Aliexpressなどで販売されている64x32のフルカラードットマトリクスLED2枚とNucleo F401REを利用して、 E233系の駅停車時、路線名表示ありのLED側面行先表示を再現するプログラムです。 3秒間隔、3段階切替で、路線名、種別、行先、次停車駅を個別に指定することが可能です。

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed



File content as of revision 15:12895e9c6965:

The goal of this program is to show the basic connections and workings of Adafruits 32x16 RGB LED matrix board (,
also sold on other places, for instance (no
affiliation with either of them).
This program is not intended to be highly optimized or a guideline in C programming in any way (more of the opposite actually).
To have more than 7 colors on this thing, you need to implement software PWM of some sort. I have obviously not done that, but if YOU do, please let me know!
Adafruit have a wicked demo program for an arduino -
There are probably lots of ways to make this perform better, perhaps by using Neal Hormans port of the Adafruit_GFX library (
No error checking or out-of-bounds checking is done. Use at your own peril.
For more detailed information on the driver chip, see
Although the chips on my board says jx15020, I've been informed that they are equvivalent to the CYT62726, and so far it's a match.
Feel free to use all or parts of this work.
If you choose to do so, I would appreciate a small mentioning in the scrolling opening credits ;)

Best regards,
Hugo Harming

#include "mbed.h"
#include "SDFileSystem.h"

#define LOW 0
#define HIGH 1

#define R_Debug1 0
#define R_Debug2 0
#define R_Debug3 0
#define R_Debug4 0

#define G_Debug1 0
#define G_Debug2 0
#define G_Debug3 0
#define G_Debug4 0

#define B_Debug1 0
#define B_Debug2 0
#define B_Debug3 0
#define B_Debug4 0

#define LED_Width 128
#define LED_Height 16

SDFileSystem sd(D11, D12, D13, D10, "sd");
Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX );
BusOut ABC(D8,D9,PB_13,D14); // Row address.
DigitalOut CLK(PB_14);    //  Data clock    - rising edge
DigitalOut LAT(PB_15);    //  Data latch    - active low (pulse up after data load)
DigitalOut OE(PB_1);     //  Output enable - active low (hold high during data load, bring low after LAT pulse)
DigitalOut R1(D6);     //  RED   Serial in for upper half
DigitalOut R2(D7);     //  RED   Serial in for lower half
DigitalOut G1(D2);      //  GREEN Serial in for upper half
DigitalOut G2(D3);      //  GREEN Serial in for lower half
DigitalOut B1(D4);      //  BLUE  Serial in for upper half
DigitalOut B2(D5);      //  BLUE  Serial in for lower half

DigitalOut SCK(PB_7); 
DigitalOut SI(PC_13); 
DigitalOut RCK(PC_14); 

DigitalIn SumSW1(PA_0);
DigitalIn SumSW2(PA_1);
DigitalIn SumSW4(PA_4);
DigitalIn SumSW8(PB_0);

//BusIn SumSWNum(PA_0,PA_1,PA_4,PB_0);

Ticker ChangeTimer;

bool Debug = 0;
int ChangeCount = 0;

int LineNumber = 0;
int KindNumber = 0;
int ForNumber = 0;
int NextStaNumber = 0;

char* SDFilePath = "/sd/a.txt";

unsigned char gm[32][6]; // Buffer with 32x6 bytes. Graphics memory if you like.
unsigned long CT; //        Counter for demo code

int8_t LEDBuffer [32][128] = {


int8_t LEDBuffer2[32][128] = {


int8_t LEDBuffer3[32][128] = {


//10 Yellow(Nambu Local)
//11 Green (Yokohama Line)
//12 Orange(Rapid Acty,Urbun)
bool R1Data1[32]={0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1};
bool R1Data2[32]={0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0};
bool R1Data3[32]={0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0};
bool R1Data4[32]={0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0};

bool G1Data1[32]={0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1};
bool G1Data2[32]={0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0};
bool G1Data3[32]={0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
bool G1Data4[32]={0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

bool B1Data1[32]={0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1};
bool B1Data2[32]={0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
bool B1Data3[32]={0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
bool B1Data4[32]={0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};


void Init()
    // Set up things to a known state
    CLK = LOW;
    LAT = LOW;
    OE = HIGH; //display off
    ABC = 0;


void WrRow(unsigned char Row, int8_t Buffer[32][128])
    // Write specified row (and row+8) to display. Valid input: 0 to 7.
    ABC = 15-Row; // Set row address
    for(int col=0; col<LED_Width; col++) { // To daisychain more displays, I guess you would have to increase this counter to n*32 columns. Might mirror though.
        if (Buffer [(15-Row)][col] == 0){
            R1 = R_Debug1;
            G1 = G_Debug1;
            B1 = B_Debug1;    
        }else {
            //R1 = R1Data1[(LEDBuffer [(7-Row)][col])];
            //G1 = G1Data1[(LEDBuffer [(7-Row)][col])];
            //B1 = B1Data1[(LEDBuffer [(7-Row)][col])];
            R1 = R1Data1[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];
            G1 = G1Data1[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];
            B1 = B1Data1[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];                      
        if (Buffer [(31-Row)][col] == 0){
            R2 = R_Debug1;
            G2 = G_Debug1;
            B2 = B_Debug1;    
        }else {
            R2 = R1Data1[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];
            G2 = G1Data1[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];
            B2 = B1Data1[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];           
        CLK = HIGH;                 // tick (clock bit in)
        CLK = LOW;                  // tock
    LAT = HIGH; // Latch entire row
    LAT = LOW;

void WrRow2(unsigned char Row,int8_t Buffer[32][128])
    // Write specified row (and row+8) to display. Valid input: 0 to 7.
    ABC = 15-Row; // Set row address
    for(int col=0; col<LED_Width; col++) { // To daisychain more displays, I guess you would have to increase this counter to n*32 columns. Might mirror though.
        if (Buffer [(15-Row)][col] == 0){
            R1 = R_Debug2;
            G1 = G_Debug2;
            B1 = B_Debug2;    
            R1 = R1Data2[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];
            G1 = G1Data2[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];
            B1 = B1Data2[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];           

        if (Buffer [(31-Row)][col] == 0){
            R2 = R_Debug2;
            G2 = G_Debug2;
            B2 = B_Debug2;    
            R2 = R1Data2[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];
            G2 = G1Data2[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];
            B2 = B1Data2[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];           
        CLK = HIGH;                 // tick (clock bit in)
        CLK = LOW;                  // tock
    LAT = HIGH; // Latch entire row
    LAT = LOW;

void WrRow3(unsigned char Row,int8_t Buffer[32][128])
    // Write specified row (and row+8) to display. Valid input: 0 to 7.
    ABC = 15-Row; // Set row address
    for(int col=0; col<LED_Width; col++) { // To daisychain more displays, I guess you would have to increase this counter to n*32 columns. Might mirror though.
        if (Buffer [(15-Row)][col] == 0){
            R1 = R_Debug3;
            G1 = G_Debug3;
            B1 = B_Debug3;    
            R1 = R1Data3[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];
            G1 = G1Data3[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];
            B1 = B1Data3[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];           

        if (Buffer [(31-Row)][col] == 0){
            R2 = R_Debug3;
            G2 = G_Debug3;
            B2 = B_Debug3;    
            R2 = R1Data3[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];
            G2 = G1Data3[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];
            B2 = B1Data3[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];           
        CLK = HIGH;                 // tick (clock bit in)
        CLK = LOW;                  // tock
    LAT = HIGH; // Latch entire row
    LAT = LOW;

void WrRow4(unsigned char Row,int8_t Buffer[32][128])
    // Write specified row (and row+8) to display. Valid input: 0 to 7.
    ABC = 15-Row; // Set row address
    for(int col=0; col<LED_Width; col++) { // To daisychain more displays, I guess you would have to increase this counter to n*32 columns. Might mirror though.
        if (Buffer [(15-Row)][col] == 0){
            R1 = R_Debug4;
            G1 = G_Debug4;
            B1 = B_Debug4;    
            R1 = R1Data4[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];
            G1 = G1Data4[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];
            B1 = B1Data4[(Buffer [(15-Row)][col])];            

        if (Buffer [(31-Row)][col] == 0){
            R2 = R_Debug4;
            G2 = G_Debug4;
            B2 = B_Debug4;    
            R2 = R1Data4[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];
            G2 = G1Data4[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];
            B2 = B1Data4[(Buffer [(31-Row)][col])];           
        CLK = HIGH;                 // tick (clock bit in)
        CLK = LOW;                  // tock
    LAT = HIGH; // Latch entire row
    LAT = LOW;

void WrRowOFF(unsigned char Row)
    // Write specified row (and row+8) to display. Valid input: 0 to 7.
    ABC = 15-Row; // Set row address
    for(int col=0; col<LED_Width; col++) { // To daisychain more displays, I guess you would have to increase this counter to n*32 columns. Might mirror though.
        R1 = 0; // Red bit, upper half
        G1 = 0; // Green bit, upper half
        B1 = 0; // Blue bit, upper half
        R2 = 0; // Red bit, lower half
        G2 = 0; // Green bit, lower half
        B2 = 0; // Blue bit, lower half
        CLK = HIGH;                 // tick (clock bit in)
        CLK = LOW;                  // tock
    LAT = HIGH; // Latch entire row
    LAT = LOW;

void Pset(unsigned char x,unsigned char y, unsigned char c)
    // Set pixel (x,y) to color c
    // Manipulates graphics memory, so you won't see any change til you Paint() it.
    unsigned char ud,l,r0,g0,b0;
    ud=(y & 8)>>3; // 0 = upper half, 1 = lower half
    l=y & 7; // Extract row in upper/lower half
    r0=(c & 4) >>2; // Extract red bit from color
    g0=(c & 2) >>1; // Extract green bit from color
    b0=(c & 1); //     Extract blue bit from color
    //            *******Removes current bit ******* *Adds bit**
    gm[x][0+3*ud]=(gm[x][0+3*ud] & (255-(1<<(7-l))))+(r0<<(7-l)); // Red byte
    gm[x][1+3*ud]=(gm[x][1+3*ud] & (255-(1<<(7-l))))+(g0<<(7-l)); // Green byte
    gm[x][2+3*ud]=(gm[x][2+3*ud] & (255-(1<<(7-l))))+(b0<<(7-l)); // Blue byte

void Paint(int8_t Buffer2[32][128])
    // Write graphics memory to display
    for(int Row=0; Row<LED_Height; Row++) {
        OE = HIGH; // Disable output
        OE = LOW; // Enable output
        wait_us(10); // Wasting some time. Use for whatever else. Probably better with a ticker for the display refresh.
    for(int Row=0; Row<LED_Height; Row++) {
        OE = HIGH; // Disable output
        OE = LOW; // Enable output
        wait_us(10); // Wasting some time. Use for whatever else. Probably better with a ticker for the display refresh.
    for(int Row=0; Row<LED_Height; Row++) {
        OE = HIGH; // Disable output
        OE = LOW; // Enable output
        wait_us(10); // Wasting some time. Use for whatever else. Probably better with a ticker for the display refresh.
    for(int Row=0; Row<LED_Height; Row++) {
        OE = HIGH; // Disable output
        OE = LOW; // Enable output
        wait_us(10); // Wasting some time. Use for whatever else. Probably better with a ticker for the display refresh.

void PaintOFF()
    // Write graphics memory to display
    for(int Row=0; Row<8; Row++) {
        OE = HIGH; // Disable output
        OE = LOW; // Enable output
        wait_us(50); // Wasting some time. Use for whatever else. Probably better with a ticker for the display refresh.

void TimerTick(){
    if (ChangeCount == 0){
        ChangeCount = ChangeCount + 1;
    }else if(ChangeCount == 1 ){
        ChangeCount = ChangeCount + 1;
        //ChangeCount = 0;
    }else if(ChangeCount == 2){     
        ChangeCount = 0;

void SDBufferWrite(int8_t TargetBuffer[32][128], int Startx, int Starty, int Readx, int Ready){
    FILE *fp = fopen(SDFilePath, "r");
        if(fp == NULL) {
            pc.printf("SDFileOpen Error %s\r\n",SDFilePath);
            //error("Could not open file for write\r\n");
            //fprintf(fp, "Hello fun SD Card World!");
            pc.printf("SDFileOpen Success %s\r\n",SDFilePath);
            int Data;
            for(int y = Starty; y < Starty + Ready; y++){  
                for(int x = Startx; x < Startx + Readx; x++){
                    Data = getc(fp);
                    TargetBuffer[y][x] = Data;    

int main()
    Init(); // Set things up
    pc.printf("Power ON\r\n");
    SI = HIGH;
    SCK = HIGH;
    SI = LOW;
    SCK = LOW;
    for(int a = 0; a < 14; a++){
        SCK = HIGH;
        SCK = LOW;     
    RCK = HIGH;
    RCK = LOW;
    int SumSWNum = 0;
        SumSWNum = SumSWNum + 1;
        SumSWNum = SumSWNum + 2;
        SumSWNum = SumSWNum + 4;
        SumSWNum = SumSWNum + 8;
    SDFilePath = "/sd/E233/Kind/1.bin";
    SDFilePath = "/sd/E233/For/1.bin";

    SDFilePath = "/sd/E233/NextStation/1.bin";
    if(Debug == 1){
        for(int y = 0; y < 32; y++){
            for(int x = 0; x <128; x++){
                if(LEDBuffer[y][x]== 0){
                    pc.printf("  "); 
    while(1) { 
        if (ChangeCount == 0){
        }else if(ChangeCount == 1){
        }else if(ChangeCount == 2){
        if(CT>4160) {
            //MkPattern(); // Restore original priceless artwork
            CT=0; // Start all over.