Forking to work for NUCLEO 64 boards

Fork of Cam's original FreeModbus port (

Change: - Serial implementation to work for NUCLEO 64 boards and receive interrupts instead of timer. (see `portserial.cpp`)

Added: - Custom RTU mode. Allows for external implementation of packet receiving and sending. Sends and receives packets as whole frames (address + PDU) (i.e. this was added for a custom LoRa implementation). implement `xMBRTUCustGetPDU` and `xMBRTUCustSendResponse` (see `mbport.h`) and call `eMBRTUCustomInit( address )`. implementations need to be fully initialised as `eMBRTUCustomInit` only sets the address and nothing else.

--- a/mbrtucustom.cpp	Mon Jan 06 01:17:26 2020 +0000
+++ b/mbrtucustom.cpp	Tue Aug 04 04:42:52 2020 +0000
@@ -75,11 +75,9 @@
     if( xMBRTUCustGetPDU( &pucMBFrame, &usLength ) != FALSE )
-        //TODO: check modbus CRC vs LoRa CRC (redundant if both)
+        //TODO:
         // usMBCRC16( ( UCHAR * ) ucRTUBuf, usRcvBufferPos ) == 0;
-        *pucRcvAddress = pucMBFrame[0]; //TODO: check this is address for modbus RTU
+        *pucRcvAddress = pucMBFrame[0];
         *ppucFrame = &pucMBFrame[1];
         *pusLength = usLength - 1; // removed address
         eStatus = MB_ENOERR;