High resolution barometer and altimeter using i2c mode

Dependents:   mbed_5637_test Weather_Station_Ofiicial

Fork of ms5611 by Kevin Braun

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue May 20 16:18:00 2014 +0000
Commit message:
adjusted for address but calibration not completed

Changed in this revision

ms5561.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ms5561.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ms5637.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ms5637.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/ms5561.cpp	Tue May 20 16:13:09 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-//! @file an520_I2C.c,v
-//! Copyright (c) 2009 MEAS Switzerland
-//! @brief This C code is for starter reference only. It is written for the
-//! MEAS Switzerland MS56xx pressure sensor modules and Atmel Atmega644p
-//! microcontroller.
-//! @version 1.0 $Id: an520_I2C.c,v 1.0
-//! @todo
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "ms5561.h"
-double P;                       // compensated pressure value (mB)
-double T;                       // compensated temperature value (degC)
-double A;                       // altitude (ft)
-double S;                       // sea level barometer (mB)
-uint32_t C[8];                  //coefficient storage
-// Constructor and destructor
-ms5611::ms5611(PinName sda, PinName scl)  : _i2c(sda, scl) {
-        _i2c.frequency(400000);
-//! @brief send I2C start condition and the address byte
-//! @return 0
-int ms5611::m_i2c_start(bool readMode) {
-    int twst;
-    _i2c.start();
-    if(readMode == true) {
-        twst = m_i2c_write(MS5611_ADDR_R);
-    } else {
-        twst = m_i2c_write(MS5611_ADDR_W);
-    }
-    return(twst);
-//! @brief send I2C stop condition
-//! @return none
-void ms5611::m_i2c_stop(void) {
-    _i2c.stop();
-//! @brief send I2C stop condition
-//! @return remote ack status
-unsigned char ms5611::m_i2c_write(unsigned char data) {
-    int twst = _i2c.write(data);
-    return(twst);
-//! @brief read I2C byte with acknowledgment
-//! @return read byte
-unsigned char ms5611::m_i2c_readAck(void) {
-    int twst = _i2c.read(1);
-    return(twst);
-//! @brief read I2C byte without acknowledgment
-//! @return read byte
-unsigned char ms5611::m_i2c_readNak(void) {
-    int twst = _i2c.read(0);
-    return(twst);
-//! @brief send command using I2C hardware interface
-//! @return none
-void ms5611::m_i2c_send(char cmd) {
-    unsigned char ret;
-    ret = m_i2c_start(false);
-    if(!(ret)) {
-        m_i2c_stop();
-    } else {
-        ret = m_i2c_write(cmd);
-        m_i2c_stop();
-    }
-//! @brief send reset sequence
-//! @return none
-void ms5611::cmd_reset() {
-    m_i2c_send(MS5611_CMD_RESET);
-    wait_ms(4);
-    loadCoefs();
-//! @brief preform adc conversion
-//! @return 24bit result
-unsigned long ms5611::cmd_adc(char cmd) {
-    char cobuf[3];
-    cobuf[0] = 0;
-    cobuf[1] = 0;
-    cobuf[2] = 0;
-    unsigned int ret;
-    unsigned long temp = 0;
-    m_i2c_send(MS5611_CMD_ADC_CONV + cmd);
-    switch (cmd & 0x0f) {
-        case MS5611_CMD_ADC_256 : wait_us(900); break;
-        case MS5611_CMD_ADC_512 : wait_ms(3); break;
-        case MS5611_CMD_ADC_1024: wait_ms(4); break;
-        case MS5611_CMD_ADC_2048: wait_ms(6); break;
-        case MS5611_CMD_ADC_4096: wait_ms(10); break;
-    }
-    m_i2c_send(MS5611_CMD_ADC_READ);
-    ret = _i2c.read(MS5611_ADDR_R, cobuf, 3, false);
-    if(ret) printf("\n*** ms5611 ADC Read Error ");
-    temp = (cobuf[0] << 16) + (cobuf[1] << 8) + cobuf[2];
-    return temp;
-//! @brief Read calibration coefficients
-//! @return coefficient
-unsigned int ms5611::cmd_prom(char coef_num) {
-    char cobuf[2];
-    unsigned int ret;
-    unsigned int rC = 0;
-    cobuf[0] = 0;
-    cobuf[1] = 0;
-    m_i2c_send(MS5611_CMD_PROM_RD + coef_num * 2); // send PROM READ command
-    ret = _i2c.read(MS5611_ADDR_R, cobuf, 2, false);
-    if(ret) printf("\n*** ms5611 PROM Read Error ");
-    rC = cobuf[0] * 256 + cobuf[1];
-    return rC;
-//! @brief calculate the CRC code
-//! @return crc code
-unsigned char ms5611::crc4(unsigned int n_prom[]) {
-    unsigned int n_rem;
-    unsigned int crc_read;
-    unsigned char n_bit;
-    n_rem = 0x00;
-    crc_read = n_prom[7];
-    n_prom[7]=(0xFF00 & (n_prom[7]));
-    for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 16; cnt++) {
-            if (cnt%2 == 1) {
-                n_rem ^= (unsigned short) ((n_prom[cnt>>1]) & 0x00FF);
-            } else {
-                n_rem ^= (unsigned short) (n_prom[cnt>>1]>>8);
-            }
-            for (n_bit = 8; n_bit > 0; n_bit--) {
-                if (n_rem & (0x8000)) {
-                    n_rem = (n_rem << 1) ^ 0x3000;
-                } else {
-                    n_rem = (n_rem << 1);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    n_rem= (0x000F & (n_rem >> 12));
-    n_prom[7]=crc_read;
-    return (n_rem ^ 0x0);
-The CRC code is calculated and written in factory with the LSB byte in the prom n_prom[7] set to 0x00 (see
-Coefficient table below). It is thus important to clear those bytes from the calculation buffer before proceeding
-with the CRC calculation itself:
-n_prom[7]=(0xFF00 & (n_prom[7])); //CRC byte is replaced by 0
-As a simple test of the CRC code, the following coefficient table could be used:
-unsigned int nprom[] = {0x3132,0x3334,0x3536,0x3738,0x3940,0x4142,0x4344,0x4500};
-the resulting calculated CRC should be 0xB.
-DB  15  14  13  12  11  10  9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0 
-0               16 bit reserved for manufacturer
-1               Coefficient 1 (16 bit unsigned)
-2               Coefficient 2 (16 bit unsigned)
-3               Coefficient 3 (16 bit unsigned)
-4               Coefficient 4 (16 bit unsigned)
-5               Coefficient 5 (16 bit unsigned)
-6               Coefficient 6 (16 bit unsigned)
-7                                   0   0   0   0     CRC(0x0)
-    //Returns 0x0b as per AP520_004 
-    C[0] = 0x3132;
-    C[1] = 0x3334;
-    C[2] = 0x3536;
-    C[3] = 0x3738;
-    C[4] = 0x3940;
-    C[5] = 0x4142;
-    C[6] = 0x4344;
-    C[7] = 0x4546;
-    n_crc = ms.crc4(C); // calculate the CRC
-    pc.printf("testing CRC: 0x%x\n", n_crc);
-//! @brief load all calibration coefficients
-//! @return none
-void ms5611::loadCoefs() {
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ 
-        wait_ms(50);
-        C[i] = cmd_prom(i);
-    }
-    unsigned char n_crc = crc4(C);
-//! @brief calculate temperature and pressure
-//! @return none
-void ms5611::calcPT() {
-    int32_t D2 = cmd_adc(MS5611_CMD_ADC_D2 + MS5611_CMD_ADC_4096); // read D2
-    int32_t D1 = cmd_adc(MS5611_CMD_ADC_D1 + MS5611_CMD_ADC_4096); // read D1
-    int64_t dT = D2 - ((uint64_t)C[5] << 8);
-    int64_t OFF  = ((uint32_t)C[2] << 17) + ((dT * (C[4]) >> 6));     //was  OFF  = (C[2] << 17) + dT * C[4] / (1 << 6);
-    int64_t SENS = ((uint32_t)C[1] << 16) + ((dT * (C[3]) >> 7));     //was  SENS = (C[1] << 16) + dT * C[3] / (1 << 7);
-    //T = (2000 + (((uint64_t)dT * C[6]) / (float)(1 << 23))) / 100;
-    T=(2000+(dT*C[6])/8388608)/100;
-    //int32_t TEMP = 2000 + (int64_t)dT * (int64_t)C[6] / (int64_t)(1 << 23);
-    int32_t TEMP = 2000 + (int64_t)dT * (int64_t)(C[6] >> 23);
-    if(TEMP < 2000) { // if temperature lower than 20 Celsius
-        float T1 = (TEMP - 2000) * (TEMP - 2000);
-        int64_t OFF1  = (61 * T1) / 16;
-        int64_t SENS1 = (29 * T1) / 16;
-        if(TEMP < -1500) { // if temperature lower than -15 Celsius
-            T1 = (TEMP + 1500) * (TEMP + 1500);
-            OFF1  += 17 * T1;
-            SENS1 += 9 * T1 ;
-        } 
-        OFF -= OFF1;
-        SENS -= SENS1;
-        T = (float)TEMP / 100; 
-    }
-//    int64_t P1 = ((((int64_t)D1 * SENS) >> 21) - OFF) >> 15;   
-    //P = ((((int64_t)D1 * SENS ) >> 21) - OFF) / (double) (1 << 15) / 100.0;
-    P=(D1*SENS/2097152-OFF)/3276800;
-//! @brief calculate temperature
-//! @return double temperature degC
-double ms5611::calcTemp() {
-    calcPT();
-    return(T);
-//! @brief calculate pressure
-//! @return double barometric pressure millibar
-double ms5611::calcPressure() {
-    calcPT();
-    return(P);
-//! @brief get pressure, no calculation
-//! @return double barometric pressure millibar
-double ms5611::getPressure() {
-    calcPT();
-    return(P);
-//! @brief get altitude from known sea level barometer, 
-//! @      no pre-pressure calculation
-//! @enter float sea level barometer
-//! @return float altitude in feet
-float ms5611::getAltitudeFT(float sea_pressure) {
-    A = (1 - (pow((P / (double)sea_pressure), 0.190284))) * 145366.45;
-    return((float)A);
-//! @brief get sea level pressure from known altitude(ft), 
-//! @      no pre-pressure calculation
-//! @enter float known altitude in feet
-//! @return float seal level barometer in mb
-float ms5611::getSeaLevelBaroFT(float known_alt) {
-    S = pow(pow((P * INHG), 0.190284) + 0.00001313 * known_alt , 5.2553026) * MB;
-    return((float)S);
-//! @brief get sea level pressure from known altitude(m), 
-//! @      no pre-pressure calculation
-//! @enter float known altitude in meters
-//! @return float seal level barometer in mb
-float ms5611::getSeaLevelBaroM(float known_alt) {
-    S = pow(pow((P * INHG), 0.190284) + 0.00001313 * known_alt * FTMETERS , 5.2553026) * MB;
-    return((float)S);
--- a/ms5561.h	Tue May 20 16:13:09 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef MS5561H
-#define MS5561_H
-#include "mbed.h"
-#define SEA_PRESS   1013.25                 //default sea level pressure level in mb
-#define KNOWNALT    327.0                   //default known altitude, 5200 Franklin Dr., 94588
-#define INHG        0.02952998751           //convert mb to in/Hg constant
-#define MB          33.8638815              //convert in/Hg to mb constant
-#define FTMETERS    0.3048                  //convert feet to meters
-/** Software routines to access the Measurement Specialties' MS5611-01BA03 
- *  Variometer Module using the I2C bus option.  The MS5611 is a 24 bit 
- *  temperature and pressure transducer for high accuracy Barometer and 
- *  Altimeter applications.  It also includes compensation coefficients
- *  stored within the device. 
- * 
- *  Code adapted from Measurement Specialties:
- *  "AN520 C-code example for MS56xx, MS57xx (except analog sensor), and 
- *  MS58xx series pressure sensors"
- *
- *  Note: AN520 has not been updated for use with the MS5611.  Changes
- *  were necessary to "calcPT()" in order to correct scaling of 
- *  pressure readings.
- * 
- *  Features:
- *          Altitude resolution to 10cm
- *          Fast conversion down to 1 ms
- *          Low power, 1 μA (standby < 0.15 μA)
- *          QFN package 5.0 x 3.0 x 1.0 mm^3
- *          Supply voltage 1.8 to 3.6 V
- *          Integrated digital pressure sensor (24 bit DeltaSigma ADC)
- *          Operating range: 10 to 1200 mbar, -40 to +85 °C
- *          I2C and SPI interface up to 20 MHz
- *          No external components (Internal oscillator)
- *          Excellent long term stability
- *
- * @code
- * #include "mbed.h"
- * #include "ms5611.h" 
- *
- * ms5611 ms(p9, p10);                        // i2c pins used
- * Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                   // local terminal interface
- *
- *
- * int main (void) {
- *     pc.baud(921600);                        // set up USB serial speed
- *
- *     // set up the ms5611
- *     pc.printf("\n\nInitializing the MS5611..\n");
- *     ms.cmd_reset();
- *     pc.printf("Ready\n");
- *
- *     while(1) {
- *         double Temp = ms.calcTemp();                         //calculate press and temp, then returns current temperature in degC
- *         double Press = ms.calcPressure();                    //calculate press and temp, then returns current pressure in mb
- *         double GetPress = ms.getPressure();                  //returns current pressure in mb. Does no calculations.  Ususally done after calcTemp()
- *         double Altitude = ms.getAltitudeFT(1013.25);         //enter pressure at sea level in mb, returns altitude in feet
- *         double PressSeaLvlFT = ms.getSeaLevelBaroFT(327.2);  //enter known altitude in feet, returns sea level pressure in mb
- *         double PressSeaLvlM = ms.getAltitudeFT(99.73);       //enter known altitude in meters, returns seal level pressure in mb
- *
- *         pc.printf("Temp: %.2f degC\n", Temp);    
- *         pc.printf("Barometer: %.1f mB  %.3f in/Hg\n", Press, Press * 0.0295301);
- *         pc.printf("Alt: %.1f ft\n", Altitude);
- *         pc.printf("Sea_Lvl: %.1f ft   %.2f m\n", PressSeaLvlFT, PressSeaLvlM);
- *         wait(2.0);
- *     }
- * }
- *
- * @endcode
- */
-//_____ M A C R O S
-#define MS5611_ADDR_W 0xEC // Module address write mode CHANGED FOR 5561 ORIGINAL 0Xee
-#define MS5611_ADDR_R 0xED // Module address read modeCHANGED FOR 5561 ORIGINAL 0XeF
-#define MS5611_CMD_RESET 0x1E // ADC reset command
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_READ 0x00 // ADC read command
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_CONV 0x40 // ADC conversion command
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_D1 0x00 // ADC D1 conversion
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_D2 0x10 // ADC D2 conversion
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_256 0x00 // ADC OSR=256
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_512 0x02 // ADC OSR=512
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_1024 0x04 // ADC OSR=1024
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_2048 0x06 // ADC OSR=2048
-#define MS5611_CMD_ADC_4096 0x08 // ADC OSR=4096
-#define MS5611_CMD_PROM_RD 0xA0 // Prom read command
-    /** Create ms5611 controller class
-     *
-     * @param ms5611 class
-     *
-     */
-class ms5611 {
-    /** Create a MS5611 object using the specified I2C object
-     *
-     * @param constructor, - the I2C object to communicate with
-     */
-    ms5611(PinName sda, PinName scl);
-    /** Initialize the MS5611 and set up the coefficients
-     *    First - reset the MS5611
-     *    Second - load coefficient values from the MS5611 PROM
-     *    Third  - calculate coefficient checksum
-     *  This routine only needs to be run once at boot up
-     *
-     * @param NONE
-     */
-    void cmd_reset();
-    /** Calculate and return compensated temperature
-     *    Returns double temperature in degC
-     *
-     * @param NONE
-     */
-    double calcTemp();
-    /** Calculate and return compensated barometric pressure
-     *    Returns double pressure in millibars
-     *
-     * @param NONE
-     */
-    double calcPressure();
-    /** Return compensated barometric pressure
-     *    Returns double pressure in millibars
-     *    Saves time if you calcTemp(); first
-     *
-     * @param NONE
-     */
-    double getPressure();
-    /** Calculate and returns altitude in feet
-     *    Returns float altitude in feet
-     *
-     * @param float known pressure (mB) at sea level
-     */
-    float getAltitudeFT(float sea_pressure);
-    /** Calculate and returns sea level baro
-     *    Returns float seal level barometer in feet
-     *
-     * @param float known altitude in feet
-     */
-    float getSeaLevelBaroFT(float known_alt);
-    /** Calculate and returns sea level baro
-     *    Returns float seal level barometer in meters
-     *
-     * @param float known altitude in meters
-     */
-    float getSeaLevelBaroM(float known_alt);
-    int m_i2c_start(bool readMode);
-    void m_i2c_stop(void);
-    unsigned char m_i2c_write(unsigned char data);
-    unsigned char m_i2c_readAck(void);
-    unsigned char m_i2c_readNak(void);
-    void m_i2c_send(char cmd);
-    void loadCoefs();
-    unsigned long cmd_adc(char cmd);
-    unsigned int cmd_prom(char coef_num);
-    unsigned char crc4(unsigned  n_prom[]);
-    void calcPT();
-    unsigned int PTbuffer[8];       // calibration coefficients
-    I2C     _i2c;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ms5637.cpp	Tue May 20 16:18:00 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+//! @file an520_I2C.c,v
+//! Copyright (c) 2009 MEAS Switzerland
+//! @brief This C code is for starter reference only. It is written for the
+//! MEAS Switzerland MS56xx pressure sensor modules and Atmel Atmega644p
+//! microcontroller.
+//! @version 1.0 $Id: an520_I2C.c,v 1.0
+//! @todo
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "ms5637.h"
+double P;                       // compensated pressure value (mB)
+double T;                       // compensated temperature value (degC)
+double A;                       // altitude (ft)
+double S;                       // sea level barometer (mB)
+uint32_t C[8];                  //coefficient storage
+// Constructor and destructor
+ms5637::ms5637(PinName sda, PinName scl)  : _i2c(sda, scl) {
+        _i2c.frequency(400000);
+//! @brief send I2C start condition and the address byte
+//! @return 0
+int ms5637::m_i2c_start(bool readMode) {
+    int twst;
+    _i2c.start();
+    if(readMode == true) {
+        twst = m_i2c_write(MS5637_ADDR_R);
+    } else {
+        twst = m_i2c_write(MS5637_ADDR_W);
+    }
+    return(twst);
+//! @brief send I2C stop condition
+//! @return none
+void ms5637::m_i2c_stop(void) {
+    _i2c.stop();
+//! @brief send I2C stop condition
+//! @return remote ack status
+unsigned char ms5637::m_i2c_write(unsigned char data) {
+    int twst = _i2c.write(data);
+    return(twst);
+//! @brief read I2C byte with acknowledgment
+//! @return read byte
+unsigned char ms5637::m_i2c_readAck(void) {
+    int twst = _i2c.read(1);
+    return(twst);
+//! @brief read I2C byte without acknowledgment
+//! @return read byte
+unsigned char ms5637::m_i2c_readNak(void) {
+    int twst = _i2c.read(0);
+    return(twst);
+//! @brief send command using I2C hardware interface
+//! @return none
+void ms5637::m_i2c_send(char cmd) {
+    unsigned char ret;
+    ret = m_i2c_start(false);
+    if(!(ret)) {
+        m_i2c_stop();
+    } else {
+        ret = m_i2c_write(cmd);
+        m_i2c_stop();
+    }
+//! @brief send reset sequence
+//! @return none
+void ms5637::cmd_reset() {
+    m_i2c_send(MS5637_CMD_RESET);
+    wait_ms(4);
+    loadCoefs();
+//! @brief preform adc conversion
+//! @return 24bit result
+unsigned long ms5637::cmd_adc(char cmd) {
+    char cobuf[3];
+    cobuf[0] = 0;
+    cobuf[1] = 0;
+    cobuf[2] = 0;
+    unsigned int ret;
+    unsigned long temp = 0;
+    m_i2c_send(MS5637_CMD_ADC_CONV + cmd);
+    switch (cmd & 0x0f) {
+        case MS5637_CMD_ADC_256 : wait_us(900); break;
+        case MS5637_CMD_ADC_512 : wait_ms(3); break;
+        case MS5637_CMD_ADC_1024: wait_ms(4); break;
+        case MS5637_CMD_ADC_2048: wait_ms(6); break;
+        case MS5637_CMD_ADC_4096: wait_ms(10); break;
+    }
+    m_i2c_send(MS5637_CMD_ADC_READ);
+    ret = _i2c.read(MS5637_ADDR_R, cobuf, 3, false);
+    if(ret) printf("\n*** ms5637 ADC Read Error ");
+    temp = (cobuf[0] << 16) + (cobuf[1] << 8) + cobuf[2];
+    return temp;
+//! @brief Read calibration coefficients
+//! @return coefficient
+unsigned int ms5637::cmd_prom(char coef_num) {
+    char cobuf[2];
+    unsigned int ret;
+    unsigned int rC = 0;
+    cobuf[0] = 0;
+    cobuf[1] = 0;
+    m_i2c_send(MS5637_CMD_PROM_RD + coef_num * 2); // send PROM READ command
+    ret = _i2c.read(MS5637_ADDR_R, cobuf, 2, false);
+    if(ret) printf("\n*** ms5637 PROM Read Error ");
+    rC = cobuf[0] * 256 + cobuf[1];
+    return rC;
+//! @brief calculate the CRC code
+//! @return crc code
+unsigned char ms5637::crc4(unsigned int n_prom[]) {
+    unsigned int n_rem;
+    unsigned int crc_read;
+    unsigned char n_bit;
+    n_rem = 0x00;
+    crc_read = n_prom[7];
+    n_prom[7]=(0xFF00 & (n_prom[7]));
+    for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 16; cnt++) {
+            if (cnt%2 == 1) {
+                n_rem ^= (unsigned short) ((n_prom[cnt>>1]) & 0x00FF);
+            } else {
+                n_rem ^= (unsigned short) (n_prom[cnt>>1]>>8);
+            }
+            for (n_bit = 8; n_bit > 0; n_bit--) {
+                if (n_rem & (0x8000)) {
+                    n_rem = (n_rem << 1) ^ 0x3000;
+                } else {
+                    n_rem = (n_rem << 1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    n_rem= (0x000F & (n_rem >> 12));
+    n_prom[7]=crc_read;
+    return (n_rem ^ 0x0);
+The CRC code is calculated and written in factory with the LSB byte in the prom n_prom[7] set to 0x00 (see
+Coefficient table below). It is thus important to clear those bytes from the calculation buffer before proceeding
+with the CRC calculation itself:
+n_prom[7]=(0xFF00 & (n_prom[7])); //CRC byte is replaced by 0
+As a simple test of the CRC code, the following coefficient table could be used:
+unsigned int nprom[] = {0x3132,0x3334,0x3536,0x3738,0x3940,0x4142,0x4344,0x4500};
+the resulting calculated CRC should be 0xB.
+DB  15  14  13  12  11  10  9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0 
+0               16 bit reserved for manufacturer
+1               Coefficient 1 (16 bit unsigned)
+2               Coefficient 2 (16 bit unsigned)
+3               Coefficient 3 (16 bit unsigned)
+4               Coefficient 4 (16 bit unsigned)
+5               Coefficient 5 (16 bit unsigned)
+6               Coefficient 6 (16 bit unsigned)
+7                                   0   0   0   0     CRC(0x0)
+    //Returns 0x0b as per AP520_004 
+    C[0] = 0x3132;
+    C[1] = 0x3334;
+    C[2] = 0x3536;
+    C[3] = 0x3738;
+    C[4] = 0x3940;
+    C[5] = 0x4142;
+    C[6] = 0x4344;
+    C[7] = 0x4546;
+    n_crc = ms.crc4(C); // calculate the CRC
+    pc.printf("testing CRC: 0x%x\n", n_crc);
+//! @brief load all calibration coefficients
+//! @return none
+void ms5637::loadCoefs() {
+    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ 
+        wait_ms(50);
+        C[i] = cmd_prom(i);
+    }
+    unsigned char n_crc = crc4(C);
+//! @brief calculate temperature and pressure
+//! @return none
+void ms5637::calcPT() {
+    int32_t D2 = cmd_adc(MS5637_CMD_ADC_D2 + MS5637_CMD_ADC_4096); // read D2
+    int32_t D1 = cmd_adc(MS5637_CMD_ADC_D1 + MS5637_CMD_ADC_4096); // read D1
+    int64_t dT = D2 - ((uint64_t)C[5] << 8);
+    int64_t OFF  = ((uint32_t)C[2] << 17) + ((dT * (C[4]) >> 6));     //was  OFF  = (C[2] << 17) + dT * C[4] / (1 << 6);
+    int64_t SENS = ((uint32_t)C[1] << 16) + ((dT * (C[3]) >> 7));     //was  SENS = (C[1] << 16) + dT * C[3] / (1 << 7);
+    //T = (2000 + (((uint64_t)dT * C[6]) / (float)(1 << 23))) / 100;
+    T=(2000+(dT*C[6])/8388608)/100;
+    //int32_t TEMP = 2000 + (int64_t)dT * (int64_t)C[6] / (int64_t)(1 << 23);
+    int32_t TEMP = 2000 + (int64_t)dT * (int64_t)(C[6] >> 23);
+    if(TEMP < 2000) { // if temperature lower than 20 Celsius
+        float T1 = (TEMP - 2000) * (TEMP - 2000);
+        int64_t OFF1  = (61 * T1) / 16;
+        int64_t SENS1 = (29 * T1) / 16;
+        if(TEMP < -1500) { // if temperature lower than -15 Celsius
+            T1 = (TEMP + 1500) * (TEMP + 1500);
+            OFF1  += 17 * T1;
+            SENS1 += 9 * T1 ;
+        } 
+        OFF -= OFF1;
+        SENS -= SENS1;
+        T = (float)TEMP / 100; 
+    }
+//    int64_t P1 = ((((int64_t)D1 * SENS) >> 21) - OFF) >> 15;   
+    //P = ((((int64_t)D1 * SENS ) >> 21) - OFF) / (double) (1 << 15) / 100.0;
+    P=(D1*SENS/2097152-OFF)/3276800;
+//! @brief calculate temperature
+//! @return double temperature degC
+double ms5637::calcTemp() {
+    calcPT();
+    return(T);
+//! @brief calculate pressure
+//! @return double barometric pressure millibar
+double ms5637::calcPressure() {
+    calcPT();
+    return(P);
+//! @brief get pressure, no calculation
+//! @return double barometric pressure millibar
+double ms5637::getPressure() {
+    calcPT();
+    return(P);
+//! @brief get altitude from known sea level barometer, 
+//! @      no pre-pressure calculation
+//! @enter float sea level barometer
+//! @return float altitude in feet
+float ms5637::getAltitudeFT(float sea_pressure) {
+    A = (1 - (pow((P / (double)sea_pressure), 0.190284))) * 145366.45;
+    return((float)A);
+//! @brief get sea level pressure from known altitude(ft), 
+//! @      no pre-pressure calculation
+//! @enter float known altitude in feet
+//! @return float seal level barometer in mb
+float ms5637::getSeaLevelBaroFT(float known_alt) {
+    S = pow(pow((P * INHG), 0.190284) + 0.00001313 * known_alt , 5.2553026) * MB;
+    return((float)S);
+//! @brief get sea level pressure from known altitude(m), 
+//! @      no pre-pressure calculation
+//! @enter float known altitude in meters
+//! @return float seal level barometer in mb
+float ms5637::getSeaLevelBaroM(float known_alt) {
+    S = pow(pow((P * INHG), 0.190284) + 0.00001313 * known_alt * FTMETERS , 5.2553026) * MB;
+    return((float)S);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ms5637.h	Tue May 20 16:18:00 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#ifndef MS5637H
+#define MS5637_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#define SEA_PRESS   1013.25                 //default sea level pressure level in mb
+#define KNOWNALT    327.0                   //default known altitude, 5200 Franklin Dr., 94588
+#define INHG        0.02952998751           //convert mb to in/Hg constant
+#define MB          33.8638815              //convert in/Hg to mb constant
+#define FTMETERS    0.3048                  //convert feet to meters
+/** Software routines to access the Measurement Specialties' MS5637-01BA03 
+ *  Variometer Module using the I2C bus option.  The MS5637 is a 24 bit 
+ *  temperature and pressure transducer for high accuracy Barometer and 
+ *  Altimeter applications.  It also includes compensation coefficients
+ *  stored within the device. 
+ * 
+ *  Code adapted from Measurement Specialties:
+ *  "AN520 C-code example for MS56xx, MS57xx (except analog sensor), and 
+ *  MS58xx series pressure sensors"
+ *
+ *  Note: AN520 has not been updated for use with the MS5637.  Changes
+ *  were necessary to "calcPT()" in order to correct scaling of 
+ *  pressure readings.
+ * 
+ *  Features:
+ *          Altitude resolution to 10cm
+ *          Fast conversion down to 1 ms
+ *          Low power, 1 μA (standby < 0.15 μA)
+ *          QFN package 5.0 x 3.0 x 1.0 mm^3
+ *          Supply voltage 1.8 to 3.6 V
+ *          Integrated digital pressure sensor (24 bit DeltaSigma ADC)
+ *          Operating range: 10 to 1200 mbar, -40 to +85 °C
+ *          I2C and SPI interface up to 20 MHz
+ *          No external components (Internal oscillator)
+ *          Excellent long term stability
+ *
+ * @code
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "ms5637.h" 
+ *
+ * ms5637 ms(p9, p10);                        // i2c pins used
+ * Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                   // local terminal interface
+ *
+ *
+ * int main (void) {
+ *     pc.baud(921600);                        // set up USB serial speed
+ *
+ *     // set up the ms5637
+ *     pc.printf("\n\nInitializing the MS5637..\n");
+ *     ms.cmd_reset();
+ *     pc.printf("Ready\n");
+ *
+ *     while(1) {
+ *         double Temp = ms.calcTemp();                         //calculate press and temp, then returns current temperature in degC
+ *         double Press = ms.calcPressure();                    //calculate press and temp, then returns current pressure in mb
+ *         double GetPress = ms.getPressure();                  //returns current pressure in mb. Does no calculations.  Ususally done after calcTemp()
+ *         double Altitude = ms.getAltitudeFT(1013.25);         //enter pressure at sea level in mb, returns altitude in feet
+ *         double PressSeaLvlFT = ms.getSeaLevelBaroFT(327.2);  //enter known altitude in feet, returns sea level pressure in mb
+ *         double PressSeaLvlM = ms.getAltitudeFT(99.73);       //enter known altitude in meters, returns seal level pressure in mb
+ *
+ *         pc.printf("Temp: %.2f degC\n", Temp);    
+ *         pc.printf("Barometer: %.1f mB  %.3f in/Hg\n", Press, Press * 0.0295301);
+ *         pc.printf("Alt: %.1f ft\n", Altitude);
+ *         pc.printf("Sea_Lvl: %.1f ft   %.2f m\n", PressSeaLvlFT, PressSeaLvlM);
+ *         wait(2.0);
+ *     }
+ * }
+ *
+ * @endcode
+ */
+//_____ M A C R O S
+#define MS5637_ADDR_W 0xEC // Module address write mode CHANGED FOR 5637 ORIGINAL 0Xee
+#define MS5637_ADDR_R 0xED // Module address read modeCHANGED FOR 5637 ORIGINAL 0XeF
+#define MS5637_CMD_RESET 0x1E // ADC reset command
+#define MS5637_CMD_ADC_READ 0x00 // ADC read command
+#define MS5637_CMD_ADC_CONV 0x40 // ADC conversion command
+#define MS5637_CMD_ADC_D1 0x00 // ADC D1 conversion
+#define MS5637_CMD_ADC_D2 0x10 // ADC D2 conversion
+#define MS5637_CMD_ADC_256 0x00 // ADC OSR=256
+#define MS5637_CMD_ADC_512 0x02 // ADC OSR=512
+#define MS5637_CMD_ADC_1024 0x04 // ADC OSR=1024
+#define MS5637_CMD_ADC_2048 0x06 // ADC OSR=2048
+#define MS5637_CMD_ADC_4096 0x08 // ADC OSR=4096
+#define MS5637_CMD_PROM_RD 0xA0 // Prom read command
+    /** Create ms5637 controller class
+     *
+     * @param ms5637 class
+     *
+     */
+class ms5637 {
+    /** Create a MS5637 object using the specified I2C object
+     *
+     * @param constructor, - the I2C object to communicate with
+     */
+    ms5637(PinName sda, PinName scl);
+    /** Initialize the MS5637 and set up the coefficients
+     *    First - reset the MS5637
+     *    Second - load coefficient values from the MS5637 PROM
+     *    Third  - calculate coefficient checksum
+     *  This routine only needs to be run once at boot up
+     *
+     * @param NONE
+     */
+    void cmd_reset();
+    /** Calculate and return compensated temperature
+     *    Returns double temperature in degC
+     *
+     * @param NONE
+     */
+    double calcTemp();
+    /** Calculate and return compensated barometric pressure
+     *    Returns double pressure in millibars
+     *
+     * @param NONE
+     */
+    double calcPressure();
+    /** Return compensated barometric pressure
+     *    Returns double pressure in millibars
+     *    Saves time if you calcTemp(); first
+     *
+     * @param NONE
+     */
+    double getPressure();
+    /** Calculate and returns altitude in feet
+     *    Returns float altitude in feet
+     *
+     * @param float known pressure (mB) at sea level
+     */
+    float getAltitudeFT(float sea_pressure);
+    /** Calculate and returns sea level baro
+     *    Returns float seal level barometer in feet
+     *
+     * @param float known altitude in feet
+     */
+    float getSeaLevelBaroFT(float known_alt);
+    /** Calculate and returns sea level baro
+     *    Returns float seal level barometer in meters
+     *
+     * @param float known altitude in meters
+     */
+    float getSeaLevelBaroM(float known_alt);
+    int m_i2c_start(bool readMode);
+    void m_i2c_stop(void);
+    unsigned char m_i2c_write(unsigned char data);
+    unsigned char m_i2c_readAck(void);
+    unsigned char m_i2c_readNak(void);
+    void m_i2c_send(char cmd);
+    void loadCoefs();
+    unsigned long cmd_adc(char cmd);
+    unsigned int cmd_prom(char coef_num);
+    unsigned char crc4(unsigned  n_prom[]);
+    void calcPT();
+    unsigned int PTbuffer[8];       // calibration coefficients
+    I2C     _i2c;