Not Complete

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Nucleo_rtos by ST

diff -r 7f2694a47e56 -r cd59ac40b3be ezLCD405.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ezLCD405.h	Thu Jun 23 22:57:30 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+#ifndef _CMDCODES_H_
+#define _CMDCODES_H_
+#define SERIAL_IF 1
+#define SPI_IF 2
+// Color Definitions
+// R4 R3 R2 R1 | R0 G5 G4 G3 | G2 G1 G0 B4 | B3 B2 B1 B0
+#define RED_0     0x0800
+#define RED_1     0x1000
+#define RED_2     0x2000
+#define RED_3     0x4000
+#define RED_4     0x8000
+#define MAX_RED   0x1F
+#define CL_RED(x)   (((uint16_t)x) << 11)
+#define GREEN_0   0x0020
+#define GREEN_1   0x0040
+#define GREEN_2   0x0080
+#define GREEN_3   0x0100
+#define GREEN_4   0x0200
+#define GREEN_5   0x0400
+#define MAX_GREEN 0x3F
+#define CL_GREEN(x) (((uint16_t)x) << 5)
+#define BLUE_0    0x0001
+#define BLUE_1    0x0002
+#define BLUE_2    0x0004
+#define BLUE_3    0x0008
+#define BLUE_4    0x0010
+#define MAX_BLUE  0x1F
+#define NAVY      BLUE_4
+#define CL_BLUE(x)  ((uint16_t)x)
+#define CL_GRAY(x) (CL_RED(x) | CL_GREEN((x << 1)) | CL_BLUE(x))
+#define RED     CL_RED(MAX_RED)
+#define BLUE    CL_BLUE(MAX_BLUE)
+#define YELLOW  (RED | GREEN)
+#define ORANGE  (RED | CL_GREEN(MAX_GREEN >> 1))
+#define LIGHT_YELLOW (RED | CL_GREEN(0x3B) | CL_BLUE(0x19))
+#define WHITE   (RED | GREEN | BLUE)
+#define BLACK   0x0000
+#define GRAY    (CL_RED(MAX_RED >> 1) | CL_GREEN(MAX_GREEN >> 1) |  CL_BLUE(MAX_BLUE >> 1))
+#define GOLD (GREEN_5 + GREEN_4 + GREEN_3 + RED)
+// ############################################################################
+// ##  EZLCD COMMAND CODES  ###################################################
+// ############################################################################
+#define EXMODE               0xFB
+#define STDMODE              0xFC
+#define GETSERIAL            0xFD
+#define SHOWSETTINGS         0xFE
+#define CALIBRATE            0xEF
+#define CLS                  0x21
+#define LIGHT_ON             0x22
+#define LIGHT_OFF            0x23
+#define SET_COLOR            0x24
+#define SET_XY               0x25
+#define PLOT                 0x26
+#define PLOT_XY              0x27
+#define LINE_TO_XY           0x28
+#define CIRCLE_R             0x29
+#define SCR_BMP              0x2A
+#define SELECT_FONT          0x2B
+#define PRINT_CHAR           0x2C
+#define PRINT_STRING         0x2D
+#define PUT_BITMAP           0x2E
+#define ARC                  0x2F
+#define PIE                  0x30
+#define SET_LAYER             0x31
+#define SET_COLORKEY          0x32
+#define SET_LAYERVISIBLE      0x33
+#define SET_BG_COLOR         0x34
+#define SAVE_POSITION        0x35
+#define RESTORE_POSITION     0x36
+#define CIRCLE_R_FILL        0x39
+#define PRINT_CHAR_BG        0x3C
+#define PRINT_STRING_BG      0x3D
+#define H_LINE               0x40
+#define V_LINE               0x41
+#define BOX                  0x42
+#define BOX_FILL             0x43
+#define PICTURE_ROM          0x50
+#define PUT_ICON             0x57
+#define PUT_SF_ICON          0x58
+#define SET_X                0x5E
+// 1: x
+#define SET_Y                0x5F
+// 1: y
+#define FONT_NORTH           0x60
+#define FONT_EAST            0x61
+#define FONT_SOUTH           0x62
+#define FONT_WEST            0x63
+#define SET_XH               0x6E
+// 1: xh 2: xl
+#define SD_PUT_ICON          0x70
+// 1 - 64: NULL terminated path
+#define SD_FILE_OPEN         0x71
+// 1: File ID (1 to 255)
+// 2 - 65: NULL terminated path
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3F
+// 1: 0 = Error, ID = Success
+#define SD_FILE_CLOSE        0x72
+// 1: File ID (1 to 255)
+#define SD_FILE_CLOSE_ALL    0x73
+#define SD_FILE_GET_SIZE     0x74
+// 1: File ID (1 to 255)
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3D
+// 1-4: File Size (0 = Error)
+// or
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FILE_READ         0x75
+// 1: File ID (1 to 255)
+// 2-5: Number of Bytes
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3C
+// 1-n: Bytes Read
+// or
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FILE_CREATE       0x76
+// 1: File ID (1 to 255)
+// 2 - 65: NULL terminated path
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3F
+// 1: 0 = Error, ID = Success
+#define SD_SCREEN_CAPTURE    0x44
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3B - Success
+//    0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FOLDER_CREATE     0x46
+// 1 - 64: NULL terminated path
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3B - Success
+//    0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FOLDER_DELETE     0x4D
+// 1 - 64: NULL terminated path
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3A - Success
+//    0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FORMAT            0x4F
+// 1 - 5: File system (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32)
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3A - Success
+//    0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FILE_WRITE        0x77
+// 1: File ID (1 to 255)
+// 2-5: Number of Bytes (n)
+// 6-(n+5): Data to write
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3B - Success
+//    0x3E - Error
+#define SD_SPACE_INFO        0x48
+// 1: What (1: Free Space, 2: Used Space, 3: in Bad Sectors, Other: Total Space
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3D
+// 1-4: Space Info (0 = Error)
+// or
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_INSERTED         0x49
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3D - Inserted
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_SIZE              0x78
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3D
+// 1-4: SD Size (0 = Error)
+// or
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FILE_LIST          0x79
+// 1 - 64: NULL terminated dir path
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3A
+// 1 - whatever: NULL terminated dir string
+//     Files separated by new_line
+// or
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FIND_FIRST          0x4A
+// 1 - F_MAXLNAME: NULL terminated dir path
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3A
+// 1 - whatever: NULL terminated string
+// or
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FIND_NEXT           0x4B
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3A
+// 1 - whatever: NULL terminated string
+// or
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FILE_REWIND       0x7A
+// 1: File ID (1 to 255)
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x39 - Success
+//    0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FILE_TELL         0x7B
+// 1: File ID (1 to 255)
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3D
+// 1-4: Position
+// or
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_FILE_SEEK         0x7C
+// 1: File ID (1 to 255)
+// 2-5: Signed Offset
+// 6: whence
+//           SD_SEEK_SET    0   File beginning
+//           SD_SEEK_CUR    1   Current file pointer position
+//           SD_SEEK_END    2   End-of-file
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x39 - Success
+//    0x3E - Error
+#define SD_SEEK_SET 0   // File beginning
+#define SD_SEEK_CUR 1   // Current file pointer position
+#define SD_SEEK_END 2   // End-of-file
+#define SD_FILE_DELETE       0x7D
+// 1 - 64: NULL terminated path
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3A - Success
+//    0x3E - Error
+#define SD_RAW_READ          0x7E
+// 1: 0xA5
+// 2-5: Address
+// 6-9: Length
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3C
+// 1-n: Bytes Read
+// or
+// 0: 0x3E - Error
+#define SD_RAW_WRITE         0x7F
+// 1: 0xA5
+// 2-5: Address
+// 6-9: Length
+// 10-(n+9): Data to write
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x3B - Success
+//    0x3E - Error
+// TO DO in SD:
+// f_setattr
+// f_getattr
+#define LIGHT_BRIGHT         0x80
+#define PING                 0x83
+// Response:
+// 0: 0x38
+#define SET_COLORH           0x84
+#define SET_XHY              0x85
+#define PLOT_XHY             0x87
+#define LINE_TO_XHY          0x88
+#define CIRCLE_RH            0x89
+#define PUT_COMPR_BMPH       0x8D // Not implemented
+#define ARCH                 0x8F
+#define PIEH                 0x90
+#define SET_BG_COLORH        0x94
+#define CIRCLE_RH_FILL       0x99
+#define PUT_BITMAPH          0x9E
+#define H_LINEH              0xA0
+#define BOXH                 0xA2
+#define BOXH_FILL            0xA3
+// Touch
+#define BUTTON_DEF           0xB0
+// 1: ID
+// 2: State 0: None, 1: UP, 2: DN, 3: Disabled, 4: Non-Visible
+// 3: IconUP
+// 4: IconDN
+// 5: IconDis
+// 6: x0 MSB
+// 7: x0 LSB
+// 8: y0
+// 9: Width
+//10: Height
+#define BUTTON_STATE         0xB1
+// 1: ID
+// 2: State
+#define TOUCH_PROTOCOL       0xB2
+// 1: Protocoles on/off (coded in 8 bits)
+#define ALL_BUTTONS_UP       0xB3
+#define ERASE_ALL_BUTTONS    0xB4
+#define USB_DISABLE_RS232    0xC0
+#define USB_DISABLE_SPI      0xC1
+#define USB_ENABLE_RS232     0xC2
+#define USB_ENABLE_SPI       0xC3
+// ezNOW Buzzer
+#define EZNOW_BUZZER_OFF     0xD0
+#define EZNOW_BUZZER_ON      0xD1
+#define EZNOW_BUZZER_BEEP    0xD2
+// 1: Beep time [0.01s]
+// Serial EEPROM
+#define SE_BYTE_OUT          0xE0
+#define SE_BYTE_WR           0xE1
+#define SE_DATA_OUT          0xE2
+#define SE_WAIT_END          0xE3
+#define SE_ERASE_SECTOR      0xE4
+#define SE_BYTE_RD           0xE5
+#define SE_BULK_ERASE        0xE6
+#define SE_PROGRAM_PAGE      0xE7
+#define SE_READ_BAT          0xE8
+// AVR (ATmega8) Flash Programming
+#define AVR_PROG             0xF0
+// 1 - 15: password
+#define EZNOW_AVR_PROG       0xF3
+// 1: Speed
+// 2 - 16: password
+// The following AVR commands are available only
+// after AVR_PROG or EZNOW_AVR_PROG command has been received
+#define AVR_PROG_CMD          0xF1
+// 1 - 4: Bytes 1 - 4 of AVR Serial Programming Instruction
+#define AVR_PROG_CMD_FAST     0xF4
+// 1 - 4: Bytes 1 - 4 of AVR Serial Programming Instruction
+// 1 - 4: Bytes 1 - 4 of AVR Serial Programming Instruction
+#define AVR_PROG_CMDS_PACK    0xF7
+// 1 No of Prog commands
+// 2 - 257 (64*4-1) Prog commands (4 bytes each)
+#define AVR_WRITE_POLL        0xF8
+// 1 - Command
+// 2 - Address MSB
+// 3 - Address LSB
+// 4 - Data
+#define AVR_WRITE_PAGE        0xF2
+// 1: Page No
+// 2 - 65: Bytes 0 - 63 of the page
+#define AVR_SUCCESS           0xF5
+#define RESET_EZLCD           0xFA
+// ############################################################################
+// ##  EZLCD OUTPUT CODES  ####################################################
+// ############################################################################
+// Touch Screen Output
+#define ID_TOUCH_X      0x81
+#define ID_TOUCH_Y      0x82
+#define ID_TOUCH_PEN_UP 0x83
+//#define ID_CAL_TOUCH_X  0x84
+//#define ID_CAL_TOUCH_Y  0x85
+#define ID_BUTTON_DN    0x86
+#define ID_BUTTON_LEAVE 0x87
+#define EZLCD_READY     0xEA
+#define PONG 0x38
+// ############################################################################
+// ##  OTHER DEFINITIONS  #####################################################
+// ############################################################################
+#define STX 0x02
+#define ETX 0x03
+#define ACK 0x06
+#define NAK 0x15
+#define TOUCH_EZ_BUTTON   0x01
+#define TOUCH_CU_BUTTON   0x02
+#define TOUCH_CALIBRATED  0x40
+#define timedOut 0x2
+#define OUTLINE 1
+#define SHADOW 2
+class ezLCD4: public Stream
+    /** Create a new interface to a ezLCD3xx display
+     * @param tx -- mbed transmit pin
+     * @param rx -- mbed receive pin
+     */
+    volatile uint8_t status;
+    volatile uint8_t pong;
+    volatile uint8_t button;
+    volatile uint8_t bState;
+    volatile uint16_t x,y;
+    ezLCD4(PinName tx, PinName rx);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void Rx_interrupt( void );
+    void Tx_interrupt( void );
+    void send_line();
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    uint8_t getByte( void );
+    uint8_t getCount( void );
+    void cls( void );
+    void cls( uint16_t color);
+    void lightON( void );
+    void lightOFF( void );
+    void lightBright( uint8_t bright );
+    void setTouchProtocol( uint8_t protocol);
+    uint16_t getX( void );
+    uint16_t getY( void );
+    void putSfIcon( uint8_t icon );
+    void vLine( uint8_t y);
+    void hLine( uint8_t x);
+    void hLineH( uint16_t x);
+    void setLayer ( uint8_t layer );
+    void setLayerVisible ( uint8_t layer, uint8_t visible );
+    void setColorKey ( uint16_t color );
+    void SDPutIcon( char *str );
+    void textDirection( uint8_t dir );
+    void buttonState( uint8_t ID, uint8_t state );
+    void buttonsDeleteAll( void );
+    void showSettings( void );
+    void buzzerOn( void );
+    void buzzerOff( void );
+    void lineTo( uint16_t x , uint16_t y );
+    void beep( uint8_t duration );
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void printString( char *str );
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void printString( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t font, uint16_t color, char *str , uint8_t dir, uint8_t efx, uint16_t ocolor);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void ezLCD405Init( uint8_t iface );
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void exmode( void );
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void stdmode( void );
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void setColor(uint16_t color);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void setBgColor(uint16_t color);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void setFont(unsigned char font);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void direct( unsigned char c );
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void setXY( uint16_t x, uint16_t y);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void box( uint16_t x, uint16_t y);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void boxFill( uint16_t x, uint16_t y);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    void arc(uint16_t radius, uint16_t begin, uint16_t end);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    uint8_t createButton( uint8_t ID, uint8_t State, uint8_t IconUp, uint8_t IconDn, uint8_t IconDis, uint16_t X, uint16_t Y, uint16_t W, uint16_t H, uint8_t Callback);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    uint8_t pollTouch( uint8_t count , uint8_t cmd);
+    /**
+    *
+    *
+    */
+    uint8_t ping( uint16_t timeout );
+    void createTextBox( uint16_t x , uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t bcolor, uint16_t fcolor, uint16_t tcolor, uint16_t fsize, uint8_t font, char *str);
+    Serial _ser;
+    virtual int _putc(int c);
+    virtual int _getc();
+    void send16MSB( uint16_t val );
+    void send16LSB( uint16_t val );
+    uint8_t writeData(uint8_t c);