ITG3200 library with multiple configurable full-scale ranges. Based on the Sensor_test by Bo Carøe.

Dependents:   KalmanFilter

Fork of ITG3200 by Claudio Donate

--- a/ITG3200.h	Wed Aug 15 01:33:01 2012 +0000
+++ b/ITG3200.h	Wed Aug 15 22:17:36 2012 +0000
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
-#pragma once
-//I2C address is either 0x68 or 0x69 , depending on pin AD0, check block diagram for your device
-#define ITG3200_ADRESS 0x69
-//Convert gyro raw data to radians per second, 1 degree/s = 0,017453293 rad/s.
-//The value is 0,017453293/LSB (+- 250 degrees/s)
-//const float fConvRPS= 2.6646248854961832061068702290076e-4; //For +- 500 degrees/s
-//const float fConvRPS= 1.2141420883e-3; //For +- 2000 degrees/s
-const float fConvRPS= 1.3323124427480916030534351145038e-4; //For +- 250 degrees/s
-class ITG3200 {
-    I2C & I2CBus;
-    Timer & GlobalTime;
-    //Offset
-    float Offset[3];
-    //Rotational speed around all three axes
-    short RawRate[3];       //Raw data
-    float Rate[3];          //Calibrated rotation rate in radians per second
-    //Initialization
-    ITG3200(I2C & I2CBus_, Timer & GlobalTime_);
-    void Init();
-    //Read raw data
-    void ReadRawData();
-    //Update Method
-    void Update();
-    char getInfo(void);
-    //Calibration
-    void Calibrate(int ms);
+#pragma once
+//I2C address is either 0x68 or 0x69 , depending on pin AD0, check block diagram for your device
+#define ITG3200_ADRESS 0x69
+//Convert gyro raw data to radians per second, 1 degree/s = 0,017453293 rad/s.
+//The value is 0,017453293/LSB (+- 250 degrees/s)
+//const float fConvRPS= 2.6646248854961832061068702290076e-4; //For +- 500 degrees/s
+//const float fConvRPS= 1.2141420883e-3; //For +- 2000 degrees/s
+const float fConvRPS= 1.3323124427480916030534351145038e-4; //For +- 250 degrees/s
+class ITG3200 {
+    I2C & I2CBus;
+    Timer & GlobalTime;
+    //Offset
+    float Offset[3];
+    //Rotational speed around all three axes
+    short RawRate[3];       //Raw data
+    float Rate[3];          //Calibrated rotation rate in radians per second
+    //Initialization
+    ITG3200(I2C & I2CBus_, Timer & GlobalTime_);
+    void Init();
+    //Read raw data
+    void ReadRawData();
+    //Update Method
+    void Update();
+    char getInfo(void);
+    //Calibration
+    void Calibrate(int ms);