Library for Real Time Clock module MCP97410 based on Library for DS1307

Fork of RTC-DS1307 by Henry Leinen



File content as of revision 11:ef48dcb888c9:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "Rtc_Mcp97410.h"

#ifndef DEBUG
#define DEBUG
#include "debug.h"

const char *Rtc_Mcp97410::m_weekDays[] = { "Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday" };

Rtc_Mcp97410::Rtc_Mcp97410(I2C* i2c)

    _i2c = i2c;
    if (_i2c == NULL)
        error("Rtc_Mcp97410: no I2C specified");

    // Set the frequency to standard 100kHz
    // MCP97410 can handle full 400kHz-speed!



bool Rtc_Mcp97410::setTime(Time_rtc& time, bool start, bool thm)
    char buffer[7];
    INFO("reading clock registers to write the new time : %d:%d:%d\n", time.hour, time.min, time.sec);
    if (!readRTC(ADDR_SEC,buffer,7)) {
        ERR("Failed to read from RTC\n");
        return false;
    //  Now update only the time part (saving the existing flags)
    if (start) {
        buffer[ADDR_SEC] |= START_32KHZ;
    } else {
        buffer[ADDR_SEC] &= ~START_32KHZ;
    buffer[ADDR_SEC] = (buffer[ADDR_SEC]& START_32KHZ) | (decimalToBcd(time.sec)& ~START_32KHZ);
    buffer[ADDR_MIN] = decimalToBcd(time.min);
    if (thm) {
        //  AM PM format
        buffer[ADDR_HOUR] = HOUR_12 | (time.hour>12 ? (0x20 | ((decimalToBcd(time.hour-12)))) : decimalToBcd(time.hour));
    } else {
        // 24 hours format: HOUR_12 is 0
        buffer[ADDR_HOUR] = decimalToBcd(time.hour) & 0x3F;
    // bit 3 of register 03 on MCP97410 is VBATEN (different to DS1307)!
    // should be set to 1 to enable Battery-Backup
    buffer[ADDR_DAY] = VBATEN | (time.wday & 0x07);
    buffer[ADDR_DATE] = decimalToBcd(;
    buffer[ADDR_MNTH] = decimalToBcd(time.mon);
    buffer[ADDR_YEAR] = decimalToBcd(time.year-2000);
    INFO("Writing new time and date data to RTC\n");
    if (!writeRTC(ADDR_SEC, buffer, 7) ) {
        ERR("Failed to write the data to RTC!\n");
        return false;
    return true;

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::getTime(Time_rtc& time)
    char buffer[7];
    bool thm = false;

    INFO("Getting time from RTC\n");
    if (!readRTC(ADDR_SEC, buffer, 7) ) {
        //  Failed to read
        ERR("Failed to read from RTC\n");
        return false;
    thm = ((buffer[ADDR_HOUR] & HOUR_12) == HOUR_12);
    time.sec = bcdToDecimal(buffer[ADDR_SEC]&0x7F);
    time.min = bcdToDecimal(buffer[ADDR_MIN]);
    if (thm) {
        // in 12-hour-mode, we need to add 12 hours if PM bit is set
        time.hour = Rtc_Mcp97410::bcdToDecimal( buffer[ADDR_HOUR] & 0x1F );
        if ((buffer[ADDR_HOUR] & PM) == PM)
            time.hour += 12;
    } else {
        time.hour = Rtc_Mcp97410::bcdToDecimal( buffer[ADDR_HOUR] & 0x3F );
    time.wday = buffer[ADDR_DAY] & 0x07;
    INFO("OSCRUN:%0d PWRFAIL:%0d VBATEN:%0d\n", (buffer[ADDR_STAT]>>5) & 0x01, buffer[ADDR_STAT]>>4 & 0x01, buffer[ADDR_STAT]>>3 & 0x01); = Rtc_Mcp97410::bcdToDecimal( buffer[ADDR_DATE]);
    time.mon = Rtc_Mcp97410::bcdToDecimal( buffer[ADDR_MNTH]);
    time.year = Rtc_Mcp97410::bcdToDecimal(buffer[ADDR_YEAR]) + 2000;   //  plus hundret is because RTC is giving the years since 2000, but std c struct tm needs years since 1900

    return true;

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::startClock()
    char strtStop;

    INFO ("Reading clock start/stop register value\n");
    if (!readRTC(ADDR_SEC, &strtStop, 1)) {
        ERR("Failed to read clock start stop register !\n");
        return false;
    //set bit
    strtStop |= START_32KHZ;

    INFO("Writing back start/stop register value\n");
    if (!writeRTC(ADDR_SEC, &strtStop, 1)) {
        ERR("Failed to write the start stop register !\n");
        return false;

    INFO("Start/stop register value successfully written\n");
    return true;

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::stopClock()
    char strtStop;

    INFO ("Reading clock start/stop register value\n");
    if (!readRTC(ADDR_SEC, &strtStop, 1)) {
        ERR("Failed to read clock start stop register !\n");
        return false;
    //clear bit
    strtStop &= ~START_32KHZ;

    INFO("Writing back start/stop register value\n");
    if (!writeRTC(ADDR_SEC, &strtStop, 1)) {
        ERR("Failed to write the start stop register !\n");
        return false;

    INFO("Start/stop register value successfully written\n");
    return true;

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::setSquareWaveOutput(bool ena, SqwRateSelect_t rs)
    char reg;
    INFO("Reading register value first\n");

    if (!readRTC(ADDR_CTRL,&reg, 1)) {
        ERR("Failed to read RTC register value !\n");
        return false;
    INFO("[Reg:0x07] = %02x\n", reg);

    //  preserve the OUT control bit while writing the frequency and enable bits
    reg = (reg & OUT_PIN) | (ena ? 0x10 : 0) | ((char)rs & 0x03);

    INFO("Writing back register value\n");
    INFO("[Reg:0x07] = %02x\n", reg);

    if (!writeRTC(ADDR_CTRL, &reg, 1)) {
        ERR("Failed to write register value !\n");
        return false;

    INFO("Successfully changed the square wave output.\n");
    return true;

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::read(int control_byte, int address, char *buffer, int len)
    char buffer2[2] = {(char)address, 0};

//    _i2c->start();
    if (_i2c->write(control_byte, buffer2, 1) != 0) {
        ERR("Failed to write register address on RTC or EEPROM!\n");
        return false;
    if (_i2c->read(control_byte, buffer, len) != 0) {
        ERR("Failed to read register !\n");
        return false;

    INFO("Successfully read %d bytes from RTC or EEPROM\n", len);
    return true;

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::readRTC(int address, char *buffer, int len)
    return read(ADDR_RTCC, address,buffer, len);

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::readEEPROM(int address, char *buffer, int len)
    return read(ADDR_EEPROM, address,buffer, len);

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::write(int control_byte, int address, char *buffer, int len)
    char buffer2[10];
    buffer2[0] = address&0xFF;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
        buffer2[i+1] = buffer[i];

//    _i2c->start();
    if (_i2c->write(control_byte, buffer2, len+1) != 0) {
        ERR("Failed to write data to rtc or EEPROM\n");
        return false;
    INFO("Successfully written %d bytes to RTC or EEPROM\n", len);
    return true;

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::writeRTC(int address, char *buffer, int len)
    return write(ADDR_RTCC, address,buffer, len);

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::writeEEPROM(int address, char* buffer, int len)
    if (len <=8) {
        return write(ADDR_EEPROM, address,buffer, len);
    } else {
        ERR("Can write maximum 8 Bytes to EEPROM in one call\n");
        return false;

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::disableEEPROMWrite()
    // protect all EEPROM from write operations
    // set STATUS_REGISTER 0xFF bits 2 and 3
    char reg = 0x0C;
    return write(ADDR_EEPROM, ADDR_EEPROM_SR,&reg, 1);

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::enableEEPROMWrite()
    // enable  all EEPROM write operations
    // unset STATUS_REGISTER 0xFF bits 2 and 3
    char reg = 0x00;
    return write(ADDR_EEPROM, ADDR_EEPROM_SR,&reg, 1);

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::readEUI48(uint8_t* eui48)
    //EUI48 start at EEPROM-address 0xF2
    return(readEEPROM(0xF2,(char *) eui48,6));

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::writeEUI48(uint8_t* eui48)
    //EUI48 start at EEPROM-address 0xF2
    return(writeEEPROM(0xF2,(char *) eui48,6));

bool Rtc_Mcp97410::unlockEUI()
    // unlock the special EEPROM area
    // write 0x55 and then 0xAA to the EEUNLOCK-register
    char reg =0x00;
    bool result = true;
    reg = 0x55;
    result &= writeRTC(ADDR_ULID,&reg,1);
    reg = 0xAA;
    result &= writeRTC(ADDR_ULID,&reg,1);
    if (result) {
        INFO("Successfully UNLOCKED the EUI-Area in EEPROM\n");
        return true;
    } else {
        ERR("Error in UNLOCKING the EUI-Area in EEPROM\n");
        return false;

RtcCls::RtcCls(I2C* i2c, PinName sqw, bool bUseSqw)
    : Rtc_Mcp97410(i2c), m_sqw(sqw), m_bUseSqw(bUseSqw), m_bAlarmEnabled(false), m_alarmfunc(NULL)
    Time_rtc t;
    //  query time from device
    //  sync the time with MBED RTC
    struct tm now = {t.sec, t.min, t.hour,, t.mon-1, t.year-1900};
    m_time = mktime(&now);

    //  Only register the callback and start the SQW if requested to do so. Otherwise the system
    //  will use the MBED built-in RTC.
    if (m_bUseSqw) {
        //  start the wave
        setSquareWaveOutput(true, RS1Hz);
        //  register callback from now on the time will be maintained by the square wave input
        m_sqw.rise(this, &RtcCls::_callback);

void RtcCls::_callback(void)
//    INFO("Tick!");
    //  Simply increase the number of seconds
//    if (m_bAlarmEnabled && (m_time == m_alarmTime)) {
//        if (m_alarmfunc != NULL)
//            m_alarmfunc();
//        m_bAlarmEnabled = false;
//    }

time_t RtcCls::getTime()
    //  when not using the HW support, we have to query the RTC chip. Other wise we can just return out stored value
    if (!m_bUseSqw) {
        Time_rtc t;
        struct tm now = {t.sec, t.min, t.hour,, t.mon-1, t.year-1900};
        m_time = mktime(&now);
        INFO("getting time %02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%02d:%02d Ticks=%08lx",, t.mon, t.year, t.hour, t.min, t.sec, m_time);
    } else {
        INFO("getting time Ticks=%08lx", m_time);
    return m_time;

void RtcCls::setTime(time_t t)
    Time_rtc tim;
    struct tm *now;
    now = localtime(&t);

    tim.sec = now->tm_sec;
    tim.min = now->tm_min;
    tim.hour = now->tm_hour; = now->tm_mday;
    tim.mon = now->tm_mon+1;
    tim.year = now->tm_year + 1900;
    tim.wday = now->tm_wday +1;

    setTime( tim, true, true);