XBEE Project for LPC1768 - program number 2 of 2.

Dependencies:   C12832 LM75B XBee mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jan 11 20:20:33 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#include "mbed.h" /*Include standard mbed library*/
+#include "XBee.h" /*Include library for XBee transmitter/reciever*/
+#include "LM75B.h" /*Include library for temperature sensor*/
+#include "C12832A1Z.h" /*Include library for LCD display*/
+Serial xbee1(p9,p10); /*Declare XBee transmit/receive as pins 9 and 10*/
+DigitalOut rst1(p30); /*Declare pin 29 as the reset pin for the XBee*/
+LM75B temp(p28,p27); /*Declare temperature sensor transmit/recieve as pins 27 and 28*/
+DigitalOut red(p23); /*Declare pin 23 as the red LED*/
+DigitalOut green(p24); /*Declare pin 24 as the green LED*/
+DigitalOut blue(p25); /*Declare pin 25 as the blue LED*/
+DigitalOut relay(p8); /*Declare pin 8 as the output to an external relay*/
+C12832A1Z lcd(p5, p7, p6, p8, p11); /*Set pins for LCD display (MOSI, SCK, Reset, A0 and nCS)*/
+int main() { /*Start of main function*/
+    rst1 = 0; /*Set XBee reset pin to 0*/
+    wait_ms(1); /*Wait 1 millisecond*/
+    rst1 = 1; /*Set XBee reset pin to 1*/
+    wait_ms(1); /*Wait 1 millisecond*/
+    lcd.locate(20,0); /*Locate the area to print in on the LCD*/
+    lcd.printf("Battery Temperature"); /*Output to LCD screen at position 20,0*/
+    lcd.locate(18,10); /*Locate the area to print in on the LCD*/
+    lcd.printf("Monitoring - DMOS B"); /*Output to LCD screen at position 18,10*/
+    lcd.locate(15,20); /*Locate the area to print in on the LCD*/
+    lcd.printf("(C) D.Fitzgerald - 2016"); /*Output to the LCD screen at position 15,20*/
+    wait(5); /*Wait 5 seconds (displays the above message for 5 seconds*/
+    lcd.cls(); /*Clear all messages from LCD screen*/
+    int a; /*Declare 'a' as an integer value*/
+    int b; /*Declare 'b' as an integer value*/
+    int c; /*Declare 'c' as an integer value*/
+    int d; /*Declare 'd' as an integer value*/
+    lcd.locate(6,0); /*Locate the area to print on the LCD*/
+    lcd.printf("DMOS A Batteries = "); /*Output to LCD screen at position 6,0*/
+    lcd.locate(6,16); /*Locate the area to print on the LCD*/
+    lcd.printf("DMOS B Batteries = "); /*Output to LCD screen at position 6,16*/
+    d=1; /*Set value of 'd' to be '1' permanently*/
+    while (d>0) { /*Infinite while loop whilst d is greater than 0, which is always*/
+            /*The three LED's must be 'logically notted' in order to force them off before use*/
+            green=!green; /*Logically not the green LED*/
+            red=!red; /*Logically not the red LED*/
+            blue=!blue; /*Logically not the blue LED (not used but still needs to be turned off to prevent mixing with other colours*/
+            b = temp.read(); /*Read the temperature from the LM75 temperature sensor*/
+            /*XBee devices are capable of duplex communications, which is utilised in the next two steps*/
+            xbee1.putc(b); /*Put the read temperature into the XBee output port*/
+            a = xbee1.getc(); /*Retrieve the temperature that is being sent from the other ARM MBED device from the XBee*/
+            lcd.locate(100,0); /*Locate the area to print the temperature to on the LCD screen*/ 
+            lcd.printf("%d C\n",a); /*Print the temperature from the other ARM MBED device at location 100,0*/
+            lcd.locate(100,16); /*Locate the area to print the temperature to on the LCD screen*/
+            lcd.printf("%d C\n",b); /*Print the temperature from the local ARM MBED device at location 100,16*/
+            wait_us(10); /*Wait 10 microseconds*/
+            c = abs(a-b); /*Subtract the local temperature from the remote temperature and create this as an absolute (positive) only value*/
+                if(c<3){ /*Start of If loop for if the temperature difference calculated in the previous step is equal to or less than 3 degrees*/
+                /*The LED's have to be forced off to prevent the RGB LED mixing it's colours*/
+                green=1; /*Turn the green LED on*/
+                red=0; /*Force the red LED off*/
+                blue=0; /*Force the blue LED off*/
+                } /*End of If loop*/
+                else{ /*If the temperature difference calculated as 'c' is anything other than the parameter set in the previous if loop, do the following...*/
+                red=1; /*Turn the red LED on*/
+                green=0; /*Force the green LED off*/
+                blue=0; /*Force the blue LED off*/
+                relay=1; /*Apply a logic value of '1' to pin 8, to activate an external relay in order to turn off battery charging supply*/
+                } /*End of If loop*/
+            } /*End of infinite while loop*/
+} /*End of main function*/
\ No newline at end of file