Fork of mRotaryEncoder for mdeb-os. uses newer version of PinDetect. Testprogram:

Dependencies:   PinDetect

Dependents:   mRotaryEncoder_HelloWorld-os TMC2209-Test2



File content as of revision 12:1925aac090b7:


#include "mbed.h"
#include "PinDetect.h"

/** This Class handles a rotary encoder with mechanical switches and an integrated pushbutton
 * It uses two pins, one creating an interrupt on change.
 * Rotation direction is determined by checking the state of the other pin.
 * Additionally a pushbutton switch is detected
 * Operating the encoder changes an internal integer value that can be read
 * by Get() or the operator int() functions.
 * A new value can be set by Set(value) or opperator=.
 * Autor: Thomas Raab (Raabinator)
 * Extended by Karl Zweimueller (charly)
 * Dent steady point     !     !     !
 *                    +-----+     +-----+
 * pinA (interrupt)   |     |     |     |
 *                  --+     +-----+     +---
 *                      +-----+     +-----+
 * pinB                 |     |     |     |
 *                  ----+     +-----+     +-
 *                           --> C.W
 * CW:  increases position value
 * CCW: decreases position value
 * changelog:
 * 09. Nov. 2010
 *     First version published Thomas Raab raabinator
 * 26.11.2010 extended by charly - pushbutton, pullmode, debounce, callback-system
 * Feb2011 Changes InterruptIn to PinDetect which does the debounce of mechanical switches
 * Mar2020 Configurable detection of rise/fall events to account for different types of encoders (half as much dent points)
class mRotaryEncoder {
    /** Create a mechanical rotary encoder object connected to the specified pins
    * @param pinA Switch A of quadrature encoder
    * @param pinB Switch B of quadrature encoder
    * @param pinSW Pin for push-button switch
    * @param pullmode mode for pinA pinB and pinSW like DigitalIn.mode
    * @param debounceTime_us time in micro-seconds to wait for bouncing of mechanical switches to end
    * @param detectRise Detect rise event as new rotation. default 1
    * @param detectFall Detect fall event as new rotation. default 1 
    mRotaryEncoder(PinName pinA, PinName pinB, PinName pinSW, PinMode pullMode=PullUp, int debounceTime_us=1000, int detectRise=1, int detectFall=1);

    /** destroy object

    /** Get the actual value of the rotary position
    * @return position int value of position
    int Get(void);
    inline operator int() {
        return Get();

    /** Set the current position value
    * @param value the new position to set
    void Set(int value);
    inline mRotaryEncoder& operator= ( int  value ) {
        return *this;

    /** attach a function to be called when switch is pressed
    * keep this function short, as no interrrupts can occour within
    * @param cb callback-function
    void attachSW(Callback<void()> cb) {

//    template<typename T>
    /** attach an object member function to be called when switch is pressed
    * @param tptr pointer to object
    * @param mprt pointer ro member function
/*    void attachSW(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
        if ((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
            m_pinSW->attach_deasserted(tptr, mptr);
    /**  callback-System for rotation of shaft
    *  attach a function to be called when the shaft is rotated
    *  keep this function short, as no interrrupts can occour within
    * @param cb callback-function
    void attachROT(Callback<void()> cb) {
        rotIsr = cb;

//    template<typename T>
    /** attach an object member function to be called when shaft is rotated
    * @param tptr pointer to object
    * @param mprt pointer ro member function
/*    void attachROT(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
        if ((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
            rotIsr.attach(tptr, mptr);
   /**  callback-System for rotation of shaft CW
    *  attach a function to be called when the shaft is rotated clockwise
    *  keep this function short, as no interrrupts can occour within
    * @param cb callback-function
    void attachROTCW(Callback<void()> cb) {
        rotCWIsr = cb;

//    template<typename T>
    /** attach an object member function to be called when shaft is rotated clockwise
    * @param tptr pointer to object
    * @param mprt pointer ro member function
/*    void attachROTCW(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
        if ((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
            rotCWIsr.attach(tptr, mptr);

   /**  callback-System for rotation of shaft CCW
    *  attach a function to be called when the shaft is rotated counterclockwise
    *  keep this function short, as no interrrupts can occour within
    * @param fprt Pointer to callback-function
    void attachROTCCW(Callback<void()> cb) {
        rotCCWIsr = cb;

//    template<typename T>
    /** attach an object member function to be called when shaft is rotated CCW
    * @param tptr pointer to object
    * @param mprt pointer ro member function
/*    void attachROTCCW(T* tptr, void (T::*mptr)(void)) {
        if ((mptr != NULL) && (tptr != NULL)) {
            rotCCWIsr.attach(tptr, mptr);

    PinDetect       *m_pinA;
    DigitalIn       *m_pinB;
    volatile int    m_position;

    int             m_debounceTime_us;

    PinDetect       *m_pinSW;

    void rise(void);
    void fall(void);

      * Callback system.
      * @ingroup INTERNALS
     * rotated any direction
    Callback<void()> rotIsr;
     * clockwise rotated
    Callback<void()> rotCWIsr;

     * counterclockwise rotated
    Callback<void()> rotCCWIsr;

