This is a RS485 class that uses the second UART and was tested on a Nucleo F030R8. A main demo program howto use the class is included. This class control the direction pin on the transceiver buffer automatically, and used transmit and receive interrupts. Ring buffers (256 bytes) are implemented on both transmission and reception. It assumes a ADM3485 'type' buffer where pins 2 ans 3 are connected and seen as direction. This test program could easily be adapted as base for other programs.

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 044dfba47660 -r 7091401482c5 dlms_comms.cpp
--- a/dlms_comms.cpp	Tue Nov 11 16:01:12 2014 +0000
+++ b/dlms_comms.cpp	Tue Nov 11 16:11:21 2014 +0000
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
     // transmit empty flag .. need to set buffer
     // in receive mode again after we have transmitted
     // all data characters
-    rs485.attach(this,
-                 &dlms_comms::Tx_interrupt,
-                 RawSerial::TxIrq);
+//    rs485.attach(this,
+//                 &dlms_comms::Tx_interrupt,
+//                 RawSerial::TxIrq);
     timer = NULL;
     debug_uart = NULL;