
Fork of Joystick_skeleton by Carter Sharer

Thu Oct 20 23:44:34 2016 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
csharer 1:c42a77267f7b 1 //Joystick (FULL IMPLIMENTATION)
csharer 1:c42a77267f7b 2 //Author: Carter Sharer
csharer 1:c42a77267f7b 3 //Date: 10/18/16
csharer 1:c42a77267f7b 4
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 5 #include "Joystick.h"
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 6 #include "mbed.h"
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 7
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 8 //Member function definitions including constructor
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 9 Joystick::Joystick(PinName pinA, PinName pinB) : horiz(pinA), vert(pinB) {
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 10 //Wait 1 second for voltage to settle
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 11 wait(1);
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 12
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 13 //(1)Set Raw Center Values, this is where the joystick sits naturaly
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 14 //set raw horizontal center to current value (average with 5 readings)
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 15 //set raw vertial center to current value (average with 5 readings)
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 16 raw_hc = 0;
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 17 raw_vc = 0;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 18
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 19 //(2)Initalize the Rax Max to some value less then the real max value.
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 20 //We dont know what the max value will be until we read it, thats ok.
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 21 //But we can assume it will be greater then 0.8 (center + 0.3) so lets
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 22 //set it to that for now. We will update this later if we see a larger value
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 23 //Now do the same for the the Raw Min
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 24 float delta = 0.3;
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 25 rawMinH = 0;
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 26 rawMaxH = 0;
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 27 rawMinV = 0;
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 28 rawMaxV = 0;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 29 }
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 30
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 31 //Returns the scaled vertial value of joystick
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 32 float Joystick::horizontal(void) {
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 33 //(3)Get average val (5 samples)
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 34 float avg = horiz.read();
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 35
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 36 //(4)Watch for Max and Min Values, if we see a new max/min update Raw Max/Min
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 37 rawMaxH = avg;
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 38 rawMinH = avg;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 39
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 40 //(5)Here we will calculate the total range (Travel) of the joystick
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 41 //using the rawMax/rawMin values we have seen thus far
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 42 //Since the joystick is not symetrical we have to calculate two ranges
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 43 //Calculate the range from [center, max] and [center, min]
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 44 float range_pos = 0;
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 45 float range_neg = 0;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 46
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 47 //(6)Here we will calculate how much our current reading is in one
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 48 //of the ranges, this will give us a percentage of our _max value we
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 49 //set in setScale. Then we can apply the scale by multiplying it by our
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 50 //scale (_max/_min).
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 51 float val;
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 52 if(avg >= raw_hc) //Positive Range
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 53 val = 0;
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 54 else //Negative Range
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 55 val = 0;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 56
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 57 //(7)Here we will apply a dead zone. If the |value| is <= our deadzone then
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 58 //set it to 0. Otherwise we need to shift the value closer to 0 by dead zone
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 59
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 60
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 61 return horiz.read();
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 62 }
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 63
csharer 2:893fd930d3fb 64 //(8) Impliment vertial the same as you did for horizontal
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 65 //Returns the scaled horizontal value of joystick
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 66 float Joystick::vertical(void) {
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 67 //Get average value (5 samples)
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 68 float avg = vert.read();
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 69
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 70 //(4)Watch for Max and Min Values, if we see a new max/min update Raw Max/Min
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 71 rawMaxV = avg;
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 72 rawMinV = avg;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 73
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 74 //(5)Here we will calculate the total range (Travel) of the joystick
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 75 //using the rawMax/rawMin values we have seen thus far
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 76 //Since the joystick is not symetrical we have to calculate two ranges
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 77 //Calculate the range from [center, max] and [center, min]
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 78 float range_pos = 0;
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 79 float range_neg = 0;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 80
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 81 //(6)Here we will calculate how much our current reading is in one
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 82 //of the ranges, this will give us a percentage of our _max value we
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 83 //set in setScale. Then we can apply the scale by multiplying it by our
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 84 //scale (_max/_min).
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 85 float val;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 86 if(avg >= raw_vc) //find scaled pot value
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 87 val = 0;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 88 else
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 89 val = 0;
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 90
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 91 //(7)Here we will apply a dead zone. If the |value| is <= our deadzone then
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 92 //set it to 0. Otherwise we need to shift the value closer to 0 by dead zone
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 93
csharer 3:6f854e0cae36 94 return vert.read();
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 95 }
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 96
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 97 //Set the Min and Max Values of joystick ex: -100, +100
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 98 void Joystick::setScale(float min, float max) {
csharer 1:c42a77267f7b 99 _min = min-1; //Add 1 for round off error
csharer 1:c42a77267f7b 100 _max = max+1; //Add 1 for round off error
csharer 0:46523bf02e61 101 }