WappAutomation 2 : - WITH RESET - WITHOUT Switch Cable Tested on TEL50

Dependencies:   MFRC522

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 14 08:42:25 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MFRC522.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+//***************************** Change this for each new prober installation ********************************
+#define PROBER_NAME "tl12"
+#define IP          ""
+/*Please update the list below:
+    TEL12 :
+    TEL20 :
+    TEL23 :
+    TEL36 :
+//******************************************* RFID Antenna **************************************************
+//Cheap 13.56 Mhz RFID-RC522 module (This code is based on Martin Olejar's MFRC522 library. Minimal changes)
+//On Nucleo-F429ZI, SPI1 and SPI2 could not be used in the same time of EthernetInterface -> SPI4 used
+//RFID IRQ=pin5    ->   Not used. Leave open
+//RFID MISO=pin4   ->   Nucleo SPI_MISO   ->  White   -> PE_5
+//RFID MOSI=pin3   ->   Nucleo SPI_MOSI   ->  Green   -> PE_6
+//RFID SCK=pin2    ->   Nucleo SPI_SCK    ->  Yellow  -> PE_2
+//RFID SDA=pin1    ->   Nucleo SPI_CS     ->  Blue    -> PE_4
+//RFID RST=pin7    ->   Nucleo DigitalOut ->  Brown   -> D8
+//********************************************* Antenna LED *************************************************
+//Anode     ->  +3.3v pin
+//Cathode   ->  D3 pin
+//Use LED_ON and LED_OFF to use the LED
+//****************************************** Interlock Relay ************************************************
+//Power +   ->  +5v pin
+//Power -   ->  GND pin
+//Command   ->  D4 pin
+//Use RELAY_OPEN and RELAY_CLOSE to use the relay
+#define MF_RESET D8                   // Nucleo Pin for MFRC522 reset
+#define LED_ON 0
+#define LED_OFF 1
+#define RELAY_CLOSED 1
+#define RELAY_OPEN 0
+#define INTERLOCK_DELAY 5000          // Delay (in milliseconds) between alarm received and relay off to simulate open interlock
+#define APCD_READ_DELAY 500           // Delay (in milliseconds) before read the APCD data
+#define SOCKETCONNECTION_ATTEMPT 5    // Number of attempts for socket connection
+#define TIMEOUT_WAITTAG 20            // Timeout in case of New Tag Present detected
+#define GATEWAY    ""     //The gateway to go out the prober VLAN
+#define MASK       ""
+#define SERVER     ""   //Automation server IP Address - { 164, 129, 103, 88 } for Dev Automation server
+#define PORT       7778                //Automation port
+#define MBX_OPEN        "MBX_OPEN srv_pat"
+#define MBX_CLOSE       "MBX_DISCONNECT" 
+#define MBX_COUNT       "MBX_COUNT STM32Insrv_" PROBER_NAME
+#define MBX_GET         "MBX_GET 5,STM32Insrv_" PROBER_NAME
+#define MBX_PUT_BEGIN   "MBX_PUT STM32Outsrv, CMD/A=\"WAPP\" MID/A=\"gnb3t" PROBER_NAME "\" MTY/A=\"E\" WAPPID/A=\""
+#define MBX_PUT_END     "\""
+MFRC522   Antenna(PE_6, PE_5, PE_2, PE_4, MF_RESET);
+EthernetInterface eth;
+TCPSocket apcd;
+DigitalIn WappExchangeSwitch(D2);
+DigitalOut TagReadLED(D3);
+DigitalOut Interlock(D4);
+DigitalOut red(LED3);
+DigitalOut blue(LED2);
+DigitalOut green(LED1);
+char bufTagID[256];
+int APCDsendData (char *tcpCmd);
+char *APCDgetData ();
+//IsTagPresent(): function to read the Tag ID
+//  Return false if no Tag present
+//  Return true if a Tag ID was read (Tag ID is saved int the bufTagID buffer)
+bool IsTagPresent(){
+    if (Antenna.PICC_IsNewCardPresent() && WappExchangeSwitch == 1){
+        PC.printf("TAG detected ... ");
+        //Select one of the cards
+        int count = 0;
+        while (!Antenna.PICC_ReadCardSerial() && WappExchangeSwitch == 1 && count < TIMEOUT_WAITTAG){
+             count++;
+             wait_ms(100);
+        }
+        if (count == TIMEOUT_WAITTAG){
+            PC.printf("Timeout occured -> no Tag present\r\n");
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (WappExchangeSwitch == 0) return false;    
+        //Light during 1s Tag LED to indicate that a tag was read
+        TagReadLED = LED_ON;
+        wait_ms(500);
+        TagReadLED = LED_OFF;   
+        //Save Tag ID into buffer
+        PC.printf("ID = ");
+        int pos = 0;
+        char hexbuf[2];
+        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) bufTagID[i] = '\0';
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < Antenna.uid.size; i++) {
+            sprintf(hexbuf, "%02x", Antenna.uid.uidByte[i]);
+            PC.putc(hexbuf[0]);
+            PC.putc(hexbuf[1]);
+            bufTagID[pos] = hexbuf[0];
+            pos++;
+            bufTagID[pos] = hexbuf[1];
+            pos++;
+        }
+        PC.printf("\r\n");     
+        return true;
+    }
+    else return false;
+//APCDGetWappAlarm: function to check from APCD mailbox if a wapp alarm was sent by automation
+//  return 1 in case of alarm
+//  return 2 if apcd.connect failed
+//  return 0 if there is no alarm
+int APCDGetWappAlarm(){
+    int result = 2;
+    int rtrn = 2;
+    int attempt = 0;
+    //Open a TCP socket
+    rtrn = apcd.open(&eth);
+    PC.printf("\r\nAPCDGetWappAlarm:\r\n");
+    PC.printf("\tOpen socket -> %d\r\n", rtrn);
+    blue = 1;
+    //Try APCD connection
+    rtrn = apcd.connect(SERVER, PORT);
+    while (rtrn < 0 && attempt < SOCKETCONNECTION_ATTEMPT){
+        wait_ms(500);
+        rtrn = apcd.connect(SERVER, PORT);
+        attempt++;
+    }
+    PC.printf("\tConnection -> %d\r\n", rtrn);
+    if (rtrn == 0){ //Automation server connection successfully
+        APCDsendData(MBX_OPEN); //Open the APCD bus
+        APCDgetData();
+        //Get message's number in the mailbox
+        PC.printf("\tAPCD   -> %s\r\n", MBX_COUNT);
+        APCDsendData(MBX_COUNT); 
+        //Extract the data from the string received
+        char buf[256];
+        sprintf(buf,"%s", APCDgetData());
+        unsigned short int answerLen = strlen(buf);
+        PC.printf("\tAnswer -> %s\r\n", buf);
+        if (answerLen > 10){ //Answer will be MBX_COUNT,xx where xx is the number of message
+            int nbMsg = 0;
+            char nb[10];
+            int pos = 10;
+            while (buf[pos] != '\0' && pos < 20){
+                nb[pos-10] = buf[pos];
+                pos++;
+            }
+            nb[pos-10] = '\0';
+            nbMsg = atoi(nb);
+            PC.printf("\tMsg count -> %d\r\n", nbMsg);
+            //If there is a message or more, get all message (=> mailbox will be empty) 
+            if (nbMsg > 0){
+                result = 1;
+                while (nbMsg > 0){ //Get all VFEI message in the mailbox
+                    PC.printf("\tAPCD -> %s\r\n", MBX_GET);
+                    APCDsendData(MBX_GET);
+                    APCDgetData();
+                    nbMsg--;
+                }
+            }
+            else result = 0;
+        }
+        //Close the APCD bus
+        APCDsendData(MBX_CLOSE); 
+        PC.printf("\tAPCD -> %s\r\n", MBX_CLOSE);
+        APCDgetData();
+    }    
+    else result = 2;
+    apcd.close();
+    blue = 0;    
+    return result;
+//APCDSendTagID: function to send the VFEI message with TagID to the automation
+//  return 1 if data sent correctly
+//  return 2 if apcd.connect failed
+//  return 0 if sent data lenght doesn't match with message lenght
+int APCDSendTagID(){
+    int attempt = 0;
+    int result = 2;
+    int rtrn = 2;
+    PC.printf("\r\nAPCDSendTagID:\r\n");
+    //Build VFEI message
+    char concatBuffer[256];
+    sprintf(concatBuffer, "%s%s%s\0", MBX_PUT_BEGIN, bufTagID, MBX_PUT_END);
+    PC.printf("\tVFEI message : %s\r\n", concatBuffer);
+    //Open a TCP socket
+    rtrn = apcd.open(&eth);
+    PC.printf("\tOpen socket -> %d\r\n", rtrn);
+    blue = 1;
+    //Try APCD connection
+    rtrn = apcd.connect(SERVER, PORT);
+    while (rtrn < 0 && attempt < SOCKETCONNECTION_ATTEMPT){
+        wait_ms(500);
+        rtrn = apcd.connect(SERVER, PORT);
+        attempt++;
+    }
+    PC.printf("\tConnection -> %d\r\n", rtrn);
+    //Send VFEI message if possible
+    if (rtrn == 0){
+        PC.printf("\tAPCD -> %s\r\n", MBX_OPEN);
+        APCDsendData(MBX_OPEN); //Open the APCD bus
+        APCDgetData();
+        rtrn = APCDsendData(concatBuffer); //Send the VFEI message
+        APCDgetData();
+        PC.printf("\tAPCD -> %s\r\n", MBX_CLOSE);
+        APCDsendData(MBX_CLOSE); //Close the APCD bus
+        APCDgetData();
+        result = 1;
+    }
+    else result = 2;
+    apcd.close();
+    blue = 0;
+    return result;
+//APCDsendData: function to send data to APCD bus
+//  Return 1 if data sent correctly, 0 in other case
+//  Author: F. Frezot from Arduino code
+int APCDsendData (char *tcpCmd){
+    unsigned short int dataLength = strlen(tcpCmd);
+    unsigned char len[2];
+    len[0] = ((dataLength>>8)&0xFF); //MSB
+    len[1] = ((dataLength>>0)&0xFF); //LSB
+    int rtrnLenght = apcd.send(len, sizeof(len));
+    rtrnLenght = apcd.send(tcpCmd, dataLength);
+    if (rtrnLenght == dataLength) return 1;
+    else return 0;
+//APCDgetData: function to read data from APCD bus
+//  Return a char array with data read
+//  Author: F. Frezot from Arduino code
+char *APCDgetData (){
+    char MSB[1];
+    char LSB[1];
+    unsigned short int dataLength;
+    char readBuf[256] = "\0";
+    wait_ms(APCD_READ_DELAY);
+    apcd.recv(MSB, 1);
+    apcd.recv(LSB, 1);
+    dataLength = ((MSB[0]<<8)&0xFF00)|(LSB[0]<<0)&0x00FF;    
+    apcd.recv(readBuf, dataLength);
+    return (readBuf);
+ }
+int main() {
+    // Init Serial and nucleo board LED (off)
+    PC.baud(9600);    
+    PC.printf("Running ...\r\n");
+    green = 0;
+    red = 0;
+    blue = 0;
+    // Init RC522 Chip
+    PC.printf("\tInit RFID...");
+    wait_ms(500);
+    Antenna.PCD_Init();
+    wait_ms(100);
+    Antenna.PCD_AntennaOff(); //Turn off the RFID antenna.   
+    TagReadLED = LED_OFF; //Turn off the LED who indicate if a TAG was read
+    PC.printf("DONE\r\n");
+    PC.printf("\tClose relay for prober Interlock\r\n");
+    Interlock = RELAY_CLOSED; //Close relay for prober interlock
+    //Ethernet Init
+    PC.printf("\tInit Ethernet...");
+    eth.set_network(IP, MASK, GATEWAY);
+    int rtrn = eth.connect();
+    if (rtrn == 0){
+        PC.printf("DONE\r\n");
+        const char *ip = eth.get_ip_address();
+        const char *mac = eth.get_mac_address();
+        PC.printf("\tIP  address = %s\n\r", ip ? ip : "No IP");
+        PC.printf("\tMAC address = %s\n\r", mac ? mac : "No MAC");
+        PC.printf("Running DONE\r\n\r\n");
+    }
+    else{
+        PC.printf("FAIL -> Check if Network cable is plug-in then reset the board\r\n");
+        red = 0;
+        green = 0;
+        PC.printf("Running FAIL -> Program aborted\r\n\r\n");
+        while (true){
+            blue = !blue;
+            TagReadLED = !TagReadLED;
+            wait_ms(200);
+        }
+    }
+    //Waiting Tag and WAPP alarm
+    int count = 0;
+    while (true) {
+        //Check if Tag read
+        if (WappExchangeSwitch == 1){
+            //Turn on the antenna
+            Antenna.PCD_AntennaOn();
+            wait_ms(100);
+            //Waiting Tag ID
+            if (IsTagPresent()){
+                green = 0;
+                int rtrn = APCDSendTagID();                
+                if (rtrn == 1){
+                    PC.printf("\tTag ID sent correctly (Code=%d)\r\n", rtrn);
+                    red = 0;
+                    //Blink Tag LED during 3s
+                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
+                        TagReadLED = !TagReadLED;
+                        wait_ms(500);
+                    }
+                    //Tag LED continuous ON during 1s
+                    TagReadLED = LED_ON;
+                    wait_ms(2000);
+                    //Turn off Tag LED
+                    TagReadLED = LED_OFF; 
+                }
+                else {
+                    PC.printf("\tWARNING: Fail to send Tag ID (Code=%d)\r\n", rtrn);
+                    red = 1;
+                }
+            }
+            Antenna.PCD_AntennaOff();
+        }
+        //Check alarm each 2s
+        if (count >= 4){
+            green = 0;
+            count = -1;
+            int rtrn = APCDGetWappAlarm();
+            if (rtrn == 1){
+                red = 0;
+                PC.printf("Wapp alarm received -> Open interlock relay during 1s\r\n");
+                wait_ms(INTERLOCK_DELAY);
+                Interlock = RELAY_OPEN; //Activate the relay on prober interlock
+                wait_ms(1000);
+                Interlock = RELAY_CLOSED;
+                PC.printf("                    -> Close interlock relay\r\n");
+            }
+            else if (rtrn == 2){
+                PC.printf("WARNING: Fail to check if alarm is present (Code=%d)\r\n", rtrn);
+                red = 1;
+            }
+            else if (rtrn == 0){
+                red = 0;
+            }
+        }    
+        green = !green;
+        count++;
+        wait_ms(500);
+    }