Not Complete

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Nucleo_rtos by ST

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Apr 16 08:22:08 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jun 23 22:57:30 2016 +0000
@@ -1,47 +1,321 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "rtos.h"
+#include "ezLCD405.h"
-DigitalOut led(LED1);
+//DigitalOut led(LED1);
 InterruptIn button(USER_BUTTON);
+uint8_t counter;
 uint32_t button_pressed;
-Thread *thread2;
+volatile uint32_t tick;
+//Thread *thread2;
+uint8_t buttonPressed;
+uint8_t buttState[10];
+//ezLCD4 lcd(PB_6,PA_10); //tx,rx
+ezLCD4 lcd(PG_14,PG_9); //tx,rx
+//ezLCD4 lcd2(PA_11, PA_12);
+const char *textBoxData[3][13];  
+char temp[10];
+uint16_t count, ocount;
+uint16_t ox, oy;
+uint32_t countdown;
+void drawScreen( void );
 void button_press(void)
-    thread2->signal_set(0x1);
+    pc.printf("Button Press\n");
+    lcd.showSettings();
+//    lcd.printString(12,14,3, 0x0001, "mbed RTOS ezLCD405 Demo");
+//   lcd.printString(10,12,3,WHITE,"mbed RTOS ezLCD405 Demo");
+    //lcd.boxHFill(319,234);
+//   thread2->signal_set(0x1);
 void led_thread(void const *argument)
     while (true) {
-        led = !led;
-        Thread::wait(1000);
+        //  led = !led;
+//       Thread::wait(100);
 void button_thread(void const *argument)
     while (true) {
-        Thread::signal_wait(0x1);
+//       Thread::signal_wait(100);
+void drawFrame(uint16_t sx , uint16_t sy, uint16_t ex , uint16_t ey , uint16_t topColor, uint16_t bottomColor, uint8_t radius)
+    lcd.setXY(sx, sy);
+    lcd.setColor(topColor);
+    lcd.setXY(sx+radius, sy+radius);
+    lcd.arc(radius,270,0);
+    lcd.setXY(sx+radius, sy);
+    lcd.lineTo(ex-radius,sy);  //top
+    lcd.setXY(sx, sy+radius);
+    lcd.lineTo(sx,ey-radius);  //left
+    lcd.setXY(sx+radius, ey-radius);
+    lcd.arc(radius,180,270);
+    lcd.setXY(sx+radius, ey);
+    lcd.setColor(bottomColor);
+    lcd.lineTo(ex-radius,ey);  //bottom
+    lcd.setXY(ex-radius, ey-radius);
+    lcd.arc(radius,90,180);
+    lcd.setXY(ex, ey-radius);
+    lcd.lineTo(ex,sy+radius);  //right
+    lcd.setXY(ex-radius, sy+radius);
+    lcd.arc(radius,0,90);
+void drawScreen( void )
+    lcd.setLayer(1);
+    lcd.setTouchProtocol( TOUCH_EZ_BUTTON );
+    lcd.createTextBox( 250 , 75, 500, 350, BLACK, GRAY, WHITE, 1, 6, " TextBox Test");
+    lcd.setFont(4);
+    lcd.printString(75,5,2, YELLOW, "mbed ezLCD-405", FONT_NORTH, OUTLINE, WHITE );
+    count =0 ;
+    ocount=0;
+    lcd.status=0;
+    lcd.createButton( 0, 1, 0 , 1, 1, 10, 60, 200, 50, 0);
+    lcd.createButton( 1, 1, 2 , 3, 1, 10, 120, 200, 50, 0);
+    lcd.createButton( 2, 1, 4 , 5, 1, 10, 180, 200, 50, 0);
+    lcd.createButton( 3, 1, 6 , 7, 1, 10, 240, 200, 50, 0);
+    //  lcd.createButton( 4, 1, 9 , 10, 1, 10, 300, 200, 50, 0);
+void specScreen( void )
+    lcd.buttonsDeleteAll();
+    lcd.cls(BLACK);
+    lcd.createButton( 10, 1, 10 , 11, 10, 10, 420, 200, 50, 0);
+    lcd.printString(0,40,6,WHITE,"STM32F429 Cortex-4 Processor", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(0,70,6,WHITE,"5.6\" 640x480 16-bit Color TFT Display", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(0,100,6,WHITE,"Resistive or Capacitive Touch", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(0,130,6,WHITE,"SD Card Socket QuadBit SDIO", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(0,160,6,WHITE,"Battery Backed RTC", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(0,190,6,WHITE,"Expansion Header With I2C/SPI/UART", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    wait(.5);
+    while(lcd.pollTouch(1, 0x00)!=0x8a);
+    lcd.buttonsDeleteAll();
+    lcd.cls(BLACK);
+    buttState[2]=1;
+    drawScreen();
+void fontDemo( void )
+    lcd.buttonsDeleteAll();
+    lcd.cls(BLACK);
+    lcd.createButton( 10, 1, 10 , 11, 10, 10, 420, 200, 50, 0);
+    lcd.printString(10,12,6,RED,"ezLCD-405 Font Demo", FONT_NORTH, OUTLINE, WHITE );
+    lcd.printString(10,60,1,BLUE,"ezLCD-405 ", FONT_NORTH, SHADOW, WHITE );
+    lcd.printString(10,100,2,BLUE,"ezLCD-405 ", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(10,150,3,BLUE,"ezLCD-405 ", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(10,200,4,BLUE,"ezLCD-405 ", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(10,250,5,BLUE,"ezLCD-405 ", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(10,300,6,BLUE,"ezLCD-405 ", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(10,350,7,BLUE,"ezLCD-405 ", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(10,400,8,BLUE,"ezLCD-405 ", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+//    Thread::wait(5000);
+    wait(1);
+    while(lcd.pollTouch(1, 0x00)!=0x8a);
+    lcd.buttonsDeleteAll();
+    lcd.cls(BLACK);
+    buttState[1]=1;
+    drawScreen();
+void imageDemo( void )
+    lcd.buttonsDeleteAll();
+    lcd.cls(BLACK);
+    lcd.printString(13,15,2, 0x0001, "ezLCD-405 Image Demo", FONT_NORTH, false, 0 );
+    lcd.printString(10,12,2,WHITE,"ezLCD-405 Image Demo", FONT_NORTH, false, 0);
+    lcd.setXY(10,240);
+    lcd.putSfIcon(5);
+//   Thread::wait(2000);
+//        lcd.cls(BLACK);
+    lcd.setXY(10,240);
+    lcd.putSfIcon(6);
+//    Thread::wait(2000);
+//        lcd.cls(BLACK);
+    lcd.setXY(10,240);
+    lcd.putSfIcon(7);
+//   Thread::wait(2000);
+    lcd.cls(BLACK);
+    drawScreen();
 int main()
-    Thread thread(led_thread);
-    thread2 = new Thread(button_thread);
+    textBoxData[0][0] =  "The ezLCD-405" ;
+    textBoxData[1][0] =  "             " ;
+    textBoxData[2][0] =  "0123456789012" ;
+    button.mode(PullUp);
+    button.fall(&button_press);
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    lcd.ezLCD405Init(SPI_IF);
+    pc.printf("Start of Main\n");
+    pc.printf("CPU SystemCoreClock is %d Hz\r\n", SystemCoreClock);
+    lcd.setLayerVisible(0,1);
+    lcd.setLayerVisible(1,1);
+    lcd.setLayer(1);
+    lcd.setColorKey(0x0000);
+    while( !=1);
+    lcd.lightOFF();
+    lcd.exmode();
+    lcd.cls(BLACK);
+    lcd.setLayer(0);
+    lcd.setXY(0,0);
+    lcd.SDPutIcon("ezlcd405.bmp");
+    lcd.textDirection( FONT_NORTH );
+    lcd.lightON();
+//    thread2 = new Thread(button_thread);
+    buttState[0]=1;
+    buttState[1]=1;
+    buttState[2]=1;
+    buttState[3]=1;
+    buttState[4]=1;
+    buttState[5]=1;
+    drawScreen();
+    while(1) {
+        //wait(.05);
+        buttonPressed = lcd.pollTouch(1, 0x00);
+        if((buttonPressed & 0x40) == 0x40) {
+            if(buttState[buttonPressed & 0x0f] == 1) {
+                lcd.buttonState(buttonPressed & 0x0f, 2);
+                buttState[buttonPressed & 0x0f] = 2;
+            }
+        }
-    printf("mbed RTOS example\n");
+        if((buttonPressed & 0x80) == 0x80) {
+            if(buttState[buttonPressed & 0x0f] == 2) {
+                lcd.buttonState(buttonPressed & 0x0f, 1);
+                buttState[buttonPressed & 0x0f] = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        if(buttState[2]==2) {
+            specScreen();
+        }
+        if(buttState[1]==2) {
+            fontDemo();
+        }
+        if(buttState[3]==2) {
+            lcd.showSettings();
+            wait(5);
+            drawScreen();
+        }
+        lcd.setFont(3);
+        lcd.setXY(20,300);
+        count++;
+        lcd.setColor(WHITE);
+        sprintf(temp, "%d", count);
+        lcd.printString(temp);
+        //wait(.05);
+        lcd.setXY(20,300);
+        lcd.setColor(BLACK);
+        lcd.boxFill(200,400);
+        wait(.02);
+//        lcd.printString(temp);
+    }
+    drawFrame(100 , 300, 300 , 400 , WHITE, GRAY, 5);
+    drawFrame(100 +5 , 300+5 , 300-5 , 400-5 , GRAY, WHITE, 5);
+    ocount=0;
+    count=0;
+    //lcd.setBgColorH(BLUE);
+    while(1) {
+        if(lcd.status == 1)
+            drawScreen();
+        //pc.printf("%d %d \n",lcd.x, lcd.y);
+        sprintf(temp,"%d",count);
+        if(lcd.button==0 && lcd.bState==1) {
+            fontDemo();
+        }
+        if(lcd.button==1 && lcd.bState==1) {
+            imageDemo();
+        }
+        if(lcd.button==2 && lcd.bState==1) {
+            //   lcd.buttonState(lcd.button, 2);
+//            lcd.buttonsDeleteAll();
+//            lcd.showSettings();
+//            Thread::wait(5000);
+//            drawScreen();
+        }
+        if(lcd.button==3 && lcd.bState==1) {
+            //   lcd.buttonState(lcd.button, 2);
+            //specScreen();
+        }
+        if(count != ocount) {
+            lcd.setXY(0,0);
+            lcd.SDPutIcon("100_Single_Area.ezp");
+            //lcd.printString(400, 100, 1, RED, temp);
+            // lcd.printString(400, 200, 1, RED, temp);
+            // lcd.printString(400, 300, 1, GREEN, temp);
+            // lcd.printString(400, 400, 1, GREEN, temp);
+            ocount=count;
+        }
+        countdown--;
+        if(countdown == 0) {
+            lcd.setXY(0,0);
+            lcd.SDPutIcon("100_Single_Area_return.ezp");
+            //  lcd.printString(400, 100, 1, BLACK, temp);
+            //  lcd.printString(400, 200, 1, BLACK, temp);
+//            lcd.printString(400, 300, 1, BLACK, temp);
+//            lcd.printString(400, 400, 1, BLACK, temp);
+            count++;
+        }
+    }
     button_pressed = 0;
     while (true) {
-        Thread::wait(6000);
-        printf("During the last 6 seconds, the Button was pressed %d times\n", button_pressed);
+//        Thread::wait(6000);
+        //lcd.printString("hello");
+        printf("During the last 6 seconds, the Button was pressed %d times\n",   button_pressed);
         button_pressed = 0;