BMA180 library with multiple configurable ranges. Based on the Sensor_test by Bo Carøe.

Dependents:   Sensor_test_2_0 KalmanFilter

Fork of BMA180 by Bo Carøe

--- a/BMA180.h	Wed May 30 10:43:42 2012 +0000
+++ b/BMA180.h	Wed Aug 15 01:33:49 2012 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
 #pragma once
-//I2C Adresse, entweder 0x40 oder 0x41, abhaengig von Pin VDDIO
-#define BMA180_ADRESS 0x41
+//I2C address, either 0x40 or 0x41, depending on pin VDDIO
+#define BMA180_ADRESS 0x40
-//Beschleunigung in Meter pro Quadratsekunde umrechnen
-const float fConvMPSS= 3.4346447e-3;
+//Convert acceleration to meters per second squared
+//This value depends on the Range you are using, i.e. +-1g, +-3g, etc.
+//fConvMPSS= (acc of gravitation) / Sensitivity
+const float fConvMPSS= 1.7919037e-3;
 class BMA180
@@ -16,27 +19,29 @@
     float Offset[3];
-    //Beschleunigung auf allen drei Achsen
-    short RawAcc[3];        //Rohdaten
-    float Acc[3];           //kalibrierte Rohdaten in m/s^2
+    //Acceleration on all three axes
+    short RawAcc[3];        //Raw Data
+    float Acc[3];           //Calibrated raw data in m/s^2
-    //Initialisieren
+    //Initialization
     BMA180(I2C & I2CBus_, Timer & GlobalTime_);
     void Init();
-    //Rohdaten lesen
+    //Read raw Data
     void ReadRawData();
-    //Update-Methode
-    //- Holt aktuelle Daten vom Sensor ab
-    //- Rechnet das Offset hinzu
-    //- Rechnet in andere Einheiten um
+    //Update Method
+    //Get current information from the sensor
+    //Calculate the offset
+    //Converts other units
     void Update();
-    //Kalibrieren
-    //- pRaw1g: Array short[3] ideale Rohdaten für 1g = ca. {0, 0, -2870}
+    //Calibration
+    //pRaw1g: short array [3] provides the best raw data for approximately 1g = {0, 0, -2870}
     void Calibrate(int ms, const short * pRaw1g);
+    void userCalibration(short * Raw1g);