Mbed library to handle GPS data reception and parsing
Dependents: GPS_U-blox_NEO-6M_Code
- All positionning parameters are contained into a global data structure.
- Automatic nema string parsing and data structure update.
- Convert latitude and longitude to decimal value.
- Converts latittude,longitude and altitude to ECEF coordinates.
Planed developement
- Test library for RTOS use.
- Complete the nema parsing decoders (couple of parameters are not parsed yet and not present in the data structure).
- Add conversion tool to get ENU coordinates.
- Committer:
- chris215
- Date:
- 2016-02-16
- Revision:
- 5:8a73e34b3978
- Parent:
- 3:20f8faf2ad18
File content as of revision 5:8a73e34b3978:
#ifndef _GPSUTILS_H_ #define _GPSUTILS_H_ #include "mbedGPSDefs.h" #include "GPGGAdecoder.hpp" #include "GPVTGdecoder.hpp" #include "GPGSAdecoder.hpp" #include "GPRMCdecoder.hpp" #include "WGS84.h" #define PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884 #define RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(radians) ((radians) * (180.0 / PI)) #define DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ( PI / 180.0) #define WGS84_A 6378137.000 //298.257223563 #define WGS84_E 0.081819190842621 /* Source of information about nema sentences : http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm */ int CheckForHeader(char* DataToCheck, char* RefData,int datasize); int IdentifyGPSMessage(message& GPSMessageToIdentify) { if(CheckForHeader(GPSMessageToIdentify.data,GPS_CMD_GPGGA,6)) { return GPS_GPGGAR; } else if(CheckForHeader(GPSMessageToIdentify.data,GPS_CMD_GPVTG,6)) { return GPS_GPVTGR; } else if(CheckForHeader(GPSMessageToIdentify.data,GPS_CMD_GPGSA,6)) { return GPS_GPGSAR; } else if(CheckForHeader(GPSMessageToIdentify.data,GPS_CMD_GPRMC,6)) { return GPS_GPRMCR; } return 0; } int CheckForHeader(char* DataToCheck, char* RefData,int datasize) { int NumberOfMatchingElements = memcmp(DataToCheck,RefData,datasize); if(NumberOfMatchingElements==0) return 1; return 0; } void DecodeMessage(message& msg,GPSInfo& data) { if(strstr(msg.data,GPS_CMD_GPGGA)){ DecodeGPGGA(msg.data,data); } if(strstr(msg.data,GPS_CMD_GPVTG)){ DecodeGPVTG(msg.data,data); } if(strstr(msg.data,GPS_CMD_GPGSA)){ DecodeGPGSA(msg.data,data); } if(strstr(msg.data,GPS_CMD_GPRMC)){ DecodeGPRMC(msg.data,data); } } ECEFPoint GeoDesicToECEF(geodPoint p) { ECEFPoint newECEFpoint; double lat = 0.0; double lon = 0.0; lat = p.latitude; lon = p.longitude; double clat = cos(lat * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double slat = sin(lat * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double clon = cos(lon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double slon = sin(lon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double N = WGS84_A / sqrt(1.0 - WGS84_E * WGS84_E * slat * slat); newECEFpoint.x = (N + p.altitude) * clat * clon; newECEFpoint.y = (N + p.altitude) * clat * slon; newECEFpoint.z = (N * (1.0 - WGS84_E * WGS84_E) + p.altitude) * slat; return newECEFpoint; } ECEFDistance DistanceBetweenTwoECEFPoints(ECEFPoint p1, ECEFPoint p2) { ECEFDistance newDistance; newDistance.dx = p1.x-p2.x; newDistance.dy = p1.y-p2.y; newDistance.dz = p1.z-p2.z; newDistance.d = sqrt((newDistance.dx*newDistance.dx) + (newDistance.dy*newDistance.dy) + (newDistance.dz*newDistance.dz)); return newDistance; } float nmea_to_dec(double nema_coor, char nsew) { int degree = (int)(nema_coor/100); double minutes = nema_coor - degree*100; double dec_deg = minutes / 60; double decimal = degree + dec_deg; if (nsew == 'S' || nsew == 'W') { // return negative decimal *= -1; } return decimal; } // Coverts ECEF to ENU coordinates centered at given lat, lon void ecefToEnu(double lat, double lon, double x, double y, double z, double xr, double yr, double zr, double *e, double *n, double *u) { double clat = cos(lat * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double slat = sin(lat * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double clon = cos(lon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double slon = sin(lon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); double dx = x - xr; double dy = y - yr; double dz = z - zr; *e = -slon*dx + clon*dy; *n = -slat*clon*dx - slat*slon*dy + clat*dz; *u = clat*clon*dx + clat*slon*dy + slat*dz; } #endif