttpDynamic module is going to process this request
+    HttpDynamic
+ * This structure holds all information for an HTTP connection
+ */
+//#ifdef __CCS__
+//struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) HttpConnectionData
+//#elif __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__
+//#pragma pack(1)
+struct HttpConnectionData
+    /// The state of this connection
+    enum HttpConnectionState connectionState;
+    /// The data socket for this connection. Should be INVALID_SOCKET_HANDLE when in Inactive state
+    SOCKET dataSocket;
+    /// The current HTTP request on this connection
+    struct HttpRequest request;
+    /// Which handler is going to process the current request
+    enum HttpHandler handler;
+    /// An un-parsed chunk of header line
+    uint8 headerStart[HTTP_CORE_MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH];
+    /// Amount of content left to be read in the request or sent in the response
+    uint32 uContentLeft;
+    /// If the headers will arrive in several packets the content will be buffered in the headers start buffer until a whole line is available
+    uint16 uSavedBufferSize;
+    /// Check weather the authentication is done or not
+    uint8 HttpAuth;
+ * This structure holds all of the global state of the HTTP server
+ */
+//#ifdef __CCS__
+//struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) HttpGlobalState
+//#elif __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__
+//#pragma pack(1)
+struct HttpGlobalState
+    /// The listening socket
+    SOCKET listenSocket;
+    /// Number of active connections
+    uint16 uOpenConnections;
+    /// All possible connections
+    struct HttpConnectionData connections[HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS];
+    /// The packet-receive buffer
+    /// Size of data in the packet-receive buffer
+    int packetRecvSize;
+    /// The packet-send buffer
+    uint8 packetSend[HTTP_CORE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_SEND];
+    /// Size of data in the packet-send buffer
+    uint16 packetSendSize;
+/// The global state of the HTTP server
+__no_init struct HttpGlobalState g_state;
+// Forward declarations for static functions
+static void HttpCore_InitWebServer();
+static void HttpCore_CloseConnection(uint16 uConnection);
+static int HttpCore_HandleRequestPacket(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob packet);
+static int HttpCore_HandleMethodLine(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob line);
+static int HttpCore_HandleHeaderLine(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob line);
+static int HttpCore_HandleRequestData(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob* pData);
+static void HttpCore_ProcessNotFound(uint16 uConnection);
+struct HttpBlob nullBlob = {NULL, 0};
+extern volatile char runSmartConfig;
+extern char DevServname[];
+extern unsigned char mDNSSend;
+extern char CheckSocket;
+extern signed char sd[];
+#define MAX_SENT_DATA 912
+ * Detect all error conditions from a sockets API return value, such as accpet()
+ * Note: This is different in Windows and CC3000
+ * Returns nonzero if valid socket, or zero if invalid socket
+ */
+static int HttpIsValidSocket(SOCKET sock)
+#if (defined(WIN32) && !defined(HTTP_WEB_SERVER_ON_BRIDGE))
+    // The CC3000 API returns an int, and might return CC3000_INVALID_SOCKET
+    if ((sock == INVALID_SOCKET) ||
+        (sock == CC3000_INVALID_SOCKET))
+        return 0;
+    if (sock < 0)
+        return 0;
+    return 1;
+void HttpCloseServer()
+	closesocket(g_state.listenSocket);
+void HttpServerInitAndRun()
+    uint16 uConnection;
+    sockaddr_in addr;
+    sockaddr_in clientAddr;
+    socklen_t addrLen = sizeof(clientAddr);
+    struct HttpBlob blob;
+    fd_set readsds, errorsds;
+    int ret = 0;
+    SOCKET maxFD;
+    timeval timeout;
+    signed char curSocket;
+    int optval, optlen;
+    memset(&timeout, 0, sizeof(timeval));
+    timeout.tv_sec = 1;
+    timeout.tv_usec = 0;
+    // Initialize the server's global state
+    HttpCore_InitWebServer();
+    // Create the listener socket for HTTP Server.
+    g_state.listenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
+    if(g_state.listenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
+    {
+        HttpDebug("Failed to create listen socket");
+        printf("Failed to create listen socket\r\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+    addr.sin_family = htons(AF_INET);
+    addr.sin_port = htons(HTTP_CORE_SERVER_PORT);
+    if (bind(g_state.listenSocket, (const sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0)
+    {
+        HttpDebug("bind() fail");
+        printf("bind() fail\r\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (listen(g_state.listenSocket, 10) != 0)
+    {
+        HttpDebug("listen() fail");
+        printf("listen() fail\r\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    struct HttpBlob user,pass;
+    user.pData = (uint8*)"cc3000";
+    user.uLength= 6;
+    pass.pData = (uint8*)"admin";
+    pass.uLength = 5;
+    int count;
+    HttpAuth_Init(user, pass);    
+    g_state.uOpenConnections = 0;
+    // Main loop of the server. Note: This is an infinite loop
+    while (1)
+    {
+        //printf("Server Loop...\r\n");
+    	// Check if button is pressed for smart config
+        if(runSmartConfig == 1)
+        {
+          // Button is pressed for smart config. Close all active connections
+          for(uConnection = 0; uConnection < HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS; ++uConnection)
+          {
+            if (g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState != Inactive)
+            {
+              HttpCore_CloseConnection(uConnection);
+            }
+          }
+          // Close listening socket
+          HttpCloseServer();
+          break;
+        }
+        if( mDNSSend ==1)
+        {
+          mdnsAdvertiser(1,DevServname, strlen(DevServname));
+          mDNSSend =0;
+        }
+        // Client socket is closed, close socket
+        if(CheckSocket == 1)
+        {
+          for(count = 0; count<9 ; count++)
+          {
+            if(sd[count] == 1)
+            {
+              HttpCore_CloseConnection(count);
+              sd[count] = 0;
+            }
+          }
+          for(uConnection = 0; uConnection < HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS; ++uConnection)
+          {
+            if (g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState != Inactive)
+            {
+            // Check for socket timeouts
+              curSocket =  getsockopt(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SOCKOPT_RECV_NONBLOCK  , &optval, (socklen_t*)&optlen);
+              if (curSocket == -57)
+              {
+                HttpCore_CloseConnection(uConnection);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          CheckSocket = 0;
+        }
+        SOCKET newsock;
+        newsock = accept(g_state.listenSocket, (sockaddr*)&clientAddr, &addrLen);
+        // If new connection is returned - initialize the new connection object
+        if (HttpIsValidSocket(newsock))
+        {
+          if (g_state.uOpenConnections >= HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS)
+          {
+            //check if sockets are are available
+            for(uConnection = 0; uConnection < HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS; ++uConnection)
+            {
+              if (g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState != Inactive)
+              {
+                //Check for Socket Timeout
+            	curSocket =  getsockopt(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SOCKOPT_RECV_NONBLOCK  , &optval, (socklen_t*)&optlen);
+                if (curSocket == -57)
+                {
+                  HttpCore_CloseConnection(uConnection);
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if(g_state.uOpenConnections < HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS)
+          {
+            for (uConnection = 0; uConnection < HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS; ++uConnection)
+              if (g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == Inactive)
+                break;
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket = newsock;
+            g_state.uOpenConnections++;
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = RequestMethod;
+            HttpDebug("Accepting new connection number %d", uConnection);
+            printf("Accepting new connection number %i\r\n", uConnection);
+          }
+        }
+        // Nothing more to do if no open connections
+        if (g_state.uOpenConnections == 0)
+            continue;
+        // Receive data on all open connections, and handle the new data
+        maxFD = (SOCKET)-1;
+        // Select only the active connections
+        FD_ZERO(&readsds);
+        FD_ZERO(&errorsds);
+        for (uConnection = 0; uConnection < HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS; ++uConnection) 
+        {
+            // if connection is open and in one of the receiving states, then add this socket to the set
+            if (g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == RequestMethod ||
+                g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == RequestHeaders ||
+                g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == RequestData ||
+                g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == DropCurrentHeader)
+            {
+                FD_SET(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket, &readsds);
+                FD_SET(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket, &errorsds);
+                // Calculate the maximum socket number
+                if (maxFD <= g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket)
+                    maxFD = g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket + 1;
+            }
+        }
+        ret = select(maxFD, &readsds, NULL, &errorsds, &timeout);
+        // Nothing more to do if no packet received
+        if (ret == 0)
+        {
+          continue;
+        }
+        for (uConnection = 0; uConnection < HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS; ++uConnection)
+        {
+            // Skip inactive connections
+            if (g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == Inactive)
+                continue;
+            // Close connections that were select()ed for error
+            if (FD_ISSET(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket, &errorsds))
+            {
+                HttpCore_CloseConnection(uConnection);
+                continue;
+            }
+            // Skip connections that were not select()ed for reading
+            if (!FD_ISSET(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket, &readsds))
+                continue;
+            // This connection has data that can be received now
+            // Receive the data into the global packet-receive buffer
+            memset(g_state.packetRecv, 0, HTTP_CORE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_RECEIVED);
+            g_state.packetRecvSize = recv(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket, (char *)(g_state.packetRecv), HTTP_CORE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_RECEIVED, 0);
+            // Detect and handle errors
+            if (g_state.packetRecvSize <= 0)
+            {
+                HttpDebug("HTTP Connection recv error. connection=%d, error = %d", uConnection, g_state.packetRecvSize);
+                printf("HTTP Connection recv error. connection=%i, error = %i\r\n", uConnection, g_state.packetRecvSize);
+                HttpCore_CloseConnection(uConnection);
+                continue;
+            }
+            blob.uLength = (uint16)g_state.packetRecvSize;
+            blob.pData = g_state.packetRecv;
+            if (!HttpCore_HandleRequestPacket(uConnection, blob))
+                HttpCore_CloseConnection(uConnection);
+        }
+    }
+ * Reset open connection after finishing HTPP transaction
+ */
+static void HttpCore_ResetConnection(uint16 uConnection)
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft = 0;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].uSavedBufferSize = 0;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].handler = None;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.requestContent.pData = NULL;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.requestContent.uLength = 0;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags = 0;
+ * Initialize the server's global state structure
+ */
+static void HttpCore_InitWebServer()
+    uint16 uConnection;
+    g_state.packetRecvSize = 0;
+    g_state.packetSendSize = 0;
+    g_state.uOpenConnections = 0;
+    g_state.listenSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
+    for (uConnection = 0; uConnection < HTTP_CORE_MAX_CONNECTIONS; ++uConnection)
+    {
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = Inactive;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uConnection = uConnection;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].HttpAuth = 0;
+        HttpCore_ResetConnection(uConnection);
+    }
+    FlashDB_Init();
+ * Close a connection and clean up its state
+ */
+static void HttpCore_CloseConnection(uint16 uConnection)
+    HttpDebug("Close connection");
+    printf("Close connection\r\n");
+    closesocket(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket);
+    g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = Inactive;
+    g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
+    g_state.connections[uConnection].HttpAuth = 0;
+    HttpCore_ResetConnection(uConnection);
+    if(g_state.uOpenConnections > 0)
+      g_state.uOpenConnections--;
+ * Getting the next line in the HTTP headers section
+ * This function is called to get the header lines one by one until an empty line is encountered which means the end of the header section
+ * The input is the connection and the remaining blob of the received packet
+ *
+ * @return zero if the whole packet was handled, and need to wait for more data (pLine is not set to anything yet)
+ *         negative if some error occurred, and the connection should be closed.
+ *         positive if successful. In this case pCurrentLocation is advanced to skip the line and pLine returns the next line, or NULL and 0 if it should be discarded
+ */
+static int HttpCore_GetNextLine(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob* pCurrentLocation, struct HttpBlob* pLine)
+    uint16 uLength;
+    uint8* nextLocation;
+    // Keep a pointer to the connection state object
+    struct HttpConnectionData* pConnection = &g_state.connections[uConnection];
+    // search for the line delimiter in the received data
+    nextLocation = HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER, sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)-1, *pCurrentLocation);
+    uLength = (uint16)(nextLocation - pCurrentLocation->pData);
+    if (pConnection->uSavedBufferSize > 0)
+    {
+        // There is previous saved data for this line, so need to concatenate
+        if ((pConnection->headerStart[pConnection->uSavedBufferSize - 1] == '\r') && (pCurrentLocation->pData[0] == '\n'))
+        {
+            // Handle special case where the headers were splitted exactly at the delimiter
+            pConnection->headerStart[pConnection->uSavedBufferSize + 1] = pCurrentLocation->pData[0];
+            pLine->pData = pConnection->headerStart;
+            // Account for the excessive \r in the buffer
+            pLine->uLength = pConnection->uSavedBufferSize - 1; 
+            pConnection->uSavedBufferSize = 0;
+            // Advance the current location past this line
+            pCurrentLocation->pData += 1;
+            pCurrentLocation->uLength -= 1;
+            return 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // There is saved data, and the delimiter is not split between packets
+            if (nextLocation == NULL)
+            {
+                // No line delimiter was found in the current packet
+                if ((pConnection->uSavedBufferSize + pCurrentLocation->uLength) < HTTP_CORE_MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH)
+                {
+                    // There is enough space to append remaining header into saved buffer
+                    memcpy(pConnection->headerStart + pConnection->uSavedBufferSize, pCurrentLocation->pData, pCurrentLocation->uLength);
+                    pConnection->uSavedBufferSize += pCurrentLocation->uLength;
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                else
+                // There is not enough space in the saved buffer. This header line will be discarded
+                if (pConnection->connectionState == RequestMethod)
+                {
+                    // Connection awaits to receive the the HTTP method line
+                    // The method line cannot be discarded, drop the connection
+                    return -1;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // Connection awaits to receive the next header line which is not the method
+                    // Clean saved buffer, and drop this header line
+                    pConnection->uSavedBufferSize = 0;
+                    pConnection->connectionState = DropCurrentHeader;
+                    return 0;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Header line delimiter was found in the current packet
+                if ((pConnection->uSavedBufferSize + uLength) < HTTP_CORE_MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH)
+                {
+                    // This header length is of legal size
+                    // Concatenate data from the saved buffer and the current packet
+                    memcpy(pConnection->headerStart + pConnection->uSavedBufferSize, pCurrentLocation->pData, uLength);
+                    pConnection->uSavedBufferSize += uLength;
+                    pLine->pData = pConnection->headerStart;
+                    pLine->uLength = pConnection->uSavedBufferSize;
+                    pConnection->uSavedBufferSize = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // There is not enough space in the saved buffer. This header line will be discarded
+                    if (pConnection->connectionState == RequestMethod)
+                    {
+                        // Connection awaits to receive the the HTTP method line
+                        // The method line cannot be discarded, drop the connection
+                        return -1;
+                    }
+                    // Return an epmty line since the header is too long
+                    pLine->pData = NULL;
+                    pLine->uLength = 0;
+                }
+                // Advance the current location past this line
+                pCurrentLocation->pData += uLength + sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)-1;
+                pCurrentLocation->uLength -= uLength + sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)-1;
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // There is no previously saved data for this line
+        if (nextLocation == NULL)
+        {
+            // No line delimiter was found in the current packet
+            if (pCurrentLocation->uLength < HTTP_CORE_MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH)
+            {
+                // There is enough space to append remaining header into saved buffer
+                memcpy(pConnection->headerStart, pCurrentLocation->pData, pCurrentLocation->uLength);
+                pConnection->uSavedBufferSize = pCurrentLocation->uLength;
+                return 0;
+            }
+            else
+            // There is not enough space in the saved buffer
+            // This header line will be discarded
+            if (pConnection->connectionState == RequestMethod)
+            {
+                // Connection awaits to receive the the HTTP method line
+                // The method line cannot be discarded, drop the connection
+               return -1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Connection awaits to receive the next header line which is not the method
+                // Clean saved buffer, and drop this header line
+                pConnection->uSavedBufferSize = 0;
+                pConnection->connectionState = DropCurrentHeader;
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Header line delimiter was found in the current packet
+            if (uLength < HTTP_CORE_MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH)
+            {
+                // This header length is of legal size
+                // The whole line is in the packet buffer
+                pLine->pData = pCurrentLocation->pData;
+                pLine->uLength = uLength;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // There is not enough space to append remaining header into saved buffer
+                if (pConnection->connectionState == RequestMethod)
+                {
+                    // Connection awaits to receive the HTTP method line
+                    // The method line cannot be discarded, drop the connection
+                    return -1;
+                }
+                // Return an epmty line since the header is too long
+                pLine->pData = NULL;
+                pLine->uLength = 0;
+                pConnection->connectionState = DropCurrentHeader;
+            }
+            // Advance the current location past this line
+            pCurrentLocation->pData += uLength + sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)-1;
+            pCurrentLocation->uLength -= uLength + sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)-1;
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+ * The main state machine to handle an HTTP transaction
+ * Every received data packet for a connection is passed to this function for parsing and handling
+ *
+ * If there is an error the connection will be closed in the end of the transaction
+ * It will also be closed if "connection: close" header is received or HTTP version is 1.0
+ *
+ * @return zero to close the connection
+ *         nonzero if packet was consumed successfully, and the connection can handle more data
+ */
+static int HttpCore_HandleRequestPacket(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob packet)
+    struct HttpBlob currentLocation, line;
+    int ret;
+    currentLocation.pData = packet.pData;
+    currentLocation.uLength = packet.uLength;
+    //  when no more data is left and the HTTP transaction is not complete then return to wait for more data
+    while (1)
+    {
+        if (g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == RequestMethod || 
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == RequestHeaders ||
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == DropCurrentHeader)
+        {
+            // Parsing HTTP headers
+            int result;
+            // The received blob is empty, return to wait for more data
+            if (currentLocation.uLength < 1)
+            {
+                return 1;
+            }
+            // Get next header line if available
+            result = HttpCore_GetNextLine(uConnection, &currentLocation, &line);
+            // Method line is too long, or some other error
+            if (result < 0)
+                return 0;
+            // Whole packet was consumed, and no line-break found. Wait for more data
+            if (result == 0)
+                return 1;
+            // Otherwise a new and legal header line is found
+        }
+        switch (g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState)
+        {
+            case DropCurrentHeader:
+                g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = RequestHeaders;
+                break;
+            case RequestMethod:
+                //HttpAssert((line.pData != NULL) && (line.uLength > 0));
+                // If there is an error, then return error to drop the connection
+                if (!HttpCore_HandleMethodLine(uConnection, line))
+                    return 0;
+                break;
+            case RequestHeaders:
+                if (!HttpCore_HandleHeaderLine(uConnection, line))
+                    return 0;
+                break;
+            case RequestData:
+                ret = HttpCore_HandleRequestData(uConnection, &currentLocation);
+                if (ret == 0)
+                    return 1;
+                else
+                    if (ret < 0)
+                        return 0;
+                break;
+            case Processing:
+                // All the request data was received - start final processing of the headers and post data if exists
+                switch (g_state.connections[uConnection].handler)
+                {
+                    case HttpStatic:
+                        HttpStatic_ProcessRequest(&g_state.connections[uConnection].request);
+                        break;
+                    case HttpDynamic:
+                        HttpDynamic_ProcessRequest(&g_state.connections[uConnection].request);
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        HttpCore_ProcessNotFound(uConnection);
+                        break;
+                }
+                break;
+            case ResponseData:
+                // This state should never be reached, it is set internally during the processing
+                HttpDebug("Response data state in request handling main loop!");
+                printf("Response data state in request handling main loop!\r\n");
+                HttpAssert(0);
+                break;
+            case ResponseComplete:
+                if ((g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags & HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_CLOSE)!=0 ||
+                    (g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags & HTTP_REQUEST_1_1) == 0)
+                {
+                    // Connection should be closed - either "Connection: close" was received or the HTTP version is 1.0
+                    // Return 0 to close the connection
+                    return 0;
+                }
+                // The current HTTP transaction is complete - reset state for the next transaction on this connection
+                g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = RequestMethod;
+                HttpCore_ResetConnection(uConnection);
+                break;
+            default:
+                HttpDebug("Bad state in HttpCore!");
+                printf("Bad state in HttpCore!\r\n");
+                //HttpAssert(0);
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+ * This function handles connection initial state
+ * Parse the first header line as a method header
+ * 
+ * Method line should be in the form:
+ *     GET /resource.html HTTP/1.1\r\n
+ *
+ * @return nonzero if success
+ */
+static int HttpCore_HandleMethodLine(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob line)
+    struct HttpBlob resource;
+    uint8* methodLocation;
+    uint8* versionLocation;
+    uint16 uMethodLength;
+    // Search for GET token in the input blob
+    methodLocation = HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_METHOD_GET, sizeof(HTTP_METHOD_GET)-1, line);
+    uMethodLength = sizeof(HTTP_METHOD_GET)-1;
+    if (methodLocation == NULL)
+    {
+        // The method is not GET
+        // Search for the POST token in the input blob
+        methodLocation = HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_METHOD_POST, sizeof(HTTP_METHOD_POST)-1, line);
+        uMethodLength = sizeof(HTTP_METHOD_POST)-1;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags |= HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_METHOD_POST;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Method is GET
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.requestContent.uLength = 0;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags &= ~HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_METHOD_POST;
+    }
+    if (methodLocation != line.pData)
+    {
+        methodLocation = HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_METHOD_POST, sizeof(HTTP_METHOD_POST)-1, line);
+        uMethodLength = sizeof(HTTP_METHOD_POST)-1;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags |= HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_METHOD_POST;
+        if(methodLocation == NULL || methodLocation != line.pData)
+        {
+          // Header does not begin line with GET or POST as it should
+          HttpDebug("Unsupported method");
+          printf("Unsupported method\r\n");
+          return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    // Search for "HTTP/1.1" version token
+    versionLocation = HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_VERSION_1P1, sizeof(HTTP_VERSION_1P1)-1, line);
+    // Version is 1.1
+    if (versionLocation != NULL)
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags |= HTTP_REQUEST_1_1;
+    else 
+    {
+        // Search for "HTTP/1.1" version token
+        versionLocation = HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_VERSION_1P0, sizeof(HTTP_VERSION_1P0)-1, line);
+        // Version is 1.0
+        if (versionLocation != NULL)
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags &= ~HTTP_REQUEST_1_1;
+        else
+        {
+            HttpDebug("Bad protocol version");
+            printf("Bad protocol version\r\n");
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    HttpDebug("method Header: %.*s", line.uLength, line.pData);
+    //printf("method Header: %i , %c\r\n", line.uLength, line.pData);
+    // Find the URL part of the header 
+    resource.pData = methodLocation + uMethodLength + 1;
+    resource.uLength = (uint16)(versionLocation - (methodLocation +  uMethodLength + 1) - 1);
+    // Determine which handler is supposed to handle this request
+    // The handler functions are called according to a hardcoded priority - dynamic, static, default
+    // The first handler that returns non zero will handle this request
+    if (HttpDynamic_InitRequest(uConnection, resource) != 0)
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].handler = HttpDynamic;
+    else
+    if (HttpStatic_InitRequest(uConnection, resource) != 0)
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].handler = HttpStatic;
+    else
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].handler = None;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = RequestHeaders;
+    return 1;
+ * Handle The HTTP headers (after method) one by one
+ * If an empty header is received then the headers section is complete
+ * Searches for the headers tokens. If important data is found then it is saved in the connection object
+ * 
+ * returns nonzero if sucessful
+ */
+static int HttpCore_HandleHeaderLine(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob line)
+    struct HttpBlob blobValue;
+    uint8* pFound;
+    uint32 length;
+    // NULL line is received when a header line is too long. 
+    if (line.pData == NULL)
+        return 1;
+    // Length is 0, this means than End-Of-Headers marker was reached
+    // State of this connection is set to RequestData
+    if (line.uLength == 0)
+    {
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = RequestData;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // If "Accept-encoding" header then set or clear HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_ACCEPT_GZIP flag
+    if (HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING, sizeof(HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING)-1, line))
+    {
+        line.pData += sizeof(HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING)-1 + 2;
+        line.uLength -= sizeof(HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING)-1 + 2;
+        pFound = HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_GZIP, sizeof(HTTP_GZIP)-1, line);
+        if (pFound != NULL)
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags |= HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_ACCEPT_GZIP;
+        else
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags &= ~HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_ACCEPT_GZIP;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // If "Content-Length" header then parse the lenght and set uContentLeft to it
+    // GET and POST method behave the same
+    if (HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH, sizeof(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH)-1, line) == line.pData)
+    {
+        line.pData += sizeof(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH)-1 + 2;
+        line.uLength -= sizeof(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH)-1 + 2;
+        blobValue.pData = line.pData;
+        blobValue.uLength = line.uLength - 2;
+        length = HttpString_atou(blobValue);
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft = length;
+        // Set ignore flag
+        if (g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft > HTTP_CORE_MAX_HEADER_LINE_LENGTH)
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags |= HTTP_REQUEST_CONTENT_IGNORED;
+        // Prepare the request blob to buffer the content
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.requestContent.pData = g_state.connections[uConnection].headerStart;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.requestContent.uLength = 0;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // If "Connection" header then look for "close" and set or clear HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_CLOSE flag
+    // The default behaviour for keep alive or no such header is to keep the connection open in http version 1.1
+    // In http version 1.0 the default behavior is to always close the socket
+    if (HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSE, sizeof(HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSE)-1, line) == line.pData)
+    {
+        line.pData += sizeof(HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSE)-1 + 2;
+        line.uLength -= sizeof(HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSE)-1 + 2;
+        pFound = HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_CLOSE, sizeof(HTTP_CLOSE)-1, line);
+        if (pFound != 0)
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags |= HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_CLOSE;
+        else
+            g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags &= ~HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_CLOSE;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // If "Authorization" header the  handle authentication
+    if (HttpString_nextToken(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION, sizeof(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION)-1, line) == line.pData)
+    {
+        line.pData += sizeof(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION)-1 + 2;
+        line.uLength -= sizeof(HTTP_AUTHORIZATION)-1 + 2;
+        blobValue.pData = line.pData;
+        blobValue.uLength = line.uLength;
+        //TODO: handle the case when we don't support authentication
+        HttpAuth_RequestAuthenticate(&g_state.connections[uConnection].request, blobValue);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // None of the above mentioned headers was recognized so just ignore this header
+    return 1;
+ * Handles request data for this transaction
+ * Behaves the same for POST and GET methods -
+ * If content length header was present then read the content for further processing
+ * If the content is too long then ignore it
+ *
+ * @return 1 if successful, pData is updated to skip the handled data
+           0 if all data is consumed and need to read more data
+ *         negative if an error occurs and the connection should be closed.
+ */
+static int HttpCore_HandleRequestData(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob* pData)
+    uint32 uLengthToHandle;
+    if (g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft == 0)
+    {
+        HttpDebug("Received content. Length=%d, content:\r\n%.*s", g_state.connections[uConnection].request.requestContent.uLength, g_state.connections[uConnection].request.requestContent.uLength, g_state.connections[uConnection].headerStart);
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = Processing;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    // Find minimum between the content left to handle and the current blob
+    uLengthToHandle = g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft;
+    if (uLengthToHandle > pData->uLength)
+        uLengthToHandle = pData->uLength;
+    // If no new data is received - return and wait for more
+    if (uLengthToHandle == 0)
+        return 0;
+    if ( (g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags & HTTP_REQUEST_CONTENT_IGNORED) != 0)
+    {
+        // Ignore Content
+        pData->pData += uLengthToHandle;
+        pData->uLength -= (uint16)uLengthToHandle;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft -= uLengthToHandle;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Read content
+        memcpy(g_state.connections[uConnection].headerStart + g_state.connections[uConnection].request.requestContent.uLength, pData->pData, uLengthToHandle);
+        pData->pData += uLengthToHandle;
+        pData->uLength -= (uint16)uLengthToHandle;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft -= uLengthToHandle;
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].request.requestContent.uLength += (uint16)uLengthToHandle;
+    }
+    return 1;
+ * Returns HTTP 404 not found response
+ */
+static void HttpCore_ProcessNotFound(uint16 uConnection)
+    // call HttpResponse_CannedError with 404 NOT_FOUND
+    HttpResponse_CannedError(uConnection, HTTP_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
+ * Sends the input blob over the connection socket
+ */
+static int HttpCore_SendPacket(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob buffer)
+    //  Send the buffer over the data socket until all the buffer is sent
+    while (buffer.uLength > 0)
+    {
+        int sent;
+        if(buffer.uLength > MAX_SENT_DATA)
+        {
+          sent = send(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket, (char*)buffer.pData, MAX_SENT_DATA, 0);
+          if (sent <= 0)
+          {
+            printf("Send failed...\r\n");
+            // Connection must be closed if send has failed
+            return 0;
+          }
+        }
+        else
+        { 
+          sent = send(g_state.connections[uConnection].dataSocket, (char*)buffer.pData, buffer.uLength, 0);
+          if (sent <= 0)
+          {
+            printf("Send failed...\r\n");
+            // Connection must be closed if send has failed
+            return 0;
+          }
+        }
+        buffer.pData += sent;
+        buffer.uLength -= (uint16)sent;
+    }
+    return 1;
+ * Add char to the response buffer
+ */
+static void HttpResponse_AddCharToResponseHeaders(char ch)
+    //add char
+    g_state.packetSend[g_state.packetSendSize] = ch;
+    g_state.packetSendSize++;
+ * Add uint32 number to the response buffer
+ */
+static void HttpResponse_AddNumberToResponseHeaders(uint32 num)
+    struct HttpBlob resource;
+    resource.pData = g_state.packetSend + g_state.packetSendSize;
+    resource.uLength = 0;
+    HttpString_utoa(num, &resource);
+    g_state.packetSendSize += resource.uLength;
+ * Add a string to the response buffer
+ */
+static void HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(char * str, uint16 len)
+    memcpy(g_state.packetSend + g_state.packetSendSize, str, len);
+    g_state.packetSendSize += len;
+ *  Add header line to response buffer
+ *  Adds a line to the header with the provided name value pair
+ *  Precondition to this function is that g_state.packetSendSize and g_state.packetSend are correct
+ */
+static void HttpResponse_AddHeaderLine(char * headerName, uint16 headerNameLen, char * headerValue, uint16 headerValueLen)
+    HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(headerName, headerNameLen);
+    HttpResponse_AddCharToResponseHeaders(':');
+    HttpResponse_AddCharToResponseHeaders(' ');
+    HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(headerValue, headerValueLen);
+    HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER, sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)-1);
+ *  Add Header line to response buffer
+ *  Adds a line to the header with the provided name value pair when the value is numeric
+ *  precondition to this function is that g_state.packetSendSize and g_state.packetSend are correct
+ */
+static void HttpResponse_AddHeaderLineNumValue(char * headerName, uint16 uHeaderNameLen, uint32 headerValue)
+    HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(headerName, uHeaderNameLen);
+    HttpResponse_AddCharToResponseHeaders(':');
+    HttpResponse_AddCharToResponseHeaders(' ');
+    HttpResponse_AddNumberToResponseHeaders(headerValue);
+    HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER, sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)-1);
+ * Returns status string according to status code
+ */
+static void HttpStatusString(uint16 uHttpStatus, struct HttpBlob* status)
+    switch (uHttpStatus)
+    {
+    case HTTP_STATUS_OK:
+        HttpBlobSetConst(*status, HTTP_STATUS_OK_STR);
+        break;
+        HttpBlobSetConst(*status, HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_PERMANENT_STR);
+        break;
+        HttpBlobSetConst(*status, HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY_STR);
+        break;
+        HttpBlobSetConst(*status, HTTP_STATUS_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED_STR);
+        break;
+        HttpBlobSetConst(*status, HTTP_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND_STR);
+        break;
+        HttpBlobSetConst(*status, HTTP_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_ACCEPTED_STR);
+        break;
+        HttpBlobSetConst(*status, HTTP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL_STR);
+        break;
+    default:
+        HttpDebug("Unknown response status");
+        printf("Unknown response status\r\n");
+        //HttpAssert(0);
+        break;
+    }
+void HttpResponse_Headers(uint16 uConnection, uint16 uHttpStatus, uint16 uFlags, uint32 uContentLength, struct HttpBlob contentType, struct HttpBlob location)
+    //printf("ResponseHeaders...\r\n");
+    struct HttpBlob status;
+    struct HttpBlob packet;
+    //HttpAssert(g_state.packetSendSize == 0);
+    //HttpAssert(g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == Processing);
+    // Get status string according to uHttpStatus
+    HttpStatusString(uHttpStatus, &status);
+    // Build the response status line in the packet-send buffer: "HTTP/1.1 " followed by the status number as string, a space, the status string, and "\r\n"
+    // For example: HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
+    // Add http version to sent packet according to the version that was received in the request
+    if ( (g_state.connections[uConnection].request.uFlags & HTTP_REQUEST_1_1) != 0)
+        HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(HTTP_VERSION_1P1, sizeof(HTTP_VERSION_1P1)-1);
+    else
+        HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(HTTP_VERSION_1P0, sizeof(HTTP_VERSION_1P0)-1);
+    HttpResponse_AddCharToResponseHeaders(' ');
+    HttpResponse_AddNumberToResponseHeaders(uHttpStatus);
+    HttpResponse_AddCharToResponseHeaders(' ');
+    HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders((char*)status.pData, status.uLength);
+    HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER, sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)-1);
+    // Handle Authentication
+    {
+        HttpResponse_GetPacketSendBuffer(&packet);
+        packet.pData = packet.pData + packet.uLength;
+        packet.uLength = HTTP_CORE_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_SEND - packet.uLength;
+        HttpAuth_ResponseAuthenticate(&g_state.connections[uConnection].request, &packet);
+        if (packet.uLength > 0)
+            g_state.packetSendSize += packet.uLength;
+        //printf("packet.uLength...%i\r\n",g_state.packetSendSize);    
+    }
+    //printf("Auth complete, now Handle content type...\r\n");
+    // Handle content type
+    //    e.g. "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
+    if ((contentType.pData != NULL) && (contentType.uLength > 0))
+        HttpResponse_AddHeaderLine(HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE, sizeof(HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE)-1, (char*)contentType.pData, contentType.uLength);
+    // Handle Content-length
+    //    e.g. "Content-Length: 562\r\n"
+    //printf("Handle content-length...%i\r\n",uContentLength);
+    if (uContentLength > 0)
+        HttpResponse_AddHeaderLineNumValue(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH, sizeof(HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH)-1, uContentLength);
+    g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft = uContentLength;
+    // Handle compression
+    //    e.g. "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n"
+    //printf("Handle compression...\r\n");
+    if ((uFlags & HTTP_RESPONSE_FLAG_COMPRESSED) != 0)
+        HttpResponse_AddHeaderLine(HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING, sizeof(HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING)-1, HTTP_GZIP, sizeof(HTTP_GZIP)-1);
+    // Handle redirection/Location
+    //    e.g. "Location: /otherpage.html\r\n"
+    //printf("Handle redirection/Location...\r\n");
+    if ((location.pData != NULL) && (location.uLength > 0))
+        HttpResponse_AddHeaderLine(HTTP_LOCATION, sizeof(HTTP_LOCATION)-1, (char*)location.pData, location.uLength);
+    // Add the end of headers marker (\r\n)
+    HttpResponse_AddStringToResponseHeaders(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER, sizeof(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)-1);
+    // Send all response headers over the connection socket
+    //printf("Send all response headers...\r\n");
+    packet.pData = g_state.packetSend;
+    packet.uLength = g_state.packetSendSize;
+    //printf("packet.uLength...%i\r\n",packet.uLength);
+    if (!HttpCore_SendPacket(uConnection, packet)){
+        //printf("Send all response headers failed...\r\n");
+        return;
+        }
+    g_state.packetSendSize = 0;
+    //printf("Send all response headers complete...\r\n");
+    // advance state according to need to send content
+    if (uContentLength > 0)
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = ResponseData;
+    else
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = ResponseComplete;
+    /*
+        Todo: add logic to send the header packet at any point in the middle, if there is not enough room left in it.
+    */
+    printf("Finished send...\r\n");
+void HttpResponse_GetPacketSendBuffer(struct HttpBlob* pPacketSendBuffer)
+	pPacketSendBuffer->pData = g_state.packetSend;
+	pPacketSendBuffer->uLength = g_state.packetSendSize;
+void HttpResponse_Content(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob content)
+    //HttpAssert(g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState == ResponseData);
+    //HttpAssert(g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft >= content.uLength);
+    // Send the specified content over the data socket
+    HttpCore_SendPacket(uConnection, content);
+    // Update uContentLeft
+    g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft -= content.uLength;
+    // If no more content left to send then HTTP transaction is complete
+    if (g_state.connections[uConnection].uContentLeft == 0)
+        g_state.connections[uConnection].connectionState = ResponseComplete;
+void HttpResponse_CannedRedirect(uint16 uConnection, struct HttpBlob location, uint16 bPermanent)
+    struct HttpBlob status;
+    HttpResponse_Headers(uConnection, (bPermanent==1? HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_PERMANENT:HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY), 0, 0, nullBlob, location);
+void HttpResponse_CannedError(uint16 uConnection, uint16 uHttpStatus)
+    struct HttpBlob status;
+    HttpStatusString(uHttpStatus, &status);
+    HttpResponse_Headers(uConnection, uHttpStatus, 0, status.uLength, nullBlob, nullBlob);
+    HttpResponse_Content(uConnection, status);
+/// @}