UniGraphic-Fork for ST7920-LCD-controller and SH1106. Tested with 128x64 LCD with SPI and 128x64-OLED with IIC
Dependents: UniGraphic-St7920-Test AfficheurUTILECO
Fork of UniGraphic by
Fork of the UniGraphic-Library for monochrome LCDs with ST7920 controller and 128x64-IIC-OLED-Display with SH1106-Controller¶
Had to adapt LCD for following reasons:
- Give access to screenbuffer buffer[] to parent class
- pixel() and pixel_read() as they are hardware-dependent
- added reset-pin to IIC-Interface
GraphicDisplay:: sends buffer to LCD when auto_update is set to true.
Testprogram for ST7920 can be found here: